Rumbling fucking WHEN? How long will Isayama draw this out?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
I think Armin is the hero of the story, and he’ll be instrumental to ending the titan curse. I think he’ll have to do something related to Annie when she emerges (whenever that is) and will hopefully finally step up.
Sorry you're in so much hurt over your girl Historia getting plowed by your average joe farmer EHcuck. But desperately spamming escapist fanfics that it was Eren isn't going to do anything.
EM won. Nippon won. Nippon BANZAI.
>tfw mangacucks are already trying to brainwash animefags with pro-marley bullshit
>they never mention that fact that every country loves Willy who is the eldian that controls all of Marley
>the internment camps were just scapegoats all along
What's the cringiest shit you've done or seen someone else do because of chronic snk obsession? I just know at least one of you autists has worn a cravat in public or something. Confess your sins.
Reminder that Reiner's endgame is Eren giving him this look as Reiner dies.
Anime only here
What's up with the Germans getting abused over ww1?
Is titan power atom?
Why are Arians special with atom?
I'm quoting one (1) person ;)
stop embarrassing us, gabipedo.
blow it out your ass
Post owls
EHfags killed the hype
In certain types of lighting my black cat looks a lot like an owl. She has really bright yellow dilated owl-like eyes and because she's completely black the only other part of her face you can see is the nose with sort of protrudes like an owl's beak.
Also, here is Kadowaki's illustration of him and (Youtuber)
Annie is a royal but kept it secret from everyone after the restorationist shit. That's literally the only reason Isayama could have to bring her back in any relevant way.
Annie is there to have kids with Armin after he saves the world
I miss Yumiru
>posting that cancer here
Put it in one of the bait threads
Wow they really think anime has a certain level it won't stoop to.
we know, Bert
We know, GODholdt Fubar.
what the fuck? this is why i like kruger. hes not afraid to say what was right. the whole world DOES see eldians as monsters and not as humans.
They're both nearing their expiration date, they ain't having shit.
EHfags killed my family and robbed me dry
armin has 7 years at least
We know, Hisu
Is Isayama really gonna end this show without explaining how Kruger knew about Armin & Mikasa? That explanation is a chapter on its own surely.
Mong still has 9 years and a lot of people hold out for an asspull that ends the curse but also avoids Eren eating everyone
These threads are the cancer of Yea Forums anyway. Might as well post that here and relish in the keks
kruger DIDN'T know about armin and mikasa. a memory took control over his speech, and he suddenly said their names. he said it involuntarily.
You can't just say this Isayama!
Kek, this is like when someone is perceived as a bad person you can't agree with ANYTHING they say even if it makes sense
I rabu Piku.
>liking zeke
Kill yourself Shitrenfag
>7 days remaining
Enter: CHADco.
that's a very nice picture of a nutcracker
The season will end with Falco looking up at the sky, crossing PATHS with chapter 119 where Falco is turned into a Titan.
is this loss?
Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it
>OBSESSED with retards from twitter
Kill yourself EHcuck
We're getting GODco early to make up for the letter flashback already being adapted. This based chad is going to devour Nigmir right on the ass end of pride month as the final capstone to the BTFOing of all dykes in SNK.
There was a song that really reminded me of LH but I forgot its name.
t. Forest34617409
EK probably my favorite crackship
>Porco facilitates EH
>Eren uses him as a nutcracker
Fugging brutal dude
the STATE of these threads with retards unironically linking to twitter.
lol... ok...
You think they'll make a scene of him eating Ymir when we didn't even get one of Zeke destroying Reiner? I was certain that was gonna get adapted but they didn't even show it.
So we can all agree that Eren married Historia in secret and then impregnated her right? He's the true king Eldia has been waiting for.
Does marriage even mean anything in Paradis?
We know Reiner
t. Radioheadfag
yes. carla and grisha were married.
If Historia not marrying Farmer was weird enough to be pointed out, then yes it does. Especially considered her status.
Also for plebs, you've obviously listened to practically nothing
Explain how ODM gear isn't magic
what's there to explain?
Literally too handsome to be a bad guy
this artist do a truly masterpieces
Titans and deals with the Devil are more believable than ODM gear
because its presented as natural in the world of snk
Annie's ass it's magic
Based Krugerfag and check'd. How do I obtain his aesthetic, bros? He is too cool for this world.
Step 1: Be the biggest Chad in the known universe
So why is the anime not called The Attack Titan?
because it should be called The Advancing Titan instead
They would make fine gems desu
*eoten onslaught
Yep, so glad she draws art for this ship because practically no one else does
I have a crack theory that the ODMs are created by an ancient cabal of titan-warlocks that predates the EE who put up a front as a regular manufacturing firm and they are actually mini-reality warping devices. The paraphernalia like the wires and the hooks don't do jack shit and they are simply there to reinforce the illusion that the devices are operating in accordance to natural law.
Also what this user said
because that would be a spoiler, whereas the japanese name isn't.
EHcucks are disgusting
Isayongreloid is a hack.
Kruger in the AU universe WHEN
Kruger mogs Grisha into oblivion despite being 50 years old and Grisha being a respectable chad himself.
all of you shippers are sick in the head. don't even try to distance yourself from them, you're the same.
Don't feel the ship but based song
Is Eren Kruger our Eren?
>he has memories of Mikasa and Armin
>he looks just like Eren as a kid
>Eren himself uses the name Kruger in Marley
Post magic
Fugg, imagine. We need him and Zeke there ASAP.
I didn't know I needed this ship in my life
YES, my sis! EH fucking cucks raped all 30 of my cats, and then ate them for breakfast.
I'm not a shipper.
why is jojo so popular with faggots?
>because practically no one else does
And that very sad
D-did they devour them with the happy juice s-still inside?
I am asking for a friend.
They have different noses
Based. Shipping or not, I would kill for some more comfy war-related kino between the two. They're the perfect ones for that.
Of course, and there were doubts?
>Episode has a 10 on imdb
I thought you were saying normalfags wouldn't like it?
>tfw you'll never fuck this
How the hell do you cope with it, bros?
no one said they wouldnt like it
Iceburst stone + titanium bamboo + ultrahard steel
It's titan magic, and the whole reason Marley tried to reclaim Paradis in the first place
Literally how do we stop Chadruger, Chadrisa and Chadren? We can't let them do this to Marley anymore, we just CAN'T!
To be fair Grisha's nose became hooked later in his life, so maybe Eren's could too if he ever got to live that long.
Nilebros, I'm not ready for next chapter.
Say more of what you’ll do, user
I'm still salty about Erwin's charge in season 2 being a slideshow.
throw a bunch of jobbers at them and hope for the best.
I called him a cuck all the time...
Literally can't stop the CHADdidan.
Good taste user
We need a chapter specifically for AT history and its shifters.
I mean... he still is a cuck...
by not being a fucking FAGGOT like you.
I want stinky hoboeren that didn't shower for months to sit on my face and cum in my mouth.
Political Compass of SnK
Ultra Far Left (Anarcho-Communism)
>YH, Onyabonga ships, Farmer x Historia
Appeals exclusively to emasculated soibois (including mtf creaturae) and ugly women
Far Left (Socialism, Communism)
>EM, EAr, all other cuck ships
Appeals to mentally ill brainwashed bugmen who hate freedom & push censorship and "hate speech" laws
'Moderate' Left (Democratic Socialism, Librulism, Baizhuo, etc.)
>muh 6 billion Eldians shippers, all other gay ships
Appeals to the state of Israel and the ZOG / mass media
Radical Centrist (Soigon of Soikkad, Kekistani)
>I can't get laid, so Shingekis can't either, shippers so dumb, haha
Self explanatory, usually supported by ugly omegas who wanna larp as chads in an edgy Naruto (=SnK) general
Fence Sitter Centrist (soulless normie husks, single issue voters)
>SC, Pixis x the girl who opened the door, etc - all other "literally who" ships
Self explanatory
'Moderate' Right (Cuckservatives, Republicans, Neocons)
>Sasha x Nicolo, Moblit x Hange, Eren x Annie, Bert x Reiner (muh based gays)
Appeals to the state of Israel and the ZOG / mass media, pretends to be 'based'
Best Right (Libertarianism - Ron Paul version)
>JM, FG, ZY+ZP+ZYmir(loli) {Zeke harem}
Ultra high IQ white and honorary white chads
""Far Right"" (Alt-Right, Proudboys, Ultra Far Left)
>Eren x Gabi, Porco x Pieck, Reiner x Gabi, Farmer x Historia
Puppets for Israel and falseflagging to make the right look bad
Far Right (Fascism, Nationalism, Ethnocentrism)
>EH, LH, Erwin x any female
Self explanatory
I don’t cope with it he isn't...
Mega based
we need an entire spinoff manga about the attack titan being the mc during the great titan war
Based post
wtf that's mean.
Lefties furious
M-More of hobo
Imagine a Zeke, Kruger and Erwin conversation
Where is RE?
>Zeke harem
This is your harem right here, Shitkehues.
why do Marley hate the Eldians if they where allies and just conceded them a shitton of land?
it's 'Moderate' Left, learn to read fujo parasite
eldians oppressed them
Pretty accurate but
>High IQ white chads
Kek. Dude wants to genocide his own race
don't you retarded fucks still have school or did summer vacation start already?
ahh imagine the smell, the smell of a true chad. I'm a slave to cock, that's only natural we all are.
Couldn’t be bothered to waste my time reading all of that /pol/tier text
So? His race is Jewish and it broke the NAP. He is doing the right thing.
>Yes, and that was pretty stupid when it happened btw
That was the whole point of Ymir's character. She couldn't stick to the philosophy she decided to adopt because he went against who she was as a person, and finding Krista made her realize there was actually someone out there she valued enough to put above her own life. Same thing with helping RB; after Bert's desperate call for help she couldn't leave them on their own, even if it meant forfeiting her own life. That's also why she says she has no regrets in her goodbye letter: no matter how many times she was put in that situation, she wouldn't have acted differently. Is it tragic? Sure. Is it inconsistent with her characterization? No.
>Same with Historia
The fuck are you on about? She rejected the burden of the Reiss curse and her father's fucked up wishes, not the crown. The actual moment where she declined it and was manhandled by Manlet happened a lot earlier than that.
>Her bit with Eren was still just a straight evocation of Her moment with Ymir
Her words were literally the same words she used when she talked to Ymir, and those words came from her in the first place, you silly goose. Who the fuck else ever talked about being someone's ally?
>Within the context where that conversation took place, it literally is
Historia's actions had nothing to do with "living for herself, fuck others", neither did her motivation to help those who once felt like her.
>she did the most generic queen thing ever off screen, and we saw that shit once and was never brought up again
It was literally brought up again in chap 109 by Kaya. Stop speedreading.
>building orphanages and "helping" the poor is basically all a queen does
No it's not, especially not for a figurehead who was only supposed to fill a seat. If you think the military would've given a shit about feeding the poor without her intervention reread 109 and the folk's complaints about the way they use ressources from the outside world.
Eldians aren't Jews. And they aren't Germans. They aren't even real, user.
Summer vacation started a while back for Am*ricans
Because Eldians are titans and cucked Marley by raping their girls. Now Marley wants revenge.
More, user! More on the smell, more of him
>Triggered Israel slave bugman
t. Jude Schlomo Goldbergowksi
Bugman replying to bugman
I knew I recognized that rifle.
Ereh with Ereh
Of course Am*ricans are such slaves to Jews that they’re always thinking of them RENT FREE. Might as well start sucking them off, faggot
So who do you think will die from the PTRD.
based nutcracker
More Ereh’s!!
Are Marley(not counting Liberio Eldians) too evil? It seems they have no redeeming qualities and there doesnt seem to be any reason for someone watching the show not to fully support the Eldians 100%.
That's why the Marley arc exists user. And Krueger's talk next episode introduces a more grey morality too.
Mother here, I caught my son watching this, is this a nazi propaganda cartoon?
O dear, user, what are you doing? Just imagine the taste of a true chad. Sometimes I wish he was real just so I could lick him once just one quick lick along the 10 pack that's all I'm asking for uknow..
Based as always.
I love that tiny angry Eren
Fuck off back to your containment board /pol/dophile.
Death by getting eaten by titan? Lol. Too easy. I wanna torture this faggot forever.
Please don't make fun of Manlet.
t. Wario
this desu
Zeke is Erens brother. So whos son is Reiner?
Me too
t. Luigi
We failed to protect this smile, anons.
I still hate them. They literally go around starting war with the world and paradise over oil and resources.
That's going to step on so many people
Didn't they cut some of his dialogue?
Some random marleyan and an eldian woman
>eren inherits kruger's ideals
>zeke inherits xaver's ideals
They must have known each other, right?
It's gonna come back eventually.
Who was a worse person, Bort or SergeantMajorGross?
The "grey" conflict is between paradis eldians and Liberio Eldians. Marley itself is just pure evil
>Reiner *flies*
I dunno. Gave up on manga long time ago. Gotta say this episode was 10/10 tho, even with some really cringe and shallow japanese writing
We're hitting levels of cancer never before seen on this general
Also episode 8 fucking sucked. It was so rushed. Fuck you Yea Forums for calling this kino
Bort is so shit even armong is a better option
wait until Chadren time skip faggotron
>We're hitting levels of cancer never before seen on this general
It was based for trimming the fat instead of stretching that shit for two whole episodes. Bless Araki.
this is the kind of retarded mentality the series is about. you've read it and yet you failed to grasp the fucking point. please don't breed.
stop it user,I don’t want cry again
What do you mean?
FYI for any subby boys out there thinking of getting a cock cage; if you have a foreskin, get an enclosed one like that. Rings are bad, pinches it.
I'm not sure why but I thought Grisha's sister was raped by Mario
Magath ain't terrible and the guards who were regularly talking with the cadets were okay too I guess.
Reminder that this is the real reason for Marley's attack on Paradis
The (((Tyburs))) are liars; they do not wish world peace
Re-reading SnK only emphasizes how much Eren became an ungrateful asshole in the later chapters, and I hate it.
Based and redpilled
How can American be so evil?
>The body that made Pieck endanger the whole operation
He just had waifufag brain damage.
>both named Eren
it fits
I really hope Zeke fucking dies. He needs to suffer. I hope they nuke the marlys.
Why the fuck was Historia impregnated by a literally who farmer? Weren't there better candidates in the fucking kingdom?
you can't help who you fall in love with.
the memories are just PATHS magic, but there are enough similarities between the two I wouldn't be surprised If Kruger was related to Jeagers
He has a big heart
Who gave him those pants?
Perhaps, but the whole early part of the episode lacked any form of impact as a result.
I cope by being an EHchad
>Not falling in love with a sexy farmer who used to throw rocks at you
But it's such fun...
>Krista made her realize there was actually someone out there she valued enough to put above her own life.
Nonsense. Whether she went or not it would be irrelevant for Historia. You can argue she did it for RB but that's just fucking stupid since they weren't even friends? It's just bad writing either way.
>She rejected the burden of the Reiss curse and her father's fucked up wishes, not the crown.
Splitting hairs desu. Original point still stands anyway.
>Her words were literally the same words she used when she talked to Ymir
Yes, but the role she played in the interaction is exactly the same as her with ymir, Historia being Ymir.
>Historia's actions had nothing to do with "living for herself, fuck others",
Fucking idiot. It was the basis for her convincing of Eren that he wasn't meant to die or whatever
>It was literally brought up again in chap 109 by Kaya.
oooohhh, you remember a fucking detail from the manga. I guess you are completely right and it completely invalidates my point
get fucked.
>No it's not, especially not for a figurehead who was only supposed to fill a seat.
Yes, it fucking is. It is the most obvious benevolent queen shit you can possibly come up with. The fact that the rulers who preceeded her were cunts does not make her generic baseline queenhood shit great character building. It is still cookie cutter stuff
Stop being so gay
>Now he's the one forcing his comrades to come assist him
How far this manga has come.
The farmer dicked Historia, Misaka is next, imagine thinking Eren will end up with anyone.
He hated his parents and hated the reality of his world, what else was needed to be shown?
>Thinking Eren would care about Mankasa
Yeah this is the EMcuck
You first, Mikasa
How when the only best girl in the series is frozen for 15 years?
Wait did historia seriously get impregnated by a random npc or is this just meming.
I cri everytim
why don't you read the manga then come back, nigger?
Meme just like Eren, we don't know the father but it's between those 2.
Marley's actions are understandable from a non-Eldian prospective.
Eldians can be turned into walking murderous machines requiring a huge manpower sacrifice to be stopped, and of top of that 9 of them are even more powerful and potentially unkillable.
Eldians themselves have a history of imperialism and subjugation of other countries, the only thing Marley can be criticized about is their imperialism and using the titans for their personal military agenda, otherwise they did nothing wrong.
It's true...
So according to the last episode the reason the titans are midless beast in paradise island is because marleys do that as punishment to eldians
But something i dont have clear if paradise island is full eldians cityzens appart from the titans on the wall that mean
Reiner,annie,berthold are traitors to they own race?
The cityzens are eldians too?
The only thing 100% sure is Historia being a lesbian not even Isayama asked for Ymir products
Where can I watch the latest series in voice acting for free? Please share the link who knows
From what I read until now I think Eren is the father but nothing has been confirmed.
We are waiting for disclosure from Isayama. But it is obvious that this is Eren.
Just a coping mechanism for the YHcusk and fujos.
Marley still helped free the world from the Empire's reign. The Eldians were pretty shitty to the entire world (outside the not-japs). Sure, they later turned into something probabaly just as bad, but if they are pure evil then all the Eldians are too. Which is the whole point of this cycles theme user.
tiny url dot com slash 2fcpre6
Nice picture of Levi
Rewatch the episode. They recruit Eldians from their little internment camp to give titan powers to so they can fight in their army. Reiner, Annie, Bert, Zeke, etc are all people that joined up in their Marly army to receive titan powers and be used as weapons.
Let's be frank here it's most likely gonna be Eren so anons shitpost for as much as possible before it gets confirmed.
Why are people pretending to be anime only itt?
It's true and hilarious
Sometimes I wear the same underwear for 5 whole days, take it off, open up a picture of Gabi on my PC, inhale, and then stuff it in my mouth and ravenously lick at it all while pretending that I’m lapping at Gabi’s musky, unwashed folds.
what chapter with this season end on? we have 4 more episodes and we're almost at timeskip what's gonna happen? will we see fort slava?
to bait retards into giving them spoilers.
>hurr i’ve never seen attack on titans!
>omg u havent?!! potato girl dead ahhHaAHHAHHA
Jean is the farmer
Mikasa's bed hair makes her look so ridiculous, I love it
What do Isayama and his wife talk about?
i think Isayama will never address who is the father to bait shippers for a potential sequel
>Non-jap girl having a chance against jap girl in a manga
What a fucking retard
Techically zeke is erens half bro
I am unironically anime only and I have given up on caring about spoilers. These threads are fun.
Im brainlet why they attack paradise island people?
Ideolgy brain washing from marleys?
>potential sequel
Its going to happen and I hate it. They are going to pull a Boruto.
Oh please don't bunch me in with trash, I'm a fond ZE and EH believer.
Nothing about Isayama suggests he would do anything like that. I mean I'd fucking love some prequels and spin-offs written by him later down the line, but I kind of doubt it. He still has another idea for a manga that he's wanted to make for a while.
They are attacking Paradis because they want to collect up all the titan powers and have them under their control. Erens power is the most important one that they want, because if they got their own Marly Eldian slave to have the power they could use him to control the mindless titans on a battlefield to fight other countries.
manga would be 10/10 if eren was the royal blooded one who was born and we got his pov and they saved eldia from an inside mission
Want to see all the trees turn into titans
Thanks user
The shitstorm is going to be insane when The anime go to ww2 like isnt?
I want to see Marlyn suffering
I used to play roblox up until I was 20, back when season 1 had just come out I spent like thirty dollars buying user-made survey corps outfits to dress up as eren and played this terribly made defense of wall maria game where you fought hilarious looking titans with terribad AI.
I used to get drunk and just play this as my autopilot game for months, all by myself.
why does pickup truck titan even exist?
you just posted cringe, bro. i’m sorry for you.
Eren is going to go back in time through P A T H S after eating all the other shifters and give the 9 Titans to Ymir with instructions to "You (Kruger) In 2000 Years".
The "time travel" will be him reaching the end of his lifespan and joining with the first incarnation of the Titans to make a stable time loop
Could someone post Mikasa's puffy vagina? I need to share it with friends, thank you.
holy cringe
The cringiest thing I did was play the AOT tribute game with my friends in autoCAD class because the teacher didn't give a shit after we got our work done. Except it wasn't really cringy, it was fun as fuck.
t. marleycumswallower
>I need to share it with friends
Don't worry they already share ur mom
Hey that's pretty cool
This wasn't about RB being her friends, dumbfuck. It was about repaying them for the life she took and giving them a hand when no one else would. Didn't you see her reaction to Bert's speech in Clash? Similarly, she almost got her ass killed to protect everyone in Utgard. She also had already determined Historia would be safe after she saw Eren activate the Coordinate, so she could leave her behind and do what she wanted to do without regrets.
>Splitting hairs desu. Original point still stands anyway
No it fucking doesn't when she didn't reject the crown in the cave and her development was literally the reason why she was able to accept it fully in the end.
>Yes, but the role she played in the interaction is exactly the same as her with ymir, Historia being Ymir
Your original point was that she couldn't even come up with her own words or stance when she reused a stance and words that were always her own to begin with, so you were wrong.
>Fucking idiot. It was the basis for her convincing of Eren that he wasn't meant to die or whatever
The basis of her argument was that his life had inherent value, that shit has squat to do with "live for yourself, fuck others", especially not when her big moment precisely boiled to actually helping another person, and the actions that followed were in the same vein.
>I guess you are completely right and it completely invalidates my point
Yes, I am, since you said it was never brought again when it clearly was, meaning Historia's actions had enough repercussions to be remembered four years later. Jesus Christ you're a complete idiot.
>Yes, it fucking is. It is the most obvious benevolent queen shit you can possibly come up with
And like I fucking said she had 0 obligation or incentive to do it, and when she did she had to push for it to be implemented. Nobody gives a shit about how generic you think helping underprivileged citizens it is; positive actions with lasting impact were undertaken by her, period.
Ymir was a black transgender woman that identified as a Titan
Ymir loved Chadholt
Is he one of the 9 titans too?
read the fucking manga you absolute nigger
Yes. She is a girl, Zeke's girlfriend
she* and yes. read the manga
Erotic fantasies about certain character. But nothing in public.
Post all the edits of this image you can find
yeah that doesn't sound cringy at all. more like fun shit you did with your boys that can be looked back on fondly
No thanks
You can't say this and not state the character, man. It was pixis wasn't it?
Have a good day, too.
Read the fucking mango
No I like hearing voices
FalCHAD's future right here
Is there a single person in this universe who was as happy and good as Sasha? everyone seems to have lost their goals to the exception of Chadren and Zeke and are nothing but depressed adults
t. schizo
Do they have sex in their titan forms in the manga?
me too
There was this girl in my secondary school who always wore this green backpack with a huge wings for freedom print on the back. I remember during science class one day she was looking at google images of manlet instead of doing work and I could hear her saying shit to her friends like “he and eren are my OTP - *nosebleed* imagine him saying “heichou” all flustered while looking at him shirtless!”
Yes, it was him.
it was manlet, no homo
the best one given her win rate
why does he look like ben 10
She looks good actually unlike her titan form
I've got 2 snk hoodies from aliexpress when S1 aired. Surprisingly enough they happen to be of great quality, still have them.
Man, Eren is cute.
By the end of the series he'll be able to transform into 9 unique monsters
That science class story was genuinely painful to read, I can imagine it so well. Thanks user.
Good quality from aliexpress? Wow. Do you still wear them?
even then, the marleyist perspective makes no fucking sense. If they are so afraid of the fact that eldians can become titans, why the fuck are they the only ones turning them into titans?
Marley has no justification, if eren tramples over every last man woman and child in Marley he would still be morally sound.
The marleyists are historical revisionists who prop up the eldians as a unifying threat, when they're the only reason eldians become a threat (injecting them with spinal fluid in the first place)
it would be like if I said all black people should be exterminated because they kill so many people with guns, but in reality I'm the only one who is supplying them with guns and am forcing them to kill.
total hypocrisy.
Fight on brother
gwen > mikashit
Now this is based.
based retard
>Good quality from aliexpress?
Yeah I was surprised too actually. I do wear them only at home though. Foolishly followed the advice of american fatties and ordered 2 sizes bigger than I normally wear. They ended up being huge but comfy af.
i thought i'd seen the bottom until i read this
So we still don't know what the fuck Eren was thinking about here?
>tfw I actually wasted time watching the Junior High version animu
Am I a bad person now?
No, it's not like it was terrible or anything. But you could've just read Spoof or the Highschool AU previews instead.
For god's sake please don't, don't even think about, if you do so it'll come true.
It started when an serum-filled syringe did what it did
And injected itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid
Now he's got super powers he's no ordinary kid
He's Eren 10
(Eren 10)
So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise
He'll turn into a titan before your very eyes
He's slimy creepy fast and shiny he's every shape and size
He's Eren 10
(Eren 10)
Armed with the powers he's on the case
Fighting the Marleyans from earth and space
He'll never stop till he makes them pay
Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day
He's Eren 10
(Eren 10)
i liked it t b h altough i feel ashamed to admit it
I watched it twice with my brother, and another time with my neighbour. It was time well wasted.
Did just speedrun the whole manga last night
this thread is garbage
I love it
Have you pledged loyalty to the King of Eldian Empire, his majesty Eren Yeager?
King of nothing, soon to be king of a wasteland
No. I thought it was entertaining, and when the wait between chapters is so long, you just end up uncontrollably consuming any snk content so it's understandable.
Jesus fuck
Blessing in disguise. Oversized hoodies make for optimal homewear
Shingeki no Kyoujin is /our/ manga and Isayama is /our/ guy
No, sicne Eren didn't marry Historia.
Only speedreaders think that, Historia won't ever marry anyone after reading Ymir letter.
To get pregnant she doesn't need to marry anyone.
It's so obvious Historia after Ymir demise decided she won't ever marry anyone.
I honestly can't understand from where the idiotic EHfags came with the theory that she married Eren in secret since there's really no reason for that as pregnancy goes.
The kid is royal and the future Ruler of the Paradis in the free world anyway due to Historia royal bloodline.
I've rewatched A Slap on Titan don't know how many times. I know some dialogues by heart. So don't worry, user, you're just fine.
I have reached some atomic lows. But now I'm the best I've ever been. There is always a redemption arc waiting around the corner.
What do they look like?
hmm..not enough EH in this thread.
t. /pol/
>It's so obvious Historia after Ymir demise decided she won't ever marry anyone
Stop selfinserting so much pedophile
read slower
>prequel that explores the eldritch dimension and abominations that the paths spawned from
>sequel in the far future where titan biology is fused with mechs and nanotechnology
based eren tennyson
i can’t see eren killing all marlyains with the rumbling. wouldn’t that just perpetuate the cycle of violence kruger warned him against? also wouldn’t the titans kill all the displaced eldians as well?
user, I know it's hard but regardless of the father no Historia only saw Ymir as a friend, she took the marriage part as one of her last jokes finally understanding she was serious. She is young, this is not about force your life to live as a someone who died told her, you are definitely wrong on that, don't pretend you are better than other shippers with your headcanons too.
SNKyojins DEVOURING the competition
I think Chernobyl deserves to be higher but anyway I'm happy for SNK. Maybe this will increase our chances to get season 4 in a good quality.
I love snk but I don't know if I would put any episodes up that high until Marley
Fucking hell user
Ok so are eldians supposed to be jews and the walls are israel?
If so, how am i supposed to self insert?
Also, as the current story is going, which side am i supposed to take? The whole moral plot is just becoming absurd and petty and i can't really stand more political speech mainly cause i came to this manga exclusively to ship and to know what the fuck are the titans and where did they come from, and the only answer to that is "a witch did it"
Also this thread is retarded and i'm okay with it.
PD historia a CUTE and i'm only continuing this shit to know if she fucked eren.
oh don't feel too bad then. say what you will about his character, but isayama truly succeeded in making the most beautiful bait.
nooo western bros, how could we lose so bad?
I feel you, bro
Honestly why you think she needs to marry someone to have a happy life?
She doesn't.
And being young or old has nothing to do with it, if she would decide in that moment she realised Ymir was serious and she wasn't to not marry anyone later in her life, no one can convince her other way, right?
For the planned or not pregnancy the marriage is not needed anyway so that is invalid point.
Why she would even want to marry Eren if he will die in less than a year or two?
To give him a family knowing it will be a fake one?
Danny didn't marry Jon, so Historia won't marry Eren.
>King of nothing
King of clubs, actually.
He looks like a literal goblin
gabi is way better
What a stupid post
tibers in their comfy mansions
Ymir is dead, she can marry or not if she wants, she can do whatever she wants with her life
This is the worst bait I've ever seen
>Farmer is heart King
>Honestly why you think she needs to marry someone to have a happy life?
She doesn't
t. Jealous old dyke who will never marry
Literally too pure for this series
who the fuck is this
>played the AOTTG game all day until I got a bloodclot in my foot
using mods and hax to grief servers
>she can do whatever she wants with her life
Honestly she can't, she is a Queen so she is bound to not be free as long royal blood runs through her veins.
She is a tool to use to get royal titans for the future, after all even if Eren plan is different he still used Historia to get her pregnant to have a back-up royal for the plan if Eren own plan could backfire.
Literally wasn't talking about Eren, just that your headcanons are not better than others. You are wasting too much time for a ship who was always one sided
Pock's wife a qt.
based speedreader
huh where are those filthy Pro-Marleyans trying to convert people
Yeah because every marriage is a pinnacle of happiness and doesn't get destroyed in few years on average with a divorce or cheating etc.
The only real reason people marry nowadays is all about the money and the taxes priviligies.
Reiner is a peace of shit and deserves to die.
Louise, the girl Mikasa saved in Trost
>he still used Historia to get her pregnant to have a back-up royal for the plan if Eren own plan could backfire.
It was literally easier to just use Historia
Wtf, are you me?
Show me a ship in SnK which wasn't onesided then.
>Reiner is a peace
What a fucking retard
t. Reiner
Exactly these 2.
>forgetting Mikasa's Mikasa
KS (Kruger X SergeantMajorGross (Youtuber))
I miss Berutoruto Fuba.
No because Eren promised all his friends he won't allow them to become shifters.
Making Historia pregnant (doing it himself or sending her to farmer stable) to avaoid that fate seems a natural move for him.
The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist
I know it's hard to recognise her with that absolute unit tier bod but it's still Mikasa.
Does Eren leave the scouts the next episode
Honestly not so bad, looks comfy if anything.
I thought that he would either suicide before returning to the city or side with/ let eren have his way
Historia accepted the plan and it was safer to use her than allowing the whole wine plan
t. EMfag
>The pregnancy was an accident.
With their intelligence combined it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't know a sperm can impregnate a woman.
Eren ejaculated in the bath and Historia took a bath in the same basin as him.
Voila she got pregnant.
What's Reiners endgame? Is he just trying to die subtly?
For humans
>a bloodclot
Kek. How did you explain yourself to your doctor?
Pii is very cute
Historia acceptance of the plan doesn't matter for Eren personal vision of freedom for his friends and comrades.
Saving the world and putting an end to DOGren.
t. SergeantMajorGross (redditor, youtuber, 4channeler, shitposter, certified cringelord)
We know, Porco.
Yeah it doesn't really scream anime if you don't know where the badge is from. The green one is extra warm.
>She is a tool to use to get royal titans for the future, after all even if Eren plan is different he still used Historia to get her pregnant to have a back-up royal for the plan if Eren own plan could backfire
This is the stupidest shit ever. If he wanted a backup it would be Historia herself, the baby is completely unnecessary and it would die in the process of titanization anyway if Eren needed to use them in case of Zeke's untimely demise aka plan backfiring. Literally the only thing this pregnancy achieves is stalling the government's plans to have her titanized, and even that wasn't necessary since Zeke could've just fucked the military earlier with the wine if push came to shove. Eren literally destroyed all the other options he could've had by associating with Zeke, and this pregnancy he's clearly involved in (whether planned or not) is an even bigger proof of that. If he fails now all the shit he's pulled with forcing the SC into a raid, overthrowing the govt, getting the world nations to attack as soon as they can etc. will be for naught.
My potato can't be this cute
Yes and?
So he doesn't want to turn his friends into titans but he gets Historia pregnant to have a royal baby to use as a backup and turn into a titan? Where the fuck is your logic gone?
Cringe & bluepilled Redditors.
Based & redpilled Yea Forums Chad.
Best post ITT thread.
Eren kills them all and they probably shit their pants as Eren burst from the building
Best post if the month
Why did you reply to yourself?
You have to go back
where in the rules does it say that?
Let's be fucking honest here, there is no ship at all in the series, face it.
t. A very scared of EH shipperfag
Will we ever see what Eren witnessed after eating Tybur sistermaid?
If shit like Nicolo can get so much wasted time for cheap drama development with Sasha, or the whole idiotic Gabi x falco sudden shiptime, maybe Eren could give us more insight into the woman he ate.
Oh but she can... and she is!
The FG in the last chapter made me a little worried about this
Will you still say that if Eren's confirmed to be the father?
>user... You're cold, aren't you? You can crawl inside, already...
It triggers me we could see more of the Tyburs, Kruger or ZE in Marley instead of all that garbage Isayama is showing.
ONE year only for the Gabo to realize Paradis are not devils.
A mysterious meido is fine too!
eren being the father doesnt make EH a ship
I lover her so much
>this post is offtopic
>this user is underage
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>this post is extremely low quality
>Sasha knew about paths before the basement
Saving eldians from euthenasia, saving the world from marleyans and killing Eren
>Let's be fucking honest here, there is no ship at all in the series, face it.
t. Radical Centrist (Soigon of Soikkad, Kekistani)
so then what you said doesn't make sense. why would what he said change?
t. triggered leftie
I'm sure we'll see it eventually but yeah, it's been a while
What will you do when EL happens? Are you all gonna an hero lmao?
>blah blah blah I'm a little bitch blah blah blah
Man, i'm telling you, i read this cause EH, then i realised, there is no EH, there is no EM, LM, CS, AA, ZP, it is all within your head.
Oh, I'm not that user and I'm not being sarcastic. I'm saying exactly as a way to agree with you
God, I hate summer
Possibly witnessing glimpses of Marley being run from the Shadows. Maybe a look at how a family deals with passing on a titan that doesn't instantly brainwash the new host. Lot's of possibilities there
Well Historia might get impregnated by Eren or Farmer and they don't even need to ba a pairing for that to happen.
So it all depends how Isayama will present that.
If he will copy Dina x Grisha in for now Historia x Eren then it means whole manga was a waste of time, especially for fake Historia development as character where in the end she will turn to be changed into Eren motivational family prize like Kruger wanted..
>Eren knew about the wine
Based Chadsayama
I'm here all year folks!
>casually skipping YH
Imagine attacking other shipperfags, you are disgusting, face EHfags yourself
>Well Historia might get impregnated by Eren or Farmer and they don't even need to ba a pairing for that to happen.
This. Even on the 0.001% chance that Eren somehow impregnated her instead of the Farmer, probably while thinking about Mikasa, it still doesn't change the fact that EH never happened. Historia is hella lesbian for Yumiru. She doesn't like Eren.
>Destiny's(debator) verbal punching bag is here
New post from Historia's twitter.
Yes, he did. Those sharp eyes are hot.
kill yourself and your forced meme secondfag
We know, Eren
>implying that ever happens
Historia is doomed in a side role at this rate, i'm calling it, we will get luck if we ever get to see her in more tan 2 panels per 4 or 5 chapters
What do you guys think she's going to sound like?
Farmer is the father.
> confess your sins
you tell me user
We know, drunk MP.
sex with Lebi
Cute! Sasha was always cute.
Honestly not even that bad
Oops it was for this
Hope heichou died so Historia won't suffer
>Sasha's family still has an accent from Marley
>They might still have some mainland Eldian folklore
I know you are a kid, but sometimes adults can have kids while not liking each other, you know?
Sorry to burst your bubble where you think that every kid ever created came from a loving marriage between a man and a woman.
Since in the story we don't see any romantic and especially sexual development between EH it's hard to belive Isayama suddenly decided to shoehorn their whole development as a pairing into 2 missing years of flashback.
Historia getting a kid to save her own life but also to have a royal back-up candidate if Eren plan would fail being a mix of a deed for the Eldians as a royal and also out of fear of dying is more true than it being a fruit of romance between EH.
Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren
Please, that would have happened a lot earlier in this arc and we would've moved on to something else if her role was limited to that and there was no connection whatsoever between Eren's motives/actions and her current situation. As of now I've yet to hear a single good explanation as to why her POV hasn't been adressed after a whole year if it's irrelevant, and why it's the only one left alongside Eren's that hasn't been adressed either when even the main antagonist's endgame has been revealed months ago.
It wasn't marley's accent, they were just rednecks.
Legit question, is it worth reading SnK: before the fall?
I unironically believe the pregnancy was an accident
Me too
Lmao. Don't worry, cosplay at conventions doesn't count bro. Everyone there has either zero self-awareness, or simply doesn't give a fuck. The very concept of cringe is null in that arena.
There are only two answers here, either Isayama truly decided to write Historia off and her only role for the story is to give birth to a free kid and nothing else and for that reason her presence in current storyline is not needed at all than to being mentioned in passing.
Or she is the only one aside of Eren who knows his real plan and Isayama specially keeps her POV hidden cause it would spoil everything too early.
Again as readers we can't be certain if the kid is Eren's or if he was the one who made Historia to go to the farmer to get pregnant with him to ensure her being safe in final events and put on the story bench for the sake of pregnancy to keep her safe.
For me Eren doesn't deserve to be the one fucking Hisu and getting a kid out of her, but we all know Isayama married and he completely changed his viewpoint to make the ending happier for Eren and it rather looks he decided to sacrifice Historia character to ensure that.
This is a shounen work after all written by a man so it shouldn't be surprising.
At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if it were.
>I unironically believe the pregnancy was an accident
Yeah while browsing paths by holding Historia hand Original Ymir Fritz through Eren placed her own copy in Historia belly so she could be born again and be relieved from being the paths carateker for 2000 years for Eldian race as her deal with the devil/source of life placed her in.
I suppsoe I hope I'm not the only one who wants to see Historia being someone more important to the story than being just Eren womb to fuck for his motivation to rise up like kruger said.
>For me Eren doesn't deserve to be the one fucking Hisu and getting a kid out of her,
Nobody gives a shit about what *you* think, though. The point is there's no logical reason to keep her POV hidden if it contains nothing of value, which we're seemingly agreeing on.
Obviously we can't tell till we see it, but we can deduce it from what we know or believe of eren, if he is truly willing to complot with zeke or not. If he's not then there's a big chance historia (or historia's child mostly) will take a big part, but even so it doesn't mean that eren is the father.
>For me Eren doesn't deserve to be the one fucking Hisu and getting a kid out of her, but we all know Isayama married and he completely changed his viewpoint to make the ending happier for Eren and it rather looks he decided to sacrifice Historia character to ensure that.
The choice of the father was Historia's to make, the only way Eren gets to fuck her is if she wanted him to. I'm tired of this pity party people have been throwing for her for close to a year now.
What does that make EH then? A "they fucked and had a kid" non-relationship, even they already had an existing relationship as close friends before it happened? Come on, now.
If she has no part on it, then her POV isn't hidden, it is just irrelevant.
Fuck off
>if he is truly willing to complot with zeke or not
Wait, is anyone here still having actual doubts about Eren not following the Euthanasia plan?
Yeah pretty much
>For me Eren doesn't deserve to be the one fucking Hisu
>Pisstoriafags are misogynists
>Yeah while browsing paths by holding Historia hand Original Ymir Fritz through Eren placed her own copy in Historia belly so she could be born again and be relieved from being the paths carateker for 2000 years for Eldian race as her deal with the devil/source of life placed her in.
Go to sleep user.
>The choice of the father was Historia's to make
Not really, it's Isayama own choice.
Historia picking up Eren would just mean shounenfags won.
And it's rather clear now Isayama gave up on the story to make Eren be happy cause he is a male MC reasons and used Historia for that role.
If she has no part in this there's no reason to keep the circumstances and the reasons for the pregnancy in the dark, regardless of Historia's own alleged irrelevance. As a person directly involved in said pregnancy her POV would be the easiest way to confirm what the fuck happened and move on to actually relevant plot points, but that's not how it went down at all: instead the more chapters we got the less reason we had to believe what the MPs thought happened was actually what happened.
most plotchads (aka the guys who were the first one to point out that eren was clearly lying to zeke, also the ones who point out armong’s crying to bullshit yelena) know that eren will betray zeke.
Literally why?
That's the resident YH/Ymirfag always whining about her death and Historia being a cumdump for muh male MC, though. At least get your fags right.
Because they aren't suffering from down syndrome
>Go to sleep user.
I honestly wonder how people would respond to someone few chapters ago who would write something like this:
>loli original Ymir Fritz saves Zeke by molding his nude body and penis from sand in the paths limbo and another titan gives birth to him in his naked glory
Honestly nobody even guessed or came close to that as speculation go.
Only logic for Historia pregnancy is the deal Eren made with OG Ymir in counter to Zeke to get her backing his version of the plan.
And it's rather clear that a true slave to the paths is that loli Ymir who too needs to get freed.
>That's the resident YH/Ymirfag always whining about her death and Historia being a cumdump for muh male MC, though.
Read the story and it actually makes sense to think like that.
>Not really, it's Isayama own choice.
Everything is Isayama's choice in the end. Reducing things to that level does no one any good.
>Historia picking up Eren would just mean shounenfags won.
How? The typical shounen pairing would be with Mikasa, the lead female with an obsessive crush on the MC. EH is a highly unorthodox pairing for a series like this.
>And it's rather clear now Isayama gave up on the story to make Eren be happy cause he is a male MC reasons and used Historia for that role.
Eren is going to die in four years if not sooner. There's no happy ending for him here, it will be bittersweet at best. Historia on the other hand has a chance to survive and not end up a titan or broodmare. If anything, Eren is the one being used to give her a happy ending.
>Not really, it's Isayama own choice
You're grasping at straws, here. Literally anything in the story is Isayama's choice if you wanna delve into pointless meta. Nobody gives a shit about EH outside of a few pockets of readers on the internet and most casuals wouldn't see it coming because EM is the go to normalfag pair people expect to see happen. That's not even mentionning actual shipperfags who for the vast majority of them have no reason to want something like EH happen either. "Shounenfags" is the emptiest fucking term you could've ever come up with because it englobes everyone reading this shit and thus describes no one in particular. Your obsession with Eren also shows how little you yourself give a shit about Historia as a character since apparently having anything to do with him inevitably diminishes her own value.
We know YHfag
Ymirfag, stop.
I have no reason to trust eren's "resolve", for all i know this could be perfectly a scheme from zeke or eren, though it could not and they get to each other and procede to execute the plan, either way i don't really see a good ending for anyone or whatsoever, i will not be very impressed at this point.
>Historia on the other hand has a chance to survive and not end up a titan or broodmare. If anything, Eren is the one being used to give her a happy ending.
If Historia happiness is to get fucked by male MC and have his kid then it would actually be better if Isayama killed her right there like he did with Sasha and Ymir.
It's hard to say she got a happy ending, more like people who hated YH and overall hate characters like Historia got their version of happy ending seeing her prego with male MC type.
Of course Isayama can salvage the whole pregnancy deal easily and make it interesting in conflict with Eren own plan but for me it's clear he gave up on that to favour Eren as the male MC who got Historia that way for nothing.
you don’t have to trust eren to know that he was lying to zeke. read their conversation in liberio slower
It's not a matter or resolve, it's a matter of Isayama being very very very very fucking in your face about the ideological opposition between Eren and Zeke that's been set up. Also check the first two panels of that page:
And re-read their convo in chap 115 while paying attention to the way the orientation of the panels on Zeke's and Eren's side: you'll be able to pinpoint the exact moment when Eren starts bullshitting. If you're still not convinced after that then no one can help you.
Holy shit you're awful as ever. I refuse to believe YHfags are actually like this.
Does this dumb YHfag always come here now? I swear I literally came 5 times in the last 2 times and always this yurifat
>for me it's clear he gave up on that to favour Eren as the male MC who got Historia that way for nothing.
How does Eren "get" her? Because he got to fuck her a few times? They're not married, and he's going to die soon. She's not tethered to him at all. This isn't going to end with them being a happy family.
last 2 months*
Actually it's been here since at least 2017, cause you could already see the occasional post about its wish for Historia to be killed rather than getting paired up with muh MALE MC. You can clearly see it went all out after the pregnancy reveal though.
>>I have no reason to trust eren's "resolve"
>Series is literally translated to advancing giant
>Isayama said his brother Zeke was a prime example of the type of person not to become
>it rather looks he decided to sacrifice Historia character to ensure that.
It's easy to tell that you're a woman, but I don't get your point about "sacrificing" Historia's character, if she's working with Eren then it does mean she's against her fate at the cost of other lives and she's doing all of this under her own free will. Which it seems to be pretty much in character for her. I don't see the pregnancy as tool just for "Eren's evil plan" but it also has a porpuse for Historia's character, she also has a "cycle of hatred" that needs to break as much as Eren, in short words the contrast with her mother Alma is fair enough just as Eren/Grisha right now, IMO I think this is a interesting premise for both Eren and Historia and I'll wait to see how Isayama will handle this plotpoint.
>Muh male MC again
SJWs are pathetic
I liked YH as well but that user is mentally disturbed with MC cumdumpster shit.
This kind of retarded post would only come from an EMfag.