Kaguya spoilers 152

>start a new volume with a full arsenal of nukes

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you're gonna start a new thread, the least you could do is not be a faggot and link the spoilers.
Raw preview: imgur.com/a/ulLls6c
Gook scans with tl: imgur.com/a/k6qqiUy

>Ishigami and Kaguya NTR chapter next week.
>Chika confirmed LGBT Dyke slut.
>Lino is still alive

This manga is a fucking joke


Subject F: Kashigawa-chan!

Kashigawa: Fujiwara-chan! You didn't change I see!

Fujiwara: What are you talking about? Rather, you need to help me out!

Kashigawa: What happened?

Fujiwara: Forcefully...! Someone's going to take my kiss by force!

Kashigawa: Kiss? By who??

Fujiwara: Well its.. Ahh! She's here to take it away!

Best girl: I think you know by now, but she is just speaking nonsense.

Fujiwara: Hayasaca! Stop aiming for my lips!

Best girl: That's not it! Just listen to me, please....

Fujiwara: Even though I understand that you're LGBT, but for the time being I'm a straight woman! This conversation can be interpreted many ways without source reference

Best girl: I am too, so please calm down! I just wanted to clear up this misunderstanding!

Fuji: A misunderstanding... So on that day you seriously weren't trying to kiss me?

What sort of expression is that!?

Fuji: I knew you were thinking of kissing me!

Best girl: The conversation just flowed like that! At the tapioca store, we were talking about what a kiss would be like... and following that I said I wanted to try a kiss once~~ That's what I said! I'd like to have this kind of kiss, and that kind of kiss~~ like that! Do you know how nervous I was for the last 24 hours!? (What are you saying?) I just wanted to experience what a kiss is like, and it's impossible/hard/difficult to find a guy so by process of elimination.... I don't have feelings for the Secretary!

Fuji: If you're okay with anyone, then are you okay with Kashigawa!? (Ara ara intensifies)

Kashigawa: I don't mind at all, if it's Hayasaca-chan, then I'm fine with it. (Seriously?) Hayasaca is so attractive, and I like attractive girls too. And I understand Fujiwara-chan is curious about kissing too, and Fujiwara-chan is really cute so, it's pretty straightforward. Now, come over here. (Ara ara intensifies)

>Kashiwagi tried to kiss both Hayasaka and Chika, making both of them run away from Kashiwagi

>not hayasaca

>Ishigami and Kaguya NTR chapter next week
Made me laugh you. She probably want to ask what she should give him as a present.

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How do i cope with the feeling that /u/tards will invade these thread until everything is made clear?

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This is fan made.

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Is there a point to this?

Kashiwagi is just bi and tried to create a situation where she gets to kiss both Hayasaka and Chika

Are we going to get a Kashiwagi chapter during the flashback arc?

If you're gonna shitpost at least use the correct names.

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>until everything is made clear?
Like right now ?

She is trying to keep them away from the council room.

Shut the fuck up about /u/ shit you goddamn false flaggers. You're inviting it for real by acting like babies over a fucking joke.

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Ice x Baka doujin when?

We aren't that bad. It's a bunch of shitposting falseflaggers who make us look bad. But nothing can be done to stop them

>but it can't be helped. I can only try and help those two passionate people
Best wingman so far.

Kashiwagi scared away Chika and Hayasaka because they think she wants to kiss them which is why their eyes started going into Fear Mode when Kashiwagi started saying how cool Hayasaka was and how cute Chika was.

Eh, it's just a misunderstanding. I guess Aka put it in solely to give subject F some relevancy for once in a while.

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It's good to see Ishigami taking responsibility for what he did to Miko.

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>we want the /u/ audience
>another chapter of Miko being abusive to Ishi lol Isn't that funny?

Literally no reason not to drop this now that Kaguya and Pres are no longer the focus

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>Gets to kiss her man all she wants now
>Drives her own maid insane with kiss talk to the point she resorts to /u/ just to see what it feels like from feeling left out
>Rubs her head on his chest like she owns it
>Is cute
>Will give birth to a baseball team
>Will drive her maid to wake up naked next to a girl once she has sex, due to all the sex talk
Winning hard.

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We didn't get through 2 months of "hehe manga bad now" shitposting to destroy the threads fighting over /u/ speculation. Just ignore the bait, same as usual.

>>another chapter of Miko being abusive to Ishi lol Isn't that funny?
Usive*. Abusive would imply she's doing something wrong, and not just coming into her own as a smug bully girl with a pet nerd.

See you next chapter

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>she gets to kiss both Hayasaka and Chika
Excellent taste

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See you next week user.

>Will drive her maid to wake up naked next to a girl once she has sex, due to all the sex talk
I can see this happening after the four pages.

Just an alternative translation I find it interesting to read and compare

The scanlation wars were worse, honestly. I think even the anime wasn't as bad.

Disappointed Chika's Christmas party ended without her older sister showing or her parents.

I been waiting for Chika's mom to have dialogue and Chika's older sister to have a more prominent role in the story.

Kinda wanted to see if Chika's dad had any quirks like Papa Shirogane.

Was also wanting to see if Chika's uncle, the right hand of the current prime minister or Chika's grandfather, a former prime minister, would show up.

Heck, Chika's pet dog didnt't even appear!

So would Kashiwagi have a threesome with Maki and Tsubasa if she asked for it?

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drop it but don't come later to shitpost the thread

>I am only romantically interested in MEN


imagine thinking banter is abuse

is this yuri manga now?

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Say something nice about this cute couple.

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These are all jp->kr->en translations so who knows if they are wrong. I'll wait for the jp->en translation to really care about the details. For now the general idea is good enough.


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Daily reminder a broken arm takes >1 month to heal so you better get used to Ishigami bullying

Kaguya explicitly told her not to lie here, and Hayasaka ran with it. It's even on the page.

I think she wouldn't mind. The one against it might be Tsubasa though. He only loves Nagisa.

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she is dead bros

>breaks her other arm
>then her legs

I bet it's just a sprain

I can't ever tell if you're being serious with these posts.

>Then this is actually happening! But you're in school! Please learn how to pick a better time and place for this!
This slut has no right to be lecturing them about this.

>Iino literally becomes 5toubun no Hanayome

>my feet hurt
>everyone's misunderstanding again
>i should just quit and find a cute boy and pamper him with all my money

Stop. I don't like those stories.

I think she was calling a bluff. But I might be autistic.

I think the joke was kaguya is driving her crazy with the kiss talk.

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At that rate, Ishigami is going to have to stay with her for her entire life! Just as planned.

Yes, she would let her watch and lick their interconnected genitals

>152 chapters
>literally nothing happens
Bravo, Aka. Bravo.

I hope Kaguya wears the white ribbon again when they inevitably fuck up trying to keep their relationship a secret.

If all that kissing talk affected her that much imagine after Prez and Kaguya make the real deal

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It’s not a lie if you believe it. At the time.

Yeah imagine if she was lying about it the whole time

Her older sister is whoring herself out in her own party.
Her dad is probably weeping over it and the mom is away on business.
All that people probably have their own party.
The dog probably has its own party.

>How do i cope with the feeling that /u/tards will invade these thread until everything is made clear?
I cope with it by realizing that "/u/tards" are a phantom threat that will never actually appear.
Honestly, we'll see a thousand dickheads crying about "/u/" for every 1 person who actually expresses any sort of annoying enthusiasm for lesbians

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It took so long. I hope it lasts.

you're the loveliest lovebirds that have ever been in love
keep at it you dorks

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Kashiwagi honestly comes off as enamored with Maki so she might.

Hayasaka and Fuji entirely depends on how far Aka goes with this joke. A little curious honestly.

She learned from her mistakes.

I hope this won't be too one-sided. Miko dominating his life might get annoying if overdone. I hope she starts being able to take banter without turning into angry chihuahua.
I also hope she kinda starts getting him a little due to hanging out with him, and focusing on the stuff he genuinely needs challenged. As she is now (assuming she didn't do a 180 during the break, she looks closer to 45), she can't really "fix" him, as she doesn't understand him. Ishigami actually gets who she is to a degree, but he can't get through to her, partly due to his ideas about communication.

to late

Here you go.

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This is what people addicted to opiods do

This is the time chapter where it seems everything went fine and dandy for Prez and Kaguya and then at the end of the flashback Aka hits us with the subversion that they are only acting lovey-dovey while they can since their relationship has a deadline.

Will Miko need Ishigami's help inserting her tampon?

she's like a kid who tried to grasp the flame and is now trying to prevent others from doing same

Is this canon now?

>tfw she was hit with real-life version (fictional) of shoujo syndrome

>The conversation just flowed like that! At the tapioca store, we were talking about what a kiss would be like... and following that I said I wanted to try a kiss once~~ That's what I said! I'd like to have this kind of kiss, and that kind of kiss~~ like that! Do you know how nervous I was for the last 24 hours!? (What are you saying?) I just wanted to experience what a kiss is like, and it's impossible/hard/difficult to find a guy so by process of elimination.... I don't have feelings for the Secretary!
Your translation of this part is completely different than the one in last thread, by context alone that one seems more accurate

Doesn't it depend?

I heard sometimes people need to have Plate and Screws for broken arms but I am not a Sports Doctor or Orthopedist.

Tampons aren't a thing in Asia

Too bad the hype is killed and no one cares anymore

Who leaves their dog outside when its cold?

Some people have a second dog house in the garage if they don't want to let their dog into the house.

It's just me or Tsubame looks like she was crying or something

No, Hayasaka's straight, she's just broken by Kaguya constantly talking about her amazing kisses.
Fujiwara's the one who says she's only straight "for the time being".

>faggot try to kiss chika
>but no bros she is straight pls stop calling my waifu gay
ok my dude

Cope as fuck.

I wouldn't worry about that, very few conflicts between the characters ever really came off as one sided, both will be idiots and grow through their interactions with each other.

Yeah, it depends. Still when I fractured my hand, it took 2 months to completely heal and my hand looked like shit when it was out of the cast. Took a lot of exercise and rubbing with oil to get back into shape.

>Hayasaka talks about kissing
>Fuji immediately thinks it's about her
Yeah, she reads too many shoujos.

If the parallels between Kashiwagi-Fujiwara are true then she might be a turbo lesbo, atleast for Kaguya.

I think Miko's already started to understand him a little better, which is why she's enjoying having him feed her. Miko has started to develop some sort of feelings for him. Being a genius, it is only natural that she assert dominance in this scenario.

>this is yuri now
Finally, another series to shitpost about with my fetishes!

Girls kiss girls all the time while playing around. Not like dudes.

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Hayasaka work is a hard work

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Eh I doubt they are even going to mention it again.

>tfw Miko and Ishi are a lot more competent in their attacks, so they get it done with twice as fast

To be honest, the plate and screws thing, seems absolutely horrific and Medieval Ages tier, and can't believe it kinda works.

>he didn't kiss his bro when playing around
what are you, gay?

Wait, when did Hayasaka tried to kiss Subject F?

Chika isn't gay.

If Chika was gay, she would join the same club as Kaguya in order to be with her as much as possible.

Instead, she is in the /tg/ club and doesn't spend every waking moment with Kaguya.

>Ishigami is now subversive to Miko, who teases him with a smug face


>she is in the /tg/ club
>it has all girls
>not gay

The human body can be pretty fragile.

It makes you wish we were part octopus sometimes so we could just rip that shit off and just grow a new arm but if we were part octopus, there wouldn't be any bone to fracture to be honest.

not subversive, submissive.

The board game club is full of girls. They probably eat each other out every time they roll a 1 or get a bad card in Monopoly.

>I just want to go home and play vidya
>why can't she just use a spoon with her left hand
>why the fuck does people keep shipping me with this womanlet we aren't even friends
>I wish Tsubame senpai is here

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>Chika isn't gay.
That's why she will fall for Haysaca-kun

Must be a pain in the ass having to feed a annoying landwhale little by little

I guess the way Tsubame looked in the last page seems like she's feeling a wee bit jealous/longing due to Ishigami having to take care of Miko

Enough people already do that with their hatesex fetish so that's not too abnormal.

>>why can't she just use a spoon with her left hand
Love is War. By getting Ishigami used to feeding her when she can guilt him into it, she can normalize it for him so he won't feel so awkward about feeding her on request later.

>Are we going to get a Kashiwagi chapter during the flashback arc?
We are only allowed 4 pages of Kashiwagi's flashback

Does he help her wipe too?

I want to bully the kaguya.
Then apologise to her while she sobs and console her while in the missionary position for purpose of procreation.

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Yes and she makes him feel as guilty as possible

I read the chapter again and when I translated Miko's part I said something like "He even feeds me by going "aaah"
It was actually more evil than that. I misread it when I originally translated. She actually says "You're going to start feeding me by going "aaaah", now right?"
I don't know if it's that big of a deal considering I catch a lot of errors when I reread my stuff but I thought it was something important

retard animeonly

So Ishigami says it was a bunch of accidents but Miko thinks it was entirely his fault and he should, in fact, feel guilty. Either she was drunk when it happened or Ishigami is weaseling out.

Yeah she sounds even more bitchy now which is no surprising.

Miko Grande is too strong.

>Ishigami, I can't turn the page while holding the book like this, but i'm sure you don't care
>Ishigami, you lunch looks delicious, I sure wish i had my other warm working so I could try and cook with my housekeeper to make more food, but I can't
>I sure wish I could wipe my butt properly after going to the bathroom, but oh well
>Man masturbating sure is annoying since my other arm keeps aching so much even with the other one functional, i'm sure you can do it just fine by yourself huh... I wish i could

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Ishigami admits he was the cause or a contributor of her broken arm but it was probably accidental. We'll find out in a few weeks

I can't remember any series like this where I felt just incredibly happy for both members of a relationship. It's all thanks to Aka fully fleshing out his characters.
I also feel incredibly jealous of them, but that's per usual.

During winter break

>It was actually better than that.
thanks user. Miko really is the best in this chapter

I just don't think Miko would be -this- spiteful if it was really an accident. At least, she doesn't think it was then.

He probably gave her alcohol by mistake

I very much doubt he broke her arm intentionally, but he was probably directly involved in some serious stupidity. Like wacky harem hijinks where contrived shit happens and the MC knocks down a girl to land in her boobs. Except Miko's arm broke instead!

I just hope Tsubame and the other people at the party aren't also mad at Ishigami for this

>Miko making everyone think they are a couple for kicks
And here she says she worries about StuCo being seen as a den of debauchery. Kaguya and Prez might not be good at hiding, but they at least try.

I feel like Miko would use pretty much any excuse she can to control Ishigami. Plus she's probably just enjoying all the personal attention.

Is there any reason why they keep their relationship a secret, others for it will lead to unnecessary drama?

It would make a lot of sense. He doesn't want to tell people he fed an underage girl alcohol otherwise he'd look even more guilty

Kaguya's reputation.

Because it's embarrassing. They don't really need any reasons other than that.

If more people know, there's a high chance they may babble to others, and those will let others know, and then when too many people know, her family may find out, and will put a stop to it.

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She can use the leverage and time to try and reform him from a lazy rule-breaking creep to a prince charming in shining armor. It's not like he can play video games while he's busy taking care of Lino

If everybody in school knows, the main house might know too.
Rumors are likely less of an issue, since teenagers gossip all the time, and this rumor seems shallow (and mostly is, even if it's true), but certain knowledge of their relationship might leak through any number of ways.

>Miko is playing wingwoman to help Tsubame realise her feeling towards Ishigami
Based if true

they want to keep their personal affair private?
they don't want the shinomiyas to cause trouble?

I kinda want her to try that, and gradually start noticing that Ishigami honestly isn't that bad a person, has more of a life than she thought and genuinely studies too now. Kind of a payoff for his development.

For the thrill of fucking behind everone's back.

We all agree that Lino likes our boy, right?

she's in a separate panel. there is no indication of what she's looking at

>first, Kei
>now, Hayasaka and F
Aka playing with everyone one more time

she seems like an easy slut who would like anyone that pampers her a bit

She never got attention from parents, and other sob stories, to come

It's pretty clear with how Kashiwagi reacts to it, even if you ignored all the other obvious signs. Her feelings are just starting to form.

Still not right now but that's obviously the direction it's heading in.

Too bad Ishigami is a devoted man to Tsubame so he will never like her back.

>iceguya chapter
Slow thread
>prez x kaguya, ishi x miko and /u/shit
Hype as fuck

Poor user.

since when is Aka such a predictable hack?

I can already predict that when miko's arm recovers, she'll still pretend it's broken until she gets caught lying about it

How bullied is Ishigami going to be by Iino

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>thinking CHAOS gives a fuck about sexuality
You have been lied to, "brother".

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This is so cheap. I can't believe Aka actually wrote this

Since chapter 1, not any of this is actually a bad thing.

Right now? No.

I don't know. This manga is just way too subtle.

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Brace yourselves, the /u/ fags are coming.
Otterbros tried to warn us.

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both need to leave. only cute vanilla allowed.

Fuck off.

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The fact that Miko was going to fall for Ishigami was pretty obvious for some time now. The part that "subverts expectations" is that he broke her arm, and is now using that incident to lord over him. Of course, being that Love is War, it was natural to assume that Miko was the sort who would attempt to assert authoritarian control over any love interest. Much of the comedy in this series was based in the "power struggle".

>Lino bitch
>/u/ shit
I miss the day when Kaguya was good
When it was about pres and Kaguya

it's obvious
it's litterally spelled out in the panel where they both say they can't talk about what happened and miko blushes

>Miko wants to fap
>her arm is broken
Ishigami will help her, right?

So like..one chapter ago?

but if we are counting this, its "triple", right?

>I want my master to get hitched already
>I want a boyfriend
>I want to kiss
>I Want to suck a dick
>I want to forget I slept with a girl out of desperation
>I wish I wasn't pregnant

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Kill yourself namefag

I'd rather live rent-free inside your head.

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Fujiwt will not notice.
Ishigami will, but he'll say nothing.
Iino will be too busy bossing Ishigami around to notice.

I think she might be getting closer to it, but there's still a ways to go.

How did she brake her hym- I mean arm?

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>He told me to fuck off
>That must mean he keeps thinking about me all the time
Don't project that hard, it may kill you one day.

It's official. This manga peaked at the kiss and it's all down from here.

She was fisting Ishigami.

Why the hell is there an autistic shitposter all of a sudden posting random repeated bait for the past few threads anyway?

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>Iino taking advantage of Ishigami's sense of guilty just to have him arround like a dog despise having said a few days ago that she hated his guts

>Have the guy you find annoying and dislike the attitude of at your beck and call
>Not taking advantage of that
Most people would.

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But she wanted to be at peace with him and even be friends. He might just end up hating her even more

He really hates kaguya. It consumes him. He can't comprehend why people like it and he hates that.

Where is Miko's glasses friend in all this? Or Rei for that matter?

Where have you been? That's just how these threads have been since even before the Ice arc started.

More like zero chapters ago

Hayasaka will practice sex with Shirogane, telling Shirogane he needs sex training before having sex with Kaguya

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We don't know since it's been the Shirogane and Kaguya show for the entire last volume, Onodera will be around for the party flashback at least.

>Where is Miko's glasses friend in all this?
Fucking Chad
>Or Rei for that matter?
Probably fucking another Chad

>Miko Wants to Try Femdom!
Glasses is giving Miko space and time to "mature".
Nonsense. He's feeding her now. What else is left? Bridal carry, ear cleaning, and the pocky game, was it?

Well obviously, I just meant the "focused on Shirogane and Kaguya part"

>kaguya to prez
>prez to kaguya
>ishi to senpai
>ishi to iino supposedly


>Ishigami got Miko's arm broken and is now her pet
Doujins fucking when

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Too busy having her womb filled up to care.

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I remember when this OTP chart had Fujiwara and some random kid from a doujin. Good times

Very soon. Ishimiko fans draw a lot of art


>I remember when this OTP chart had Fujiwara and some random kid from a doujin.

>D-d-don't worry Fujiwara, it's not gay if it's just a kiss! We're both heterosexual so it's totally okay!
Literal femcel logic, Jesus this bitch is pathetic

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I swear this is the exact face prez pulled in one of those awful early Iceguya chapters when talking about kissing.

Glasses is getting dicked by the school's chad
We don't know shit about Odonera tho

>Not thinking girls kissing is hot
What are you. Gay?

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Hi. Maki Shijo here. Well, this is my last post, it all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. For the last year of my life, ever since I hit teenage, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires all because guys have never been attracted to me. Guys gave their affection, and sex and love to other men but never to me
I'm 16 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a boy. highschool for 2 and a half years, more than that actually, and I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous. Highschool is the time when everyone experiences those things such as romance, kisses and pleasure. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You guys have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you guys aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime, because, I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm the perfect girl and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious whores instead of me, the supreme woman

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>prez x kaguya
Femdom, vanilla, cosplay, horror

>ishi x miko
Femdom, vanilla, bondage, cosplay

>tsubasa x kashiwagi
Rape, femdom

>hayasaka x fuji

>chad senpai x glasses

He probably did a bridal carry to take her to the hospital to see her broken arm

>Guys gave their affection, and sex and love to other men but never to me
The fucking gays have to ruin everything

>manga sales are tanking
>Aka has to resort to yuri to prop up the series
When were you when Kaguya died?

You could interpret it as there being two dual confessions. It was dual dual confessions.

>Miko femdom
>>chad senpai x glasses
How can one person be so wrong

>>ishi x miko
>Femdom, vanilla, bondage, cosplay
You forgot the rough hate-sex.

>>Miko femdom
It's one of those femdom doujins where it turns around after page two and she mindbreaks.

Wow fucking finally something interesting. Give me my haremshit. Fuck Kaguya's and Prez boring shojo act.

I dare you to visit a Gridman thread, just once.
Then you shall see.
Or just look at this one from yesterday
Do you want this level of insanity in these threads?

>miko femdom

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She's submissive as fuck tho, are we reading the same manga?
Even in spinoff she wants to get beaten by a husband.

Kill yourself /u/shitter

Yeah but Ishigami is pure vanilla.

>imagine Miko orgasm as her arm breaks

Remember how he princess carried her.

Kill yourself yurifag degenerate

Ishigami finally snapping and releasing his pent-up incel rage by beating the shit out of Miko when?

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Better hope this is either a one off joke or Aka actually does intend to pair them together. That grey area where it's constantly teased is when you start getting Gridman or Euphonium tier threads.

Shitposting to keep /u/shits out of our threads

If there's one thing that's gonna bring in yurifags is you fags talking about them nonstop.

>Ishigami was preparing drinks with senpai
>Mixes some of them with alcohol for some of Tsubame's friends
>Iino drinks one of them "by accident" and goes drunk
>Has an accident that breaks her arm and blames Ishigami for it

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Hate sex fucking when

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>Not gay
>Not into Fuji
>Still so fucking desperate that she tries to kiss Fuji, in public no less.
Someone needs to help the maid.

Where were you when Kashiwagi became best girl?



Fuck off SJW
This is our thread now

>yurishitters are already here
Well this manga was nice while is lasted, I blame the garbage anime for bringing in Chikafaggot secondaries

Remember how bad the /u/tards were during DITF? I still remember those cringe ass Ikunotards.

Get the fuck off my board, newfag scum.

>/u/ ruining everything
one of the most cancerous boards in this shithole.

You do realize that most if not all of the "yurishitters" here don't actually give a fuck about /u/ and are just posting to get a reaction out of people like you, right?

Yurifags already making threads to show off yuri shipping in Kaguya now, to attract yuricuck secondaries who will probs skip to the latest chapters after the anime

I know it's hard to believe but the manga does exist outside of these threads. Those have been garbage for a while now anyway.

where were you YuriCHADs took over?

>>chad senpai x glasses
Of the reverse variety

She did not. Glasses just thought it might turn out that way if she doesn't shape up. Also the doujin isn't even canon.

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Boring misunderstanding between lino and ishi. Plus the yuri misunderstanding sucks

I knew this chapter was going to be explosive but nothing prepared me for this

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I'm actually starting to like the idea of Hayasaka and Fujiwara together.
Fujiwara is Hayasaka's weak point. The unpredictable Subject F.
I'm not one for shipping, but I can actually see this working. I mean, who the fuck else are those two gonna end up with?

There's no misunderstanding speed reader. She seems to know exactly what happened, but doesn't want him to stop feeling guilty so she can have him do shit for her.

Attached: Miko really.png (389x415, 169K)

>Boring misunderstanding between lino and ishi.
How do you know it involves a misunderstanding?


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Hayasaka's gonna end up with Miko's brother whenever he actually shows up
Chika can get the lesbian from the spin-off manga

>when your constant boasting mindbreaks your maid into /u/
I also find it funny that Hayasaka (gyaru) is friends with Fujiwara now.

Iino doesn't deserve Ishigami

What a fucking hypocrite. Hand feeding clearly goes against her supposed morals.

t. Tsubame

miko is just trash.

I hadn't really thought about it until now but it would be fitting since all the main couples started off being in conflict in some way.

If not this then Fuji will probably be with Abe when(if) he gets introduced, and I was thinking Mikado for Hayasaka. Not really a /u/fag but I wouldn't be opposed to the Hayafuji pairing if it's more than a joke.

You don't deserve to post.

Attached: no you.gif (645x427, 73K)

Based Aka

The best trash of all time.

You mean Ishigami doesn't deserve Iino

why miko lino shitters are so delusional?

Better than Iceshit.

Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?


Sorry tsubamefag.

Attached: D5N6BuOUIAE41Ps.png (600x800, 235K)

One chapter giving idiots ammunition to shitpost with doesn't even come close to how bad Soma got

They have to be delusional so they can self insert as Iino.

New shitposts user, please for my sake.

No delusion. Just think of how Aka writes romance in this series, with geniuses playing stupid fucking mindgames, trying to win a nonsense "war".

Who do you think fits that mold better, Miko or Tsubame?

Waifufaggotry is never not an awful thing.


>I just don't think Miko would be -this- spiteful if it was really an accident.

Depends. Her sense of justice is very warped.

> I kinda want her to try that, and gradually start noticing that Ishigami honestly isn't that bad a person, has more of a life than she thought and genuinely studies too now. Kind of a payoff for his development.

Ishigami might hate her for real after going through all this troubles.

He doesn't deserve to be stuck with an annoying bitch

>Depends. Her sense of justice is very warped.
I don't think she's being spiteful, so much as she just enjoys being able to make Ishigami do what she wants.
She wouldn't be enjoying this so much if she still thought Ishigami was trash. She was already trying to improve her relationship with him before the Christmas Party, and Ishigami will probably be her book mule for the time being and be forced to study with her anyway.

she doesn't deserve to be with a boring incel

For now it mostly just looks like she's messing with him but isn't actually that mad about whatever happened, don't think anything that serious beyond the usual comedy and character development will come out of it.

>A bit of yuri teasing
>People go apeshit shitposting about /u/ invading threads and ruining them
>They are more annoying than /u/ could ever be

Attached: how cute anime.jpg (1280x720, 42K)


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Isn't this story all about geniuses with horrible personality issues trying to get the upper hand over one another?
I think she actually does need help doing some things, but she's milking it for even more than that.


Well, Ishi's behavior annoys the shit out of her and now she can keep him on a tight leash for a couple of months.

It just dawned on me that Shirogane's virtually the only truly likeable character in this series. Everyone else is scum in some way or another; poor guy doesn't deserve the company.

Anyone who thinks they're gonna end together is fucking deluded.

That's Yea Forums for you.

Of course it's about that but that character being mean to the one people self insert as is crossing the line for some people. Anyway yeah she's not doing it for no reason but is enjoying all that she's able to make him do right now.

Hayasaka and Ishigami tho

Did IB have any yuri? I don't remember

At this point, desperate Hayasaka might very well jump on Prez when Kaguya isn't around an steal a kiss from him, with Kaguya walking in on them and creating drama - especially when she finds out about Hayasaka/Prez line conversations.

Not that I recall.

I'm going to save Hayasaka with a kiss!

>Hayasaka keeps asking F about kisses due to Kaguya's influence
>F being F, takes it to mean that Haya wants to kiss her
>it's completely played as a joke
God, it's the "Kaguya has multiple personalities!" shit all over again.
How do you guys even breathe?

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I hate Miko but i love her.

Welp. It's an upgrade from the faceless rapist shota, I guess.

fuck off kashiwagi

maybe we need another male protag beside Ishi

>Otters die
>Only to be replaced by s/u/bh/u/mans

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I pity you. You never win, kaguyafaggots.

Well there are two we should be getting soon hopefully. The way pairings are idk what the fuck is going to happen from here though.

All I've seen so far is retards freaking out over a potential /u/ invasion and some falseflaggers. Stop talking about this shit already and there'll be no /u/ faggotry in these threads, I promise.

has kashiwagi thought about kissing maki

Next two-three weeks are Ishibowl crap, otters will come back from their graves.
Then I guess Hayasaka-Fujiwara and finally prez-Kaguya. Hopefully some Kashiwagi in the middle.

>nagisa gave lino and ishi the key to the volunteer clubroom
>maki is a member and walks in on them
add another onto the pile of suffering she's caused for her best friend

Editor: So who's going to be the male protag love interest for Hayasaka?
Aka: *subverts expectations*

this further supports my suspicion that a maki tsubasa nagisa threesome would be nagisa plowing maki into the mattress while tsubasa watches

no but she has thought about tying her up and leaving her in the corner of her bedroom while she has sex with Tsubasa

Ice Ishigami soon

>Threesome happens
>Maki gets pregnant instead of Kashiwagi

>>Chika confirmed LGBT Dyke slut.
Well that's a shame. I mean it because there is going to shitposting from every side imaginable. I don't mind having some /u/ in my face and being so vocal either liking it or hating it is terrible. Hibike really skyrocketed that shitposting to its maximum, having yuri bait plus being KyoAni made the perfect shitposting storm.

They are supreme bakas but finally made it. Please don't be like the turboslut and have babies after you finish school.

why was hayasaka even hanging out with fujiwara? and as her normal form, not as haysaca-kun or chan, but as the gyaru form fujiwara only knows from art class? she must've been truly desperate to go to her for companionship; i guess her gyaru pals were also getting kissed during break

Are you guys ready for "Miko-sama Wants to be Confessed to" with vice president Miko and student council president Ishigami, who got there after he started studying really hard and acing his tests, raising his popularity? 'cause that's what Aka meant by "New Game".

Attached: file.png (793x500, 398K)

she's just easily impressionable, hayasaka asking if she can kiss her probably inserted some naughty thoughts

remember we already know she has fujo tendencies

Be right back, going to cry again.

It will be damn funny tho

do short people have more fragile bones

hayasaka should have just tagged along with one of her gal pals to their mixers

There's still the lastest spotin the student council

it is a mystery

It's only retards like you calling out everything /u/ and BEGGING them to come to the threads so you can be proven right. I wouldn't even doubt you fags aren't false flagging just to pull stupid shit.

Do you even know how fucking mad Miko would be if she lost the presidency again? Do it.

Emperor Mikado.

My only guesses are.

>Kaguya asks her to distract Fujiwara on the day of their date so they can be at peace without Fujiwara suddenly showing up out of nowhere
>Hayasaka went somewhere on her own to get a break from Kaguya gushing about kissing, and ran into Fujiwara

Attached: Fuji plays dumb.jpg (155x177, 13K)

People with a small frame tends to have fragile bodies.
I remember shaking a guy's hand a bit harder than usual in high school and I ended hurting his hand. The guy had a very small frame tho

If we're following the tale, it'll be someone called Abe

Depends, football and basketball injuries can be more severe because more mass = more force, especially when you fall down.

Also, depends on the surface where you fell down.

You should normally handle falling on grass better than the sidewalk for example.

is he even in the same school as them?


When they move to America.

>fujiwara was walking back from eating ramen and had garlic on her breath
>hayasaka was still willing to kiss her

unlikely, unless mikado gave up on studying for some reason and has test scores that dont show up on the rankings

That's such a stupid opinion. It's because they are all so flawed that they are likeable and entertaining. If every character were like Tsubame the manga would be boring as fuck.

At this point i think Hayasaka is desperate enough to accept anyone who confessed to her

Attached: 039.png (1920x1080, 737K)

why is tsubame so seemingly depressed

me too


Netorare will do that to you.

Miko survived her assassination attempt with only a broken arm, and the crime ended up getting pinned on Ishigami.

party got ruined by some drunk dwarf falling down the stairs, even after she warned her about them

You have no idea.

Attached: hayasaka.webm (750x950, 2.76M)

I dunno, seemed more to me like she was thinking about something with a type of longing face. The blush is weird too.


Is the ice kaguya stuff over yet, I want to start reading this again

k-kaguya and kaicho havent had se...already, have they???

Fuck Now I have to fap again.

How does Tsubame usually look while watching Ishigami and Miko? I think she already has weird impressions about those two and is a bit confused.

yes, kaguya's so melted the world is flooded

with cum

Thanks, thank god Aka didn't drag it a lot.

If they had F would've thought Hayasaka wanted to fuck her, not just kiss her

Somebody post medaka_loses.png

>Hayasaka keeps asking F about kisses due to Kaguya's influence
>F being F, takes it to mean that Haya wants to kiss her
Reread the spoilers, it is nothing serious but she did try to kiss her

Mikolino will win because she's an ugly midget nun and the perfect self insert for the ugly female readers of this series to which Aka panders. Tsubame is obviously the choice of the dominant gender.

It did drag but it was honestly fine to read after 143 imo.

>ishi harem arc incoming

Well, well well. What do we have here.

Attached: in otter news.jpg (1000x667, 126K)


>another Ishigami x Iino pairing bullshit

Man I fucking quit

Finally, the worst arc in manga history is over.

Get out, you otters are not welcomed here, I prefer /u/shit over your kind.

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man I'd love to fuck Maki

See you next week user

This isn't an issue of simply being flawed. I'm saying that they're really exceptionally horrible people.

>ugly female readers of this series to which Aka panders
>Aka ideal is to write a manga that 29 year old office ladies can read after work and laugh out loud
Aka and Ishimikofags fucking won.

kashiwagi pls go

t. /u/shitter

They are so fucking cute.

Attached: 1550554360236.png (776x712, 362K)

No. Miko wins because she's an arrogant, confrontational, immature little girl genius.

It would be fcking ridiculous if Maki ends falling in love with Ishigami.

And i would love it.

>I'm saying that they're really exceptionally horrible people.
You are just dumb

Depending where the manga goes, if this is going to force Ishigami x Iino then I can manage to drop this anytime. I've already dropped this once since Iino joined the council.

find me a fault in Ishi's and Kaguya's personalities that warrants such strong word

>kashiwagi is embarrassed and flustered by ishi having to feed lino, and by kaguya and kaicho's blatant aura
>unflustered by the /u/ shenanigans, barest of blushes

While I think Fujiwara/Hayasaka would be interesting and probably cute, I doubt it’ll actually go that direction. It’d be a real twist, not one particularly against their previous characterization, I forget if Hayasaka ever had a particular interest in boys or just a relationship.
Still, doubtful.

But wait, if Shirogane needed the help from Momo to win Kaguya's heart and we have (according to the tale) Ishigami-Tsubame and Iino-Osaragi, who would help them to fullfill their request (or what object)
And I bet that the last character from the tale that needs to be introduced will be with some sort of relationship with the object that Kaguya in the tale asked him to get for her, so at least two more characters will be introduced


Ishigami is a lazy piece of shit, and Kaguya is a total bitch who plays mindgames. Now, let me ask a question. Is anyone actually all that bad?

y/u/ribros report in

>puts fake warning sign outside the door so they can be alone

She told F she likes boys while she was disguised, and she mentioned it in her rap too. She could still be bi, but I agree that it's probably just being played for laughs

It's kinda the same expression as Iino when somebody is talking about Ishigami and Tsubame

Ah alright, I speedread the thread after a point. Not much to argue there unless I wanna do a bunch of mental gymnastics for no reason

I'm honestly not sure if she actually has a thing for her, or if she just adores her that much that she starts copying her. She did get ultra jealous over the thought of betrayed by them, and was talking about murder anyway, so it's not unbreakable.

Attached: Kashiwagi- Psycho version.jpg (744x744, 65K)

Maki is about to cry when she saw Ishigami and Iino

Because she thinks Ishigami is now joining the normalfag brigade too, and she's all alone.

So in this case, "Love is War" means that Miko has three months to defeat Tsubame to win the battle for Ishigami?

>Is anyone actually all that bad?

>Ishigami is a lazy piece of shit
ishi is, or rather was, out of fucks to give after mishandling rather extreme situation in middle school AND his bookkeeping it top notch. He's not lazy, just disillusioned

>Kaguya is a total bitch
Literal and actual victim of child abuse and parental neglect
>who plays mindgames
so does prez you fuckwit

they aren't little angels but for fucks sake it's not like they're enjoying their flaws

>we solve one battle to immediately proceed with new one
expectations subverted
aka you fucking cunt, i love you

aka did it

Attached: otter status.jpg (425x555, 107K)

Well you don't need me to tell you how stupid that is but you might as well drop it now then, I can't imagine how these developments surprise or offend anyone to this extent but you really shouldn't keep reading if you hate it that much.

They've got flaws, but are any of them that bad? Why single out Ishigami and Kaguya as far from scum, when none of them are particularly awful? Still, their flaws are a large part of the story.
Was it not obvious? Any major ship in Love is War would never be framed as anything less than a war.

Why do you feel it's forced? Why do you expect to hate it so much?

>single out Ishigami and Kaguya
they're most fleshed out characters and least deserving of such harsh words

t. Fat Linovirgin

Because I hate Iino

What's so bad about Prez?
Were you bullied by a midget in your youth?

the subOP stated 'everyone except Prez is scum'
i guess that answers your question

I would argue that Kaguya and Ishigami are more developed than Prez as they have both acknowledged and have taken steps against their flaws while Prez has yet to truly acknowledge his crippling insecurity and addiction to work.

>No one noticed how Kashiwagi played both Hayasaka and F like a fiddle
Is she the strongest Kaguya character?

Attached: Kashiwagi get fucked.jpg (518x479, 104K)

Translation is up on MD.

I couldn't agree more with you. I've making my way trough as many romance (current and ongoing) mangas as i could over these last few months and Kaguya-sama is the only one where the 2 MCs have actual chemistry and develop as people and together as a couple. It is a joy to have watch them grow into each other and its time to smell the flowers of this wholesome couple

and now i get to watch how Ishigami hate-fucked Iino so hard he broke her arm while having his eyes fixed on Tsubasa's eyes, Griffith style

This has been the case for a while now. Managing to push two girls into having gay thoughts about each other is a new high for her though.


Attached: disgruntled_dwarf.png (595x842, 759K)

I hate this smug whore so much


best slut

Attached: file.png (309x439, 171K)


Imagine the guilt Iino will feel when she realises that everyone thinks she stole Ishi from Tsubame by forcing him to follow her

Attached: 1542031625874.jpg (349x344, 22K)

didn't know people still read this shit after that shitshow of an arc

>that quality

>Ishimiko arc ends with Miko developing a reputation as a man stealing skank because everyone saw the "confession" to Tsubame.
That would actually be fun.

Ya really missed ya shot for T.subame

I want to know why she's blushing in this panel. Her arm is busted but she clearly got something more out of it the event than just having Ishigami be her man servant.

Attached: whyissheblushingthough.png (460x322, 142K)

>Everybody's face when It's revealed that it was all part of Iino's keikakku.

Attached: 1553541741327.gif (512x512, 2.36M)

They fell down the stairs together and he landed with a hand on her tits. She landed with a broken arm.

You just know she got manhandled in bed and broke her arm(and hymen).

I don't get why they go out of their way to try to make it look as bad as possible (red text, manga temple in 2019)

So mood killing landwhale (who she didn't even wanted her to come, her furture boyfriend just bought her there) ate all the food in her party and made a scene.

She got drunk and threw a fit and he held her and broke her arm but she liked the abuse.

She invited Miko for the threeway, but it accidentally turned into a twoway instead.

I didn't pay much attention to this page before, but there is probably more going on between them than just the broken arm. I think Iino may had drunkenly kissed Ishigami and she's more angry about that than the broken arm. Or maybe Ishigami stopped her from having drunk sex with some rando and now things are really awkward

Attached: v10.png (720x1044, 857K)

>Still alive

Pretty much

She's actually somebody to not mess arround with

She¿s blushing (and she liked it) while Ishigami looks like he didn't liked a bit

Someone tell me why flashback?

Why couldn't Aka just draw the events in real time?

This chapter could either go back to the Chika Christmas Party and its eventual conclusion and to see whether it leads to a sleepover or not with Moeha deciding to attack Kei and Shirogane at night or we see the party that Ishigami is attending for a different perspective.

Instead, this chapter is already after New Year's and after Kaguya already visited her family's main estate at New Years because the new Japanese school term is always after New Year's.

Why do this? Why force readers into a flashback when you didn't really need too?

Is Miko an Impure or a Pure?

Because an Impure becoming President only happened 3 times in this school's history.

Hate sex

To pique the reader's interest.

Pure but impure for Ishigami.

The domestic abuse meme has gone too for.

It's funnier this way

Gotta be pure; her parents are judges or some shit. As for her mind, well...

Nah chill out.
All of this is just a set up for the future Tsubame x Ishigami as implicated in the last page.
Tsubame will get jealous one she found out someone is trying to steal her man,
without Miko she would never realize her true feeling.

Let those Mikofags autist celebrate their temporary victory. (Even though I don't see why especially when Ishigami looks he hates it)

The kiss between Prez and Shinomiya was the least interesting thing that happened.

Just finished anime, so this same shit drags on forever with little variation? Mangafags onegai oshiete.

>All that focus on Kashiwagi about how people can change during winter break
Of course, the change is for her too. Maybe she's pregnant? Or she wants to break with Tsubasa?

Because it would have taken time out of Prez & Kaguya's chapters. Making people mad and diminishing the impact of their outcome.

It would have been a cheap trick to delay the end of the arc. And probably wouldn't have had a good ending for the volume too.

Yes, no conclusion ever. It stays in namek with nothing going on. You are better off not trying to read it.

No wonder Iino looked so different. She used a flat iron and straigthen up her bangs

Attached: dgs8.jpg (597x564, 139K)

But since we know this chapter is after New Year's and Kaguya and Shirogane are not depressed at all, this means us readers got spoiled and Kaguya visiting her family at New Year's likely caused Zero Drama.

The fact we know Christmas until New Years's caused zero drama to happen to Shirogane and Kaguya kills all speculation over Kaguya's potential drama with her father and the rest of the family.

It must have been a drama free New Year's party at Kaguya's then and nothing bad happened. Otherwise, Shirogane and Kaguya wouldn't be flirting in the student council room in this chapter.

Hayasaka would have been too distracted and sad to think about kissing as well if something bad happened to Kaguya during Winter Break.

>Let those Mikofags autist celebrate their temporary victory. (Even though I don't see why especially when Ishigami looks he hates it)
Because it's funny.


Attached: ishibowl.jpg (1746x2014, 1.16M)

Why the fuck would new year generate drama?
Don't tell me you were one of those retards who were expecting Mikado to appear and generate some heavy drama

That shit is cringe as fuck

>Implying we won't see Shirogane salty as fuck for not being able to be with her for a few days
>Or Kaguya drilling Hayasaka's ears talking about Shirogane

Showing a wacky situation and then going back to show how it happened is a classic storytelling technique.

Prez and Ishigami having a blast in numerous failed schemes for dates is peak Kaguya.

No, I was expecting Kaguya's father to say No to going to Stanford.

After all, many parents would show hesitation if their child said they wanted to attend a foreign college in a foreign country they never even toured before.

Reminder that this is a comedy manga and Aka has said that it won't get any darker than Ishigami's arc.

Not Mikado, her father. There's also the Stanford application deadline which has pissed.

*Record scratch*

That isn't really drama though. I was thinking Kaguya announcing her college choice to her family at New Year's might have caused trouble.

After all, Kaguya's father is named Ganon you know.

>But since we know this chapter is after New Year's and Kaguya and Shirogane are not depressed at all, this means us readers got spoiled and Kaguya visiting her family at New Year's likely caused Zero Drama.
I already said it, this is just Aka setting us up to be subverted. We think everything is fine and then at the end of the flashback we learn Kaguya's father forbid her from going to Stanford/Is sending her to study somewhere else/Has an arranged marriage and they are just enjoying what little time they have left

Dramafags BTFO

>"He even feeds me by going ahhhh" is wrong. The translator said it's supposed to be "You're going to start feeding me by going "aaaah", now right?" after he re-read it.
So, Iino will keep beign a bitch towards Ishigami, and she'll totally will make him suffer

Fujiwara and Miko are the only ones in the running, due to being the only ones with anything resembling a rivalry or conflict with Ishigami. The only problem on Miko's side is that the conflict is a little too one-sided. He needs to fight back more.

Remember that one Shindol vanilla doujin with the quadruple amputee ?

That's how I feel Ishi x Miko should be

Attached: kaguya4chan.png (541x224, 46K)

Which chapter was that onodera bit come from again?

They probably already sent it. No reason to add pointless drama over such a detail. Asking her father would be a reasonable thing to put in the manga. Filling the application not really.

That's from the official doujin.

What the fuck did I just read

Attached: 1550018910579.gif (262x300, 180K)

Oh no. She's forcing him to feed a cute imaginable girl who teases him. So awful.

To show us everything worked out fine for Kaguya and Shirogane, and make us interested in other side shenanigans.

Attached: How cute Hayasaka.png (250x388, 44K)

wait what the fuck is going on

Father literally named Ganon.

4 Older Mysterious Brothers likely representing the 4 Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, West.

Genbu (Black Turtle) – Guardian of the North

Suzaku (Vermilion Bird) – Guardian of the South

Seiryu (Azure Dragon) – Guardian of the East

Byakko (White Tiger) – Guardian of the West

Then why is Kaguya so beta toward her father.

Kek, I thought the same thing when Tsubamefags were celebrating during the Cultural festival. Thing is, none of the foreshadowed Ishigami/Miko development was shown as of yet.(The flower/hiding the fact that they are helping each other). Even during the ending of the cultural festival, none of it was shown in order to make Miko develop feelings for him like some of us were suspecting.
It's already pretty much confirmed that Miko is going to get hurt somewhere along the way, but until all the foreshadowed stuff is revealed, there's always a very good shot of a rebound coming.

She has 3 older brothers.

Attached: Family.png (1412x1110, 674K)

>The owner of the biggest conglomerate in Japan, who never even acknowledges her, has dirt on him for blackmail if necessary, and seems to be raising her just so he can marry her off at some point, and complete emotional neglect
>Can quite easily stop their relationship if he feels like it by enforcing much more strict house rules
>Why is she so beta towards her father

Gee user, I don't know

Attached: Confusion.jpg (767x634, 265K)

Isn't Papamiya also the source of Shirogane's inferiority problems from Kaguya outside of his mom?

Prez and Kaguya are lovey-dovey with each other
Ishigami broke Iino's arm and is now her manservant
Hayasaka is so thirsty she tried to kiss subject F

So did Prez lose?

Kashiwagi might be into /u/ too but she did a good job at scaring away Hayasaka and Fujiwara

I don' recall Prez ever being nervous about daddy Shinomiya, outside of the jokes about Kaguya getting married off recently

The little girl might be cute as fuck but if she treats you like worse than putrid shit then it's not enjoyable at all

They don't give a shit anymore. Also, it was Iceguya the one who said first (in a way) that she likes him

He does feel inferior because she comes from one of the most wealthy and prestigious families in the word, but I don't think he knows anything about her father as a person

>multiple things happen: the chapter
fuck off aka

How long until the rest of StuCo finds out?

Christmas Party could have been better and more wacky since its Chika.

Where was the Eggnog or the Mistletoe?

Aka is just setting up the stage, what are you complaining now

no, but he is taking responsibility

You're looking at it the wrong way. He broke her arm and she isn't even mad, she just wants to spend more time with him. Is that putrid shit treatment?

isn't this the first time either one of them said it directly?

A HayasakaxFujiwara pairing could actually work.

Hayasaka is overworked and hardly has a social life, so who's better than someone who could help her relax and have fun and let her guard down.

Fujiwara is a self-centered bitch, and Hayasaka could keep her ego in check and help be more grounded in general.

Do it aka, pull the fucking trigger.

Second last chapter

Back to

To get it right first we need to see what the hell happened back then.
Then we can see if her attitude towards him is justified or not

>new chapter today
>almost 2 threads
Yea Forums like Kaguya again?

having a cute girl lovingly nuzzle your chest sure is a good feeling we're all familiar with haha am I right fellow Yea Forums browsers

that old the guy slips and falls and accidentally inserts his penis into the girls vagina and he ejaculates as her arm breaks trope

Look at how 5toubun has one 900 replies thread in 10min and stop wanking kaguyafag

You can't stop it hetfag.

>ishigami x iino are endgame change my mind


>echo chamber of the same 50 people repeating shit to death in an echo chamber of a thread

I also like 5Toubun, but fuck off faggot

Now that Yotsuba has shown her inner despair, when will Chika show hers?

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I actually like how the same mentally disabled anons defend their own girls like their opinions matter, that shit show is gorgeous

She's not really making him do anything too terrible, besides forcing him to spend all day with her. Which yes, might be pretty fucking awful. And yes, I suppose she's passive-aggressively guilting him to comply.

But is that really such a steep price for the honor of breaking Miko's arm?

With that ramen chapter setting her as “the unrealistically carefree anime girl”, probably never

fuck jb

But what if he actually saved her from something very bad and yet she's making him feel guilty for breaking her arm while everything could have been way worse?

will Miko continue to act like her arm is broken after full recovery so she get pampered?
and why the heck she told everybody that ishigami broke her arm? didn't she know many people already hate him


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This is Aka making Miko dig her own grave, then we will have “Miko Iino cannot love, Part II”. The suffering will be absolutely gorgeous

Most probably
And like this user said , the 2nd part of "Miko Iino cannot love" will be used for one of those chapters

I'm pretty sure her arm broke during the party, so I don't think it's a secret. Also, Kashiwagi was the one who asked, so she told her.

She's definitely getting her own arc, like the rest of the student council. I'd bet on it.
And it's probably going to have something to do with her tendency to cheat and deceive.

Wheres the fucking Mi,kado and El Hermano?

Attached: The mikado.jpg (600x600, 143K)

Oh, and that most probably in the 3rd part she'll finally will realize that she loves him, but most probably it'll be late

>Miko Iino cannot love, Part II

>subject F ruins the threads

That could come up once she's accepted.

Haha I would've been worried if Ishigami shown even 0.001% of the affection he has for Tsubame towards Miko,
but so far? I don't feel even threatened at all.

I'm surprised that how many people here failed to realise that the only way this is leading up to is Miko getting rejected by Ishigami and get heartbroken.

Attached: a literal gnome vs a flexibility goddness who would win.jpg (257x263, 29K)

>will Miko continue to act like her arm is broken after full recovery so she get pampered?
Yes, that's were her inner thoughts will crash with her love for justice.
>why the heck she told everybody that ishigami broke her arm?
So she can make Ishigami feel bad and do anything that she wants. Also Aka hasn't show that Iino has been spreading word of what happened, it seems more like she only it's speaking of it with friends and acquaintance.

But Shirogane finally has Kaguya, so that's over now. They can still hang out but it won't be the alternative to a failed date scheme.

Won't Tsubame get the wrong idea and reject him because she feels he fits better with Miko due to how much time they spend together?

And I would've been worried if Ishigami fell for someone who didn't have such a dry personality. What makes good written stories are strong interactions and so far, all he likes about her is that "she's nice". Nothing deep-rooted to go off here.

the way senpai looking at ishigami is the same as women that fall in love.
wait didn't miko really hate getting feed by ishigami on prez plan.

based flexibility goddess. lino is vanilla as fuck and tsubame is flexible

Gnomes are cuter

>japs knowing anything about misletoes or egnogs

It doesn't matter.
What matter the most is how Ishigami feels.

>b-but Tsubame is boringly normal!
>literal every Mikofags argument
Kashiwagi used to be a normalfag too.
Also having a wacky cartoony personality doesn't necessarily make a character interesting.

>What makes good written stories are strong interaction
The way Ishigami and Tsubame is cute and wholesome, it is nice to see someone finally treat him with basic respect. (unlike a certain someone)

Seeing how Ishigami can "corrupt" a seemingly perfect character like Tsubame can also be interesting.

>Kashiwagi used to be a normalfag too
Yeah, and until I see something like Kashiwagi's development then my point stands.

>Seeing how Ishigami can "corrupt" a seemingly perfect character like Tsubame can also be interesting
I can also say this about Iino's strict attitude. All you have is what-ifs, nothing alluded or presentable