Ok, guys I just saw first season of Attack on Titans and... what the hell?
Is there really references like that?
Answer in spoilers.
Ok, guys I just saw first season of Attack on Titans and... what the hell?
2/10 bait. Can't wait for it to get 276 replies.
3/10 bait. Can't wait for it to get 277 replies.
Why is AoT so popular?
Same reason The Walking Dead was popular
They didnt lose they just fucked off to the island
Eren is about genocide some shit though
>Answer in spoilers.
Sasha dies after the timeskip.
I honestly don't know why TWD was popular.
There is the same bait thread in Yea Forums. Fucking mods, do your job.
epic twitter screencap bait thread
It's not a bait, I took it from there, I was just shocked.
And that debate should have been done here in Yea Forums not in Yea Forums
nobody cares
Yes and the best Jew (Honorary Marleyan (Aryan)) is pic related.
why are you so rude?
because I want you
Jews don't fit, when did they have any empire?
it's obvious that Eldians are mean to be Japanese, who ruled, lost the war, were forced to limit themselves only to their island and are resented by their former enemies (Chinese and Koreans especially).
it matches white people as a whole much more but there's no way Isayama meant that
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>feb 11
I dropped AoT when they got to the basement. Was this the correct thing to do?
1/10 bait
Really killed any attachment I had for this series.
People give a shit and won't humor low quality shit.
Old news
Damn so comfy, it still hurts
Eldians are Whites. Eldians are said to have conquered and built the world as they know it. The current time they're living in is a post-Eldian dominated, ie post-Colonialist world in which Whites and White countries I mean the Eldians have lost power to the ones they have previously conquered. Whites I mean Eldians are made to hate their own heritage because of their "history" but we all know had the other races been able to turn into titans, they would've done the same as the Eldians.
you didn't you fucking crossie
Why is this the one big spoiler that gets spammed. Her character dying has to be one of the most uninteresting possibilities after watching this past episode.
High IQ poster.
Double digit poster.
This nonsense you are sprouting, it is perfectable applicable to the japanese sentimient after lose the war. Also they are still teached in schools "how they civilized korea" and "how the gooks are so jelous of them".
>Eldians are Whites. Eldians are said to have conquered and built the world as they know it
Yes they fit much better, but would a Japanese author really write it like that?
I admit I'm anime only, if there's some nation mentioned later that clearly fits Japan it's indeed about white people.
In any case people who think it's the Jews just because of armbands are fucking dumb
It is picking up again.
>The Walking Dead clone turns into a Code Geass clone
woww start being interesting anytime, snktoddlers