LITERALLY the same character

>LITERALLY the same character
Is kishimoto a hackfraud?

Attached: 36f041be-4a30-4c78-a74d-548522e99558.jpg (561x356, 70K)

We knew this 15 years ago

LITERALLY not the same character

He ran out of talent

Attached: new plan.png (984x678, 525K)

>Hinata ripoff will be more developed than hinata
This kills the naruhina fag

>Even stutters like a sperg

Attached: e0afffe6-dd7c-495b-8e3c-135e972924d0.png (920x1300, 725K)

Oh boy, I hope that image isn't implying what I think it is

Why does the text look like it was placed underwater?

I ain't about to do this again for the next 15 years. Peace.

at least he's giving left screentime from the start instead of having them hook up offscreen after the manga's been running for years and shoving all the romantic development into a fucking movie

This, it won't actually feel the same because it will actually be developed

She looks so plain compared to, hina though

Rent free and cope

pink shitters lose again

we get a cute Hinata like character, suckera wont even be referenced in his new manga

comparing a side character to a main character is really dumb

Sakura shits are seething because their shitty tsunderer types wont even be in his new manga

the new tranny is Sasuke combines with Sakura

At least it's not a Sakura clone

this design is garbage

Cope. The naruhina legacy will go on in this series while your shitty crackship will be forgotten except for the mandatory Hall of Anal Devastation reminder.

You can't run out of something you never had.

So it's basically what Naruto would have been before his editor stepped in

>comparing a side character to a main character
No one was doing that though. This was the first post to mention Sakura
Living Rent Free

This one gives more vibes of Sakura than Hinata tho, I'm talking about the design.

Eh, she's a cutey, looks different enough and her general easygoing demeanor is pretty different from Hinata. In other words, you're a fagglet.

> the new tranny is Sasuke combines with Sakura

No, New Haku.

Attached: Haku.jpg (1920x1077, 59K)

Ah, pinkshitters and hinatards at it again.

When will they ever learn? The true 'path-of-the-dragon' is yaoi. Naruhina and sasusaku cannot compete with sasunaru.

It's like an initiation thing. Everyone's first yaoi couple was SasuNaru in Naruto.