>female MMA manga
>it's fucking great
Why does nobody talk about this masterpiece?
Anime when
it got axed
It was talked about plenty when the scans were still ongoing, that's what happens when a series' project ends, discussions tend to die down unless it is some mainstream series where people still will talk about it from time to tome.
Author finished it early when he almost died.
It ended, user. The author was dying so he had to rush it and kill it.
Great while it lasted though.
Not axed. Author almost died, twice.
It already ended years ago friend. You are too late coming to Yea Forums.
What's stopping him from continuing it if he didn't kick the bucket?
>roasties in my fighting manga
hard pass
It's actual shit.
he's got parasyte reversi
You're actual shit.
That's nearing giantess for women, but king of the manlets for men
I prefer All-rounder Meguru
It has a few girls too, anyway
I'd like it a wole lot more if it was translated faster..
Because it's over and we've already discussed the hell out of it.
I keep forgetting the name of it everytime someone mentions it
Thats only tall for midget countries like asians and america,i northern europe a woman above 170 cm is dead average.
Plus real men begin from over 6ft(183cm),so nah thats not tall.
MMA is dead in Japan.
And where do you think the story takes place?
Sweden 166.9 cm
Norway 167.2 cm
Iceland 167.6 cm
Finland 164.7 cm
What really? Source please
Compared to the Pride days, it's no where near as popular. One FC is doing okay, but they're not a Japanese promotion. Also, Jap fighters aren't that good.
Thx for the info
>tfw 1,68m
>this is a shit-tier manga
Its starting to get old at this point and its quite short.
Fucking great though. Natsuo is such a great protagonist.