Is Homura a well written character?

Is Homura a well written character?

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Only in the timelines where she kisses Sayaka.

Yes, and Madoka Magica is a masterpiece, albeit one you need to rewatch to fully grasp.

One of the best.

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I'm more of a HomuMami guy myself.

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This is hot.

She has good taste in girls.

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Homu and bebe did nothing wrong

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The thing nagisa did wrong was exist outside of episode 3

She's as well written as Madoka, which is to say very well written.

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No. Homura is a fucking nigger and I hate her. Fuck "Rebellion".

>love girl
>can't save girl
>girl saves me
>no fuck you I save you
>become evil for girl

Yeah very well written very original.

Well-written enough to make me want to ejaculate inside of every hole in her body.

Her legs are especially well written.

t. homu

No, not much to her besides being obsessed with mc

In the series, it could be argued that her character is mostly just a result of circumstances.

But thank god Rebellion happened and shed light on the foreshadowing that was actually always present. So yes, she is. People saying no need to re-watch Rebellion.

Abutomato says hello.

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The best

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Close. The best is Madoka.

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t. Homura

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Is Tomoe Mami the best girl of the series? I think she is.

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Homura has the best taste in girls, what can I say?

Yes the only well written part of this shitshow.

Why do all homucifer/madokami art has the former seductively groping the latter?

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call me a newfag but i only recently watched the show and im too scared to watch rebellion
i honestly don't know what to expect and don't want to

Because that fits the chuuni attitude Homura puts on at the end.
And also pic related doesn't help.

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Rebellion is the ultimate pleb filter. It seperates those who mindlessly watched because Aoki Ume + Urobutcher memes and those who truly appreciate one of the best anime of the decade, if not the best. Not even being ironic here.

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No. Now to explain.

Imagine a lowly crusader gets to Jerusalem and finds the crucifix of christ.

Instead of preserving the cross he tears it down, and builds a citadel around Jerusalem, before declaring himself god.

That's the character progression of Homura in a nutshell.

>go on a deito with homu just to talk about sayaka

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Because MadoSaya is life.

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no you are dumb and wrong

Was it rape?

Yeah but mami is better

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Not all

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She's a good flawed character. Just wish that her character arc didn't end of a cliffhanger.

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I like Homura and Sayaka, but more as eternal rivals that could probably be good friends if they could ever actually admit how much they had in common with each other.

I wish I loved someone as much as Homura loved Madoka.
I wish someone loved me as much, too.

Homura did nothing wrong

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I'm sure we'll get something akin to a finale eventually
I just hope all the voice actresses will be able to reprise their roles, or if they're even interested
Only thing Homura did wrong was not telling madoka she loved her

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no, why did she just removed her glasses as if she was never blind

Not quite, and an imperfect analogy, but I shall entertain you.

Imagine a lowly crusader gets to Jerusalem and finds the crucifix of christ.

Instead of preserving the cross he tears it down, and declares that God's burden is cruel and that he does not deserve to suffer. He tears God from his domain and gives him a happy human life once again. The crusader builds a citadel around the city so nothing disturbs him and God.

The crusader, feeling guilty for defying God's will despite doing it for his own good, declares himself as evil.

The problem with this analogy, however, is that the Abrahamic God and Madoka are in completely different situations.

>Only thing Homura did wrong was not telling madoka she loved her
Or kissing her

Because that isn't a deito. That's basically a business meeting.

That's a surefire way to make everything awkward with the girl who only loves Homura as her best friend

I would've named my first child after Akiyuki Shinbo if the madman actually put that in

Ah shit, here we go again

Watch the flower field scene another three times and maybe you'll get it.

Dumb speedwatchers

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it's a date in my head

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Also extra fucking bonus points for pissing off every single pleb under the sun

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Madoka, Homura, and Sayaka are all pleb filter characters.

Imagine being !Akemi and just spam making threads for the sake of shitposting and spamming.

why did you bump the thread?

How else is he going to get the attention he desperately wants? Just quoting a dozen posts without a bump isn't enough.


However, that still betrays Homura's short fallings. Unless, they're resolved then she remains a villain with no justification for her sudden change of heart.

The journey to holy land says he shouldn't be a heretic. Yet he suddenly betrays his comrades without warning, despite the journey.

It's the same schizo poster who somehow hasn't been permabanned yet
Somehow everyone in the thread catches bans for ignoring them sometimes, it's an anomaly

Yes but I think Homu should be allowed to rape cute girls

"The crusader" made "the journey" to save "God". That was her intention in the beginning and it still is.

Homura's entire reason for living was to protect Madoka, and it still is. The flower field scene made her believe that Madoka was actually suffering and so she decided to fix that once and for all.

Looks at this brainlet
I bet he doesn't know about the flower scene
I bet he is a speedwatcher too
Or maybe he didn't pay attention to the characters at all or didn't rewatch the series or movie

Then allow me to retort. The concept of a story about facing insurmountable odds is about coming together to make new companions and to show how collective effort can overthrow even an impossible scenario for one to resolve.

While the journey of Homura through this franchise involves her aimlessly repeating the same scenario while expecting something to change.

Then, Madoka deus ex machina.

Then, Homura ex machina. Then the franchise hibernates for years while soaking up mobage money and people call it a wonder in storytelling.

name 5 (five) non-madoka anime

>Trying to make a personal preference objective
This is your problem, not Madoka's

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I love homu!

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She's as well written as the series itself, a little above average.

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The fact that her idea of protecting is to throw the person if her desire into a cage of her making and steal away their power of choice shows just how deluded she is. At that point, she doesn’t truly desire to protect Madoka, much less truly care about Madoka, she just wishes to keep her frozen in amber as her possession in the state that she feels is ideal. Under that sheer insanity, what’s she gonna do when Madoka lives out her life and dies naturally, reverse the clock as so that Madoka is forever trapped in her grasp?

Literally what is wrong with the world that Homura created?
>Madoka gets to live a normal, happy life without the burden of being the Law of Cycles
>even the other megucas all get happy lives
>Homura doesn't even rewrite Madoka into becoming her friend
>What's she gonna do when Madoka lives out her life and dies naturally?
Probably die happy and satisfied that she succeeded in her goal.

Yuri babies are the best babies

How can two girls have babby?

It's just Sayaka that's acting like an autist as usual


Are we all ignoring the objectively superior character?

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virgin birth obviously, madokas god and their kids meguca jesus

magical girl penis

a shit

I just realized homura’s eyes changed color once she became the devil.

Only good for porn

She’s so cool here!

Ai yo and pic related

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On top of this, Homura actually rejected the idea of becoming friends with Madoka because she feels Madoka would hate her for what she did.

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MadoSaya is good.

7 Days left to Magia Record.

Gachabros we gonna own this thread soon.


No one, anywhere, gives a shit about Yuma


Who playing ENReco?

The odds are stacked as fuck considering Urobutcher is playing with puppets, but after Rebellion, I don't think it's fair to judge how it will turn out before we actually get it. Even if the story is just from the gacha game, who knows? They might not even follow it past the beginning, and instead make it better, it's Shaft.

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Yeah we saw how great Shaft is at doing an alternate take on adaptations, just look at Fate/Extra

Spoilers: it was garbage

meguca is entry level anime, friend. You yourself fell at the first pleb filter.

The story for the gacha game is not good. I don't have high hopes for the anime being good.
I'll still watch it anyways, though.

Cute smelly hobo

Yeah, if SHAFT isn't doing Monogatari. They're doing something wrong. Fate/Extra should've been A GREAT anime. But the director choose the "blandest" male protagonist, saber face the umpteeth.

IF you want an idea of a good female 'villain' deuteragonist look at Tamamo-no-Mae.

She's better than Homura as a possessive villain archetype.

On the contrary, it's impossible to salvage Extra especially if you're going with Nero MC

Madokafags are Yea Forums's equivalent to the autists who never shut up about how great Undertale is.

tee bee h Undertale is pretty great
Yea Forums was super on board with it until it got popular.


That's why I listed out the director's mistakes. The, Male Protagonist, being the blandest design for the sake of being a stand-in for the games player.

Nero (insert long string of Roman names here) Claudius, Saber Face, the umptheeth. If there'd been a plot based around the female or male protagonist with, Tamamo. It'd be been better period. I know this.

But the combination of the bland Male Protagonist and just another, Saber Face, was absolutely a death nail. Before the first scenes of the anime had even been drafted. Now there's no chance of a CCC, Extella, or Extella link adaptation. SHAFT, screwed my favorite spin-off of Fate.

No that's fatefags with their shitty gacha that makes billions of yen and still uses copyright free icons and sounds for their game

what is this from and how can I get it

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My wife Kyouko is so cute.

Reminder that Magia Record is getting an English release in eight (8) days

See Madgookafags with their shitty phone app, PSP game, and spin-offs that got zero traction.
Fate/Grand Order succeeded and got a successful film. Fate/Zero successful. Every main series Fate adaption. Successful.

Fate/EXTRA got SHAFTED. The only thing that could save Extra is if they adapted Fox Tail.

The cage is likely illusion frozen in time. Homura is such a mess it nearly fell apart within 10 minutes anyway.
Cute Canon.


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Homura is a loser

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7. Gachabro.


Since when does 17 + 7 = 25

It's 18 July in Asia-Pacific.

I doubt a burger game release managed by a burger company will use Asian timezones

All these complaints. And then Yea Forums finds out about Mayu Kozue.

It's called cuckold
and it's beautiful

sweet mami

What would have happened if a mahou shoujo wished for omniscience

>oh no! I'm gonna be late to my first day of classes!

Who got pregnant?


All the megucas are.

Meduka ofcourse. Chadmura finally got to bust that fucking nut inside her.

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Mami was a well written plot device

The only person who'd probably say that is Madoka. Not even Homura sees herself as anything less than the defacto villain and a demon that'll inevitably face a downfall she created out of the refusal to let Madoka accept her fate, something she's aware at this point is selfish but does anyway because it'd mean in the end she failed, even if the end result was better than other loops she failed in.

I'll never get Homudefenders because they act like this was the infallible logic of a master tactician that has absolutely zero possible consequences or downsides, you can in fact understand why someone does something and still recognize it as the wrong thing to do, Homura is stubborn, miserable and broken and even still acknowledges she did something horrible. It's a better representation of the tragedy in her character arc anyway to have it escalate to this point, to recognize this as an atrocity than it would be to see it as her heroic moment of triumph.

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>The only person who'd probably say that is Madoka.
therefore it is correct

What Homura did was give Madoka the happiness she truly wants. She may not have done it in the nicest way, but it was the right thing to do. Madoka get to be with her loved ones, the LoC is still functioning, and everyone is alive. In the end, I'm 100% certain Madoka will understand and agree with Homura. If Madoka makes it clear she's fine with it, Sayaka and the rest will be fine with it. Madoka's knowledge of the situation would lead to the solutions to the problems of Homura's world.

Homura is stubborn and keeps trying because she knows that Madoka deserves better than what she got. All Homura needed was the motivation to fix everything, which was the flower scene. Homura gave Madoka what she wanted nearly drawback free. Homura feels guilty that she defied Madoka's will in a sense, which is why she calls herself evil and the devil, and why she acted chuuni with Sayaka. She feels like the bad guy even though what she did was righteous and necessary.

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>two years worth of ____ glopped endlessly inside of Madoka

Yet the way Rebellion ended felt like the first half to a two movie set we never got because instead of working on it they're making an adaptation of the mobile game.
The only even small hint that the LOC could be a thing still is her declaring she'll be ordering the incubators around but we don't see what that entails because as I previously mentioned, this entire situation feels like build-up.
Homura did what she felt had to be done, the only solution in trying to save her now that she was a literal goddess but there's very obvious guilt in her heart. Madokami happened because of Homura's looping, she wound up creating a false world, trapping Madoka in it without even realizing as such and hearing Madoka share her subtle regrets reminded her that she didn't save anyone, that even this result was a failure. Madoka would understand because Madoka is empathetic and knows how much Homura's fought for her, she knows Homura did all this for her, so of course she'd forgive her and find her innocent. Homura's "rebellion" did two things, return Madoka to a life she could live peacefully and set herself up as an evil that'd eventually be defeated, it was her idea of repentance and the only idea she had where Madoka could still return to her normal life.
If/When we get another Madoka sequel, I highly doubt it's going to be a slice of life OVA about how everyone's happy and so much better since Homura did what she did. Homura grew on me after a while but I still recognize that this shit was too massive to just somehow all work out a-ok and whatever catch occurs is going to be whenever they decide to fucking finish the story they decided to extend.

Homura said Wraiths were still around. If Wraiths are still around, it means the LoC is working. On top of this, Homura only took Madoka from the LoC, and then she changed the laws of the universe to compensate.
>If/When we get another Madoka sequel, I highly doubt it's going to be a slice of life OVA about how everyone's happy
No shit, Sherlock. I never said there is no room for conflict anymore. If anything, Homura will be the antagonist where she's too stubborn to trust anyone but herself to safeguard everyone. Sayaka, Mami, and possibly Kyouko will be trying to undermine Homura. Homura will probably have Madoka under her thumb, or Madoka will probably be caught in the middle and be suspicious of everyone and try to figure things out for herself.


What is this a white knight mentality. Should we call this Homura's burden? Medoka, couldn't handle her own problems. So, Homura's, duty is to do it for, Medoka. Even if, it means taking, Medoka's, freedom.

You may've well said the, 'those who choose to sacrifice themselves', don't deserve that choice.

An individual can choose their own happiness, or their own prison. Homura's decision is a denial of Medoka's consent to be goddess and take on those responsibilities.

If Homura wanted Medoka to be happy, she should've helped her in Heaven/Valhalla. Instead of just stripping away Medoka's reality, or at least accessed the situation in Heaven/Valhalla first. Access if, Medoka, was resolute or not. Then do the rebellion if, Medoka, was incapable of holding the position.

A real advocate for someone will support that individuals decisions. Even if that decision would leave them miserable. Homura's actions are just a possessive stalker, unless more details are revealed. An illegitimate dictator, who has justified her own rules not on love, but on presumptions.

Happiness is not the same thing as free will; individuals often don't always make decisions that make them happy or lead them towards happiness. People sometimes choose the option that makes them unhappy because it was the right thing to do. Madoka's sacrifice, though it was a testament to her altruism, was made mainly out of necessity. It wasn't to make herself happy. She saw it as her only course of action, something she was morally obligated to do. Leaving her loved ones forever was unimaginably painful for her, and she acknowledged what she did was a fate worse than death, but she held on to a bittersweet smile because she had to stay strong in the face of this fate.

What Homura did was make her sacrifice unecessary. She gave Madoka the chance at a happy ending she wanted and deserved. It was done through force and it wasn't perfect, but in this circumstance I think it was justified. She did something wrong to do something right.

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Madoka is best girl, by the way.

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Alina Gray a best.

Alina Gray?
more like...
Alina Gayfuckstupid

Make sure to roll for the White Devil in Magia Record!

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Well, how do you define a "well-written character"?

Up until Rebellion she was.

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Rebellion made her even better written

Genuinely awful taste.

I just want shit to work out for her lads. Happy conclusion wen??

Play Magia Record.

Don't listen to this guy. Magireco's story sucks.

I activate my ritual spell.

Post some crack!
Let's Attack!
We harass!!!!


I was laughing when Joudan got btfo so hard.

>Is Homura a well written character?
Yes. Is she likable? Probably not.

You are the only one who got blown the fuck out, !Akemi. Because once again the mods confirmed you are samefagging and making alt accounts.

What are you talking about?

The mods on mangadex flat out said that !Akemi was making multiple accounts in order to samefag and agree with his own shitposting.

The Yea Forums mods over IRC have flat out said !Akemi samefags.

Deleted posts on Yea Forums also prove !Akemi is samefagging. Because in some cases, when !Akemi's posts got cleared, posts where he replied to himself all got deleted at the exact same second. Meaning they were on the same IP.

Are you a mod or a janitor or something?

What does that have to do with anything?
The mods announced this publicly, anyone can see it.
And the archives track the exact second posts get deleted.
Both posts deleted EXACTLY at Jan 05, 2019 at 18:29:59 UTC

Joudan please.

They will never let Joudan take any position of responsibility.

It would be funny to see him as a mod

I don't know. You're giving it too much thought.

Rebellion and its fucking nonsense ass pull "quick, let's think of a new ending that'll guarantee a sequel for sure (that we'll never make haha)" ruined the entire series forever, and all the fanboys just lap it up because it's inconceivable to them that anything could possibly be wrong with their favorite series. Literally anything could have happened in the movie and you idiots would have clapped.

Still my least favourite of the girls

P.S. the best thing about Madoka is how it triggers the EVAfags

Fuck Rebellion

Please listen. Homura got a happy ending in Magia Record.

I still avoid watching rebellion
Nothing can ruin the series user
There 12 episodes are anime gold
One of the best creations and noone can take this from us no matter how many moneymilking sequels they make

Nah, nice try at damage control, Austin, you pathetic fucking loser.
And really, it takes no thought at all, because you're a low functioning retard.

Imagine being Austin and just spam making threads for the sake of shitposting and spamming.

Austin, what the fuck is wrong with you? No, seriously. How can you delude yourself into thinking you saying that someone bumped a thread, when they cleared used sage is somehow going to "trigger" them. And yes, it's obvious that all of these posts are yours, AND that you're the only one who says "schizo".

Whoa, what's with the hostility? I was just saying that just because some retard samefags, doesn't mean you, me or anyone should give a shit.

That's not what "over thinking" means.
Over thinking in this context would mean that the statement in question is wrong because it was over thought. e.g. The two posts being deleted at the same second doesn't mean they are the same person. Even though that's obviously what it does mean.

And yeah, everyone enjoys shitting on retards. Even more so when they're obnoxious self important samefags who ruin threads.
Do we like the Idol Meguca? Debut soon.

I'm in love with thew devil.

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the devil has a nice ass

Homura's butt

Magical Girl of the Day: Hanna Sarasa
-First Magical Girl of the series to be illustrated and designed in the Reiwa Era
-She had a hard-life. Her father was abusive and her mom used her as a shield
-It ended when her dad died in a altercation with a hooligan.
-Then her mom got drunk partying and jaywalked in front of a car
-She was sent to a orphanage where she didn't fit in and got bullied
-It got so bad she made a wish with Kyubey for her bullies to disappear but only while she could remember so she had the smug sense of self-satisfaction from revenge
-Formed a partnership with Mikoto. She was using her at voice but gradually she warmed up to this kind girl
-It was during this time she found out her innate power was power copying
-Her sanity drop to zero when her partner Mikoto became a witch so she dedicated her life to making other people's life hell
-Using her partner's power of hypnosis she drove Konoha mad
-She also tore Nanaka's school away from her
-Partly responsible for the whole of Nanaka's group contracting.
-Dead as of the present-timeline in the game.
-Illustrated by by Mura Kuroe
-Voiced by Miho Okasaki

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I guess this is what milking to death feels like

Probably better to say she's the first new Magical Girl to be released in the Reiwa era.

At least Hanna and Mikoto are reunited somewhere in a timeline or in heaven and back in each other's arms.

>>two years
You mean twelve years, amirite? Homu's mental age is about 26 y/o

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Stupid if true


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Any news on the Magireco anime yet? Is it still supposed to come out this year?

Apparently there's been delays because Gekidan has to work on both the Anime Scenario and Part 2 of the Main Story.

Who's ready for Yuu?


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>white knight
We have a actual Meguca for that now. Her name is Sasara Minagi.

New anime/movie when?

And of course Tart

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HomuMami is based

Just because they’re girls?

No, because each hates the other.
There's sexual tension.

Yurifags are the poison that killed Madoka

It’s not even a yuri anime.

And this

Did we ever actually get a number? I assumed Homura was some ungodly age like 50

Around 26 years

I hope this mysterious maiden appreciates swords and bloodlust.

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It was confirmed that she went through a bit under a hundred loops. One hundred loops x 43 days = ~12.5 years. That's not including the unknown amount of time she perceived while time was stopped, either, which would add up.

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With the amount of prep time she'd need for that final battle with Walpurgis, and who knows how many times she tried to win that battle with overkill preparations, I think she'd be like 30+

Imagine being a kissless virgin for 26 years
Poor homu

It's so weird how an anime that not only has a single gay character that gets friendzoned, but has a follow up movie that can very easily be read as a Christian denouncement of homosexuality is so infested by them

It's your loss, honestly, but you're making a huge mistake by not watching Rebellion. The only people who think it ruins the anime are either underage, haven't actually watched it, or genuinely so stupid that the movie is 2deep4them. So watch it, there's like an 80% chance you'll love it and if you don't that just means you're subhuman scum, so I'm okay with you being disappointed

Imagine gow good it felt when she finally got to rape Madoka in Rebellion.

Where is (((he)))

>a follow up movie that can very easily be read as a Christian denouncement of homosexuality
Imagine being this deluded.

I know I do.

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we can all agree that Kyoko is worst girl right?

>It is estimated Homura repeated the same month starting on the 16th nearly 100 times

how did they get this "estimate"?

I mean with all those loops, isn't it possible homu raped meduka at least ONCE in the tv series?

if you piss off the mods enough they'll ban your entire IP sub range
but the user we're talking about probably uses a vpn or something, he's evaded dozens of bans at this point

Urobuchi interview. There's nothing in the series canon that can really confirm this, but since it doesn't contradict anything either people tend to take it as the semi-official number.

Easily in the hundreds if not thousands. Remember, he's been doing this for years now (not sure exactly when he showed up, but at least three), for almost every single Madoka thread on Yea Forums. And it's not uncommon for him to get banned 5+ times in a single thread. Say what you will, ACK is easily in the top 5 of dedicated autists in Yea Forums history.

that'd be hitomi

at least Hitomi isn't annoying and has much less screentime

damn, that long? I only got around to watching meduka meguca last year
I don't know if I feel bad or impressed for that level of autistic dedication

I'm not saying it was the intention, I'm saying it's easy to read it that way.

>damn, that long?
I'm lowballing it because I only have saved materials regarding him going back around three years, but I think it's more like 4-5. Well, let's try asking him.

ACK, how long have you been on your anti !Akemi crusade? If you're not sure, try estimating it by counting the empty boxes of tendies in the corner of your room.

>not sure exactly when he showed up
Got ya covered. Might not be THE first, but it's among his first posts, follow the reply chain (he starts droning about insulting the characters). Also note his absolute obliviousness to the nature of this website(something that he bitches about constantly at others now)

Lying on the internet is fine. It's not Supreme Court, retard.

So have you. That's why you're called ACK.

>he completely ignores you
Kek, /x/ posters are something user

>NO ONE other than you tries to make garbage statements like "durrr ONLY THIS POST IS MINE!" or "I ONLY WATCH MADOGA LAST WEEEK so i can NO BE AKEMI!!!!"
You can't prove that outside of your head.
>No, !Akemi. You are literally the only one who says "ack". And the only person who thinks "ack" is real.
You can't prove this either. Outside of your head of course.

I wonder if it's some kind of bot, the schizo's never actually formed a complete response to anything

>If everyone wanted to act like him, he would have lots of friends, and not being crying over it.
Those two are not related to each other in any way.

Prove it then.
>inb4 "addressing" excuse

free you s

I honestly feel bad for the jannies and mods that have to deal with him, this shit seems like EVERY madoka thread

It's not even limited to this website, on desuarchive they clamped down on crackposting because of him and 8ch/u/ had some kind of moderation breakdown because of him sperging out at them through every channel possible. It's kind of amazing

why does yuri absolutely drive some people mad? I can't understand how any anons get triggered over cute girls liking each other

homosexuality is a sin

Shipping attracts weird people.

doesn't apply to cute girls
women aren't human, they're property, so they can't be homosexual

He doesn't even sperg out over yuri, he spergs out over unconventional ships. Like, he doesn't ree about HomuMado, but if someone were to post Mami with Kyouko or Sayaka with Homu, that's like some fucking cursed incantation to summon him. Who the fuck knows why the autistic schizo does it, but that seems to be how it works.

Attached: 1546926878023.jpg (2480x3508, 2.67M)

what a delicious homu

Attached: 1560661747688.jpg (2251x1500, 3.18M)

Oh yeah, I forgot anything sayaka triggers him

Attached: 1550706552817.png (7996x4500, 1.22M)

Homura is the best

Attached: 1550136089101.jpg (1300x978, 323K)

Attached: 41562302_p13.jpg (500x597, 311K)

homura rhymes with butt

Attached: 1554058367656.jpg (2836x1595, 401K)

I can't tell if thats a suffering sayaka or smug sayaka

Attached: D67nHq5UIAArHam.jpg (800x800, 80K)

all sayaka's are by default, suffering then

Attached: b83.png (680x456, 581K)

>Troid literally fucking REFUSES to delete !Akemi's meta shitposting which is blatantly against the rules
>Troid literally refuses to ban !Akemi even though he's blatantly ban evading
How the fuck does he live with himself?
It's fucking real. !Akemi is objectively breaking the rules in every single possible way. And Troid STILL let's him do whatever he wants. And then !Akemi tries to pretend "ack" (the people who tell him to stop shitposting) are somehow in the wrong. Like anyone at all will believe that.

Reminder to everyone that mods on mangadex, mods on Yea Forums IRC AND deleted posts have out right objectively proven !Akemi samefags and talks to himself.
Both posts deleted EXACTLY at Jan 05, 2019 at 18:29:59 UTC

!Akemi, you have OBJECTIVELY been outed a samefag so many times now. Across MULTIPLE sites. On Yea Forums, mangadex, Rizon IRC, AND e-hentai. All of the mods on these sites have confirmed that you use multiple accounts/posts to samefag and talk to yourself to pretend to agree with the garbage you're posting.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Literally everything !Akemi said has been proven wrong, like always.

sorry guys I thought this was /x/ nvm

my face during the end of rebellion

Attached: 1559466749259.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

fucking kek

Attached: megucasuffering.jpg (121x127, 3K)

no, this was your face at the end of Rebellion

Attached: tumblr_n3a7rnxL4f1s5f9ado2_500.gif (500x280, 524K)

yes that too

Attached: 1531614022723.png (1280x720, 1.39M)

Don't forget to brush your teeth

Attached: CN23VEtUcAA-34U.jpg (640x896, 97K)

I imagine she probably dedicated at least one loop for "stress relief" to help keep her sanity. Isn't like Madoka would remember anything of it.

is this really a magia record meguca option? how do they even explain this?

I mean, if she has infinite time, we know that her physical body doesn't change. Why not just redo time for a thousand years till you can learn the laws of physics to such a degree, nothing can stop you?

Objectively is.

The Different Story is canon and based.

How do they even fit those in their mouths?

because Madoka became god before she had to do that

the only canon manga

Sweet Mami 3, from the same chad who (eventually) gave us NEVER EVER.

Attached: Wolf-girl-with-yo-Free-Download.jpg (620x349, 41K)

I can't wait for VR and onaholes to advance significantly

Attached: 1533540279647.webm (1280x720, 265K)

I mean after the first few years of Homu fucking up and getting nowhere, that's a lot of willpower she has to somehow muster all alone in the universe

Attached: depositphotos_87007028-stock-photo-black-crayon-drawings-background-texture.jpg (1024x678, 217K)

that's the power of one sided lesbian love

Attached: 1541894615735.png (1280x720, 1.94M)

Attached: 1551152406621.png (579x329, 252K)

was meant to

Ya know, if you think about it, Madoka had it coming.
Has she even once asked how Homura felt, how much suffering she went through for her, how often she rewound time to save her, or to what lengths she would go to ensure her safety?
She claims to be her friend and how she wants to spread hope to everyone, but she actually completely ignored the pain that she herself had caused to Homura, who ended up only as a stepping stone for Madoka, because what is one life in comparison to countless others (which I'd like to point out is literally Kyubey's entire schtick)

Attached: meguca.png (500x197, 57K)

This wasn't a "Madoka wanted to do it" type of thing
This is a "Madoka thought she had no choice" type of thing

That wasn't quite my point though.
My point is the reason Homura went apeshit on her at the end of rebellion is because of her own neglect. Nothing more, nothing less.

Homu did nothing wrong

Madoka deserves to be turned into Homu's rapetoy

So your argument is that Madoka deserves happiness?
I agree.

>meduka become god
>doesn't even drop by to say hi
Madokami a dick

I love that little cut with the raw motion of her eyes.

>doesn't even drop by to say hi
she does tho

>be god
>get one upped by a sexually frustrated lesbian

>stops existing to become a concept
>lul why don't you call? xD


Attached: 1556556016067.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

based speedwatcher spreading misinformation

what did he mean by this?

Reminder to everyone that mods on mangadex, mods on Yea Forums IRC AND deleted posts have out right objectively proven !Akemi samefags and talks to himself.
Both posts deleted EXACTLY at Jan 05, 2019 at 18:29:59 UTC

!Akemi, you have OBJECTIVELY been outed a samefag so many times now. Across MULTIPLE sites. On Yea Forums, mangadex, Rizon IRC, AND e-hentai. All of the mods on these sites have confirmed that you use multiple accounts/posts to samefag and talk to yourself to pretend to agree with the garbage you're posting.

See all deleted posts in the thread here

Literally everything !Akemi said has been proven wrong, like always.

>XDDD LOL said KEK to my own post that makes me super fucking EPIC lolololololo
Imagine being so fucking mentally ill you think like this.

It sure is funny how you don't screech "durrr /X/!!!!!" at your own posts when you are calling everyone "ack".

It means lurk moar newfag

That wasn't actually my argument but i do actually agree to your misrepresentation of my own argument. She does deserve happiness.

>. She does deserve happiness.

Attached: Akemi suffering.jpg (600x858, 326K)

Homura personally got to witness Madoka rewriting the universe and kept her memories of Madoka. It's clear that Madokami gives Homura special treatment.

Kuro is Moemura's pet meguca in Magia Record.

>Homura's a cake in a tween's body

It helps when you're a lich.

Kuro was a generic enemy mook NPC who featured in Moemura's Valentine story. Homura gradually gets to know Kuro, who thinks that Homura is awesome and idolizes her. Homura thinks that she can inspire and help someone like Madoka did for her, but Kuro ends up becoming a witch and Homura has to destroy her.

Kuro ended up being so popular that they released her as a free character. to people who read the story. Her Connect is stronger when it targets Moemura.

I don't think 26 is cake, user

More likely they trained by sucking huge cocks

I hope this gacha has enough fan service, cause I pre signed up for it

>sucking dick

Iroha's design is pretty lewd, and there are swimsuit outfits as well as some sluttier-looking megucas who are basically in their underwear.

Also the Nanoha characters transformations are good loliservice if you're into that.

Eroha is very Erotic.

I'd let her suck my dick if you know what I mean

I agree
Somebody needs to stop Ume

Attached: eroha.png (1197x1500, 1.28M)

I can't get over how you play as downie kyubey in this game

right up my alley, I play two gachs (never gonna spend a dime though) and all my parties are cute lolis, without exception

But would she let you suck her dick?

Unfortunately EN won't get the Nanoha collab for about 2 years. Also Nagisa won't be for a while, neither will the other prominent 5* loli meguca

There is Miyako who is basically a future lolibaba but her art makes her look like a gremlin. Also the main villains are a group of lolis

Attached: 4_star_riko_chiaki.png (350x531, 282K)

Very smug lolibaba.

Attached: 20181019_191238.jpg (451x407, 137K)

26 is textbook cake. 25 is the turning point.

Riko isn't a lolibaba, that's pic related, she's 18

Attached: 395px_hinano_2_star.png (350x532, 300K)

>no nagisa
Why live?
I'd appreciate if JP didn't do that fucking huge forced gap, I'm sure there will be some dead weeks they can prune to speed up the process

Her henshin is really cute too

I'm not sure how to games currency system works but at least I have someone to save up for instead of aimless rolling

Hieronymous Bosche would be proud of what he's inspired

Well if you're an esports fag then you'll also want to save up for Tart and Madokami
Some of the lower-rarity girls are pretty good once uncapped though, like Yachiyo.

>has infinite resets, fucks up everything, ruins every timeline, gets saved every time by Madoka anyway, gets special treatment, gets random plot hole to overpower god
>fan girls still say "poor Homura!"
It's all so tiresome.

Madoka is very cute here.
I love her little sway.

You forgot the part where Based Euro became a ghost and now watches over Homura.

I just want a cute loli harem so that I can brag how good I am only using my cute loli harem

>>fan girls still say "poor Homura!"
Because fan girls want to fuck Homura

>>>fan girls still say "poor Homura!"
>Because fan girls want to fuck Homura
I want to fuck Homura

Homura's been through a lot
She deserves some rest

I don't think there are actually that many "genuine' lolis since the majority of the megucas are middle school or early high school. IIRC you have:
>Touka and Nemu (who won't be out for a long-ass time)

The artstyle tends to make the cast look really young though, especially the younger middle-schoolers.

Wide makes everyone forever young

Attached: 1476657484286.jpg (176x180, 15K)

fake loli's are fine too, it's the DFC and cuteness that matter

Attached: 1558299033174.gif (398x498, 1.23M)

Attached: glasses_sayaka.jpg (700x583, 141K)

The new MCs look like strippers because production allowed Ume to let loose so she designed them inspired by those kinds of RPGs where women's waists and bellies are magically immune and have the hardness of steel.

Ryou Ueda, a Pokemon designer, drew one Meguca who quite literally almost got molested by a faceless old man.

The Mizuna High School Girls are rich and well-endowed.

There's the swimsuit events.

Finally we have a Meguca designed by the Senran Kagura Illustrator. She is 'is this really a middle schooler' tier?

Careful. Bikini dickhead might see this post and come over from /vg/.

You do realise that's enough for a PvP team? Also you forgot Ui.

As a reminder, Chiwa Saito, Emiryun are going to AX. Added on is Sumire Morohoshi who although she is there to promote Promised Neverland you can line up to see her for Magia Record. She plays Nemu.

>There's the swimsuit events.
Some of the swimsuits were very tasteful, like Madoka for example.

Attached: Screenshot_20180720-132702.png (1080x1920, 2.12M)

Nips sure can't resist faceless old man rape, can they

What's this bikini /vg/ drama? Some autist hating bikinis?

She never really got her wish from Kyubey.

She wished to do things over again and protect madoka but she never got to actually change madoka's fate like she intended

Some autist obsessed with bikinis and only talking about how characters can/can't wear bikinis.

Imagine if was a Alpha Chad Male who pregnant her. How react homu?

Attached: 04904c646535e96c07c26fe144642243.png (1600x2271, 3.63M)

kinda cringe desu

is that the /vg/ version of the ack schizo?

Why are madoka threads filled with mentally ill fucktards?

Homura basically has plot armor, she's fine.

like you?

They go on Yea Forums, too. Usually CGCDT threads, stuff made by Dogakobo, etc. It's some fucking ESL korean fucker that cobbles together engrish about how the heroine can't wear a bikini and incessantly bitches about it, even if he gets blatantly proved wrong.

Attached: 1549393274801.jpg (508x725, 107K)

Jesus Christ

Attached: 1530403109307.gif (619x350, 2.15M)

Pretty sure he came from Yea Forums. He has moved on from Love Live and Bang Dream and made Madoka his next target (through MagiReco). At least Yea Forums and /u/ threads are safe, for now.

literally nothing wrong with that

There is something wrong when you're ban-evading and posting the same inane, repetitive posts, every single time.

Allegedly he got a bunch of Korean ranges banned on /vg/.

Every day we stray further from God

Well... I guess at least we're not 8 chan....

I only know Nanaka and Kuro. Who the fuck are those literal whos with Kyouko and Madoka?

Haruna is a flower girl, voiced by Mimorin, who met Kyouko in her MSS. Kyouko saved her from a Witch and carried her back home. Haruna also gave Kyouko a flower as a parting gift. Kyouko makes good wrestler.

Kako is a bookworm magical girl who befriended Madoka. She has a thing for 13 Year Old girls.

>She has a thing for 13 Year Old girls.
impeccable taste

Attached: 1552176413596.jpg (592x576, 76K)

I see. No couples here.

Homu a precious. Go to bed cuddling her every night.

Attached: 2rux4Q12.jpg (357x500, 28K)

is homura an incel?

No Homu waifu in this shitty 3D laifu ever.


Attached: 7638.png (719x555, 366K)

Do you actually own that? You lucky fuck, I might consider getting that

>you will NEVER caress akemi as she's brooding for the tenth time today
WHY even live?

Attached: Punished Akemi.jpg (600x888, 615K)

Yes a bunch including customs. Besides the two Gift versions which are sold out the other mass produced ones are fucking awful. Might still be able to find a Gift one at scalper price from Yahoo Japan auctions or eBay.

Attached: 149839.jpg (1200x1600, 585K)


Attached: 1560818177744.webm (512x288, 158K)

It's not really living. It's just inertia. Bury me with muh Homus.

Attached: 2rux4Q3.png (495x623, 558K)

Cute couple.

Homura could easily pick up a girl if she wanted to.

If i were to get one of these, what would be the best methods of hiding her so no one would ever know? I'm a top secret weab, even my friends don't know

homura as oneitis, which is a form of celibacy

VR paradise when?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 2.45M)

>implying I'll let this thread die

Why is Madoka so perfect?

Attached: 2017-12-04 03.30.19.png (1080x1920, 1.6M)

wholesome, cute, innocent
a rare sight nowadays

She's so precious, isn't she?

Attached: 66671852_p0.jpg (1024x1500, 335K)

Buy your own house so it’s your place your rules. Also getting a respected career or wealth helps (people will be much more tolerant of your quirks - you’ll be labeled a bit eccentric as opposed to a disgusting freak subhuman).

How do I do the first two?

>a well written character
>made by SHAFT

Attached: hahahaha-no.jpg (494x614, 32K)

>shaft having anything to do with the writing

Attached: sayaka.jpg (197x246, 35K)

Damn, I remember that thread. Funny how things are different and yet the same now.
I think he emerged earlier though. I'd have to do some digging to pull it up, but I remember some really contentious arguments in 2013 about whether Different Story is canon that had his fingerprints all over it. It's just that later he turned his focus to crack shipping specifically, and his tone shifted from "stubborn and condescending" to "lunatic", but you can see how it's all part of the same theme.

the user from back then handled it a lot more maturely than most today would've
Scary to see some schizos descent into madness like that

Kyouko and (Konomi) Haruna is a stretch but I like it. Nice Girl and touch tomboy. Could work.

Kako and Madoka is crack of crack.

!Akemi, you are genuinely the most obsessively and pathetic person to ever exist.

YOU are the one who's absolutely fucking insane. There is literally nothing that will convince you stop meta posting and trying to "bait" people. There is nothing that will convince you that "ack" does not exist, and that everyone will tells you to stop shitposting is not the same person.

>u- ur schizo becuz you call me akemi!!!!
>said while he accuses everyone of being "ack"
Why are you not insane for even trying to bait in the first place? No one who's not mentally ill tries to "bait". And of course, why are you not mentally ill for thinking everyone is "ack"?

What in the genuine fuck does it take to make you stop being so fucking insane?

Also, !Akemi. You are treated exactly the same way now as you were back then. Even back then everyone knew you were samefagging like fucking crazy. So literally nothing has changed. Other than you now act worse than ever because you know you have 100% dedicated protection from Troid.

>later he turned his focus to crack shipping specifically
No, you fucking retard. It's that YOU started obsessively shitposting with crack solely, so that's what people called you out on. How the fuck is this so hard for you to understand?

It's also always so easy to tell who you are, because you'll never reply to anyone who doesn't already agree with you. e.g. Your own posts.

Attached: homu.jpg (838x1190, 179K)

dumb megane

cute meguca

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 8K)

Reminder to everyone that mods on mangadex, mods on Yea Forums IRC AND deleted posts have out right objectively proven !Akemi samefags and talks to himself.
Both posts deleted EXACTLY at Jan 05, 2019 at 18:29:59 UTC

!Akemi, you have OBJECTIVELY been outed a samefag so many times now. Across MULTIPLE sites. On Yea Forums, mangadex, Rizon IRC, AND e-hentai. All of the mods on these sites have confirmed that you use multiple accounts/posts to samefag and talk to yourself to pretend to agree with the garbage you're posting.

She chokes on Sayaka's dick every night

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 8K)

You will never "trigger" anyone, you are too pathetic.

Attached: 1558290333724.jpg (500x500, 25K)

I wish you'd choke on a bullet you shot into your brain.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p66izqDQtg1tmokms_500.jpg (479x207, 11K)

Doesn't work period when Kyouko's devoted to Sayaka.

Hey, do the world a favor and put a bullet in your head, !Akemi.

you forgot to add some recent posts faggot

all ships are perfectly valid and acceptable

How do you go from this

to this

Attached: 15209249096641.jpg (900x1221, 476K)

you're slacking, there are way too many posts you forgot to include in your epic mass quote

I will give you a hint

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1557510957269.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Should I bother watching rebellion? I liked the original series but I've heard bad things about the movie


Attached: 1541586277503.png (1280x720, 1.45M)

the only people who disliked the movie didn't understand the show or homura's character

Rebellion is a masterpiece and the final pleb filter. Hopefully you haven't been spoiled by the threads, but why the fuck are you asking us, just fucking watch it.

Attached: 400px-RPG_homura.jpg (400x356, 59K)

Only retards think Rebellion is bad. It's decent at worst, masterpiece at best.

Do it fagget

Attached: cute hair.png (800x800, 400K)

Nice thread.

My favourite crack.

Ever since the series finished I don't think a single day has passed where I didn't see her cute face.

Attached: zhrVK1I.jpg (1218x1729, 636K)

Magical Girl of the Day: Yachiyo Nanami
-Original Ume-designed Meguca for the game.
-Same personality as Homura but Water-type
-A Veteran Magical Girl who has been fighting Witches since she was 12
-Led at least three groups of Magical Girls during her illustrious career
-She is considered the Boss of Western Kamihama, and one of the strongest Magical Girls in that area.
-A famous model
-Attended Kamihama Affiliated all her life and now in Kamihama University
-May use shopping vouchers
-Her wish was to be a survivor (in the world of modelling) and she interprets this meaning everyone would die for her after seeing her old friends Kanae die and Meru become a Witch.
-As a result of this incident she locked down and pushed her friends away from her partly setting off the events of the stories
-Spent her time investigating Rumours, no-one believed they existed
-Her powers allow her to continually absorb magical energy of those who rely on her which is why she was still powerful at 19.
-Well she was until she used her Magical reserves to create a halberd arrow to shoot at Walpurgisnacht
-Her Witch/Doppel is Campanella, named after one of the characters in Galaxy Express
-Would break your legs
-Very good at Hanetsuki
-The reason she hunts rumours is to see her childhood friend Mifuyu again
-Was the one who broke Mami free of her brain-washing. They bond over the fact they are both lonely veterans. Yacchan is probably the first friend Mami has.
-Is she even wearing pantsu?
-Paired with pink- Iroha Tamaki
-Voiced by Sora Amamiya, from TrySail who sings the OP.

Attached: YachiyoNanami.jpg (850x1238, 146K)

fuck off retard

I wish I could luminous with Madoka

fuck off retard


Attached: __kyubey_and_sakura_kyouko_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_ikezawa_shin__cb19a9d3adce6eb863039c6 (2267x2484, 614K)

Adding MamiYachi to this list.

Finally Mami got new friends.

Attached: 71285255_p0.png (1367x952, 874K)

I see three pedophiles.


This artist looks familiar...

Eyes on the prize, as it seems.

kyubeys an alien of culture and taste


Attached: 1357242377335.jpg (800x644, 336K)

I can't believe madokas 40 years old

Where it all started......

Attached: 25.jpg (1280x720, 115K)


>Milfdoka seducing teenage lesbian Homu
Doujin when?

>local 26 year old brunette seduces young pink haired school girl
How did they get away with this?

More like abducts to her basement and rapes her

>local pedophile stalks and eventually kidnaps middle school girl
What did Shaft mean by this?

That's Kyouko's job.

Attached: Sayaka's dick.png (323x338, 139K)

sayaka doesnt have a penis


For a twelve episode series I think she’s as good as it gets.

Lonely lesbians should be supplied with gfs to prevent them from raping teenage girls

Sayaka's penis is canon.

>incel kidnaps cute teenage dfc
Was madoka magica an incel tale all along?

Wow I confused this thread for the Madoka thread on /vg/.
Congratulations, you've hit the lowest point possible.

RikaRen will save EN Magieco

Attached: 70772707_p02.jpg (2893x3679, 1.17M)

Homu will save all magical girls

I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

Or ruin everything, both are equally possible at this stage

But can she save their love lives?

Attached: page_019.jpg (2100x3006, 3.32M)

As god, Homucier will put an END To magical girls FRIENDZONING those that love them
That might by why all this even takes place

But Homura forcefully friendzones herself in her new world

>homu would rather stare at her waifu all day than do anything to her
It's an esoteric kind of friendzone going on

honestly, yes

It happens user. I had twelve years with someone and fourteen without. And fuck, it happened when I expected it the least.

Good luck mate.

I want to marry Homura so we can be miserable together and get wasted every night and despair about how we can never be with our true waifus.

She should be written Homoru

fuck off loser homura is my waifu

Attached: __shinjou_akane_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_saiakugenjin__27a29712a88e1ffdb541e62d70dfad0b.png (766x1100, 758K)

was the beast slain

It will respawn in a day or 2. Give or take.

what manner of beast am i to deal with

Yes she is

We're safe, for now

Attached: angry cuckold.gif (500x500, 156K)

Attached: homura did nothing wrong.png (432x330, 89K)

Get out bitch we Homuhomu in this thread.

Attached: homu_kick_dumb_bitch.png (600x420, 173K)

Sayaka's gonna literally gut your ass in Rebellion 2

Keep dreaming kiddo

Attached: homuhomu.jpg (1000x802, 336K)

We have a Meguca for that now.

Her name is Rika Ayano and she was friend zoned by her crush, who is het. So she made a wish for her crush to love her back. She could have date-raped her crush while she was in a magic induced stupor but backed out when she realised it was wrong.

Also we have a number of Megucas with mental-based powers including mind wipers, hypnotists and mind trickers (making you believe a lie). Just imagine. So forget old men. These girls are dangerous.

She literally will though, if she's lucky maybe Madokami will lay her to rest

>against lovely devil homu who did nothing wrong
Sayaka's permanent role is to be a failed jobber. She may try to be flashy at times but she'll always be a jobber that fails in her objectives.

When Homu smacks her to the side like nothing you better be as salty as that Kuronekofag when Kirino won. I look forward to saving your anguished salty shitposts too.

Attached: sayakarecycling.jpg (600x631, 76K)

I look forward to Homu probably killing Sayaka out of stupidity and then Madoka realsies Homucifer can't be redeemed and erases her atom by atom

make peace not war

Attached: 33c2a6c33b5d3cb924016b6416a3ee1b12792a3f_hq.jpg (508x754, 57K)

Gods can be quite biased and the Dokes would happily let some dumb bitch die just to tap dat Homu.

Attached: 1506895472383.jpg (921x1000, 103K)

Godoka can get any ass, she has an entire harem of magical girls actually

Homu ass best ass. God has refined taste and would only settle for the best.

Why is she always posing like this ?

Sayakacucks have insulted Homu for the LAST TIME

Attached: tumblr_mwpgt3ulDw1r13fhoo1_500.gif (500x240, 950K)


Slice your wrists, shitposter

Attached: Akemi LAW.jpg (3072x2443, 1.36M)

She wants to be penetrated by Madoka's Godhood

I want CHADoka to penetrate homura too

She has Nanaka now.


I want to marry Homura!

Attached: homura18.gif (500x259, 1.87M)

oops, LMG

Is this from the 3rd movie? Dafuq I watched it like 4 times how did I miss it

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Magireco is fucking wild.

>Homura has an honest to god harem, including one girl who fucking dies for her and her spirit haunts her for protection out of love
>Sayaka is fucking Kyousuke and is Homura's best friend
>there is a lesbian pervert who "enhances" magical girls' soul gems in exchange for witch parts and/or sexual favors
>Nagisa's mom is a violent psycho who abused her and she was killed by an edgy organ harvester who kills bad women
>the city is rampant with lesbianism and lesbian violence
>Nanoha, Fate and Hayate visited and fucking murdered every magical girl they came across
>there is a girl who masturbates to torture after being bullied

>>Sayaka is fucking Kyousuke

>Madokami knows about this universe and will eventually destroy it and kill everybody in it if she ever tries to interact with it (which she does anyway all the time)

She doesn't do it because she likes watching Homura fuck other girls.

You don't know how to use it.

dumb speedwatcher

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Rika backed out because she had already been having misgivings about her wish, but she made her decision when her gf bumped into her old bf by chance and hit it off really well. Rika realized that they were destined to be together and decided to let her friend be truly happy.

Of course, once the truth about witches comes out she realized that she had basically fucked herself over doubly hard, since she had given up on her wish, and she doesn't take it well.

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>Homura has an honest to god harem
>Sayaka is fucking Kyousuke
No matter how much times you meme this, it's not true.

However, in the midst of her breakup angsting she saved another magical girl from committing suicide and convinced her to go on living, and now said girl is utterly devoted to her.

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It's useless to fight shitposters

>hey hitomi PLEASE fuck the guy I like
angry cuckold

When they met, Rika gave Ren a pencil case she had hand-made at a friend's family's steel factory, since Ren enjoys drawing. And now, whenever Ren saves someone from a Witch, she buys a colored pencil to put in the case. In other words, Rika is worth more to Ren than any singular person, because Rika gave Ren purpose in life.

Pic related is Ren's personal memoria, which when equipped gives her a chance to take lethal damage for an ally. But it has a hidden effect: if Rika is in the party, she'll take every attack aimed at Rika no matter how high or low her health is.

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>still have dozens of questions for the movie but too late to ask

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>Homura has an honest to god harem
I know it's just memeing but Homura getting gangbanged by other girls is hot

fire away, my friend.
Alternatively, you can ask /PMMM/ on /vg/ as well. They'd love an excuse to have a constructive discussion.

Quoted by your projections.


Just ask, there's a chance that you can get them answered by the time the thread hits bump limit. At the very least I will try to answer them as best as possible.
Posting more of these two since I'm a huge sucker for outgoing girl/shy depressed girl pairings

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The only people left in these threads are turboautists so it's really the perfect time to ask questions as long as you don't care about the 50-post argument that will inevitably follow the answer

>tfw you will never build a galactic empire with your Homu waifu
*Cue crippling depression*

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i hate shipping but this is true
Rika and Ren are shallow cardboard cliches.

That's not fair, you can't compete with the literal goddesses

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>constructive discussion


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They only shitpost because nobody has anything to talk about.

What did Homura mean when she said to Sayaka at the end "even she might come to hate to you", does she mean the part of her that's not bound to her new form (kinda like how Madoka and lotc Madoka are not the same) or that she can influence other people now?

The new World Homura created, is it just one big ass witch maze that includes the entire observable universe and she is the witch and as such the new god?

What happened to the wraiths, locked outside her barrier?

Why does Homura need to act as evil? What forces her hand?

Was Homuras emotion really love? It seems strange the way she worded it
>no one can understand this feeling
and even Sayaka who should know what love looks like is utterly at a loss. Seems like a lie, something stronger and more sinister than love more akin to religious obsession.

There are a few more I can't remember rn

>check it out
>ERP fan fiction and 0 discussion cuz they all play a game they can't even read



>KyouSaya > all

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>What did Homura mean when she said to Sayaka at the end "even she might come to hate to you",
She meant if Madoka sees Sayaka being shitty to Homura all the time Madoka might start hating Sayaka because of it
>The new World Homura created, is it just one big ass witch maze
As far as I'm concerned that's obviously what it is but people have other theories too
>What happened to the wraiths
I don't know why you think they're locked out but I don't see why they wouldn't still exist, they come from negative emotions and the law of cycles is still in place so witches still can't exist.
>Why does Homura need to act as evil? What forces her hand?
I think that was just her being self-loathing and chuuni about "disrupting providence"
>Was Homuras emotion really love?
Seems like a stretch to me too but I doubt there's any definitive answer.

>What did Homura mean when she said to Sayaka at the end "even she might come to hate to you", does she mean the part of her that's not bound to her new form (kinda like how Madoka and lotc Madoka are not the same) or that she can influence other people now?
Homura is saying that if Sayaka is constantly antagonistic towards Homura, Madoka may begin to think Sayaka is being an asshole and begin to dislike her.
In this new world, Madoka has been in America for 3 years before coming back, so presumably her relationship with Sayaka is not as strong as it should be. Unless they chatted online or something. Who knows.
>The new World Homura created, is it just one big ass witch maze that includes the entire observable universe and she is the witch and as such the new god?
pretty much
>What happened to the wraiths, locked outside her barrier?
they still exist inside her barrier
>Was Homuras emotion really love? It seems strange the way she worded it
Yes, it was. Magical Girls are born from hope (wishes), Witches are born from despair (curses), and Homura's new form (which she calls a demon) is born from love (don't know what the action is called).
>and even Sayaka who should know what love looks like is utterly at a loss
that's because this has never happened before

>even she might come to hate you
She's talking about the human Madoka of the new world, since Madoka would want everyone to get along. I think that Homura can influence people to some extent (given how she turned Madoka into a transfer student who had studied abroad in America), but she also want the other megucas to be friends with each other and to hate her.

>Homura's new world
Akuma Homura is not a witch, she essentially hijacked the LoC from Madoka and became a concept-like being who is still able to manifest in the observable world. It's not quite known what the exact mechanics of her new world are, but yes it does cover the entire universe.

>Why does Homura need to act as evil?
Because Homura hates herself for usurping Madoka's wish. Homura did it because the flower field scene convinced her that Madoka was suffering as the Law of Cycles. Remember that she wasn't actually fully okay with Madoka's wish at the end of the anime, she spent the entire time basically begging her to stop.

>What happened to the wraiths
Nobody knows. There are still magical girls, but it's implied that Witches are still gone so there may be Wraiths.

>Was Homura's emotion really love?
Yes. It's not so much that other people couldn't know it, but that they couldn't understand the intensity of it. If you look at it from the perspective of the Four Loves, Sayaka experiences Eros, or Romantic/Sexual love toward Kyousuke. Homura expresses Agape, the unconditional love of God (note that according to Urobuchi while Homura is "probably" in love with Madoka, her feelings are not based on sexual attraction)

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>She meant if Madoka sees Sayaka being shitty to Homura all the time Madoka might start hating Sayaka because of it
I don't feel like that's all, she also said right before to Sayaka that she is slowly having her memories altered, so it seems possible she can soft mind control people however the way she said
>ano ko
made me feel like she is talking about herself

>I don't know why you think they're locked out but I don't see why they wouldn't still exist, they come from negative emotions and the law of cycles is still in place so witches still can't exist.
Guess that makes sense if we think Homura is just being chuuni

However the color when a soul gem breaks is the same as the emotional color that made it break (see Sayaka) so she really should know what love looks like, also it seems stupid that no one has ever turned into a witch for love, had to be a more profound and even deeper emotion imo.

Not sure if you can just push all her antagonism on self loathing, but then again she really does hate herself a lot


this is clearly something new

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>VR in the future can make this real

I'll try to explain this

Sayaka fell into despair because of love
Homura moved past her despair and embraced the tragedy of her love

I mean her plan with forcibly turning herself into Homulily was for the other girls to execute her before the Law of Cycles could come and get trapped by Kyubey.

>The Nutcracker Witch. Its nature is self-sufficiency. Its gallant form, which once split many nuts, is now useless. Without any other purpose, this witch's last wish is her own execution. However, a mere decapitation will not clear away the witch's sins. This foolish witch will forever remain in this realm, repeating the procession to her execution.

>The Nutcracker Witch. Her nature is self-sufficiency. Her teeth are showing, her skull is melted, and her eyeballs have fallen out. A promise is the only thing that pitifully planted in that head which can no longer crack any nuts, but within the husk of the awakened witch is the distinct form of a magical girl. Her servants shamefully refer to that thing as a good-for-nothing.

Also, look at all the tomatoes the Clara Dolls throw at her in the final scenes. According to the supplementary material they throw tomatoes at Homura whenever she lies.

>Sayaka experiences Eros, or Romantic/Sexual love toward Kyousuke
Bruh. It's a crush.

What may the Clara dolls ( jealousy and love I think it was) whispering about right before Homura started her first talk with Kyoko? The scene was kind of a spotlight so I always wondered, was it just to show that Homura has started to doubt this world

>It's a crush.
We're not in third grade user, it's more complicated than childish terms like 'crush'

Yeah, that's Eros.
The Four Loves as discussed by C.S. Lewis are:
>Storge- Empathetic bonds born of familiarity, for example the parent-child bond.
>Philia- True friendship, forged between people who share common interests, values and activities. Something like a bromance
>Eros- Romantic love. Lewis made a distinction between this and raw sexual desire, which he describes as Venus. Eros takes the desire of Venus and applies human rationality to it, according to Lewis going from "wanting a woman" to "wanting a particular woman".
>Agape- Unconditional, selfless love. A love which requires subordination of the other three loves to realize, and which Lewis believed to be a purely Christian virtue required to contemplate the love of God.

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/PMMM/ is okay.

>I know I don't have a leg to stand on, so I'll just link to another board and hope they'll make the argument for me


It's literally worse than this thread.

Which one is taking attacks from crazy man? Not /PMMM/.

Not this thread either.

It's straight up a childish crush. The music inspires it.

>they all play a game they can't even read
7 days brother, we're going home

I think the reason Homura didn't fall into despair and her 'curse' manifested as love instead was because she was basically a relic from the old universe caught between the two realities. Homura made her wish in the old universe, where the way it was supposed to work is that she wishes to be able to save Madoka, her wish goes wrong, she's inevitably overcome by despair and becomes a witch. But in the new universe, she still is the same magical girl with the same wish and soul gem, but now there is no Madoka, or alternatively Madoka was 'saved' by the new universe's standards, since she became god as she wished for. So Homura is in this awkward situation where her wish can't go wrong and force her into despair, but she realizes in the flower field scene that her wish wasn't quite granted either, since she realizes that Madoka isn't really happy being god and thus Homura failed to properly save her. So her 'curse' is forced to manifest, but it isn't from the despair of her attempt to save Madoka going horribly wrong - it's from her love for Madoka and her desire to see her wish through to the end and save her no matter what. Thus the 'curse' is love instead of despair, and it's the equivalent of all the power of a witch directed into one single act - taking Madokami's power and remaking the world with it so she can save her.

Why are you hurting me so, user?

>Unconditional, selfless love.
Based and transcends time and space

>cool Homura's Homulilly Doppel has 14 megane homus sticking out of it
>there are 14 clara dolls
I can't believe I didn't connect them until I read the Doppel description

>Eros takes the desire of Venus and applies human rationality to it, according to Lewis going from "wanting a woman" to "wanting a particular woman".
I get it. Sayaka wants a Kyouko in partcular because of their bond by fate. Which explains her shift of feelings to Kyouko. Maybe she is Eros.

>literal who ships > MadoHomu
I'm not even big on the latter but that's ridiculous.

>misspelling kyousuke
dumb ESL

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And dying mostly.
I've been there, a

Only partly right. The stuff you said about her being from the old universe isn't relevent in this context.

But Kyousuke isn't a woman. Even though we all wish he was.

Well there's that one doujin where he gets fucked by a dude

>not this thread either
You either just got here, skimmed the thread or you didn't check archives. Crazy Man is here.

It's still here.

>aniplex USA SEA monkey shit localization


Daily reminder that now this is related to Madoka.

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I like it.

Don't worry. We also have Chinese servers.

We are already here. Gachabros are assembling.


Telling the truth.


Last Word: MamiSaya


Madoka is the best and the prettiest

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