Why has there been such a huge influx of the typical loser self-insert MC over the past decade? Do nips seriously like this type of character?
Why has there been such a huge influx of the typical loser self-insert MC over the past decade...
>COOL EPIC STRONG MAN isn't a self-insert power fantasy
So you can self insert
also Hibiki isn't a self-insert, at least compared to kirito and guys like that
It's always either Op as fuck or total loser.
Where would you put this guy?
Why not actual characters? Whatever happened to those?
I bet you don't even cultivate you trash.
The only mc that was relateble...
oh shit!
>Its this thread again
Unironically dekuck and touma are the only ones with a hint of personality on the right
Some of them start as generic only to became chads later
No offence, but personality-wise Motoko more often than not looks like a stone wall.
So is Kenshiro.
You can blame Evangelion for that one.
Wow, people really hate Junichi. I thought at least some people might've liked him.
Subaru has personality. It's just that his character is meant to be human garbage.
well no, because they actually had personality
>Why has there been such a huge influx of the typical loser self-insert MC over the past decade?
I don't know why there have been so many timid MCs over the last 25 years.
No idea whatsoever.
At least they're a real fantasy. How much of a faggot would you have to be to not want to be Kenshiro, but want to be one of the twinks on the right?
Eva has given us 25 years of really shit shinji clones.
Way to confirm you're a complete idiot who didn't actually watch either show or read either manga. It's always funny to see braindead zoomers embarrass themselves.
>8man not on the chart
As usual, Evamorons like yourself believe the show was far more influential than it actually was. Idiots like you never learn.
Are you inferring that Lina is a male in that pic?
There are female MCs today you know.
Also bottom right is based as fuck.
The worst part is that Shinji isnt even suppossed to be a loser, he just sees himself as one.
You actually don't, idiot.
That's not fair user, over half of the right are the same character.
Motoko is a female on the left too. Don't make this about gender for no reason.
>beta manlet twink incel
>not a loser
at least one user gets it
>He thinks there were no self insert before eva
What is pic related?
>What is pic related?
Not a self-insert.
I love characters like this
You really need to watch pre-1995/6/7 anime. The change is so drastic it's ridiculous.
Eva brought a wave of otaku that was unprecedented, mainly because it seems be different to the previous gen of otaku.
I swear there was more fan service in the early 90's shows too.
He's a loser. But you can at least empathise with why he's like that.
That's the thing, it made being that sort of person something different than being a mere loser. Shinji made it cool almost.
It's the problem of shading and I really do hate modern plain MC faces.
You're only further proving how big of an idiot you are, and how little you understand about the medium's history. Evangelion was not responsible for the onslaught of beta protagonists as much as you want to believe it was.
Who's forehead?
>virgin but less
>edgy volcel
>dont even remember desu
>dont even remember desu
>edgy chad
>cool dude
>cool dude but chad
I can't find him anywhere, is this supposed to be the joke?
Have people noticed how much female MCs have changed since the 00's?
I mean there were moe female characters in the 90's and definitely in the 00's, but lately they all seem to be "cute" rather than just "sexy". The sexy female characters are often not the only female in the lead cast today. I don't think lone female MCs like Matoko or even characters like Revy from Black Lagoon are becoming rarer.
I know that deep down both are pretty complex, but they are almost comically stoic most of the time.
The only character who somehow managed to really pull this off without looking boring is D from the second movie.
BTW, I wonder why an author didn't add him to the left side.
I disagree, eva was the grunge of anime in that it made being a loser cool.
and this is precisely why you're stupid and have no idea on the subject.
Why does modern art design look so ugly with oversaturated colors and filters?
A bunch of the characters on the right are from harem anime and those mainly focus on the girls. That explains the generic character design but still doesn't excuse the whole no personality self-insert thing.
Nevermind I finnaly understood, dont just assume we all know those kind of old animes.
Holy shit, I didn't actually think you were a complete moron. Way to go bro.
I blame Doraemon for this archetype
>Why has there been such a huge influx of the typical loser self-insert MC over the past decade?
You're comparing mostly action shows to mostly non-action shows, but as far as I remember mc's in romcoms, before SoL was really a thing, weren't exactly chads either. Think of Godai from Maison Ikkoku or the mc of Orange Road. I guess the change is that this type of character spilled over into more action oriented shows a bit, evolved further in SoL, and the contemporary artstyle makes them appear extra feminine.
>Do nips seriously like this type of character?
For some reason Asian women do prefer quite slender, feminine looking (but tall) men. It could have to do with differences in genetics, since your average Japanese person is of a thinner build, with narrower shoulders.
Elaborate, cunt.
Why should I? You just made a mindless, incorrect claim like the pea-brained moron you are. That doesn't merit much of a response; it's not my problem when the only pre-2000 anime you watched was Evangelion, sheep.
Personally I'm happy about it, new MCs are hot
So you dont actually know enough to contradict his claim so you choose to namecall instead
I know more than enough, I'm correctly labeling you an idiot because it's all an idiot like you is worth.
then show us your knowledge then Mr. Anime Pro, surely and aficionado like yourself is dying to enlighten us plebeians. Otherwise why both to reply?
>then show us
>dying to enlighten us
What do you mean "us", idiot? Do you always assume the rest of this board is as braindead as yourself?
The onus is on you to educate yourself, or you can remain an idiotic sheep for the rest of your life, who watches one thing and immediately assumes it's responsible for everything.
it's what japs want and pay for
either deal with it or financially support shows that have different protagonist
I tried to get you to talk about anime but I failed, have another reply that you can fling ad hominem attacks at while boasting about your superiority on an anonymous image board
Let him be, he's too autistic to reason with.
That's what you get for attempting to spread mistruths. Idiotic sheep aren't worth anything when you genuinely believe Evangelion was responsible for all the beta MCs we see today.
Japs raped so many sex-slaves from 1900+ that you should be happy they allowed women to take over their industries, or at least for the time being, have afforded women an unequal amount of power in Jap society, or else they'd still be doing it ritualistically.
Japs want to provide characters who are always agreeable to the female reader/watcher.
It's actually backfiring because the lack of balanced (pacifist yet uncucked) male characters accentuates the need for more radical, masculine characters.
Basically, anime = rape. Always.
>Big Order MC the Alpha siscon
>Kyousuke "I fucked my sister" Kousaka
>Based 0 fucks given lazy Oreki
>kicks chad in the shin man
>LARPing Diablo
>thot and false rape accusation destroyer shield man
Pretty shit list OP but yeah the other MCs are bad outside of those.
>not listing the alpha MCs from Elite Classroom, Konosuba, Mahouka, Henneko, Nourin, Oregairu, Busou Shoujo, Rakudai, Gakuen HxH, Color wars etc.
Pathetic cherry picked list. You could've cut them all out and put the Infinite stratos MC to prove your point, but I guess that anime is too old for a newshit
Don't know what the fuck I just read but I liked it.
Power fantasy isn't popular anymore zoomers just want to self-insert themselves onto the awkward loser in the age of self deprecating
can somebody who cares enough do the reverse? like Shinji and Tenchi on the left, Souma and Asta on the right?
It's about the design you retard