What software do you use to keep track of what manga you've read, dropped, planning to read, etc?
What software do you use to keep track of what manga you've read, dropped, planning to read, etc?
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Some paper
>keeping track
I simply read what I think it's interesting. If I forget about it, it just wasn't good enough.
actually interesting thred. I make lists on microsoft word to keep track of everything, but it's too complicated, wish there was another simpler but efficient way. I don't like depending on websites like MAL, and sometimes they don't even have the stuff you read/watched in their catalogue
I just use r/manga.
Brain is hardware though.
Unless you read/watched less than 50 titles, you won't remember 1500+ titles
just paste the url into notepad
AniList and the reader I use, tachiyomi (I can add things to my AnilList right from the reader). Used to use notepad++ but my organization wasn't good enough
No life confirmed
I wasn't happy with mal or anilist or any of those so I wrote my own app and integrated it with taiga
This. Just avoid their social side like the plague.
I use anidb, since it has a local client I can use to parse the files I download. It can keep track of when and what I watched, which group was those files released by and what quality they were.
Also, them having e2k links for very file in DB helps in finding some more obscure stuff.
kill yourself tranny
There's a social side?
I guess I never looked and just went straight into the actual list part of the site, who the fuck uses that?
I use taiga
You can setup custom filters to download torrents and your list is updated when you watch one.
What does that have to do with manga you fucking retard?
Mangadex and MangaRock Definitive app.
normalfags and braindeads
a crummy pail of water
>he doesn't remember 1500+ titles
your fault,ape
Goodreads because i am too lazy to finally write my own tool for it.
Why does nobody use Baka-Updates?
You can easily see when a new chapter comes out, and is way more convenient than notepad when you've read a lot of manga.
It's also the most complete in comparison to something like MAL.
I use both it and MAL. I don't know what's up with MAL and taking forever to approve things that people add to the database when they obviously fit. Most recently I read the Welcome to the NHK LN and that's still waiting for approval on MAL for some reason. Dai Dark is too.
>Design from 1996
>No links to chapters or websites
>No updates all day and then 30 at once
the internet
my navigator , i'v a list, and i put the 'watched' top of the list sliding the rest down , when an anime is over he's out of the list,
I use it and mangadex for reading new chapters of manga I'm following which takes no time at all.
And when want I read longer manga I download them from Goddess.
I don't see how anything could be better than it.
Admittedly the way Novelupdates does it where it provides links to chapter isn't bad either. But that has problems where it can't link to paywalled chapters.
>No links to chapters or websites
Wasn't this because a lot of groups didn't want the site to link directly to them? I really don't understand how people suck at using the internet so much that they need a site to have both info and the actual chapters or links to the actual chapters. Mangadex is pretty much the go to place for manga chapters these days anyway so most of the links would be to there. But if MU had linked to Batoto for instance then all those links would have had to been changed when it went down. It's completely pointless to do and probably puts them more in the line of fire of companies looking for a target than if they don't have direct links.
It's called not being a retard.
>not consuming only 10/10
Is there any argument against using MAL if you just ignore everybody's terrible opinions?
The UI is complete ass. I think other sites try and scrape it anyways, at least anilist seems to have lots of series from there.
MU wants to avoid any hint of legal issues which is understandable.
I can't name all the manga I've read but I know I've read/dropped this or that series when I see it. It's basic recalling if you're not a brainlet.
They have/had dumb rules about manga series so something like
>Kuzu to Megane to Bungakushojo (Nise)
wasn't allowed.
They also got bought and were down for weeks/months(?) and shut down api so taiga won't support it I believe.
mu and anidb have best info, anilist has better UI, I don't know why use MAL unless you care about the community.
How will you find a series you read/dropped if you can't remember the name?
Brain stopped remembering everything after I hit 50+.
Go take your pills,gramps
I used to do it all by head. It was nice forgetting about a manga for months, and one day by pure chance you catch a thread on Yea Forums that is on page 10 with 2 replies that send you back in.
Nowadays I use Mangadex, it's honestly very convenient.
If I cant remember them myself its probably not worth to keep track anyways
Some manga I don't even remember all the arcs. I know I read the entirety of Medaka Box, but all I remembered was the Minus Arc and how it "ends." I don't even remember how they beat the final oni boss.
Look up Tachiyomi, I use it as an app on my phone but there is a PC version as well I think
how autistic do you have to be to actually run this and fill it out
MAL is bad for manga, and Yea Forums's aversion to MAL as a resource is retarded. Use it for anime if you want.
I use kissmanga, i know it's shit and full of cancerous ads, but it keeps track and works on my phone too.
Folders and empty extension files.
Freedom to add: light novels, manga, doujin, music, everything...
Easy, one place, private & not third party shit.
Hierarchical organization is inferior to tag based for most media.
I have a friend who reckons he's read so much that he will start reading things he's read before without realising sometimes
A txt file
But, use tag folder by genre, year or taste is retarded. Use the "media/name (serie)" to include everything about "name" in one folder.
AniList because MyAnimeList band me way back with no explanation even though I never posted anything. They wouldn't respond to my emails too. This was around 2009.
Sure but then how do you do tag searches?
Websites usually can do it since they have some backing database and it's not just file folders.
Issue is no good desktop solution since hydrus is pretty meh.
Because they are pleb. Only patricians use baka updates.
there are less than 300 quality anime/manga out there. So if you watched/read 1500 you are a mindless consumerist that just gobbles up dog shit.
>less than 300
There's not even 30 mangas good enough to be 9/10.
Could probably conjure up a great story if they had the disciprine
I read manga with tachiyomi and it shows what chapters i read already.
Do you only read 10/10 series?
It feels like the best choice and you can also export your list as a json file to make sure your data won't get lost if the device goes.
It's a shame the PC version is so shit though.
I was talking more over 6/10 but you are absolutely right
I don't finish anything under 7/10. WHY waste my limited time on this god forsaken ball of dirt flying through spacetime with mediocre art and simple stories? Learn to drop a series you imbeciles.
Club Penguin
In my memory palace of course, the manga room is next to the doujin room and right in front of my nukige room.
Google excel does the job. I don't need anime facebook to brag to redditfags.
makngakakalot keeps the chapters i read red for me.
I just need to check daily.
Based boomer
Mangarock app.
>someone unironically drew this comic
I don't. I watch a show, or read manga, and if it takes too long to start being interesting, I drop it. I remember those that stuck with me. Why the fuck would I catalogue that shit.
I just avoid picking ongoing series and read to completion whatever I feel like reading.
>Not writing your own crappy program to track your manga
Anilist, just avoid the forums. It's better than MAL by far.
My memory
This is at least better than using Notepad or Excel.
Not him, but look dude, if I can't remember it, then it's somehow apparent to me that I don't need to read it
No. You're a faggot liar and you're not convincing anyone.
Name every single anime you watched from 1992. Go.
Some manga don't get any scanlations for months if not years. It's nice to be able to track that and easily see when new chapters release.
With something like Tachiyomi that means it just comes up under library updates when it happens.
Wrong. Read more.
That's silly, I can't remember all these long Japanese titles it doesn't mean the series sucked.
Why would you want to keep track of the manga you've read, dropped or plan to read? If you forgot a manga it's because it didn't have any special attributes that made it worth remembering it, that or you have fucking Alzheimer's disease.
>remember manga where strong girl joins delinquent class and becomes friends with girl gang
Now how do I find it if I want to reread or recommend it to someone?
unironically this before i discovered mal
anilist because it also notifies me when a new episode is out
>Remember cool manga I once read
>Can't remember the name
Well shit
thats why its so good u plebs
i dont need no flashy ass site to keep track of my fucking manga
Not being able to view list as cover/volume images is deal breaker.
Brain hasn't had updates in years.
>reading things for free on the internet
If you only read 9/10s, then how are you getting a baseline for scale?
If everything is super, then nothing is.