Attached: 306968.jpg (960x960, 146K)

a thread died for this

>189476679 not even worth a (You)

And Yea Forums is the living, breathing, smelling proof

Go back >>>/leddit/

Let's keep that butthurt festering

bump :)


Please don’t group furfags with us weebs.

and its a good thing!

thanks user, I almost forgot to take my naruto headband with me when I go out


Garbage like this thread is what happens when you allow shounenbabies to run a mock in this board.

Attached: apustaja3.jpg (518x644, 68K)

No, it's when you allow Yea Forumsedditors and forget how to fucking sage

and in the 3rd corner, /pol/teens!


entry level bullshit is what makes Yea Forumsturds come over and shitpost in the first place.

Fuck off tranny

Well at least it’s not wojaks and frogs

I think furry is more tolerable than 10 years ago since at least now they try to stay in their containment.

Unlike /pol/

Attached: therealamerican.jpg (1129x1851, 2.51M)

Anytime now, mods.

nifty little catchphrase you got there. which board did you steal it off?


Attached: apustaja2.jpg (636x926, 194K)


12 years ago they only posted on Yea Forums on furry fridays, otherwise their threads would be deleted by mods. They were never annoying.

You only hate mods because they delete your Yea Forumsermin threads, dumbfrogposter.

A thread like this would get 200+ replies on Yea Forums but here on the better board this thread will die before it hits 100

have sex.

you're showing your originality so well. with those pre-programmed responses.

I prefer one piece but thanks.

Have sex