I wonder if user likes me back

I wonder if user likes me back..

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You role playing?

Pump and dump

All waifus are whores

>her twintails are uneven
>like the hands on a clock
How the fuck did I never realize this before.

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>calling anime girls waifus
Fuck off normalfag

She’s a dick dock :--DDD

>No bulge
Yes, I like you back.

Holy fuck, you're right.

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No, he likes cock.

We're all faggots here.

>non-anime reaction image
damn son, have mine out of pity

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I never watched S3 of this. Is it worth it?

Tsunako designs are so good.

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Just made me love my waifu that much more with that post, TYBA

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I need more nepnep.

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It list a bit of momentum (not airing for a few years and all and wasn't as interesting) + JC Staff managed to make it look even worse than IMS on the TV version of season 2

Waif for the BD's incase they actually fix sonething

Oh man my typing is so retarded when sleep deprived

Well, shit

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It'd be better if the shorter tail was thicker than the other but well done user

Kurumi is one of the best girls in anime history. Shame her show is shit.

I heard the Origami arc was good, would you attest to that?
Give me a quick rundown.
I'll be honest with you: the movie was such trash to me I had to speedwatch it for it to be bearable

What makes her best girl?

Definitely the best part of the season, the quality drop isn't that bad, tho there's an increase in actual QUALITY

She murders rapists and animal abusers.

So, given how I absolutely hated the Mayuri Movie, would you recommend it to me?
Really Kurumi and the Imouto are the only interesting characters here

Kurumi has a big role in Origami's arc, so definitely give it a go.

What episode does the Origami arc start, because really that will be the only reason why I will watch it

They really fucked up on the QUALITY, it's so bad it's jarring. But the plot is good.

Pointed out, makes her best girl alone

Easily better than that movie as it actually has some source material to follow and originals are hard to pull off cause on one side you have stuff like Kill La Kill and then there's shit like Fairy Gone
Said makes her best girl alone

So does lucy in elfen lied, does that make her best girl too?

A thread died for this

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Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?

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every dead shonen thread is a good shonen thread

Yeah I need to rest, I'm posting like a retard

holy shit

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I want to Hella fondle her pussy and make it go "nuchu"


~the same time Kurumi usually shows up every season (second half)
