Here be Chapter 39th of Nagatoro. 17 pages. A very special chapter. ---- Chapter 39: "What do you think, Senpai?" Chapter 4 of the Cultural Festival Arc.
Naga: But I'm still the current club president.
Naga: If you're going to defy what I say...
Naga: Then you'll set up your own display independent from the club!
Mock now, Nagatoro, but you're gonna get BTFO soon.
Elijah Jenkins
Nathan Allen
it's page 1 and bitch is already mocking daisenpai
Oliver Moore
Fuck yeah!
Leo Perry
Noah Thompson
she just mad because she can't compete with LA PRESIDENTE
Hunter Price
Ryder Robinson
DOn't you have more studying to do inchoooooo?
Austin Johnson
Sluts: Ahahahaha
Sakura: It's like you're reading from a script~ Naga: That's it! Naga: Maybe I should act out every single one of her line. Yoshi: The acting club!? Naga: The clubroom is not a playground!!
Sen: ..... Sen: Don't insult the president so much...
Gamo: Paisen's covering for the pres~!! Sakura: So she really is your ex...!! Sen: That's not it!!
>Sen: Don't insult the president so much... Senpai please, please don't hurt Naga!
Jaxon Adams
NagaToRo btfo again
Nathaniel Fisher
>naga got her bubble burst sheeeit
Colton Harris
>Defending the pres in front of Naga How is he so brain dead.
David Cooper
>immediately gets buttmad at an innocent insinuation/joke that has been proven to be wrong that the president might be Senpai's ex Nagatoro's downfall will be delicious.
Jaxon Bennett
>these poor souls think big N will lose in her OWN manga you're one of those deluded existences who thought Kirino won't win Oreimo, right?
Ryder Davis
>Don't insult the president so much... Senpai what the fuck are you doing?
Leo Campbell
Stop posting, Nagatoro.
Liam Richardson
Defending his true love
Dominic Sullivan
Sen: No matter how you look at it, the one at fault is...
Sen: U-us, isn't it....
Yoshi: Us, he said. Gamo: We're being groupped together with Paisen! Sakura: No way~ Naga: So gross~ Naga: Pffft Sen: Kgh...
Reminder to at least sage your post until the dump is done.
Brandon Peterson
Tell us how a club pres explodes, senpai! Not a meltdown, an explosion!
Luis Hughes
>Sen: Zero. ;_;7
Parker Ramirez
Cute bottom panel Nagatoro.
James Thompson
He should have said "You" not "Us" but he's a pushover, of course. At least he said that much.
David Ramirez
Is that slang for hot steamy lesbian sex?
Jason Miller
Belive in yourself, Senpai!
Logan Moore
How Nagatorocucks will recover?
Nathan Thompson
>Sen: If you're not involved... Eh?
Oliver Allen
Only to Yoshi, Gamo is straight.
Evan Carter
In britbong land
Camden Lee
Yes, the series that's called "My LITTLE SISTER Can't Be This Cute" had a chance to end with anything other than the little sister.
It never did, and you're delusional for thinking it was close. Kuroneko had no chance especially when they started dating and broke up in the course of one volume 3/4th through the series.
Jeremiah Roberts
>sage >doing anything
Matthew Brooks
Why this zero is squarish?
Jace Sanders
Sen: It's impossible for me to win against the president!! Naga: Still the same Negative Senpai huh~?
Sen: Well, if you can't do it by yourself, then we wouldn't mind lending you a hand. Gamo: Yep~ Yep~
Gamo: Sorry for saying this, but it's just an art club display, right~? One of the slut: Right~? Another one of the slut: Right~? The last of the slut: Right~?
Gamo: If we just do a kitty kitty cosplay art cafe, Gamo: there's no way we'd lose. Like >This would be interesting if you're not involved with it and is just someone watching
>Winning through sex appeal and not trying to win with art They have tits, not talent, what else could they do?
Brandon Edwards
Isaiah Anderson
Austin Long
He's gonna teach them to be artists. the kitty shit is all a red herring
Blake Cox
Gamo is best girl
Asher Perez
Adam Scott
Wait >penis president Nevermind I take that back, God curse you and all your descendents.
Matthew Wood
Sakura has such a snake mouth
Jason Ortiz
That best prez is pretty best.
Isaac Jenkins
Sage'd post doesn't count towards post limit, meaning you can shitpost for longer, as I said, not like I can't stop you from being retarded, carry on you brain dead moron.
Nathan Mitchell
>giving her a dick For what fucking purpose?
Brody Ward
based stalker
John White
Saw the dick edit just now. I'm never complimenting your shit again.
Daniel Morris
Artists wearing cat maid cosplay.
Oliver Bennett
Sen: That's... you're underestimating the President... Naga: Eh?
Sen: In last year Kaze high's ranking, the art club... Sen: was in 6th place. Kaze Highschool Ranking 1. Dance Club 2. 3-A Haunted Mansion 3. Acting Club's Show 4. Light Music Club's Concert 5. Movie Research Cinema 6. Art Club Display
Naga: ......6th place... is that high? Sen: It is!
Sen: Since club, class, or a gathering of volunteers Sen: can all set up their own exhibit if they want. Sen: There are about 50~60 exhibits a year.
She looks like the kind of girl who keeps sucking after nutting.
Ayden Garcia
>Sage'd post doesn't count towards post limit, meaning you can shitpost for longer Source: your own ass.
Alexander Ward
She looks like the kind of girl who fucks senpais.
Michael Roberts
>game club is the 7th place Based Sakura stalker-kun
Ryan Foster
clearly. and if you asked to nut on her face, she'd smile while you did it
Josiah Thompson
>muh post limit at the current rate Stalker has the time to post about 26 pages, the chapter is 17, who cares if the thread dies straight after, make a new one and shitpost for even longer with typeset on the way and shit indeed saging this worthless shit because it is worthless, funposting at least is fun, nagathreads deserve to stay on the frontpage during translation and dump because it's fun and because Stalker does a good job
Sen: It's pretty amazing to be able to get in the top 10. Naga: Seriously?
Naga: What did the karate club's cosplay cafe get last year? Gamo: I'm pretty sure it was 11th place or something... Naga: So they lost!? Sakura: The cosplay lost~
Sen: The President was selected for award in so many different contests. Selected Special
Sen: She even reached top ranking in exhibition that includes university students.
Sen: Anyway, she's just an amazing person!! Naga: Hmmm. Sakura: He sounds like a believer. Gamo: A President believer. Yoshi: Believer!
Gamo: So I get that Pres is amazing and all~ Gamo: But no matter how good it is, it's still just a high schooler's painting, right~? Gamo: So how did it get that popular in a cultural festival? Gamo: I just can't wrap my head around that.
Sen: ........... Sen: T-that's...
Sen: Let's just say that people can perceive it a bit differently Sen: than what the President intended...
774 slowly turns this into an ecchi harem. It's his master plan.
Noah Jackson
>Sen: Let's just say that people can perceive it a bit differently >Sen: than what the President intended... Um... Okay. I wonder how many boys fapped to her that night.
Hudson Parker
Did she take a picture of herself, and then draw this based on the picture? Even with a mirror, this would be difficult to live paint.
Christopher Thomas
How does she top that pic this year? A full frontal spread eagle?
Jace Hughes
Justin Wilson
It's art motherfucker.
Luis Flores
A view from the front is what she needs now
Cooper Reyes
Tyler Peterson
the entire school easily, teachers and principal included.
Lucas Mitchell
Welp we all win today brother. Now we have a new ass in the ass threads.
Bentley Roberts
She was being a huge bitch about the nekotoro protrait but she is just a whore.
Nicholas Torres
Wyatt Reyes
It's going to be something hilarious like senpai, or maybe a sculpture.
Brody Bell
>She presented this in front of school to all the boys I have several questions. First, how does she show her face in the school hallways without dying of embarrassment from all the boy's stares Second, How did the teachers allow this?
ITT: We learn that the president is a mega autist Not sure how she this shit didn't spread like wildfire
Joseph Gomez
Is one butt cheek larger than the other?
Nathaniel Walker
How did she draw this? Did she take a picture or did she have someone else draw her?
Angel Wilson
She's an art autist. She probably thinks they came to appreciate the technique rather than her becoming the school's jerk off material. I wonder who drew it. Unless she drew it herself. Then she's a narsacist.
Aiden Russell
Damn she is stacked.
Anthony Hall
???: This is the Pres? Sen: Y-yeah...
Yoshi: For real? Gamo: Isn't this bad? Naga: [Confusion] Sakura: Wow~(heart)
???: The actual person was standing right next to the painting, right? Sen: Yeah... Gamo: That's so bad, yes~ ???: No wonder it was so popular, yes? ???: 6th place, yes. ???: A virgin killer, yes?
Even if you're sexy and proud of it its a bit embarrassing to be constantly undressed by people's eyes if you're not an exhibitionist. She already had massive tats. That painting would have just made it a million times worse.
I don’t get it. So The President nude is supposed to be Paisen’s painting? And the President’s still unknown?? The one being seen by all the school boys is President’s painting or her nude by Paisen?
Oliver Nguyen
nah, it was a self portrait. The obvious way to counter it will be senpai drawing a nude self portrait of himself for the culture festival
Mason Howard
He could only win with the ultimate powermove: both Himself and Nagatoro naked
Aiden Flores
He'd just pass out then jerk off later. A girl probably drew it.
Xavier Anderson
She has nothing to be ashamed of as a female or an artist. people recognize can her just by her footsteps. no one can stare at her with anything less than respect or awe. She's literally Satuski in a different school
>They said la presidente had no ass. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This trully is a special chapter. Because Niggatoro got totally BTFO. How can she even fucking compete, Fuck you, retard
Aiden Wilson
That's not classical art, that's literally some underage naked selfie. It's not like I have something against it, but still.
Cooper Thompson
Is Sakura a lesbian?
Jordan Scott
Nah only Gamo or Sakura could compete.
Alexander Brown
sakura confirmed for lesbian
Charles Phillips
>puffed out chest at the exhibition showing pride at her work >all the viewers are guys Kek. Looks like Nanashi's public exhibition fetish is rearing it's ugly head.
So... that means Nagatoro will pose naked for Paisen right?
Brayden Perry
she's a slut.
Alexander Sanchez
Who want to bet he gonna paint all four of them for the contest ?
Luke Long
no, just a slut
Henry Watson
Probably used a picture reference, with how squeamish senpai was with drawing naga earlier in the series there’s no way he could have painted this for prez
>all the boys voting presidente >all the girls voting senpai >Naga seething
Easton Thompson
And after, he can draw something.
Ian Stewart
Not only that but holding hands as well
John Cook
>puffed out chest at the exhibition showing pride at her work I think her chest does that regardless.
Cooper Lewis
pure confidence, holy shit
Kevin Brown
>not classical art, It's simplified in manga form for our mortal minds to comprehend.
William Edwards
she said she loves the people of the earth, didnt she?
Leo King
you should go read sketchbook the only difference between artist and autist is a single letter.
Ian Allen
>Sakura: Wow~(heart)
Is that how a heterosexual schoolgirl reacts?
Samuel Martin
>Naga: What did the karate club's cosplay cafe get last year? >Gamo: I'm pretty sure it was 11th place or something...
it means Gamo is a member of Karate club
Sebastian Hall
No I agree but Abe needs more babies. Her being an actual real pervert would be great. But the issue is that she's gonna be Naga's rival after this because she'll get jealous senpai drew another girl naked while she had to draw herself.
What is simplified? Classicalness is defined by author, who should be considered as classic, not by way of drawing. Modern schoolgirl obviously is not considered as classic by society.
Oliver Long
So is pres a closet pervert, or is she some turbo autist unaware of how her picture would be received?
I kinda hope Naga calls her an actual slut and she doesn't deny it too hard.
Tyler Parker
maybe she's a psychopath. She knew exactly how it would be recieved and didn't care
Dylan Howard
why the fuck i have the strong feeling that you drawanon are the real Nanashi? some of the details are too perfect, you are a really good with your passion or you are the real 774 pretending to be a random user. Anyway you are based as fuck
Jeremiah Hill
Senpai is walking on glass filled eggshells here. He better be very careful what he says.
Sen: The sketch was drawn with such confidence!! Sen: And a display of excellent oil painting technique! Sen: With precise composition!! Sen: Combine with her readiness to sacrifice herself in the name of art!! Sen: Putting them all together, that's why I said it was amazing...!!
Naga: I wonder if that's true~ Sen: ..... Sakura: You were acting super strange~ Gamo: That was so desperate. It's hilarious. Yoshi: Desperate!
I mean obviously she’s a bit of a narcissist when she waltzes into a club she left and gives the person there some kind of ultimatum about shutting it down because it isn’t run how she likes.
Leo Powell
The reason nude drawing courses are still a thing is because nude paintings demonstrate mastery of the human form. There are a lot of very subtle things like fat distribution and muscle structure that are required to draw a good naked human, and these things carry over to drawing them clothed. That's a big reason nude paintings are such a major part of art.
Ian Ramirez
Gamo: If that's the case, then you'd need to draw something real awesome to go up against Pres, Paisen!! Sen: Huh...?
Naga: It'll be fine! Naga: I'll be your model!
Naga: If you reeee~ally beg for it! Naga: I might even put on a swimsuit...!!
Sen: No way!! I can't do it! Naga: Liar~ Naga: I know you want to draw lewd~ Sen: T-that's not the problem... Naga: Then what iiiis the problem?
Julian Perez
>That's it really... We all know that's not true
Isaiah Martin
Until society accepts guys with four-inch penises and says there's nothing wrong with it, I will refuse to accept that a woman smaller than a C-cup is socially acceptable.
Easton Evans
How many liters of milk a day I need for breasts like that? I'm jealous.
Nicholas Young
>becomes a battle between the Pres and Senpai, both drawing pornographic pictures
Logan Diaz
Hudson Reed
but this time forever
Juan Hernandez
Naga: What?
To Be Continued!! ---- And that's it. Next chapter on the 2nd of July. Have a good night/day. Also fuck reddit, I know you fuckers are in this thread and sniping shit.
If Nanashi ever advances to the point where Senpai kisses Nagatoro them I'm sure that thread would reach bump limit within 10 minutes of the page being posted.
Anthony Morris
Thank you S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Anyone has a link for the translated omakes?
Mason Howard
Thank you as always S.T.A.L.K.E.R. See you on the 2nd.
Jason Thomas
I love that this story arc because it's suddenly steered towards something that happened at school irl.
She seems kind of a cunt and using somewhat underhanded tactics to win, so yes.
Levi Allen
This is why Japanese are bug people. In real life, you might have one of them say "ehh.. I don't want to dress up like a cat...", but since this is Japan and humans there have no individual will, yes I guess they all dress up like that.
Honestly, why even introduce 3 side kicks if they are all the same
Justin Walker
They have websites for removing them is what I meant, not that doing them is impossible.
Ryder Perez
>Senpai >Sakura >Yoshi They know Gamo fucked up
Charles Williams
>implying Sakura or Yoshi would destroy Naga like Gamo
Art people are fucking weird. Please tell me she had decent titties though.
Henry Walker
Cooper Collins
You just know the teachers were super uncomfortable
Grayson Cruz
inb4 Pres becomes buttmad after Paisen draws the 4 nude sluts since she wanted him to ask for her help
Matthew Hughes
Ab'd tomboy with nice small tits that fit in your hand.
I know they fit in the hand because I groped the cast because of course I fucking did.
Isaac Foster
Yea Forums wouldn't survive.
Daniel Foster
Thomas Sanchez
He's trapped.
Aaron Gonzalez
That's really interesting user. Tell me, how many women have rejected you for your 4 inch penis? Or could it be... fufufu... that you have never asked a girl out user?
Logan Smith
Why do you guys think Gamo and Sakura are scared of Naga? They've been teasing her this whole time.
Jace Barnes
>paisen's painting is of all five of them nude
Juan Wilson
Gamo is clearly a tier above.
Angel Taylor
What are you giga niggers talking about water marks. These are just the raw japanese chapters, and the translation is in the post itself. Do you want to put a watermark on a Yea Forums post?
Nathaniel Watson
Can nagatoro win with this idea
Jayden Jones
Nagatoro teases paisen but Gamo teases Nagatoro, she's clearly the alpha of the group.
Zachary Jackson
I feel so sorry for the president. She is only at high school, but already has the cow body of a 35 year old woman. It's so sad really. But it's good that Nagatoro wins easily thanks to that.
Isaiah Williams
Putting watermarks is top NPC behavior. It's akin to claiming something that isn't really your possession.
Christian Wright
Some groups weren't even getting the raws themselves, and were caught taking Stalker's posted image along with his translation
Aiden Allen
Nice try r*ddit
Ethan Green
Reddit fags are lurking the thread, stealing the translations and and posting them before stalker does while claiming they did all the work and shit talking Yea Forums.
Kayden Wood
>Gamo is the brains of the gang Didn't expect that.
Christopher Miller
>Nice try r*ddit Faggot. Le reddit loves watermarks so much.
Austin Garcia
Please don’t shoot me, Nagatoro Thank you STALKER
Luis Hill
big fucking deal who cares let's be honest except for this one specific manga, 4chins doesn't do shit, that's how we are so stop getting all high and mighty for the 1 thing that 1 guy here does, like it somehow makes us legit in some way appreciate the threads and move on
Ryder Collins
Make out with me, Nagatoro.
Nolan Morgan
James Long
As expected of a redditor. Yea Forums is not "le anonymoos we are le leejon" as you probably read on /r/Yea Forums. We do not collectively take credit for what Stalker does.
Kayden Perez
>us shut the fuck up nigger, Stalker isn't representing Yea Forums as a whole and deserves credit for his work I don't even understand how someone can be so fucking retarded as to even try to argue the opposite kill yourself
Aaron Brown
First time I post in a Nagatoro chapter thread
Asher Johnson
I need a fucking anime right now, okay not right now but after it gets one season worthy material I want it immediately
oi dmcfag here i wanted to post this for those who like my shit iit was bothering me that nanashi changed her hair to be less rectangular, so now in my shit she looks nothing like her so i remade the last panel just because
i also added a couple of recolors for prez, since some of you aren't really satisfied with brown hair and green eyes so i included two alt.versions, one with pure black hair one of yall wanted, the other with the hair color the based editfag used i know noone gives a shit, but here this is the first two, if you want i'll post the other recolor as well tell me if you want another color pallette
what a raging retard, reread my post i never mentioned credit or Yea Forums "having it" in any way if stalker really gave a shit about credit then he wouldn't be posting his translation here, on an anonymous messageboard
Eli Clark
>I assume he doesn't give a shit so it's completely okay for randoms tards to take his translation and claim it as their own on another website pls kill yourself mongoloid
Jose Brooks
Jaxson Garcia
>i never mentioned credit or Yea Forums "having it" in any way also yeah you did, but I guess you're one of these insufferable morons who pretend to change their retarded argument each time its gets torn a new asshole
Chase Nguyen
This was in Japan?
Liam Clark
Will Nagatoro pose naked for Paisen? Will Paisen kill himself? Find out next time, on Your chest is flat, Nagatoro!
Michael Gonzalez
>oh i made this translation, I hope people recognize me for my work >now let's see where I could post it... >oh yes! the perfect place, the anonymous imageboard where everyone is anonymous and nothing legit ever came from because everyone is anonymous
Again, explain how that makes it legitimate for random morons like you to repost it under their name on another website you shithead
Christopher Morgan
>it's posted on an anonymous site so I can steal it! reddit pls kill yourself
Jack Morgan
>“Please don’t bully me” - Nagatoro
Isaiah Ross
you are a certified retard. I will no longer answer your retarded diatribe
Nicholas Brooks
If they really do it, It will be definite proof for me, that they all actually have feelings for him. Not just Nagatoro.
Xavier Watson
>here are scans and translation reddit! >fuck Yea Forums scum :DDD
Caleb White
legitimate? according to whom? I suppose legally, anyone is permitted to copy paste from Yea Forums, yes. what the fuck do you think this website is, I'm starting to wonder. How did you get lost and end up here?
Ryan Foster
Gamo is clearly the enlightened chad bro of the group. This goad will merely push Naga to more extreme measures to keep up with president. Just as planned
Chase Thompson
>>I suppose legally, anyone is permitted to copy paste from Yea Forums, yes. >All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
Landon Diaz
>you put me in a corner of my own making, I will no logner talk to you kys >legally what the fuck are you even talking about you moron I'm trying to fuck into your thick retard skull that there is literally nothing acceptable with taking a translation online and reposting it under your name when you didn't do it If you don't care, great, stop postiong about it and don't advocate you shit eating mongoloid
Jason Ross
based dmcfag
Zachary Phillips
okay based retard, have fun with that
William Bailey
What is even your point moron?
Christian Roberts
no no I don't want to waste your time, I understand you're working on that major lawsuit to take back pepe from r*dditors god bless, little guy, keep fighting the good fight
Gavin Cook
What did he mean by this I don't want you to waste your time, you obviously have more translations you didn't make to take credit for, for internet points on reddit
Asher Gonzalez
Thank you based S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Dylan Jenkins
I don't even understand how someone could defend claiming translation as your own when you didn't do them Like what in life happened to lead you to that point, what set of values did your trash parents taught you, what degree of complacency, laziness and narcissism can lead you to defending such a retarded practice with so much passion Legitimately fascinating stuff