>Déjalo morir, hermano
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
So you're actually Mexican, hmmm
>Zekeposters nowhere to be found
Sleep tight monkeys, you're in for another hard day of work in the favelas tomorrow ;)
will you autists ever stop spamming this OP
Gabi will destroy Chadren's anus
>That EMcuck still trying
Unpopular opinion. I don't find Faye cute. I don't find anime children cute in general but Faye especially.
t. not an ErenCHAD
I'm quoting the Eruritrash ;)
Win a fight you useless Marley mutt trash.
Alas, poor Bert! I knew him, Reiner
Faggot opinion*
Hey guys!
I just got here from the Attack on Titan anime subreddit.
Can someone explain to me why y'all saying that Eren and Historia are a canon ship?
I mean, I get the parallel between them and Geisha and Dina buuuut...
... didn't Eren basically declare his love for Mikasa already in the last episode of the second season?
Also, Historia is like hella lesbian. She is never gonna like anyone except Ymir. Even if Ymir isn't coming back from Marley anymore, like the spoilers I read here yesterday said, you cannot seriously want us to believe that Historia is not lesbian or that she is bi. It's the friggin pride month for frig's sake.
I think that if anything, next episode will show even more how canon YH is. Historia is gonna cry for her missing lover and they'll have a touching LDR moment and it's gonna be hella lit.
>Cuckgath places warriors family in all the massacre
>Pee eats cocks for info
>Anniepedo aka Eruritrash mad at Eren not wanting to touch a girl with down syndrome like Shitkasa so she spams GabiSue pedo posts
Based Redditbro putting the EHcucks down.
Nice pasta
Don't worry, they are just delusional. Historia is still lesbian in the manga and she had her childhood friend / the farmer impregnate her so that other guys wouldn't try to have sex with her.
Hi, welcome to the /snk/ threads, I hope you like it here. You just need to learn every post that mentions Eren and Historia happening, or Eren being involved in her pregnancy, or people who call themselves "plotfags" or "Hunterchads".
I googled it and checked the archives. It's a 100% fresh original.
Hella based post.
Hi :)
Fuck yeah!
Can't wait for the cute YH moments next episode. #PrideMonth
And fucking flintlock rifles. Wtf WIT? Your artists can not draw bolt action?
Reminder: The rest of the world hates Eldians even more than the Marleyans. There's no reasoning to be had, Eren has to kill them all.
It would've been really interesting to see what would have happened had Eren actually been eaten by the bearded titan- considering he's an adult with full memories of outside the walls, and also a restorationist who followed Grisha. With Grisha and Kruger's memories he could have saved Eldia much faster than Eren and told Erwin and Levi the truth so much earlier. What do you guys think?
Pretty awful flaseflagging ITT
I hope his three daughters don't miss him too much.
You mean Erwin's?
Everyone in this thread who says they like YH is falseflagging. Only he likes YH.
They have bolt actions in the timeskip. I don't know if it's intended but rear units that didn't see action like this used muskets all the way up until ww1
Is he Benji?
>risk losing the only leverage over your WMDs
Based. Another stellar move from the faction with Galactic Empire level stupidity whose idea of placing titans on the island ended up costing them the Jaw titan.
Even if they're blond and have big eyebrows they will always be his daughters.
Flintlock system become obsolete in the first half of the 19th century. This is understandable that Paradise has them, given that their technical progress has stopped, but if you already have cars, then your rifles will have bolt-action and using cartridges.
Though so.
We know, Sneed
No, they're Erwin's.
Is Gabi a Mary Sue?
May be percussion locks - these looks like flintlocks, but may be just WIT fucked up.
>Erenfags from l*ddit
Kek. I saw sneed's comment "Dina>Cumstoria" in yesterday stream. He probably even hates EH now
>In all depictions, it's Ymir offering the Devil an apple, and not the other way around
>In some, the Devil seems friendly or even timid
>on maps, it's clear that the world of SNK is ours, but flipped and mirrored
Ymir offering the devil the apple is a reversal of the more traditional theological mythos we've become familiar with, and the fact that it appears this way in every depiction without being brought up by the characters suggests it's a hint of something yet to be revealed. Watch the twist be this:
Rather than Ymir gaining demons powers through the deal, it's actually the devil who gained its humanity. Before this event, earth was inhabited by humans, and eldritch abominations. The Eldians true forms are titans, and the ultimate irony is that every human who has ever called them devils throughout history has been correct.
But that's the YHfag posting.
Based YHbro.
No but Eren is.
Trolling aside and now talking seriously I noticed the pedo posting increased against Eren a lot, I knew it was that manletpedo/Sneed kek
Anime only girl here. Why did young Grisha sound like Eren? Are the two of them related?
YH will always be canon.
I thought it was the ErwLmod. Or are they all the same person? I'm lost sometimes.
Yes, they are brothers
What? Mikasa is looking really ugly in that pic.
>tfw I can watch this entire anime with getting even slightly horny
This is liberating. FUCK fan service.
Basically the EA/YH/EM/ErwL/Sneed(since EHfags disliked PP) alliance spamming the Gaboshit so they can call Erenfags pedos if Isayama confirms Eren is the father and people want to talk about it
Eren, Gabi, Pieck, Magath, Zeke, Mikasa, manlet and Armin are all Mary Sues. Prove me wrong.
So the king pussied out and closed himself and his folks up and erased everyone's memory so no one knew what was outside except the royals.
Then why the fuck is there a scout unit which goes outside the walls regulary to see what's there?
What if they happen to encounter the shore, the ocean or Marleys?
>OBSESSED Gabipedo
Too much fan service reduces dopamine sensitivity. That’s the same reason why it takes porn addicts longer and longer to get aroused over time.
Did it look like they were making any progress in season 1?
The scout unit is to keep up the facade.
Technology is kept down so they can't do much out there, and any lucky guys are silenced by the nobles and MP or brain wiped
Does sneed not like EH anymore?
The funny thing is, LEpedo is the "enemy of my enemies which is my unlikely friend" for EHfags
Nop, they insulted his ship PP
It's just to let them maintain the illusion of freedom. He'd still wipe their memories of everything if necessary.
Nice get
>ITT: Erenfags(pedos) spamming
Hold CTRL and press W to hide all the posts you don't like
>Mikasa became a tall version of Manlet
Erenpedos killed these threads.
looks prettey jewish here
anne frank vibes i get
The original social function of the Scouts is to gather and kill persons with deviant personalities who could not be satisfied with life within the walls. They had something like a 60% death rate before Erwin came along.
Consider Eren himself as an example of this. Had he been just a normal person with his ideals about freedom, and the Grim Reminder never happened, he would have grown up, joined the scouts, and likely died.
Soon this cute Mikasa will be replaced by the terrible Mankasa
My heart can't take it.
>gets his sister mauled by dogs
>traumatizes Zeke for life and led him to become a race traitor
>fucked around in the walls for 13 years before finding the royal family
>breeds again with a bar tavern wench who showed zero signs of being worthy of breeding a worthy revolutionary
>could have became a combat medic and prescreened for an inheritor there, instead breeds another person to suffer in the hellworld of SNK
>forces shifter aids and the duty of a revolutionary against a massive empire on his son, because he expressed a curiosity about the world one day
Based Grishit. You can't praise him except for being lucky his genes produced a right fit for a revolutionary. (After failing once with Zeke)
How many more chapters until Eren POV? And I mean a meaningful POV not just thoughts during a battle and shit
But EHfags like PP.
i caught up on most of the confusion today regarding what ive seen from the anime till now, and i get most of it. one thing i dont understand is this:
assuming the present is the place the eldian king fleed to, and the people within the walls are eldians, how come dina fritz, as a titan, reached it? Considering she was made into a titan at the nation of marley, how did she end up on the island? I made some assumptions here, correct me on them if theyre false. also dont spoil anything after last episode.
He wrote a pamphlet that turned tens of thousands of readers into revolutionaries.
>fucked around in the walls for 13 years before finding the royal family
How is he going to fuck with the MP while raising a family and doing his doctor job at the same time? He himself is not strong and using his titan could have attracted too many attention and a ticket to getting tag teamed by Uri/Frieda and Kenny
>If you don't support PP I will accuse you of being a pedophile
Sasha dies
Eren impregnated Historia and wants to genocide the world
Zeke is a cuck who wants to sterilize his race
Levi dies from an explosion
the Fourth Wall is located on the coast of Paradis island. the nation of Marley is on the mainland.
Yaaas Benji!
>Eren impregnated Historia and wants to genocide the world
God you EHfags are so pathetic.
Historia had sex with the farmer. DEAL WITH IT. She misses her Yumiru.
King Eren
We know, Hisu.
Eren hates Mikasa because she was bred to be a super soldier slave
>stands atop the fourth wall
>breaks the fourth wall to address the audience directly
How could one overweight Italian plumber be so based?
yeah, so how did dina fritz cross the ocean to the island when the titan attack happened in episode 1
and the anime.
she looks like ereh
Gross is a better person than Shitren.
>Isayama ripping off Danganronpa 3
You think so?
they ship eldians to Paradis and transform them there
She was made a titan on the island not in Marley
Nah. Who the fuck likes a manlet like Porco?
t. Attackonweeb2506
There's this device called a boat, you can put people on it and bring them across oceans and stuff.
Well, at least when it's not broken by titans. Then it's useless.
>the real enemies were ourselves all along
Real genius isayama
are you okay retard
You are 3 seasons late
>Eren alcoholico
The best.
But SnK isn't based on Mexico
The real friends were the titans we got turned into along the way!
>In the United States
Also, tall height is two standard deviations above average. 5'9 isn't two standard deviations over 5'4.
ooh that makes sense. I thought all that happened in nation of marley
good luck putting this on a boat
shes taller than the average in any country in the world
manlet cope
>that music when Kruger transforms
They did a better job with this scene than I could have imagined
sounds like you need to deal with it
>good luck putting this on a boat
she used to be alot thinner
but we're talking about female height
>this episode
Eren is a trans woman and LESBIAN.
that's the most boring thing I've ever read.
i was asking how after she got made into a titan she crossed the ocean
Kruger Titan seems to be taller than 15m
WIT must get season 4
So appenrently, Sasha dies at some point in the manga yet people kept reading? Can someone explain this for me?
God hates fags
Her death doesn't affect me whatsoever
She didn't.
she doesn't have a character besides eating food.
Sasha is a boring meme character like Levi
I cope thru Niku’s rage.
i know, it was already answered.
Hell I would be happy with this.
snk characters as USA presidential candidates
>Trump: Flocke
>Biden: Hange
>Sanders: Zeke
>Yang: Jean
>Gabbard: Armin
>Warren: Historia
>isayama's message is that white people are inherently violent savages with brutal imperalistic tendencies
This is truly based and redpilled
Sasha and Levi are both a type of fan service for shitty people who browse and post to twitter unironically.
Democracy is for sheep
>muh resorces
Ok. Is there any nonspoiler reason why doesn't Marley just kill everyone inside the walls with their superior numbers and technology besides this laughable explanation?
>Yang is Jean and not Mikasa
wtf is wrong with you
Based YHbro
Cope, rEHtard. Mikasa is 8 inches taller and has a better hip to waist ratio, and has wider hips in an absolute sense. She has Ackerman genes and is a descendant of the Shogun clan of Hizuru, a valuable ally that offers valuable technology. Not to mention Historia's 4/10 intelligence and juvenile facial structure further taints her genetic profile.
Mikasa is a woman while Historia has an Ephebophilic vibe to her.
Breeding with Historia means weaker, dumber children. Oh and the anime is the final product, before you post cherrypicked panels from the manga. Mikasa's figure will likely improve even further in the timeskip.
So I'm a bit confused. I understand that you can control titans with the power of your voice if you have the Founding Titan and Royal Blood, but how come Annie and Zeke could do it? They don't have the founding titan, and I'm pretty sure they aren't royal blooded.
the millions of colossal titans in the walls kicking their shit in is actually the reason
>A PPfag, a BAfag and a JMfag
Is sneed the most pathetic shipper in this thread? Which is saying a lot.
I guess it isn't a spoiler, Marley are scared to get stomped by the wall titans
Annie couldn't control titans, just attract them to her.
eh? what titants in the walls?
I don't think Annie was controlling anything
Think of a car alarm attracting zombies in a zombie apocalypse movie
Why should Marley risk fighting millions of colossal titans? And they don't even know the technology level inside the walls
Tragic lovers.
S1's final episode
Sorry but I'm not concerned about the opinions of subhumans with shit taste.
And Eren will love his full blooded Eldian baby nevertheless.
Pay attention to the episode you're watching
This is what schizophrenia is like. I'm also an EM bro, but Mikasa is not a *tall* version of manlet. She is taller but she has a different physique to him, which is what I meant by that post. Also, 176 still isn't tall for a woman, it's upper normal range. You wouldn't call a 5'11 man tall, would you?
He is injured af and missing a few fingers at best. You think this is enough to stop that mad boi?
Annie doesn't control them so much as make a mating call. But when the titans get to her they realize they don't have junk and settle for eating her out instead. This seems to be a power of her titan and not herself.
And Zeke has royal blood through his mother, Dina. This grants him the special power of being able to control titans created using his spinal fluid.
Literally a season 1 thing
>Zeke aren't royal blooded
Who the fuck do you think the blonde kid this ep is?
>posts a cherry picked screenshot
>caring about superficial features and autistically analyzing a woman's body for breeding potential
Get help you Incel.
oh these titans. I didn't think they were refering to the literal wall titans. So the implication here is that they are somehow not dead and can be woken up somehow?
>watching at the speed of light
176 cm woman is equivalent to 190 cm man. It's pretty tall.
>EHcucks are speed watchers
Historia and her girlfriend, Ymir.
5'7=6'1 for a man. 3 inches taller than average, and a standard deviation from the norm. She's obviously gotten taller after the timeskip too.
They are just like the mindless titans, but big and has no sunlight to move on their own covered behind the walls
So Eren is going to eat all of the 9 Titans and cast his Genjitsu off of the moon, reverting the Titans back to people, right?
t. manlet
Reiner is gonna kill Eren and fuck Historia in front of everyone
Just watched yesterday's episode.
I hate jews now.
No, I'm a womanlet.
I was confused because I hardly doubt that there are over MILIONS titans in the walls
>So the implication here is that they are somehow not dead
Dead titans evaporate. Any titan that hasn't evaporated is by definition alive.
>can be woken up somehow?
see pic related
If Eren starts the rumble would it also wake up Annie from crystal status.
Reiner will tenderly love Historia like the queen she is.
>has not landed a clean punch since their first fight and has shown no improvement in fighting ability
Let it die bro. Prepare for Falco to eat Reiner next chapter
Not that user but there's definitely a gap between 173(woman) and 190(male).
If a woman is 173 then the male is 173 too. Please edit your post because it is triggering me!
Okay tranny
>still loses to a womanlet
Same guy.
Reiner is a fag.
What the fuck is this? Why hate EH again?
Benji and his cucckpost
Why is YH mostly popular with low testosterone males from Reddit?
mentally ill fujos.
Do you realize just how much wall there is
OK, I got it. I was being retarded about it because I called Mikasa an amazon and anons were like, lol >176 >amazon.
So I'll acknowledge her as tall but not a giant now. Thanks for your input, anons!
im new to the whole shipping terminology autism, but Historia is boring and bogs down Erens character
Shipping is gay
If Zeke dont want people to suffer then why he was such a fucking sociopath in the early manga portion?
He left that one scout to be devoured by titans and then he was exciting killing massive ammout of his fellow people with rocks
It is not making any sense
But Zeke doesn't have the Founding Titan, so I don't understand how he's able to control them at all. Is it just titans he created with his spinal fluid?
She literally saved Eren
Right, I completely forgot about that. So the walls was created differently than what Eren did with his hardening skill since he could just harden and leave it
I do but milions opon milions seems like a little exaggeration
Why do Reinerfags like hurting themselves writing and posting this type of shit?
He's making the mother of all omelettes, can't fret over every single egg.
See all of those little segments? Each one of those contains a single colossal titan.
Because Zeke is a literal race traitor that hates his own people.
C'mon Isyama.we need more Attack on Titan Highschool AU.
He's always been deranged. He thinks he's saving the children that the people he killed would've given birth to.
Isayama didn't plan his character out and made it up as he went along thats the only logical reason
No she didn't, she just refused to murder him (which she was about to do for purely selfish reasons like the cunt she is). It was Carla's words that got him out of his funk and even then he was still depressed for a while.
based newfag
literally from herself. Otherwise she would have no power to stop anyone from doing anything because she a helpless child and you damn well know it.
This. The immense popularity of OPM didn't save it from getting picked up by an incompetent studio. I say WIT is better than the alternatives
EHfags hate PP and prefer ZP while insulting Porco thus mad sneed
EH thus mad ErwL/EM
EH thus mad EM
LEpedo but she is busy making enemies out of everyone
Only his titans, and his orders are not absolute as even mindless titans can resist it for their own instinct
>bogs down Erens character
Eren became a genuinely good character starting from Uprising and it was mostly thanks to her.
the only one bogging down Eren is Mikasa
>and it was mostly thanks to her.
>this is what Pissufags genuinely, unironically believe
He can only control titans made from his spinal fluid
I’ve been asking myself why l’m even here, because just look at the quality of this thread. Then, I find more news that we’re already very likely past worst case climate change scenario and then I remember it’s because very low quality thread can feel very relaxing by comparison to the usual sort of discussions I follow.
Prove me wrong, bitch.
so zeke was his fucking half-brother holy shit...
how were the gates even formed?
All of them are lgtb girls
He was still depressed after her retarded spiel.
I want them to keep it, but I want them to make sure they have at least a year to prepare for and produce Season 4. Otherwise IG would be a good choice.
But his royal cuck genes is stronger. So only a quarter-brother
There aren't any titans there, so they had to be built, I assume.
Karl the Cuck probably hired engineers and architects.
EMfags are girls with autism, makes sense
>Is it just titans he created with his spinal fluid?
Yes. Or to get really technical...
There's two separate abilities at work here. The power of the royal family is to control mindless titans which are connected to them by P A T H S. What the Founding Titan provides is a connection to ALL mindless titans and non-shifter Eldians via P A T H S.
So a royal in possession of the Founding Titan is connected to all mindless titans and non-shifter Eldians and can use their own royal ability to command them.
Zeke in his Beast Titan has the royal ability, but is only connected by default to the Founding Titan via P A T H S, and he can't command the FT because that's a shifter. But when new mindless titans are created using his spinal fluid, a new P A T H is created between him and those titans, and he can use his royal ability to command them.
The walls and gates are built over the standing titans. Victorian technology is still capable of that much, espeically with titan workers
t. mentally ill numale creatura Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun
How can such small petite body take all those large long throbbing farmer cock all at once?
>Grishas ex-wife ate his new wife
Eldians are dicklets
Keep denying word of God, my dear little fujo.
>So the only one who truly surfaced again from the endless abyss was Historia?
>Isayama: “My entire existence, from beginning to now, completely depended on my father’s decisions.” Within this despair, when Eren witnessed the very similar Historia releasing herself from the Reiss curse, he decided that he must do the same. Everything must be done for his own good - when you think about things this way, it’s easier to understand Eren.
that's the joke...
YH is dumblr aka trannies.
And? Is that contrary to what she saved him? Carla just completed salvation
Reminder that the concept of Marley and Paradis has existed since the release of the first tankōbon in March 2010.
*MtF pre op trannies (aka numale soibois)
Historia is Eren's freedom
Furthermore, it's appeared in every episode title card since the beginning of the anime in April 2013
hardly a joke desu, just a funny fact
>Grishit didn't use his status and wealth as a doctor who cured a plague in the wall to move somewhere safer.
>settled in the outmost part of the walls near the FUCKING gate when he knew that Marley was gearing up to invade
Based, another reason to hate Grishart even more.
I don't know why, but actually reading this shit in the manga made me laugh out loud.
Stop posting, Zeke.
He forgot his goal the second he got some pusy
It's just plot convenience so Eren's hometown is destroyed and he wants to get revenge.
>All that Hange's merchandise
Oh my god, near the southern part too, which he knew attracted more titans ( because of it's vicinity to the port)
How is it bait when it accurately represents the run of the mill male poster on Reddit?
and what is this supposed to prove?
ironically, if anything it'eren who bogged mikasa down her whole life. she's protected him his whole life. he wouldn't even be alive if she hadn't constantly out herself in harms way to save his ass. and even now when his OP as fuck she mostly stays out of the way and does what she can
B-but Isayama makes shit up as he goes!!!
post the hottest and lewdest Reiner in your folder if you truly love him
>tries to apply for immigration status to the inner lands
>doesn't have any documentation or paper trail before suddenly arriving in the walls a few years ago
>uh I have amnesia
If you were the immigration officer would you let him into the inner lands?
Cute and canon
good explanation
No character besides a bow once
Yeah... sure
What would be the most fitting way for him to die?
He is right a woman with 1.76cm of height is the equivalent of a 1.90 man, if you are 1.60 and your wife is 1.75 if you have a son who inherits the height of his mother he is going to be tall as hell.
That's not right after the cave, speedreader
From that last event exhibition of the manga
What if his origin got traced by the MP and the Reiss figure out he came from Marley? He was a mystery even to Shiganshina residents
Not allowed
This is pretty neat.
I hope we get some kind of prequel about the Titan War.
EH ledditors act like mentally retarded middle schoolers
user...that's a wage gap joke
Translation: waaaa waaa their ship destroyed my ship
He didn't have internment camp and armbands planned out. There's no way Annie's day would risk her daughter getting caught without her armband by a Marleyan patrol, and I doubt Marleyans would allow for isolated homes.
Because an EHfag stole my savings
You need to practice in your jokes
Remember how SnK was supposed to end in 2018?
And yet we have more than 16 chapters left.
or she's a Tybur
>hange is now the most feminine character in the manga
what the fuck
he never asked her to do anything
Mikasa saved his life, Historia saved his soul
I'm not that user.
Remember when the second part of season 3 was supposed to be only 6 episodes long?
>Remember how SnK was supposed to end in 2018?
I don't, actually.
Him showing the final page didn't mean it was gonna end right then and there.
Literally the most beautiful Shingeki.
I bet Benji will get away with this
Hisu smiling at Mikasa killed millions?
Fuck you. She looks autistic and not cute in any way. And the sole purpose of her character is to make people
>oh, she's so cute because she's constantly smiling and she's a kid, bad Marley killed her and I'm so angry because she was so cute
And then the same people will enjoy Udo's and Zofia's deaths and wish Gabi to die.
I think the actual number is somewhere closer to 12.
See what I mean. Sorry but your delusions are simply just that, keep reaching faggot.
He said it was going to end in 2018 around 2013 already.
>Radius of Wall Maria = 480km
From this we calculate the circumference of Wall Maria = 3,016km
>Radius of Wall Rose = 380km
From this we calculate the circumference of Wall Rose = 2,387km
>Radius of Wall Sina = 250km
From this we calculate the circumference of Wall Sina = 1,570km
From this we calculate total wall length to be 6,973km
Assuming each segment of wall contains a single titan, and each segment is 30m long, we get 232,433 wall titans in total.
Not millions.
Why is eren watching luffy fuck armin? Weird image.
Chadren's(FT) pheromones do wonder to female eldian.
more likely he would've been fucked over by the MPs because he knew too much
Hot and canon.
Ejaculating inside Hange
I remember when it was supposed to be 12 episodes long because they were supposed to be two cours to the same season.
Yeah, one of them ran over my cat last week too and he didn't even apologize. Can't stand those assholes.
La creatura del Benji trying to turn EH into something he could like
This does not make sense
30 meters is too wide
1 million would be 7 Meters which is probably too little
I don't know how much real thought he put into this
Literally EHcucks on suicide watch.
You too? Jesus, somebody needs to do something about these terrorists.
Manlet will do the deed
She has a certain air of an adult woman. I like it.
send feet
Learn how to use hyperbole properly retard.
>itt: shiptards still in denial somehow
CTs are extremely lanky. 6-7m wide seems feasible
>Anime only girl here
More like anime only attention whore here. And also retarded one judging by the question.
EM is endgame
>implying EH ledditors aren't the most desperate shippers of all
It's all they talk about
>handholding boost
I mean why
t. cuckren self-inserter(heroxia)
Maibe it was some kind of winter training camp for future warriors
It's Mikasa's inescapable slave genes that bogged her down her whole life
more like 12 since that’s three more volumes. 16 is too much considering this arc is already 12 chaps long
Somewhere between 10-20m wide, going by this chart.
But, it's true. We really need to hang all those EHwhales, don't you agree?!
Pay attention to the fucking story, fatass
>Farmerchads are making fun of us again.
historia literally just repeated what ymir said to her. She coildn't even come uo with her own perspective on life and had to be taught one she then parroted to literally the first , and only, person she was capable of helping. And by "help" i mean not kill. she never really helped anyone else because she is completely useless and were it not for the asspull of muh bastard daughter of the royal family she would have absolutely no relevance at all
>YHfags doing farmer posting again
I want to poke tiny Eren's eye-eyes!
I'm still astounded at the amount of butthurt this pairing produces.
>shit that doesn't exist
Sorry you're in so much desperation over your girl Historia getting plowed by your average joe farmer EHcuck. Desperately making up escapist fanfics that it was Eren isn't going to do anything.
EM won. Nippon BANZAI.
It's insane how many brainlet questions start coming in when the anime answers literally everything. It shows that these people never understood anything in the first place.
Annie can't control titans. Her scream attracts titans to her, she's nothing but a lure for titans, which is probably the power of the female titan.
Zeke has royal blood. No one said that the founding titan is the only one that can control titans. Zeke can do it as well on a smaller scale because of royal blood.
The CGI CT is the only one ever close to that anatomy
user, I...
Not him (or a hisufan in general), but following what you say, also mikasa would be useless if not for "muh ackerman asian genes" (same for levi,at least the ackerman one).
Oh so her personality is naturally dependent, beta and pathetic. Much better.
>historia and zeke
this was made before 114 iirc. it has to be
Based. Our time will come, EMfriend
if antifa hates fascists then why do they act exactly like them?
Maybe her father is a farmer or something like that so they have kinda isolated house. We have seen only small part of internment zone. And they don't wear armbands at their homes. Maybe armbands weren't planned from the beginning but it isn't a plothole anyway.
Unironically this.
speed reader
This. FG=EM. Isayama already confirmed that EM won.
Grim reminder
I need goth mikasa
>EMtrannie samefagging again
Wasn't the EMfag a spic girl?
only now have I realised that Greisha was meeting Mikasa's parents because one was an ackerman and the other asian royality and he wanted to conspire with them
>ywn fuck an angry Ellen into submission
Why live?
I thought she was a youtuber
Which character does Sneed hate the most?
(Please forgive the typo, died = diet*)
Tick tock YHfag
>Spend years cultivating contacts
>They get killed in a random home invasion
Grisha is such an unlucky sod
>letter scene next week
so how are they gonna make the context? will they just cut to historia shedding a tear when EMA walk in? will they speed run through the letter? araki is definitely adding the marry line
most likely
that would explain why isayama put her on ice
No, it was probably because mikasa was the name of their daughter
Do girls really do THIS at sleepovers?
Speaking of Grim Reminder, can someone post the grim reminder collage of people saying there will be no grim reminder and panels of Eren killing marlyeans?
sneed is an EHfag. he’s literally said it. he compares PP to EH and ZP to YH. he definitely hates zekefags the most.
A quick summary as Historia read it
you think we forgot your antics?
t. LEpedo
I'm tired of this "Isayama didn't plan anything" thing. There's a difference between what Zeke does and what Zeke says. People often describe themselves better than they are in reality. Zeke might try to justify himself by saying all these fancy words about salvation but in fact he's cruel and sadistic psychopath.
>posting shit that was obviously Eren baiting even before it was basically confirmed to be exactly that
but at least mikasa isn't constantly doing stupid shit and never was a flat out liability. even if she had no powers she'd just be a reserved, disciplined girl of average build who could at a bare minimum be useful to someone. Historia is a downright negative in that even disregarding her powers was a liability in combat and canstantly makes the emotional decision rather than the correct one, often putiing everyone in danger
>he doesn't know what unconditional love for a family member feels like
trully sad
of fuck an actual retard
Ymir wished for her to live her life with pride. She got her wake up call after remembering her wish but all her rant about rejecting Godhood and being unable to be the "good girl" she believed others wanted her to be (and whom Frieda actively encouraged her to be) didn't come from Ymir. Her motivation to help other people who were feeling like they had no place in the world find value in themselves borrowed from someone else either: nobody fucking told her to up and go tell Eren his life was worth something or that she was his ally, or to stand up for him when he wanted to let Rod eat his ass, or participate in the Orvud mission, or build the orphanage, or use the royal family funds to help the poor.
Living your life with pride is nothing but a guideline, which in itself didn't imply or necessitate any of those actions to be perform. Moving forward and making choices you can look back on without shame or regret doesn't determine the choices you'll make to achieve that ideal.
Tyburs don't have to wear armbands though. And when her dad showed up to the festival he had an armband.
Hange' jacket smells like science
Was it confirmed that Annie was born and raised in Liberio?
i was always confused why grice looks so saddened here. maybe he was coerced into saying that by yelena. maybe he was truly saddened that his friend fucked an eldian
Grice is probably sad because he got eaten by a titan.
He literally got caught in the other thread because he didn't know about the id. He only cares about EH for PP comparison and to troll YHfags but he is the one spamming those pedo posts.
i’m an idiot. i got the names mixed up. grior lol
I want to get into this but I can't be bothered watching 3 season of this.I'm starting to read the manga but just wanted to know if the anime has great scenes or perhaps certain "battle scenes" that are better experienced in motion.
I feel sorry for Mikasa, but the mmgh always gets me.
Not anymore. Even in the olden days he always posted "EHchads delusion are based". He's just a falseflagger and read the thread.
>point out your shit character is shit
>no u
> no actually it is because of X
every time pisstoriafags
Maybe he fugged an Eldian himself and feels guilty
>wanted to know if the anime has great scenes or perhaps certain "battle scenes" that are better experienced in motion.
Parts of season 2 made me legit regret having read the manga.
>I miss Liner...
Calm down Ymirfag
death sentence is coming
Watch the anime user.
It's worth it.
Damn I forgot he's a manletwhale too
>Likes Fagath(174cm)
>Likes Porco
>Likes manlet
Kek, he is a manlet and a fatty. Sasuga amerilard.
this thread again
well she's in her 30's, isn't she? come to think of it, do we even know any of the adult character's ages? barring manlet who should currently be around the late 30's.
i’m seriously so pissed dina’s name is pronounced dyna instead of deena
Soon, lads.
I'm pissed Zeke isn't pronounced like the middle part of Ezekiel
i don’t mind jeke. i’ll still say zeke though. same with deena
Zeke is 29
Maybe in 2-3 years.
this statement can be applied to both eldians and marley, tho
The katakana is always Daina so...
I always thought his name was supposed to be Sieg as in victory.
no you gigantic faggot. stop trying to over analyze simple shit.
nobody told ymir to help out historia either, but she did for X reason. Historia just mimicked ymir in jelping someone who was having the same problem as her. She even used most of the same words. and of course that usless, dependent, child wiuldn't want anything to do with queenhood. Beta personalities fear responsibiblity like the plague
I think she's the same age as manlet or close to it. He was in early thirties before timeskip and in thirties now. So I think he isn't older than 36. In other words it's already time for them to make babies!
you think i read nipnong?
>same discussions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ov
Based LEpedo. I claimed her first as my /snk/ waifu, so back off trannies.
it’s not bump limit, and fuck off
humanity's strongest coat hanger
I can't help that these retards can't see that they're wrong
I love them
No, I'm just addressing you as a bottom feeder.
Based and canonpilled
user are you blind? She literally slaps her best friend on the table against her will.
Kek. Good that Hanji actually cares about manlet.
coping mikadog
New bread!
based CHADner
yes, because she's always been over protective of eren. we know this from chapter 1. If you look closely, armin then proceeds to punch eren in the fucking face and mikasa doesn't do shit. If she was programmed to protect eren no matter what she coulnd't not stop it.
It's not overanalyzing, it's reading the fucking manga, which your chronic retardation and uncontrolled seething seems to be preventing you from doing. Ymir never told her shit about being someone's ally even if the world was against them, Historia was the one who always used those words, with her first and with Eren later. You're also gonna have to tell me how any of the shit she did in Orvud or after her coronation was mimmicking Ymir in anyway.
>beta personalities
>Arumin: Next episode: Shingeki no kyojin
>having 7 babies starting in her 30's
sasuga zoe danchou
non-pedo thread
That ain't overprotectiveness, that's pure instincts. She didn't even fucking know what she was doing.
Historia is a cock slut and loves taking it in the pooper.
Don't need to because I'm not the one who has to make up headcanon about Historia secretly having an off-screen romance with Eren then desperately insisting it's true every thread.
But I didn't write "seven babies", just babies.
Anyway, successful woman first of all builds her career, makes scientific discoveries, becomes a hero (of Shingashina), helps her countrie and then dedicates herself to family. Everything is alright.
She punched Eren in the face in episode 2 for talking shit to Armin
I am afraid to check how many threads are up right now
Did this shit ever happen with any other pair in SnK before? There's always been shipfaggotry in the fanbase but it's reached levels of autism that can hardly be measured ever since this whole pregnancy stuff. I guess all this seething allows one to see the true, ugly face of most shipperfags.
>Mikasa's scarf is black
>Jacket is black
We got an alternative EM there in the background
t. sub 100 iq nigger
i don't think you understand what the word mimic means. when a chimp mimicks a human at the zoo, the human isn't asking the chimp to mimic him. the chimp just does it cause hes a doofus.
>someone's ally even if the world was against them
that just the corollary if ymir's motto: live for yourself, fuck the world
> any of the shit after coronation
like getting farmed? i guess that was all her. although even that I'm not sure she wans't just convinced by eren in order to follow his plan. Other than that she's done fuck all except stand there and be a thing to be protected because she's fucking useless
>his idea of an alpha personality is making a seriius face while saying something vaguely assertive to agroup of friendlies
LH is different from EM. Manlet and Hanji complete each other. They can be kinda "overprotective" ("H-Hanji, don't touch the water, it could be poisoned", etc.) but they are always respectful. Their relationships (romantic or not) aren't based on obsession or fear of losing family. And they understand each other very well unlike EM.
Ging and Goku would be proud of this dude
how much more artifacting can we get? repost it 1000 more times please!
yes, she's instinctively protective of eren, we know this since forever.
what's your point?
yes. exactly.
Nope. Back then the more prominent pairings that people here considered to be canon were EM and YH. Maybe that's why there's so much butthurt towards EH.
No no, I was talking in the sense of Hange giving part of her clothes to him while he was hurt and manlet carried it like a sick kid. I also like little details like how manlet said he would disobey Pixis orders but he never said he would disobey Hange's orders
This is weird, they had bolt actions and disposable syringes in the Ymir flashback and that was just 15 or so years after this episode. Wit fucked up.
She's pretty much manlet's oldest comrade at this point. He probably trusts her more than anyone.
Doesn’t dykemir’s cult precede the restorationists?
I kinda blame Isayama because for a long time Historia was just a moe character. There are of course cute EH interactions and hints but there wasn't any real romantic development. EM is "main girl wins" trop so people follow it, YH is a thing because Ymir's feelings were very obvious so it's easy to follow as well. EH is obvious but at the same it's underdeveloped. He really could have written something more than "you're amazing" and ambiguous smiles. All these EH parallels are nice but real development of relationships would have been more interesting than this soap opera with pregnancy.
PP = Porco x Pieck
They fight alot with ZPfaggots (Zeke x Pieck).
Cute Sasha
>sasha and connie splashing each other
>armin also standing in the ocean
>eren in the deep end planning a bit of genocide
>jean drinking the fucking sea water
>"don't touch it, hange."
manlet is a shit parent but a great husband
Yes that's what I like about it and it's one of those ships I don't mind, he probably knows Hange will support whatever decisions he makes
Also "Hange and the others" but he cares a lot about them
She is mine fuck off
I bet you could trigger his OCD something fierce by telling him that fish have sex in it.
But you repeat yourself.
I hope someone puts a bullet through your head to save you the trouble of thinking. FUCK
Wasn't there a recent smartpass where they visit historia's orphanage together and he tells the children that he supports her? She also accepted his serumbowl decision despite wanting to bring Erwin back. Even without romance, they seem to have a comfy relationship based on trust and respect.
>that just the corollary if ymir's motto: live for yourself, fuck the world
Ymir herself didn't even stick to her motto since she ended up living and dying for other people on her second run. And that's not what she wished for Historia to do either, otherwise she would've said so. Living your life with pride ain't that, and "live for yourself, fuck others" literally goes against Historia's decision to accept the crown in the end and make the most of her position with the limited power she had.
>like getting farmed?
Like implementing measures to provide support to orphans from all over the country, building the orphanage or helping the poor. You know, that kind of shit she actually decided to become Queen to do. But I guess bettering the life of your subjects is "fucking useless" since it ain't as flashy as slicing titan meat or shooting bitches in the face.
The body that made Pieck endanger the whole Marley operation
I've been lied to.
I want my bobblehead Armin back.
By several decades at least
mankasa became true though
>all those bait threads
I'd hardly call living with someone for a year your family.
Uprising was more than enough to establish a solid base, imo. Any further development past RtS was impossible since we switched to Marley for over a year, and all we know from Paradis' situation and its characters in the last four years has to be told through flashbacks, including the evolution of character relationships (like how we saw Eren and Armin's friendship progressively souring, for eg.). If Historia's POV is connected to Eren's, which the fact that it's still hidden a year after the arc began seems to be hinting at, then any obvious development in those previous timeskip flashbacks would've completely defeated the point since the characters who were remembering those events are supposed not to understand what the fuck is going on with Eren anymore (Hange, Mikasa, Armin).
Yeah, I would say their relationship is deeper and more mature than it looks at first. Makes me wonder if Isayama had plans with for them, we never saw them alone in private, only during the Ilse part iirc in the manga. Also Zoe meaning life really makes you think
>only during the Ilse part iirc in the manga
This part is small but it activates my LHautism anyway. They aren't even from the same squad!
>wasn't any real romantic development
1. If Isayama cares about his autistic fanbase, then he would not show a EH romantic interaction when most of the retarded fans are EM, YH, EL shippers. 2. They were then only close friends. If there was a romantic interaction, it was only after chapter 107, but Isayama decides to hide everything. But this is in case it was of course.
>EH is obvious but at the same it's underdeveloped.
I do not agree. The quality of interaction is equal to ER, and in this case Isayama also relied on flashbacks.
>He really could have written something more than "you're amazing" and ambiguous smiles. All these EH parallels are nice but real development of relationships would have been more interesting than this soap opera with pregnancy.
I can not disagree. But since it took so much time and is the main secret of the current arc, I think everything will be fine. We just need to wait.
>Ymir herself didn't even stick to her motto since she ended up living and dying for other people on her second run.
Yes, and that was pretty stupid when it happened btw. Same with Historia taking the crown IMMEDIATELY after the whole fiasco climaxing in her ostensibly rejecting it. These are not good character development. These are instances of bad writing.
Anyway, Her bit with Eren was still just a straight evocation of Her moment with Ymir. There's no denying it. Ymir not asking her do it is both irrelevant and a fucking stupid argument to bring up.
> Living your life with pride ain't that
Within the context where that conversation took place, it literally is
>Like implementing measures to provide support to orphans from all over the coun bla bla
Oh sorry, she did the most generic queen thing ever off screen, and we saw that shit once and was never brought up again.
user building orphanages and "helping" the poor is basically all a queen does.
They grew up together. What're you talking about?
I know what you mean. In any case, we will probably get to see them alone together soon. However, enough time has already passed for Zeke and Floche to arrive at Shiganshina, so if Isayama doesn't cut to them in the next couple chapters, it might be safe to assume that many things will be offscreened.
Me too. Disregarding the OVA's version of things, what exactly were they doing isolated in the forest?