ITT: well-written MCs

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lol only the left one, hunterfag go back

Of course that's the only examples you know.

>Shitrenfags are hunterfags AND /pol/cringe


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Akagi is the best character of the medium

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he is only better than deku

Gesicht is based. Urasawa is at his best when writing these types of tortured characters.

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Eren is the joke here kiddie. Just your typical retarded edgy man.

deku and gon are literally the same exact character

This unironically

In terms of MCs, LotGH remains surpreme yet again. It's the best anime for a reason.

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You feel for the decoy user.

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No, NGE had far better

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Yea Forums personified is definitely up there

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It's certainly not Astro

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No, it's Atom.

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Its been years and people still respond to bait threads like this one. YEARS!!!

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haven't started :re yet though, because i heard it's a huge letdown compared to the og

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No, he's barely there.

Gon is an obnoxious mary sue and the only reason hunterfags hype up him threatening to kill Komugi so hard is because it's the only time he's ever remotely interesting

Reiner is far better written than Eren
I'd honestly fund an entire remake of the manga just to tell it from his perspective

>mary sue
how, he lost far more fights than he ever won

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Can't argue there. Every second of their screentime had some value unlike other protags posted here


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>Yea Forums personified
>A female other than your mom knocking on the door


He's exactly where he needs to be.

Yes, in the trash, while Gesicht gets all the character arc, development and actual plot.

low blow

>gets all the character arc, development and actual plot.
... Have you read Pluto?


Gon is a well thought out character in that his nature is close to that of a loyal, feral beast, but he is stuck in a shitty manga.

This. Gon is a little bitch with no development.

>locked his friends in a building full of Eldians ready to be transformed into titans from Zeke's scream
Edgen showing off his 3/10 shitwits again.

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Yes. Gesicht is the actual main character having an arc, dealing with his memory loss, guilt and feelings for his lost son. Atom is merely a plot device

No, eren "i was a annoying child who growed up step by step into a gray,morally questionable and realistic character"Jaeger is a well written character along side with Gon and Guts

Shirou is fucking garbage

I have never seen a post that disgust me more to my core than this OP post.

Mend what you can. Improve what you can. Then kill yourself.

>A shitty character 3/4th of the manga
>influeneced by Grisha/ Kruger through memory mindfuck
>Gains half a brain in the last fourth of the manga, but turns into an edgelord who locks his best friends up with the very same soldiers that were poisoned by the spinal fluid wine, gambles with the future of his race because he doesn't want his girlfriend to only have 13 years to live and plots behind everyone's back, allies himself with ambitious sociopaths to backstab them in the end and use the founding titan to genocide the entire world

yeah, totally a very well written character.

Very bad opinion.

>his girlfriend
>EHfags are brainlets

I don't ship in your retarded ass manga, but people denying Eren and Historia secretly meeting up to fuck, or even the fact that they are in love, are either delusional or speedreaders.

If you're retarded, I guess

read the VN

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>what is Yelena
Fuck off EHnigger

>with no development
Confirmed for not watching the series

The only one.

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This is why noone takes you seriously, shippers are the scum of Yea Forums.

Kys ehtard

>If they are murderous they are well written
Shounenbabies never grew up after 15 years old did they?


So you aren't a shiperfag? Then you must be a brainlet.

I dare say Shiroe is actually pretty well written.

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Best answers

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Spike deserved everything that happenend to him. He was literally an NTR villain.

I read it and to anyone who thinks gon going edge in chimera ant is development should kill themselves.

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I have, he’s still shit

What's this from? The ark looks appealing

I think Joe is the only character that feels real. You probably knew someone like him in real life, he's just so human. All the other ones are unrealistic without much depth.


Only good answer ITT.

>mary sues
>well written characters

Gantz, it has amazing art and is filled with action and gore, and it knows what it is.
You should be warned though, the author isn't all that good at storytelling and so the execution is poor. The story gets to its best from start of the 3rd mission and stays like that for the next arcs. However, some think that it lost it's way and got bad in the 2nd half. Also, Kei (guy in the pic) starts as a major dick, but becomes a totally different guy (in many ways, not always for the better)

God do i love grimmer.

Who doesn't? He even converted the edgelords of his show to the fine art of picnics and good food

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Literally who, genuinely curious

I'll wait until we get a look into time-skip Eren's inner workings before calling him well written

Gon is good, but he's only praised as a "great" MC because of CA.
Tanjirou is comfy level 100, but to be well-written he would have to worry more about his sister than about power-ups.
He's actually very good conceptually, has flaws and dilemmas, but the Shonen Jump format will never allow all of this to be explored (unless Horikoshi plays the Togashi).
Shallow like a puddle, but charismatic as fuck.

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Explain how being a Mary Sue precludes good character writing

>no development
Imagine being this retarded

Edgenemos completely blown the fuck out.
>t-the important part to address is t-the ship!

Are you guys retarded? Geischt was the protagonist for the majority and it switches to Atom near the end.

Party is over.

I hope he has a happy ending.

You posted the wrong Togashi work, user.

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The greatest of all time.

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>allies himself with ambitious sociopaths to backstab them in the end and use the founding titan to genocide the entire world
Nothing wrong with this one desu

>mary sue
>have flaws that ultimately doom them despite their 'perfectness'

Yusuke just might be the realest nigga in all of anime. I love that motherfucker.

You're not wrong. Skip :re and take TG as a tragedy it was built as. TG:re has so much lost potential that it makes Zeke look like a prodigy to Grisha.

This. Gon faces no consequences and goes back to his happy go lucky self post Chimera Ant arc

I dunno if it's because I grew up somewhat similar to Yusuke, but the first chapter where he's convinced that everyone will be better without him always makes me cry.

>>Gains half a brain in the last fourth of the manga
Hurr durr.
He was an edgy angsty kid/teen, which was completely understandable given the context. If Isayama sticks the landing, he’s going to surpass Tomoya Okazaki as the best MC of all time.

I did not grow up in a scenario anything like Yusuke's, but I can easily empathize with him. He just accepted death fully even if he wasn't truly suicidal. He made me feel like a huge narcissist.

It's a really well done intro, and it shows that Yusuke is fully aware of what an a punk he is. Really, Togashi could never hope to have Gon surpass him.

Between Yusuke and Ranma the 90's were the prime era of deep protagonists.

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I thing I saw that one before. Wasn't he a fighting manager or somethig like that?

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It bothers me.
Flashback Kyousuke was nice.

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So you didn't actually read the arc? Good to know

He is indeed a good MC.

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>no argument
Concession acepted

Nigga, Askeladd was the mc during that time

Thorrfinn is the MC now, and his movement from side character to main character is great. It's actually amazing how much he's changed since he was enslaved.

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>when his mother starts to cry

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Absolutely based.