Saber thread

Show your Saber appreciation. Love for other heroines is welcome too.

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Wormslut a shit.

Should have started the thread with "My King"

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That one Saber user who occasionally comes onto Yea Forums and /fit/ threads to give advice, you're a good person. Keep doing what you do.

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I want to BE Saber

>t. Rin, eternal second banana at best

King of the foodcourt.

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king of the stage.

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feels like kurapika but shittier
well at least she less bitchy and has pussy

That's the first time I see those two characters being compared.

King of the beach.

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Saber is a stoic kuudere type. She is not your genki waifu. Delete these post FSN pictures right now.

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>That right leg

both are cold gary stu-tier and with muh kingdom, muh race bullshit

King of the pool.

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Saber will be for (me)

She’s silly and naive beneath that stoic personality she puts on

For me it's Alter

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What did you expect ?

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Bananas, you say?

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i find this image so endearing

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urobutcher really can't write saber

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