How do you cope with living in the dark age of anime?

>ywn have 80's and 90's cel animation and plot liberties again
>ywn have 00's great writing and grimdark settings again
>ywn have the early-to-mid 2010's new massive franchises again

Rewatches just don't cut it anymore guys. Is this it?

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pic not related I assume? shitty anime, shitty manga all around

yes this is it its over

that's nothing, the greatest cope is that we may never live to see those mangas concluded, namely HXH and beserk

>limited animation and CG oh god the CG
>no budget
>talented animators spread thin and overworked
>pandering and censorship in full swing
>adapted materials are all samey
truly the worst timeline

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I just watch 80s, 90s and 2000s stuff instead.
anybody who watches seasonalshit is either a dumbass or a total newfag

newfags GET OOOOUT

>disliking berserk on Yea Forums
the newfag is you, user

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>thinks this is the Dark Age
>doesn't know that anime in the 20s is going to be 100% CGI

Please, stop.

I read manga.

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The 90s had the real dark age, you utter retard
You just didn't notice because you were probably a fetus at the time and started watching anime through toonami

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>fansubbing is basically dead, have to make do with rips from streaming services

I don't watch newer anime that much. There's a lot of newer manga I like though.

I watch older stuff.

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tobikage was awesome

Get other hobbies

Watch real movies,read books,work out,get laid,get a job,make friends,make kids.....Theres a fuckton you have to catch up to boomer virgin.

>ywn have the fantasy golden age of the late 2010s

The more things change... Who knows, maybe the mid-2020s will be a true wasteland and everything will be a Netflix original that looks like Carole and Tuesday (I doubt it; I can give a long list of signs that we're very close to being over the hill on this shit, if we aren't already there), but we're not living in an anime wasteland today.