How much would Rikka's legs be worth in today's market?
How much would Rikka's legs be worth in today's market?
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Nothing because she is taking Yuuta dick and used goods are worthless.
>sucking dick
Good one.
Fuck off with that non-canon crackship.
lol u faggots are mentally retarded
lesbians don't really exist
they are just very desperate straight women!
Should mods just delete gridman threads on sight?, It's just circlejerk of trying bait that yuriposter and shitposting, I'm tired of seeing the same shit over and over
can you really put a price on them?
no please, if he's not shitposting here he comes back to shitpost in gbfg
Good. We can forcefully dick that lesbian Rikka.
user, when it was the last time you saw an actual discussion if the anime was actually good?
No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? How did you end up this mentally ill and consumed with shitposting?
You are the only person spamming these threads, and the only person who thinks you're "baiting" anyone.
Rikka and Akane is a selfcest anyway, no more gay than masturbating
Why are you so fucking insane and obsessed with shitposting. Move on with your life already.
You have to let go, they are just fictional characters
Thighs are nothing without ass. Please, to not refer to Rikka's thighs in isolation. Make sure to emphasize her fat ass as well, because that ass is what makes her thighs worthwhile. Thanks for reading.
You are not "triggering" anyone. You are being shit on for being a total brain dead retard.
Your extreme obsession with trying to "troll" is literally something that only you have. NO ONE else in the history of the human race has acted like you. Not even people on kiwiffarms.
Fictional characters are all he has in life
You have to let go of your life, you're never going to amount to anything any way, because you are just so literally retarded.
And them being fictional characters has nothing to do with the fact YOU ARE TRYING TO ATTACK PEOPLE, WHICH IS THE ACTUAL PROBLEM.
The fact you REFUSE to accept that only makes it obvious who you are, and that you are out of touch with reality.
What are you talking about?
>get repeatedly told every single day, dozens of times, that it's not about anything other than your attempts to attack people
>still trying to pretend that you "trigger" people with "shipping"
This is why it's obvious YOU are the one mad about "shipping" and that you are fucking obsessed.
Look, you hate people who ship character
I also hate when someone lewd characters, but that doesn't mean that I have to defend it because in the end, they are not real
all caps lole
>xddd lol i typed ? on its own line so that makes me look like some new lololol!!!!
No, it doesn't. And that post is not confusing in the slightest. You know exactly what it's talking about.
See Thank you for always making it so obvious who you are, !Akemi.
No, !Akemi. Nothing in that post is all caps, just like never do people say all posts in a thread are yours.
Why are you so retarded and struggling with simple concepts like "whole"?
Why did the last gridman thread get deleted?
>No, it doesn't. And that post is not confusing in the slightest. You know exactly what it's talking about.
I honestly don't know. I just posted a picture responding to the OP with a funny retort, and then you quoted me with all those insults, but I don't know what the spat is about, You'd have to fill me in. I'm not even sure i'm supposed to be a part of it, maybe you misquoted?
Please, you can't stop it, you have to stop and let go and then they will stop
>!Akemi literally admitting he's trying to attack and harass people
>spamming "bait" threads
>gets a 1 day off topic ban
It's funny, because Troid will do literally nothing but give !Akemi 1 day off topic bans, even when !Akemi himself is admitting in his own posts that he's ban evading.
Nah, you obsessively post the same images all the time, !Akemi. And you're the only one who acts this very obvious autistic way.
> they
It's literally just you, !Akemi. You're the only person who does this.
>durrrr ggib me muy safe space no tell me i shitpost when i shitpost durrr!!!!
This is how fucking retarded you are. How about YOU let go and you stop obsessively replying to every person who tells you to stop shitposting?
Your post is featured on the top
It's the first time I've posted that image. I'm sorry, but this is getting too crazy for me, so I'll be leaving. Have a nice day.
Don't you see that you are destroying your life like this? This is just an image board
It's always funny watching you try to parrot what other people say to you, !Akemi. Like how people always point out you destroyed you're own life because you're mad as fuck people laughed at you for crying about how you have no friends.
Why can't you copy the actual good things that people say to you, like how they act. Copy being a not brain dead shitposter.
And no, that was not the first time you posted the image. You are a retard and obsessed with shitposting.
Attack who, what people?
>all that remains of gridkek fanbase are mentally deranged shipperfags spamming shit threads
>xdd lol i epic troll i said lmao what fuck epicness lololol
Imagine being as fucking pathetic as you are, !Akemi.
>xdd lol i epic troll i said lmao what fuck epicness lololol
Imagine being as fucking pathetic as you are, !Akemi.
I love how obvious it is who you are, !Akemi. Because you REFUSE to acknowledge the word TRYING. You are TRYING to attack people. And you are failing at it. But you don't want to admit that, you block out the word TRYING.
No, !Akemi is not a part of the Gridman fanbase, he's just an insane shitposter who wants to ruin threads because he thinks "ack" likes them, and he wants to harass "ack" in any way he can.
But who, who "am I" attacking?
>still blocking out the word TRYING
Thank you for always making it so obvious who you are, !Akemi.
The legacy it deserves.
Do you feel harassed, tranny?
Well, who "am I" trying to attack?
Tranny? You talking about yourself, !Akemi?
Anyone and everyone who doesn't give your personal safe space. If anyone says something you don't like, you will try to attack them with every shitpost you can think of in order to make them stop replying to you, and let you have your safe space.
It's long been known that !Akemi is mentally ill, it wouldn't change anything.
But isn't what you are doing too? What if there's honest people who ship Yuta with Rika? Are you going to imply that's "me" too?
Reply to this post to prove you are a mentally ill tranny.
>xdd lol replying to that post EPIC TROLL lololol
You're so fucking deranged.
>What if there's honest people who ship Yuta with Rika?
For one, there aren't. For two, you always make the same exact shitposts with Yuta and Rikka, so it's obvious. For three, it's off topic low quality shit, thus against the rules.
No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? How did you end up this mentally ill and consumed with shitposting?
You are the only person spamming these threads, and the only person who thinks you're "baiting" anyone.
>talking about characters from a show in a thread about that show is off topic
Maximum brain
Answer the question honestly, what would you do if you saw someone who honestly wants a straight ship?
Your question was already answered, !Akemi.
>xddd lol it has anime characters in the image so it MUST be on topic, as if there are no other factors to consider lolol xdddd!!!
Just because the image had Gridman characters in it doesn't mean it's on topic for an image discussion thread about Gridman. Because nothing you are saying about the characters in question is actually related to the series.
>who honestly wants a straight ship?
Find a different series.
>that knee
I assure you there are, even if you can stand "me" why not try another website that isn't Yea Forums , I assure you that you will find people with the same interests there
Nope, !Akemi. You seem to forget just how new you are to this site and just how much you stand out.
And again, it's EXTREMELY obvious it's just because you always post the same handful of garbage images.
And AGAIN, even if it was more than just you, your shipping cancer garbage is against the rules. Thus you don't belong here anyway.
Your question was already answered, !Akemi.
>xddd lol it has anime characters in the image so it MUST be on topic, as if there are no other factors to consider lolol xdddd!!!
Just because the image had Gridman characters in it doesn't mean it's on topic for an image discussion thread about Gridman. Because nothing you are saying about the characters in question is actually related to the series.
>who honestly wants a straight ship?
Find a different series.
Imagine being !Akemi and being so fucking mentally ill attacking people on Yea Forums is literally all you have in your life.
Imagine obsessively samefagging because you know everyone hates you.
stop it
nice try getting the last word faggot
No, you are the only fucking one who cares about having the last word. Everyone else replies for a purpose and reason, it's an attempt to make you stop shitposting and spamming threads.
You replying with short sunstanceless garbage just for the sake of "having the last word". You are the only person who acts this way.