Are we finally entering the era of cute girl lead isekai?

Are we finally entering the era of cute girl lead isekai?

All the ones with generic male leads are flopping.

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hopefully not

>Cute girl
This is an old man

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In 100% real female body so it's okay.

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Everything's flopping according to Yea Forums.

Not everything, but most isekai anime are.

Old men in loli body are great.

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>be super generic isekai
>somehow having a male MC is the fault

Crappy nip teenager/salarymen MC always ruins everything.

The otome-game genre is still unexplored in anime. I'm hyped for Reika-Sama. One day...

>no manga
>no LN
>no WN updates
It's dead, Jim.

Why does such a mediocre isekai have such good art?

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Fujo market collapsed and it hurt otome market too. It's absolute cute girls domination now.

>cute girl lead isekai
>otome villainess isekai
We're getting better, all we need to do now is to remove the "isekai" part.

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Because the artist doing it is great?

This happens often, look at Tanaka.

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i dont know what that is but big trains are a prime aesthetic

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The only thing that's flopping is this post.

how about an isekai where the mc is a girl with huge tits

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When are we going to have an isekai about a Americhad

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I want to be Mira.

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I don't remember this. From which arc is that picture?

I'm still annoyed Steam Dragon Express ended so soon.

There are already some non isekai hits.

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We need anime about cute girls in Victorian fashion traveling a XIX century like fantasy world by trains.

All those old men little girls are so good.

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Does it still count if it's a young guy who pretended to be an old man who then got turned into a loli?

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>Are we finally entering the era of cute girl lead isekai?
The era of cute girl lead isekai was the 90s

The only thing that's flopping is my dick in your ass, bend over you fucking comic clown.

Too bad two of the best Isekai with feMC are unlikely to ever get adapted: Eliza & Erica.

>Fujo market collapsed
What? Did I miss something?


Fujo series after YoI are selling like crap and even gacha games are going down.

god I want to run my tongue across this delicious wiseman pupil's body so bad that I'd murder my family and sell my soul to satan for the chance

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If only I was born a woman I could be fueling the fujo market all on my own

I thought I was looking at pixiv arts for some reasons

Fujos just moved on to idolshit and mobage.

Rather than blaming male leads, try thinking of a better isekai concept. Here, rate mine.
>starts with an explosion at the worlds largest particle collider
>show a man on the floor knocked out with a floating glass window next to him
>fade to black
>continue with showing a farmer farming at the country side
>it actually is in the isekai world
>the mirror window appears at the farmer's farm but he avoids it because he thought it was from a mage
>the window dissappears and farmer continue with his life
>the next week the window appears again and a man wearing weird clothes came out
>the man went around touching things until he notice the farmer was there and went to talk to him
>the man was so excited talking to the farmer
>he then offered the farmer gold to guide him all around the world
>story will continue with the farmer guiding the weird man in a world the man had never seen before

I really fucking hope we get a Wise Man anime.

First Isekai I've actually enjoyed in a while.

Rail war author can't catch a break with anything else, they die with one vol.

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It's going to flop. Having a vagina instead of a penis lead doesn't make a MC any less generic dumb tranny

She's not generic though?

calling series "mediocre" when talking about isekai is almost as good as praising it

You are delusional if you really think this when series like Love Live do so good.

Wiseman is one of my favorites but I doubt it'll make for a good anime, the plot is waaay to slow moving.

anime is great at cutting details

Comfy SoL shows are great though. Imagine fantasy Yuru Camp.

It can work if the publisher go all into the anime like they did with Slime. If it's going to be 12 episodes anime then you can just forget about it.

So how many bingo boxes this one actually cross?

My biggest problem with Wiseman is that they didn't play with the gender-bender concept enough. Why even bother being one if you aren't even going to be sexy about it?

>sexy about it
He turns into a massive cocktease in the WN.
The only romantic developments are yuri thou.

>The only romantic developments are yuri thou.

As it should be.

Write it yourself user.

Kenja was boring. Wild Last Boss is a better gender bender overpowered MMO isekai.

Problem is it's already ended(and already pretty damn popular), so there's little chance it'll ever get an anime.

mushoku ended years ago and still got an anime.

>The storm of cute girls isekai would be led by an almost 40 years old mom next month

Her series is complete garbage ruined by her son though.

Nah, if MT'll get an anime now, it's most likely the author finally fucking ready to write the sequel.

Also don't forget that MT still have shitload of spin-offs, unlike Last Boss which is pretty much a done deal.

There's no if about it mate, the anime was already announced.

Sure, sure. Change if to when or whatever, my point still stands.

Unfortunate side effect of planning ahead

Also manga translation is 2 chapters late now

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>still dead

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>Fujo series after YoI are selling like crap and even gacha games are going down.

They're so waiting for the movie

God forbid it gets box office numbers similar to Madoka

YoI hype died. Fujo games are dying left and right. It's all about cute girls now. Only male idols are doing kind of okay.

Nah man, forcefully fucking the dude and making him addicted to the cock is better.

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We don't get any sexy scene with Ruphas at all, what's the damn point of a gender bender series if you aren't going to show the reader sexy gender bender stuff damn it.

it's not a gender bender series

Sorry user, the muscle headed crow only likes shinny things

More Loli(old men)would be good

Surprised he didn't die of bloodloss after that rape t.b.h.

That locomotive triggers my autism.


No steam dome. Passengers in the expansion chamber. No tender box. No water tender. No cab for engineering. Boil is too small for the sheer amount of mass. Drive wheels are in front making turning that thing impossible. No guy wheels. That's off the top of my head.

but it's a magic train though.

This. Probably has some magic reactor that doesn't generate heat and shit.

>magic train
>doesn't multi track drift

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These is literally only one track user. It's the only train line on the entire continent and there is only one train each day.

This artist needs more work.

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My guess would be that they're the drivers and such, although it does then raise the question of why a train needs a ship's wheel.

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>cute clothes
>gay stuffs
Mira novel is honestly perfect for me.

Is that a fucking steering wheel i see in the fucking locomotive?

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If the writing and characters are lackluster, then obviously the designs and artstyle need to be the selling point.

>You'll never be a young girl wearing cute clothing while wandering around stunning megacity architecture
Why even live.

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>letting railroads railroad you

Is this it?

Ruphas only likes punching shit and collecting shiny things, being a hot blonde with big tits is not something reasonable people can focus on when she can kill you just by standing in place without doing anything.


I want to stick my face in there

I want to die in her thighs.

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I want to be her goddammit.

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This genre needs more cute mangirls.

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I hope your wish comes true, but you're still going to end up on a watchlist like that.