Precious egg

precious egg

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I spoke to Tsukushi, Moth joins the party after the village arc

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My dad is literally tsukushi, he told me Veko is joining the party.

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We had breakfast together and he told me he's going on a holiday till November. No release until then, and that will be the last one this year. True story.

shhh moth is incubating

Looks like a headcrab

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Big and sad if true

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Fuck off shounenshit

I love my wife Nanachi!

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>Molested by the robot
>Will molest the robot

I love my wife Moogie

*ruins your manga*

>nanachi dies
>veko dies
>moth dies
>mitty 2.0 joins the party
Just IMAGINE the butthurt

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> They find a crowbar after entering into the seventh layer

I want to eat_ that egg

She looks constipated.

Nah that's Nanachi


cute cute

Gay furfag.

>My dad is literally tsukushi
>Implying Tsukushi would ever touch a woman who’s old enough to breed

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>implying that user wasn't born back in the day when shota Tsukushi impregnates his loli crush

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>implying he wasnt conjured as tsukushi's personal shota when he gained his wizard powers

I want to impregnate Ozen

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Get in the line

So Reg fucked that huh

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Ozen is like 150 years old dude

Gonna need a panel to prove that. Habolg said she was a white whistle 50 years ago. That's about all we have to go on regarding her age.
That's right, I am Bunzen

Attached: bunzen.jpg (525x778, 50K)

Then she's at least 70 dude

Yeah probably.

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I hit on a 55 year old once. 70 doesn't seem that far away in hindsight.

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is this an alien?

*faps in your path*

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dropped this months ago
are they still in the village?

Bro, we will be lucky if we get a grand total of 5 chapters this year.

what the heck

My cute wife Nanachi makes me feel so incredibly happy, my heart skips a beat when she smiles at me.

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Nanachi is canonically a boy.

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which one?

also I cant resist ...

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I remember seeing a panel with life-prolonging artifact.

Pretty nice egg you've got there.
Be a real shame if something happened to it.

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People say it's wether we have flying cars or not determines if we're living in the future.
I tend to disagree.
The future is when an average 70yo grandma looks like that.

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> whether

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Old granny back

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The Earthquake just killed Tsukushi.


What a rotten way to die.

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>all the creatures on 6th floor fear Faputa
>Robro says she is the most fearsome creature around
>we haven't actually seen her do anything but smash some small bots

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Did you speed through the part where Faputa wants to genocide the entire village? She also has the capacity to take down the big robot, who itself could take down some of the most fearsome creatures on the 6th layer.

we haven't seen much of her in general

Now that she has her haku back we might get some genocide action.
If not then Reg might have to fight her, either way it seems as if she might see some action soon.


>chapter delayed due to tsunami

god damn it

And so...???

Reminder that narehates are GENDERLESS. Faputa is likely a guy, as much as it can be a girl.

Don't you have another website you can shit on?

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The thumbnail kinda looked like a INSTANT2KOMA meme

Are you a website?

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Yeah but it has only been spoken about not shown. Plus she is afraid of everyone in village despite being stronger.



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fuck vekofags

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>Robro names her Faputa after she left the village
>neither Robro or Faputa can enter the village
>villagers can't leave village
>villagers somehow know Faputa's name
Maybe that little bit of info got into the village the same way Prushka did.

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She tore off her own arm like the crazy furball she is and would still be able to kill everyone if she chose.

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rotten strawberry

I can't believe he killed Mark off-screen

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how will this affect the 4 cour spinoff about my son?

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We'll have to see how he met his end dont we.

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do his whiskers fall out like other animals?

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That furboy is too sexy. Is he trying to get a white blessing?

Fucking Tsukushi needs to hurry up with the chapter

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Fake, my dad works at Tsukushi and he says the moth dies

If she looks 30 then who gives a fuck

No, she's afraid of the narehate with multiple eyes.

>That girl owed me two relics!

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It's only been 20 days since the bonus chapter.

Bump for egg

Robot can't lower the volume on his voice


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tsukushi is the only one who knows how to draw this boy without making his forehead look massive
fanartists need to sudoku

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cute girl

Sue sure is.

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Who saw the second movie?
The audience I was with responded quite strongly to Prushka telling her daddy how much she loves him: Dead silence, followed by a lone "WHAT THE FUCK".

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Did you record it?

Remember the tri-claw mark in Regu's indestructible helmet? Guess whose claws it matches perfectly. Little moth is a scary creature.

What what? Fluffy butt

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Is Ozen going to make Jiruo wear the maid outfit too? That was what I got when he looked flustered after agreeing to work with her but I wonder if I was reading it wrong.

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even by Yea Forums's non-existent standards
take this shit to /d/

>yfw start riding you all dere but flip switch halfway through and ring your neck like a dirty dish cloth while turning your pelvis into dust

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you got the order wrong

did anyone else find the official translation of the page where Riko is telling Nanachi about people on the surface in volume 6 a bit weird? It pretty much says Nanachi knew Prushka from before, which is... interesting... considering how they pretty much dont interact in Idofront

Do you have a fanslation page for comparison? The only thing I recall is Nanachi being surprised at Bondrewd having a daughter, but Nanachi knew Bondrewd had other children he experimented on.

So is Ozen. It's pins and the necrotic-looking flesh all the way down.

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i feel bad for belafu

he literally did nothing wrong

>It's pins and the necrotic-looking flesh all the way down.

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The only thing he did wrong was complain about the great food.

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I want to weigh ozen on a scale

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For some reason, this .gif didn't play for me on Twitter. Couldn't download it either.

>lewd shota artists are actually cute girls

Huh... thought they were gays...

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Me on the left


No joke, 70% of good shota and loli artists are girls.

Ozen's shoes are dumb

I want to cum inside of reg and shock his shotapenis with electricity and kick his shota balls until he cries
