She was only 11 years old when she was murdered by a Marleyan soldier's dogs in Marley.
Rest in peace, Faye.
Her name was Faye Jäger(lund)
she fell into the river.
>plot to destroy a nation
>why do they persecute us so?
reminder that marleyans did nothing wrong
Thank you, onii-san. Now I can rest in peace
What's her weight?
Imagine bros. IMAGINE.
she aint nuttin by a dead weight
She was 8
>have a cute loli
>feed it to the dogs
Marley are fucking scum. Eren was right in deleting them.
They were merely taking what's theirs by right, Marley dog.
Reminder that her death was 100% Gurisha’s fault. If he wanted to show her the blimps then he gotta earn the permission to do so. Stupid uppity Eldians they never learn.
Based imouto, I was inspired by you. RIP.
Shh, it's to make it more accurate to the /pol/pasta
Was it rape?
You only have the right to a spinal fluid injection when talking out of line like that, spawn of the devil.
>might is right goy
>the limp dick sicked the dogs at her instead of starting a long line of daughterwifes
I cant possibly be the only one severely disappointed by the complete 180 this last ep of AOT did?
>no explanation for the original titan besides some half assed pact-with-the-devil bullshit that was glossed over way too quickly
>Marley "somehow" magically acquired 7 of the 9 titan shifting master race causing the Eldians to fuck off
>no explanation regarding why the titan spinal fluid turns Eldians into mindless titans and where they even found the original sample
>Ymirs soul split into 9 titans
>no explanation for how and why the King altered the memories of his own subjects
Cant believe what a shitty path the show is heading down, especially after 54,55 and 56 being the best episodes ive seen come out of anime. AOT should have stuck with the humanity being on the brink of extinction formula, where the stakes were high and atmosphere tense instead of going for the shock factor. Might consider dropping this anime to preserve th brilliance of the lasrt 55 episodes.
>Going outside the wall without permission.
>Literally a criminal.
>Afterall, it is not murdering if she is an eldian.
I rabu Piku.
I can't wait to see her animated by A-1 pictures
I hope that Marleyan bastard made sure she didn't die a virgin.
Imagine the doujinshi
was she raped?
Everything will be expleined in the next 2 episodes and in the season 4, but if you won't lose time i recomend you to read the manga.