Is there ever going to be a black JoJo?


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Is there ever going to be another Jojo?

All Jojos are black

Why not. Jojo is a series where anything can work.

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Because no one will watch a show with a nigger mc

There are 8 jojo threads right now. Do you really need to make a new thread?

You don't even care. You just want to cause a shitstorm. Stop false flagging

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This would be cool. The more Araki experiments the better JoJo is. Except for JoJolion.

What do you mean? We've already had an Italian.


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Why the fuck would people want to watch a nigger?


We already do

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I wouldnt read it
Fuck niggers

>What is part 5

Joquavious Johnson

10/10 would read/watch

>muh niggers
You guys have no faith in Araki.
Begone from this board, >>/pol/ is calling.

>Fuck niggers
>having sex with blacks

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>set in modern day ontario
>final boss warps reality to his bidding
>its Crazy Talk

The mayos here are talking mad shit for people who going to be cucked out of existence in 50 years

>tfw ketchup
>already on the verge of extinction
Help us bbq-friends


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>Crazy Talk
>not Montreal

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>implying it hasn't activated
How can such a handsome man baby have such a powerful stand.

Gappy is already close enough. He’s a freeloader with no education or job, he doesn’t know his father/s, and he resolves most confrontations with murder and/or theft. When you look at the story as a whole, Gappy is less justified than Jobin in his claim of the New Rokakaka. He’s a chimera made out of parts of two guys who stole the Rokakaka from Jobin’s boss, and he wants it just to save a mother he doesn’t even know. Jobin is the last living member of the group that owned the Rokakaka, so logically it should go to him. He wants it to save his son and and also to start selling it, making the world a better place (but also a lot of fucking money). Gappy is a massive nigger.

That would be too close to Michael Jackson, and thus would be an obligatory parody.

I was thinking prince desu

I'd read that

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Wasn’t he meant to be Native American? I swear, Shueisha picks some really fucking odd colours for skin at times.

He was am ex slave if I recall.


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