I'm betting once Part 7 gets adapted...

I'm betting once Part 7 gets adapted, anime only watchers are going to call Funny Valentine Trump and /pol/ is going get butthurt. Best part gets ruined by the fandom, Im calling it now

Attached: images (16).jpg (252x376, 27K)

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But his thoughts were unclouded though

No, Valentine is not an orange loser.


what kind of logic is this?


Well I mean the new Destroy All Humans trailer pissed off some people because they think the general looks similar to Trump

Yeah but thats retarded too
you shouldnt consider the opinions of dribbling morons as anything other than gibberish animal noises


literally /pol/tard logic

No one is even gonna remember Orange Man by the time the SBR adaptation comes out anyway.

rent free

do you think its gonna take longer than 6 more years?

I'll bet animeonlys will call it overrated, same as they did for part 4, because they are low IQ.

you can't say that if you aren't black

7 is without a doubt overrated, but still really damn good. The people who call it the greatest work of fiction ever made with zero flaws are super annoying, they make actual discussion difficult.

the only way part 7 couldn't be overrated is if it's the single greatest piece of media ever created


>Best part gets ruined by the fandom
That is because your fandom is shit and attracts shit people.

Are they going to draw him as a fat blob at first or is he going to be muscular from the start?

most fights on part 4 are random and barely related to the main plot (kira)
I literally wasted my time watching all those shits that aren't even going anywhere
part 4 is literal part 3, at least part 3 had great final fight
>muh iq
I bet you also watch reddit and morty

Rent free

If you cant enjoy the fights in a vacum you're watching the wrong series

it doesn't work if you aren't black retard

Probably as a fatty. The change can easily be explained with D4C, even though Araki himself has confessed he just changed the design because he thought it would be cool, saying Vale time just started working out. With the changes and adjustments the anime has made, I’m pretty much certain they’ll tease D4C’s ability way earlier than in the manga with fat Valentine becoming fit Valentine.

I'm a massive SBRfag and think it's one of the greatest manga ever written, but it's still pretty damn flawed.

The main trio of Johnny, Gyro and Valentine and their interactions/character arcs are kino, though.

Attached: Valentine and D4C analysis.png (1853x888, 1.47M)

That picture has to be fucking bait, it's stated in pretty much every part before that Stands are based off of the user's own traits

Trump and /pol/ will be forever irrelevant by the time SBR airs though. I wouldn't worry if I were you.

>failed to understand why people have different taste and opinion
typical part 2, 4, 7 fag

That's because Part 4 is a poorly written mess with no main plot until Kira


>most fights on part 4 are random and barely related to the main plot (kira)
That's the appeal though, a lot of the battles aren't really death matches and are just the citizens of Morioh using it for they're own schemes, its pretty refreshing compared to all the other parts
>failed to understand why people have different taste and opinion
There's a difference between stating your opinion and just being spiteful

>each episode and fight is either to expand the world, create setup for a stand ability later, or to show the world isn't just stand users beating the shit out of each other
>most likely thinks part 3 is the best part.
>the sheer non understanding of what makes even decent writing

opinion safely thrown in the trash.

>each episode and fight is either to expand the world, create setup for a stand ability later, or to show the world isn't just stand users beating the shit out of each other
did araki intend all those shits? I'm pretty sure it was all just fillers because he had no idea where his story even going
>create setup for a stand ability later
name one that is being used for the next part
>or to show the world isn't just stand users beating the shit out of each other
I don't see any purpose other than being filler
>most likely thinks part 3 is the best part
no, I think part 2 is the best part
>the sheer non understanding of what makes even decent writing
yeah filler is obviously necessary

I'm pretty sure you're the guy who always pull whatever arguments he can think of whenever someone say that araki is a hack and amnesiac retard

>no, I think Part 2 is the best part

Ah, so you're an animeonly, got it. Thanks.

Wow dude, looks like you can't comprehend the intricate world that Part 4 is creating.

>did he intend that to happen
yes that's a basic element of world building you stupid nigger
>name one used in a later part
it means later in the part like Cinderella being used to change yukako so when kira changes his face it makes sense. but if you INSIST on the next part how about koichi in Italy you stupid nigger.
>I don't see any purpose of that other than being filler
its to give characters moments to interact with each other, that's the best way to build characters and create character growth.
>thinking part 2 is the best
the only good thing about part 2 is joseph, everything else is about as 80's generic as you can get and proves youre an animeonly nigger.
>thinking filler isn't needed and every single episode and part should be 100% action and fighting and plot progression and 0 time spent on the characters

youre a stupid nigger who doesn't understand what makes good writing good or even decent writing decent. part 4 isn't flawless but you're spouting off nonsensical bullshit and clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about you stupid nigger.
again, opinion safely thrown in the trash where it belongs.

>muh totally intentional and not incidental worldbuilding
>I didn’t think at all about using Cinderella to change his appearance. When he was cornered and I was thinking hard about how Kira might escape, lighting struck me and I realized ‘hey I could just use Cinderella which I wrote about last episode!’ I’m basically thinking at a week-by-week interval and never about what happens after that. I don’t know about Jump manga these days, but it’s all about how I make this week interesting for me.

Doesn't matter, what matters is the manga and only the manga. Kira changing his appearance makes perfect sense in universe and is foreshadowed.

Sadly SBR will never be adapted.

Attached: Volume_81.jpg (868x1400, 283K)

Even with throwing 50 million dollars at DP and having a 10 year long production cycle with no CGI horses, I doubt SBR will ever live up to the hype even if it was adapted.

Everyone would have forgotten about Trump by the time Part 7 gets adapted
And why do you even care this much about /pol/ and the Drumpff!! crowd's "future" opinion of Jojo? why are they living so rent free in your mind that you had to make a thread about it OP? the political spectacle poisoned your mind user

That's assuming he gets re-elected, which I highly doubt
Then again I'm just an eurofag, I have no idea how you guys lean politically in the states

Araki truly is a hack

Yes, absolutely?

But Valentine did nothing wrong.

This, He also got what he wanted in the end.

you right. america would be great under his leadership unlike orange man.

>That's assuming he gets re-elected, which I highly doubt

his opponents are a literal communist, a literal pedophile and some gook who promises free handouts.

overrated doesnt mean bad
part 7 is my favourite part and I still think its overrated

Overrated just means that people say its better than it really is, and people hype up 7 as if its the second coming of christ no pun intended

Funny valentine is the greatest american President and I usually hate Americans

The picture is a reddit-tier analysis that can be done to literally any character with a Stand

by the time part 7 gets adapted nobody will have said anything about Trump for years

SEETHING libfags

Attached: 949.png (1207x1344, 927K)

>Valentine wants to make US of A a paradise

>The word "paradise" entered English from the French paradis, inherited from the Latin paradisus, from Greek parádeisos (παράδεισος), from an Old Iranian form, from Proto-Iranian*parādaiĵah- "walled enclosure"

Attached: how does it work.jpg (650x928, 102K)

Will people really care about Trump in 2028?

>people still won't be making trump jokes after his presidency even if he makes it another term.
we'll be hearing it for the rest of time

Here's to hoping David Production goes bankrupt before Part 7 can get adapted.


>Here's to hoping David Production goes bankrupt before Part 8 can get adapted.


Attached: dumbface.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

>literal communist
> literal pedophile
Yang gang

/pol/ will probably unironically support him.

Why did you have to bump this?