When is Kiku coming back? Also, why doesn't Ai want to be saved.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would you want a recap ep?
While we pretty much know that Ghost Girl and Blood Shepherd are going to job to Roboppi, who do you all think is going to be next on Roboppi's snowball of destruction?
>When is Kiku coming back?
Never. She's even less relevant than Miyu.
you forgot the jobbers that jobbed off-screen
I'm still mad.
>I don't know what "jobbing" means but I'm gonna keep using it
I miss him.
He won't go back until he loses, if that.
So, since Ai and Yusaku are dueling so early on who's gonna be Yusaku's ridav in the ceremonial duel?
I hope VRAINS breaks that trend. It's obvious the main character needs to win during these, or at least not shown losing (Yugi vs Judai)
We literally have no fitting characters for ceremonial duel now.
I would say Ai in his humanoid form or maybe Takeru IRL.
It's fairly obviously going to be Revolver. They still haven't "settled this after everything's over" like how Ryoken said when he handed Yusaku the protection program. Also because 5D's 2.0.
He could duel Revolver. Or vrains could just end on plot.
Once this protect Akira arc is finished we better get lost incident children for a change.
We all have a hero inside us
Specter can be dealt with this arc. Possibly in a few episodes.
How would you rank the artists for YGO manga other than Kaz?
Personally I'd put it Miyoshi > Itou > Kageyama > Satou
Miyoshi > Kageyama > Satou > Itou
Itou is a traitor
Kaz then the ARC-V artist and everyone else is shit
Kek never ever
Would the anime be improved if the cyberse monsters were more like this?
>Good designs
>But the effects are mediocre.
It's Ito. Just checked the covers.
Yeah I know who you're talking about
He's still a traitor
DBMF-JP008 En Zan-Ki Final Sigma
Level 12 FIRE Cyberse Synchro Effect Monster
ATK 3000
Materials: 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
You can only use the (3)rd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) Unaffected by card effects, except those of “Zan-Ki” cards, while in the Extra Monster Zone.
(2) Double any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent if this card battles an opponent’s monster while this card is in the Extra Monster Zone.
(3) If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner’s possession is destroyed by an opponent’s card effect: You can add 1 “Zan-Ki” card from your Deck to your hand.
When will Jin finally get out of Hospital and move with his brother?
The hotdog truck can't be safe if Ai is targeting them. So after Ai is dealt with first.
I'm really looking forward to these cards coming out, regardless of how good/bad they will be. The designs are pretty /m/ and the mathematics theme is neat.
I am personally putting my bets on this arc to end in one ot two months then getting a new opening.
>two OPs last for 1 year
>third OP lasts for 3 months
nah I don't see it. The arc will probably change it's villain but we'll still be on the same OP.
>lostincidentfag still at it
Literally never ever
I hope they at least give us new visuals.
I understand why you would hope that but they never bothered to change the blood shepherd chasing playmaker visual. In fact the only visuals I expect to change are the obviously out of place shots of blue maiden.
Oh yeah. They're gonna get a Rank 8, right?
I don't see why they would be rank 8s when they've got perfect rank 4 thing going on. Rank 8s aren't as cool anyway.
>Rank 8s aren't as cool anyway.
>Rank 8s aren't as cool anyway.
Name one that is.
They hieroglyph dragon rank 8 is my all time favourite card
´This thread has been blessed by THE KING.
You have 30 seconds to post your favorite cards and why or Jack Atlas will betray you.
The Winged Dragon of Ra, because his Phoenix Mode looks GODLY
Don't even know how good they are yet but eat this one, Jack. Silent hill is my favorite vidya franchise and I couldn't be happier that it's finally being showcased in ygo.
>That's a pretty nice monster you got there, user
>It'd be a shame if someone destroyed it
>Or used it as Link Material
>Or destroyed it
>Or Tributed it
>Or destroyed it
Why was his betrayal treated as water under the bridge later on?
Not a lot of people play this card for some reason which i find odd since it's hype as fuck. Specially if you summon HRDA King Calamity with it.
So Multiplier's first effect can be used for something other than a two monster Final Sigma. It'd also give them an excuse to make a bitwise shift Zan-Ki with a column-changing second effect.
its too situational you have to have a synchro on board and it the trap activates when a monster declares an attack the banish from grave effect requires t oo much setup
It's pretty situational. And there isn't a Level 4 Resonator so you can't combo with King's Consonance for maximum KINGU reversal.
Debut when? There will probably be anime originals they won't print until later too.
Ai vs Aoi & Akira tag duel.
I like traps so much. How do we ring them back into relevacy?
Either make them literal handtraps or be Infenity Barrier/Solemn Judgment clones.
Why is its effect so inconvenient? It makes it's hard to justify ever summoning.
>Why is its effect so inconvenient?
You don't need to give it 4 counters. You could half ass it with 2 and its still a good monster with 2 negates. He would also go to 8000 ATK with that.
Hell, even with 1 he's at 5500 and can out Ultimate Falcon
Even that requires summoning two non link different summoning method monsters. I can't hardly imagine many anime scenarios that'll set it up for summoning. Even in real life that would be rather inconvenient and would be an alternative strategy.
salamangreats can summon darkfluid easily
Like that's their first or even last option.
Why did they even make it require other summoning methods? They have no significance to the characters, they're just suddenly there.
How about fucking banning all negators and one card comebacks?
this game simply isn't for you
Then you'd get 15-minute OTK's all day, every day.
just play duel links traps are relevant there
>They have no significance to the characters, they're just suddenly there.
Happens sometimes. Fusion and ritual didn't really have any significance to the characters in DM.
You can summon the quasar dragons with this If I am not mistaken
I'm still waiting for those rain scenes.
Where can I find raws of Yugioh Vrains I need to collect all of the boss monster summons.
You could just download the Horriblesubs ones and just turn off the subtitles
The difference is they never pretended they were anything more than powerful monsters unless they were going somewhere with it. Atem never spent a turn masturbating because his new Dark Magician power-up needed Black Luster Solider and Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast in the Graveyard.
>The difference is they never pretended they were anything more than powerful monsters unless they were going somewhere with it.
Lies. They stalled all the time because their strategies demanded it.
>fucker is still at it
What's with the "Driven into a corner" line in the episode summaries and when did it started?
It goes back before VRAINS. Whoever writes those doesn't seem particularly creative.
Did Quickdraw deliver last weeks requests yet?
I think thats just to add some drama by representing their internal struggle
Because I like his art and decided to believe in spell counters
How long does he usually take?
He usually drops before the weekend. Chances are he's just been busy.
Kiku a cute!
She'll save everyone.
>Anti-Ignis AI
>Roboppi's not an Ignis
Roboppi is going to get away scot free
No, Ignis are supposed to be the most advanced. If they can be beat by a certain AI, that certain AI should be able to handle anything.
Sorry, only one character can get scott free.
>Not only did Lightning get away scot free, his enemy is carrying on his plan
How the fuck did Lightning get so lucky holy shit
Yoshida is a hack
>xyz trishula
>I hope they at least give us new visuals.
lmao they never even bothered to update op2 to put lightning/windy and update revulva, what makes you think this one will be any different?
They updated the ED with the new Ai and Roboppi designs
yeah just like how they updated the previous op/ed's with new blue maiden/girl designs, they only do it a few times, they won't go and completely give us new visuals like you state
I wasn't the same user, I was just pointing out the ED change
yes they will change to include some updates but not completely new visuals
Isn't he gone?
Yeah, but since he's gone along with the rest of the Ignis he didn't exactly get punished for what he did. Bohman worked out exactly as planned had Yusaku not got Darkfluid.
Since he died, there was no closure or punishment for him. By all accounts he got off scot free
Being forced to contribute to your creation's destruction doesn't seem like getting off scot free.
get your own cereal already
Is Yusaku a bad duelist?
>Roboppi wins against Blood Shepard and Ghost Girl in a 2v1 with no Skill
>Shoots up in the rankings to Blue Maiden's tier
Good job Roboppi
Showing them on the list being that high would dampen the motivation that it was supposed to provide.
already confirmed wrong because Playmaker didn't get off screened unlike jobbers of Hanoi
How do these guys relate to SH?
Genuinely curious i love SH too
Yo I just thought of something
>Roboppi beats BS and GG
>Ai shows Roboppi the new rankings, putting him beside PM
>Roboppi beelines it to PM to duel him
>Jobs and dies
Would be a sad end
Playmaker doesn't kill his opponents.
Bohman died
from his own reckoning.
Does this look good enough to be printed?
The shading is a bit off but it looks somewhat printable. The card that really lets the deck down from "potential printable" to "anime-only until they redraw it" is Vacculephant as the monster itself looks wildly different from the background and very much looks anime-only.
Then again, @Ignister started getting some printable looking artwork last episode and they announced the name of the new pack as Ignition Assault (which sounds kind of like Ignis) so they could redraw it at some point.
I would personally love the deck printed. It's gimmick is really neat
I'm not very interested in the archetype, I'm more interested in how many different archetypes were planned to be in the game from the anime production.
So far we have printed-wise
>Playmaker's random Cyberses.dek
And from the look of the new @Ignister, they may be added to that list.
There are far too many anime-only decks in this show to name
>dying and all your plans getting destroyed is getting off scot free
He never intended to live past his plan. He was planning to merge with Bohman along with every other Ignis. Dying to him at that point meant nothing.
>all your plans getting destroyed
Ai has literally stated that he's carrying out Lightning's plan. At this point his legacy is carrying on so by all means, yeah, he got off scot free
>Being forced to contribute to your creation's destruction
that was his plan all along, he got off scott free, AND not to mention he BTFO the guy who has been trying to hunt his race for 5 years as well
>that was his plan all along
I'm pretty sure his plan was that bohman would rule.
It's just 12. Only a 57 percent unprinted rate.
Reminder that Revulva technically drew with lightning and could have won if he didn't back down
>but lightning won
he cheated by pulling some duelist kingdom bullshit it doesn't count as a true win
>Go downstairs to get some monster
>Kitchen is next to waitroom
>find this lying on your sofa
what do you do?
Malik only won through cheating as well.
>muh wiki
that result got changed multiple times if lightning truly won he wouldn't have been absorbed by bohman
Malik didn't cheat against jonouchi
>double the tizm at once
why is this franchise so fucked cursed
magic powers are cheating.
>lightning truly won he wouldn't have been absorbed by bohman
nope, his whole plan all along was to unite with bohman, even if when he wins he would unite with bohman, he just had to make sure to take out the trash first
How else would you get such great jokes if it wasn't?
He fucking died so all that beef he had matters very little in the end.
Frying the fuck out of your opponent in a card game is cheating.
that's just part of the game what's next zane cheated because he used electrodes in his duels ?
That was agreed to by both parties.
Borreload Ignition Dragon
Chill autist
I had no clue those shock bracelets could kill you after one damn duel and prevented you from even playing a single monster.
revulva deserves nothing more, already gave us trash like excharge and structure deck
there's no point in trying to communicate with him
The next yugioh should have the girl be the one with amnesia.
>female protag ever happening
>dood amnesia for the millionth
not today satan
I'd take annoying waifufag autists if it means those boring ass autists go away
vulva-poster is more obsessed with Revolver than any dedicated waifuposter or anti-waifufag on Yea Forums.
Maybe deep down he wishes rokkets were good and is just lashing out and projecting because they aren't meta
maybe it's some kind of reverse psychology falseflag operation to make everyone love revolver more
>female protag
I wasn't suggesting a female protagonist. Just a small random variation.
>Yea Forums
this is 4channel desu
How come she didn't have any dancing monsters?
That's impossible since he switches his attention to something else when he gets shit on too much.
DM's openings are underrated.
>King's Synchro
>Kaiba is in the card instead of Jack
Jack and Yusei BTFO
Imagine needing THREE OCG Structure decks.
They had to establish cyberse as a major type somehow.
Will Revolver introduce an advanced mirror force?
Oh then it's just straightforward mental illness I guess. How long has he been at it? Like 1.5 years by this point?
>Don Thousand
VRAINS final boss must start with 'D', it's the tradition
dark ignis.
Divine Ignis
It went from Aoi hate spamming, to Spectre avatarfagging, and then to revulva shitposting so its about almost two years. I don't think there's anything left for him to hate on after all this time.
Watch him hate on Soulburner later this year
Vrains cut out all the traditions every other series had so its definitely gonna be some other shit
chadburner is based
Nobody likes Aoi though, she's a useless slut and a shit duelist, even worse than a damisel in distress somehow.
That would be less contrarian so they won't do that.
t. revulvafag
He dickrides Soulburner so I doubt it.
Is it bad if I'm less entertained with these villains?
I rather have them over Bohman and Haru
Aoifag still seething I see.
less entertained compared to what? the snorefest that vrains has been for 100 eps?
>Don Thousand
>Not Nash
Less entertained compared to bohman, windy, and lightning.
Bohman is probably the most boring villain I've ever witnessed honestly.
i dont trust anyone who says they liked bohman and then ranks him higher than any character with some actual on screen personality
Even more boring than the AIs that used tentaclusters?
I'm still looking forward to Yusaku suddenly feeling something about this. Should only be 25 more episodes or so.
So I tried reading the Zexal manga and damn, the duel writing is trash.
Yoshida is probably worse at writing duels than writing females.
>feeling anything
And in the end, the important one didn't even come to the TCG
It's just for big dick OTKs when the stars align to absolutely pummel your opponent into the dirt, don't think too hard about it.
instead we got shitvulva
He always reacted to cards at least.
Don't. I'm still reeling
I will complain every day until the end of vrains, if shitvulva gets another booster cover I will complain even more
>don't even shake their hands
Enjoy the visuals at least. They are the best ones along with ArcV.
because decks weren't so predictable back then
"Wow her name is Queen, she will literally have monsters with Queen in their name!"
>tfw I made the original edit
>tfw I fucked up the Crow image by not changing the angle
>tfw people made better quality edits using the image that now my fuckup is forever
"Wow his name is Kaibaman, he will literally have monster with Kaibaman in his name!"
Here's the fixed version, if anyone wants it
Honestly I don't understand the point of the blue tint effect. Doesn't feel like it's really adding anything. But it's a simple joke so it doesn't matter.
Roboppi's jacket looks comfy as fuck.
Timestar Magician
Honestly I don't understand the point of namefagging. Doesn't feel like it's really adding anything.
Bruno and Hugo fused.
Is this the new manga protag?
The Zexal manga is probably the best spinoff manga after the GX one. There's nothing of value in the 5Ds manga or Arc-V one.
Arc-V manga is based because it cucked the bland "MC x Main Girl" shipping
>He didn't get to Kotori's duel
Arc V actually having the 4 Yu's interact with each other is already a plus.
>It's good because subverted expectations
Vote, fags.
T. the better thread
I want to see an overprotective Blood Shepherd.
Is this official? If so, it looks great.
>It's good because it's stale and I'm an uncreative individual
>i don't know what cucked means
I didn't say it was good or bad, but it is retarded to praise something only because it was unconventional instead of anything it actually did.
Roboppi shouldn't be a duelist.
When are we going to see Roboppy's pantsu?
How else is Roboppi meant to take out the trash?
Hopefully never, I don't want to see my little man lewded
Nasch was the Jounichi, he even got the post Battle City duel, with bigger stakes than Red Eyes tho
By being a regular vacuum bot.
How else are we meant to get ANOTHER anime-only archetype? God, I hope they print them
They just have to let pandor or miyu or jin or windy guy duel to get another anime only archetype.
Practically destined to duel later in the season when she eventually betrays everyone
I don't think she'd get her own deck. It'd probably either be Marincess again or Trickstars like how Go moved to Dinowrestlers then his lackeys used Goukis. Glad Go is back to Goukis though
Dude is now irrelevant to the plot now that his Lost Incident memories are gone, he's just some guy now
>windy guy
I'm not sure who you mean by that. If you mean Windy, he'd just use more Stormriders but if you mean his partner, I'm pretty sure he's dead unless they pull a wacky twist
Well anyway you look at it, we're sure to get at least one more anime only deck.
Is this the face of regret?
Zexal wasn't so bad
>tfw Zarc is fucked if he ever speed duels
and M4 cucks his deck so much it's hilarious
It's the best spinoff, after all.
Best out of all the series in terms of production values at least. I was probably more entertained by 5DS though.
Blood Shepherd should have beat soulburner.
I don't care who won, but it was stupid to have that go on two episodes, have Yusaku win two duels in the meantime, and then have it be interrupted.
I wonder if they'll ever put one of these anime inspired decks as a cameo in a future series.
I fucking wish so. They are extremely cute.
I know depends it entirely depends on the directing and writing staff but you think it would be easier sometimes to pull existing designs instead of making new ones constantly. Maybe the next series director will have a different style.
>Anzu at the bottom
No wonder she doesn't even show up in the fanart with the other main girls anymore.
Drawing that many characters probably starts to get cumbersome. Imagine if they tried to make a series with the main cast of every series in it.
You mean S4.
>season 4
vrains will end before 140 episodes it doesn't even have a manga of its own its a doomed spinoff
>doomed spinoff
VRAINS writing never really fell off anywhere unlike some other yugioh spinoffs.
>VRAINS writing never really fell off anywhere unlike some other yugioh spinoffs
that doesn't make it good the other spinoffs were more fun than vrains
Kiss already, you autists.
It's only been one episode since the lewd handholding
Give them some time
There's only been one kiss in the whole franchise. Why would they risk it in the series where they're playing everything safe?
Miyu is cute. CUTE!
That's not cliché enough for vrains writing. Though it could easily go much further.
At least the drawfag hasn't forgottwn about Miyu. OP3 came and there went all my hopes of Miyu being relevant in season 3 and cucking Aoi.
>much further
Implied autist dead fish sex?
Just look at how other virtual and digital anime stuff like digimon or megaman.exe ended. Of course that's just a possibility.
I refuse to acknowledge any megaman besides the original, X and Zero.
That's fine but those ones aren't really like the shonen anime yugioh is.
The fuck? Where are the spoilers?
Next week is break week, happens every year. Probably some sport thing or another.
Well shit. And things were starting to feel hype.
Nice to see you all get BTFO AHHAHAHHHAHAHA
Last year this break was in the middle of the second bohman duel. Don't know if they'll be having quite as big of a cliffhanger this time.
what new summoning method will YGO7 have ?
I'm sure she and Jin would have been somewhat relevant as actual characters if we had more episodes left
>Playmaker Identity cliffhanger
>goes nowhere
>backup concept is just a made up thing
These break weeks are awful. I wish we at least got a two ep week for a change.
Trying to throw playmaker off his game. That would probably be the simplest reason. Lightning likes doing that stuff.
Let's play pretend for a second. How would Vrains have gone if Bohman's claims in that duel were true?
Why was Borrelguard Dragon the only Borrel monster to not get a summon chant?
Playmaker would have to do introspection. Bohman probably wouldn't have died but it wouldn't matter in the long run.
It's the shittiest Borrel. It should go sit in the corner and think about what it's done.
Where is drawfag? Did he really died this time?
Hey fuck you buddy. Being happy for that is not ok.
>It's the shittiest Borrel.
that goes to excharge, borrelguard has some "synergy" with furious, excharge has 0 synergy with anything
They should print it and keep the same effect.
it's ok for me :^)))
Will they break the stall this episode?
the eyebrow makes him look like an alien but if this is from the 5ds manga guy he seems to have improved since then
He's cute, desu
No he's not. He's a yugioh protagonist.
They're both just beatsticks with limited protection and effects that will rarely be your best option. eXcharge is just cheaper to summon.
>Altergeist Vageyena
>guard can revive things you destroyed to extend even more
>guard can pop rokkets (quick effect)
>guard can be a free pop for furious
guard is a million times better than excrement charge, no debating
also you must be running some extremely dogshit bricky shitty deck if you're forced to go into excharge
I think that's a mouth.
Time for some speculation, what do you think this Appliancer does?
Or you could have just taken it with Borreload and kept the effect.
Or you could have just done that with Borreload or Borrelsword.
Or you could have just popped the monster you stole off Borreload or the Rokkets you would have used to summon Borrelguard.
In most situations, you're not gonna summon either of them, because you will almost always have better options.
the op was talking about how guard is the shittiest borrel when it really isn't
Wash and throw clothes?
Steal pantsu.
He has such a generic face.
He's beautiful. I want him to fuck my face.
How can you stand such a combination of colors?
You just have shit taste, user. Pink and gold are the only colors there that don't mesh well but they're mostly kept apart in his design.
That's not even true. The gold tints the pink.
Then he's flawless.
Roboppi's young and energetic not old and lecherous.
>Appliancer Panty Vending Machine
>Goes from a joke to an actual possibility in the span of one scene.
How does she do it?
She's very aggressive. Possibly to a fault.
Aqua's ass looks huge.
At least Ai doesn't have Playmaker's color scheme
Are we sure that's what it's called? Pandor's back looks normal.
fuck Golfgom
>We literally have no fitting characters for ceremonial duel now.
Soulburner moron. You'd think this would be obvious by now.
Felgrand's mine.
>he cheated by pulling some duelist kingdom bullshit it doesn't count as a true win
If Revolver had said "fuck Jin" and attacked instead of passing he would've won. It was his fault he lost.
Naoki IRL would actually be a really good ceremonial duel opponent
Number 38
Number 107
I liked the Zexal manga until Yagumo appeared.
Why is the king of time playing golf with himself?
What did you dislike about him?
Soulburner needs to go home to kiku and his grandparents though.
Aren't we a little... inactive? Just now I saw that there is another thread.
is this that user who's constantly seething that vrains dared to spice things up with ai and roboppy
Here's how they'll end things with yusaku and aoi.
1. revolver anti
[mild power gap]
2. nuh-uh user
3. "roboppi and ai should've stayed as goofy gag characters and I'll keep repeating it for the rest of my life" user
4. avatarfags with bad english
if this is for how awful they are then sure
anti revolver fag is a based chadburnerfag though so no
Nice samefagging
t.Him; couldn't even resist
what's wrong with liking chadburner and hating revulva?
What's your favorite marincess?
the one that will search wave soonTM
I don't like Marincess
Having a spell searcher and a trap searcher seems sort of convoluted.
having separate searchers = more links to equip = bigger wonder heart or w/e = UNGA with added impermanence lol
I think you can only equip three max.
well fuck
Equipping 4 or 5 seems counter intuitive anyway though.
>Marincess now has real meta potential with their CHIM support
I wonder if I should grab the Frogs/Paleos I need now just in case they spike.
>marincess gets 1 wave of support and instantly becomes meta
>rokkets get a SD and still stay kitchen table tier
You're supposed to mix dragons in with rokkets.
I can't wait to see Ai tomorrow!
then it becomes table 500 tier, also tcg will still stay kitchen table because needlefiber/romulus is pretty much needed to make decent board, even then it's susceptible to the same disruptions as other guardragon variants, marincess can literally make plays with 1 card
*Blocks your path*
How can his link 5 be any stronger than this?
I wish Aoi held my hand
>marincess can literally make plays with 1 card
Yeah but it isn't intended that you have to use other cards with it.
i wish aoi fucking died again
I wish everyone was killed by aoi.
I wish aoi took a big fat shit in her panties in front of everyone.
>I wish everyone was killed by ai
But playmaker is not wearing some stuffy jacket.
The villain did that last arc.
I wonder if someone at Konami just hates Revolver or something because while Aoi has both of her archetypes be meta, Revolver's cards are a tragedy outside of Borreload/Borrelsword/Borreload Blanco.
What do these do?
Yeah even has a Twitter account where she/he complains the 24h
for real? that's very sad if true
Blood shepherd should bring it out.
Why? It's a bit shit
by half a year into ygo7, no one will be talking about vrains
will her cleaning fail?
episode soon, right?
You're a few hours early.
quickdraw soon, right?
Probably because it won't be an abysmal failure.
Because they're blue tint colored hologram screens? you dumbfuck gorilla retard.
Not every effect is impactful or important.
It is important to the overall aesthetic of the meme, you have absolutely no idea about composition, kill yourself.
No it isn't. The point comes across fine without it.
You don't make memes to make a point retard, they need to be funny and well made.
but the point of the joke is just to cover up the screens with whatever you don't like. The blue tint effect doesn't live particularly in service of that.
>whatever you don't like
Oh... unbelievable.
Like I trust your judgment to tell me what's bad for sure. That's what it ends up being.
It's okay, I won't make fun of you anymore.
cringe faggots
I hope the new show will be gag filled so YGO7 believers can finally learn how annoying they were thinking it'd be some great thing to shape up the franchise.
See, you think gohan is good. No good judgment whatsoever.
>gohan is good
LMAO, you seriously take memes as someone trying to put a point across.
Okay, Gohan memes. No one else uses them besides Gohan fans. Same for the mecha reaction images and mecha fans.
>no one uses a generic you retard seizure gif
You're seriously retarded.
it doesn't matter if ygo7 is shit or not, there's just not going to be much of anything to say about vrains after it's done
This entire general must be purged.
It's not generic if it has gohan in it. Only gohan fans find it funny.
By "it won't be an abysmal failure", I was referring to vrains.
yeah it kinda deserves it, but it's not like the janitors/mods are going to do anything about it if no one's explicitly breaking the rules
the same thing happen with every yugioh anime except arc-v
people are still mad for it
How did she turn so hot?
she was better before
but VRAINS isn't any abysmal failure
it's a fun series to watch weekly
Is there any alternative for the stream other than mov3?
I wasn't posting it was. It won't be considered an abysmal failure is probably a better way to put it.
no summons, but spells from the extra deck
Did we have to start with a fake out intro?
Shouldn't it be Roboppi-kun?
Emma's does that kind of stuff.
uh wait, how is the Link-4 Altergeist in the middle zone?
BTFO, to nobody's surprise.
>laundry dragon
>uses shoulder cannons to fire
Why even make it a dragon?
So in the end both Spectre and Faust are irrelevant after all.
only Playmaker is relevant in the end
still stalling.
>Specter is reduced to the same jobber status as the rest of KoH
So much for being a LI kid.
So where are the new goukis?
some hand battle trap
How the fuck was Spectre with Faust, I thought he was with GG and BS like what the fuck
There were very fast about putting him in a corner.
Why did they do my nigga spectre like that he literally did nothing wrong.
What's up with the black flames?
Are they dead or just get logged out?
Just don't think about it, like the writers.
hah pandor already on Ai's side
Can't use sunavalons in a speed duel.
>d-doesn't count
>he literally did nothing
This post didn't age well.
>overflow dragon in DANE
>DMZ Dragon in RIRA
>mfw konami are slowly releasing revolver's random dark dragons from fucking s1
The one who hunts the ignis is probably revolver then.
He’s the worst duelist in Vrains and the jobbing spree proves it.
>next on the chopping block is revulva
you should be fucking ecstatic, why are you yawning?
VRAINS isn't predictab-
This has no context.
>No tits or ass
You just got shit taste.
it's obvious Revolver as always fucked up and added an ally to Ai's party.
Why did Revolver give her such a big ass
How else do you signify she's a girl?
So, do you happy that the jobbing spree happened in just 3 episodes (probably two more with Akira+BM)?
Personally I'd rather they move from this obvious setup arc quickly to whatever Ai's master plan is.
About that.
>Episode 109: イグニスを狩るもの – Igunisu o Karu Mono (The One Who Hunts the Ignises)
>upload jounochi foolish burial to youtube
>We received a copyright takedown request for videos in your channel. You'll need to complete Copyright School to regain access to your account. Continue
How do those people upload vrains footage to youtube?
>We wasted WEEKS watching these jobbers on-screen
well we wasted weeks watching revolver job a million times so it's not like it's any better
Oh please, Spectre barely even gets a chance to have an on-screen duel to begin with
What is this drawing this is scary
Because old stuff has already been picked up by algorithms.
>episode 87 was the last time Spectre has any speaking role
How can you even consider it? There must be another way!
Spectre gave us this so he will always be a great duelist
Lost Incident children are so badly handled
>Playmaker just now after 100 episodes starts opening up
>Takeru barely has any personality besides muh SOUL
>Jin irrelevant
>Spectre irrelevant
>Miyu irrelevant
>Windy kid dead
Did they even explain if he got the implant out?
Gotta wait for the subs to find out
Flip Solemn Judgement lol
Is it a cheat to count aoi?
not like she's well handled too.
The one piece writer gave you that.
lostincidentfag now and forever BTFO
>ATK 「Zero」
>DEF 「Zero」
>Scale 「Zero」
>Effect damage becomes 「Zero」
>Tributes become 「Zero」
>Presence of opponent's monsters becomes 「Zero」
>Effects of your opponent's backrow become 「Zero」
>Effects of your opponent's hand and Graveyard become 「Zero」
>Opponent's Life Points become 「Zero」
>Attacks to this card become 「Zero」
Reiji is such a chuuni, holy shit.
D/D/D is old and gay
@Ignister is the new shit
>spectre is shown with emma and BS at first
>ends up with faust who is on the other side
uhhhh how?
His Mother Tree transferred him there
Why does he lie?
Just finished S2 and started 3.
Revolver, Akira, Kusanagi are still the best but it was nice to see Playmaker finally show some development. Aoi's involvement with the Lost Incident just seems like it was just thrown in there to give her an Ignis. Lightning is the biggest piece of shit and Bohman, while it was nice for him to have some morals, was kind of bland.
Did S3 backpedal on Revolver's development and Playmakers?
Why create AI with free will and go back to hunting Ai when Lightning was the evil one and he trusted Playmaker and Ai. Why didnt Playmaker stand by Ai and went back to treating him coldly?
Also Ai is totally pulling a Zero Requiem and taking SOL down with him isnt he.
It's obviously a clone he set up
Spectre will turn out to be a traitor who's tired of Hanoi jobbing left and right.
the writers wouldn't just off him like that, r-right?
>lostincidentfag STILL delusional
no no no no
no no no no no no no
A weapon to surpass cyber dragon.
wait roboppy had 0 cards and drew 1, how the fuck did he end up with this card?
These link 1s and 2s have a suspicious amount of effects.
>can't even beat BS and GG without cheating
Ai, you already did that.
wait nvm he had 1 set card that wasn't activated, so one of the spells was a set
sleep tight, skeltonizuka
I think he had a set card last episode
He refuses to die.
Ai sounds like edgy haseo now
>Another Level 1 main deck monster
>Banish or destruction-burn LINK-1
>Gouki Rematch but for Appliancer Links
>Card to swap multiple Appliancer Links around to get their second effect off as well as attack again
Solid new card lineup for Appliancers. Hope they print them
Those are way too many effects for a link 1 with no downsides even if they were printed they would get cut down.
And it's not convincing.
>Kills Blood Shepherd with wet underwear because Emma misplayed
He already did for some reason.
I wish the writers would just explain themselves and not leave it to our imagination. The whole Earth subplot became a mess.
The cards require very specific materials (Level 1 Appliancer monsters) so having effects be decent and plentiful is alright since it's so heavily locked into the archetype. Besides, there aren't that many effects, assuming the rest follow the same pattern as Vacculephant and Propelion.
>Can't be used as Link Material during the turn it is summoned
>Can attack directly if not co-linked
>Co-link effect
>Non-co-link effect
give her big tits
what makes you think they'd be any good if they did get some screentime, when a few 'main cast' characters are barely fleshed out past their designs
At least it would give us an excuse to see new characters dueling new characters, instead of same old jobbers.
so next episode (2 weeks) seems to be half duel + half exposition? damn things are really ebign sped up
How did Emma misplay?
On a side note, what the fuck card did Emma set during her turn that couldn't help her in that scenario?
Why are yugioh anime trash after 5d's ?
but that's wrong
this shota shall avenge Haru's bad treatment
definitely wasn't mirror force for one
Even with archetype locked monsters none of them have link 1s with that much power. A lot of times they are a one time defense or searchers. And not being able to be used as link materials isn't a down side when they can spam 3 easy.
Why is yugioh trash after chapter 59?
jump jump
but DM and GX are trash
especially GX which is just as cringe as Arc-V
They really can't play off the slacking goof Ai was for 100 episodes.
trash taste
I'd say there are slightly more duels in Zexal I would rewatch compared to 5D's even though 5D's overall had better duel writing
Yeah, they are strong but you have to remember that
>The co-link effects are better and require more set-up
>The "spam 3" combo requires you to open 2 Socketrolls
>You can't have both the co-link effect and the non-co-linked effect
>So far only 2 LINK-1s require the main deck, Laundry Dragon requires one of the Links which means you need to wait a turn to use them
There are LINK-1s in the game that have a bunch of effects, Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow for one
That can't be used as link material At all.
For any of those webmchads out there, do any of you have
>Vacculephant's summon
>Laundry Dragon's summon/attack
Bonus points for Roboppi jumping in excitement
oh no no no no ahahahah
I'm the terror of death
He's not even the same character anymore.
This is not okay. But man, Spectre looks so fucking done.
retardvulva boyshhhh
So now that Robobbi has gotten his obligatory first win as a baddie, who will he job to?
Soulburner didn't go up against haru.
Yeah I think it's time
>Pitch Fijialert with Haunted Rock, revive it with Marionetter, use it to convert Warrant
>Use Pookuery and Marionetter for Kidolga, Warrant and Fijialert for Primebanshee
>Primebanshee Tributes Kidolga to Summon Meluseek
>General revives Scud, attacks directly and tributes for burn
>Meluseek attacks directly, sends Propelion to the Graveyard
>General attacks Vacculephant (which only goes up to 2000 now)
>Primebanshee attacks Celtopus
>Ghost girl gets deleted again
She dies literally every arc. At this point, she probably doesn't even care anymore.
remember boys, if you don't want to lose, play mirror force
Sasuga virtual physics.
>going up against AI
Is there a worse fate than trying to redeem yourself only to immediately job?
being fubuki.
Well, she lives up to her name I guess.
>what's /ss/?
This is not something to be proud of. This is just a lazy expression. flash drag and drop tier.
Spectrefag is still being an autistic retard I see.
so these are important I guess
>>If you control an "@Ignister" monster in your Main Monster Zone: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can target 1 "@Ignister" Link Monster in your GY; return it to the Extra Deck, and if you do, add 1 "AiLove Fusion" from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Doshin @Ignister" once per turn.
>>If you control a Link Monster in the Extra Monster Zone: You can Special Summon this card from your hand to your zone your Link Monster points to. You can Tribute 1 other "@Ignister" monster; add 1 "Ai Ritual" from your Deck to your hand, then, if you Tributed a Link Monster to activate this effect, you can also add 1 "@Ignister" Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand, and if you do, increase this card's Level by the Tributed monster's Link Rating, until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Hiyari @Ignister" once per turn.
How's this?
Very good, thank you based user
we get it, you're eternally seething over this anime character
Sure is Yea Forums in here.
It's just like supreme king judai. Though at least it's not the protagonist so it's not the only focus.
>It's just like supreme king judai
except not really...?
>the first half of the preview pretty much spoiled that Ai will be the winner
>the second half is still trying to pretend that Go has any chance
>my friends are dead
>i'm edgy now
It's better set up with how long it took though.
inb4 it turns out Go is actually dueling another clone and it was all a bait
>roboppy set a NORMAL spell card in her first turn that had no effect if left the field
this is some MST bait tier tactics right here
Do you have a link to this ad?
judai was also explicitly controlled by a force and had to be broken out
ai wants the ignis back
Ai has not indicated any revival. He just wants humans to submit given how he said he took up lightning's goals.
and ai being capable of lying suddenly doesn't matter now?
Ai is just doing suicide by cop after taking down SOL.
Imagine spending so much time stewing in hatred over a Yugioh character.
Understandable if it's a character like late-show Yuya though.
Even if he's lying to assume his goal is explicitly that is short sighted. It's also doesn't change him being evil given his methods.
are you talking about anti revolver?
Fuck off underage
since when does being evil mean a character is/isn't entertaining on screen? do you have autism or trouble separating reality from fiction?
>imagine posting your thoughts about an anime character in a recent episode on Yea Forums.
Because this change in characterization is questionable at best.
>recent episode
More like every single episode for several weeks in a row with the same repetitive posts. Perhaps up to 1 1/2 years' worth of episodes
how? there's been a several months' time skip where ai had time to think about what he wants to do with himself
Because the past 100 episodes can't be covered up easily. Time skipping development usually doesn't end well. I don't even think his character was really set up to take such a drastic shift anyway.
>perhaps up to 1 1/2 years' worth of episodes
You're just assuming anonymous poster you think is bad is the same person.
Revolver anti purposely makes his posts recognizable, though
That doesn't make them every bad poster. But besides that, Ai stars in this episode, so of course there's going be posts about him.
>That doesn't make them every bad poster.
Since when did I say they did? Are you the revolver anti? Pls seek help
>More like every single episode for several weeks in a row with the same repetitive posts. Perhaps up to 1 1/2 years' worth of episodes
You sure implied it.
I was obviously pointing out Revolver anti specifically tho, because literally no other autist here has been at it for OVER A YEAR. If you feel personally attacked for whatever reason maybe you should seek help as well
Roboppi is too cute
The first post in the reply chain was annoyed people were posting about Ai. It's a bit ambiguous.
Nah I'm the revolver anti, the nigger you're replying to is some dumb esl, how many times have you repeated yourself and he still doesn't umderstand you
Are you trying to be ironic?
>Extra Deck EARTH @Ignister is actually an Earth Golem
Imagine being this retarded.
no one cares if you never have anything new or interesting to say
>no one cares about your posts
Then they'll just ignore the posts.
Yeah, this is a tower. Good archetype overall, but it lacks consistency, IMO