Why do translators feel the need to do this?

Why do translators feel the need to do this?

Attached: why do they do this.png (760x1080, 563K)

whats your problem nonce

This is an American board, get out of here with your euroPEEan slang.

>Excuse me sir or madam. May I partake in your tobacco product?
>Oh, by Jove!

Chillock stop trying to shill your garbage meme translations here

>inserting limey poorfag speak into my mangoes

>Requesting permission to assume ownership of rolled chemicals I did not purchase.
>[ignition tool does not ignite]
>Sudden anger

Learn Nihongo.


to show different accent which still retarded

>Yo nigga, you mind?
>awwwww shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet

Do what?

What is this? Reverse image search isn't giving any results.

Got a problem with bumming fags, bigot?

Bonkers init?

>fag instead of smoke
Fucking bongs, don't you know the world's American?

Source? I can't find it.

Ok you somehow managed to enlighten my day enough for me to be motivated to finish my work now.


That's nothing compared to Battle Royale's translation and its multiple instances of fuck and shit

Murishart plz.

>kansai character
>"Howdy Y'all!"

Attached: 1535114290793.png (345x337, 142K)

>original: itadakimasu
>"translated": rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub
Why do translators do this?

looks like Shinobu from Beageruta