

Attached: Fuuka Ayase.jpg (868x1481, 295K)


Hey Fuuka

Why are you spamming this pic over and over?

I want to lick her eyebrows



Hot take: Tiger > everyone else in the manga

Her sister is better.

Sweaty summer sex with Fuuka

yes, my fellow pedophilic patrician. Ena a good girl


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is this canon?


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Well of course

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cute babyfat

>Fuuka thread
>18 posts
Yea Forums died a long time ago

>There are anons on this board that STILL haven't read Yotsuba yet

no Yea Forums has just moved on
bigger thighs to fry

>There are anons on this boards that don’t have to suffer 2 months for a chapter

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>suffering over a hobby at all
i never got this meme

Then you never had a hobby
Hobbies demand interest demand sacrifice

Or you could just read other stuff in the mean time like us sane people.

no, it's just something you do on your free time. It does demand interest, the rest is autism.

You don’t get it
It’s like eating a well cooked piece of meat and not being satisfied with the serving
Yes, there are many other options available, but it’s not the same
Just because you keep yourself busy doesn’t mean you aren’t slowly suffering inside
When you find a really good one, you can’t help but compare it when trying to find something else
You start thinking “oh man that line delivery is terrible” or “the paneling is weird” or sometimes “this character isn’t well written”
You base your experience of good manga with manga you genuinely enjoy so of course it’s gonna be different

his stuff is so good

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Fuuka gets multiple cleavage shots throughout the series. No one else does.

fuuka is a bimyomyo

>Everybody calls her fat and ugly or just plain looking
>But she's actually the cutest and best girl in the manga
Why must Fuuka get bullied so much?

Fuuka is for SEX

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