Shingeki no Kyojin

>Laisse-le mourir, copain

Attached: 156027645537756.png (321x146, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>The king and queen cards from the final exhibition

Attached: Kangz.png (877x815, 555K)

You three are actual subhumans with your endless spam.


This is the first time I post that image. How it is a spam?

FUCK OFF erehis

>head is getting blown a part
>haha i'll just warp my consciousness into my left testacle

I'm erehis' husband

oh nooo! where is my historia?!


was she raped?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-17-19h23m46s972.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

Who is the Heart King?

someone said that getting pregnant was a delay ploy.

A design, random.
Eren sees A and K.

Attached: 40708128-9040-4962-9B7D-29A4395F9A05.jpg (673x776, 244K)

>Farmer is the heart King

She took all three of the red rockets like a pro

>Historia, a queen, as the queen of heart

In suit, at random.

Ymir should be the heart king

Attached: DZC8HSiUQAEEtWF.jpg (1199x848, 273K)


You're french. Somalian, arab, or actual french. Hm hm hm

Attached: ReinerUh.png (302x312, 110K)

>10 of club, the desire to learn
>Jack of heart, leader, nice guy and whatever
>Jack of club, leader, solver and whatever
Nips are pretty autistic about tarot shit and Isayama is autistic with parallels. So I doubt it is random


Attached: 1532429437701.jpg (1000x1000, 296K)

And what about Eren and Historia?

>hange drink that is inside a little beaker

Attached: ErenThumbsUp.png (118x131, 17K)

King of club is literally securing the future for our children and Historia is the people queen or some shit.

Chadren will drink Gabis pee!

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are the tybur family the biggest jobbers? they literally were only mentioned for 2 chapters and they are suppose to run things


It's 1:1 Nazi/Jew Imagery, I could bring up spoilers for non-Manga readers in order to provide even more evidence, but I won't.
On the other hand, General Pixis' looks are similar to the ones of a real-life Imperial Japanese General, Akiyama Yoshifuru (there were tons of media outbursts because of said reference).
As a german, this is something that REALLY currently disgusts me:

It quite seems like Isayama is trying to make you symphatize with his created version of Germany, but truth be told, I'm not biting that hook AT ALL.
I'm gonna give him the benefit of doubt that soon it'll be like "buhh... uhh.. we weren't good guys at all, but just as terrible fucking demons like you kept telling us we were, but you are just as horrible! We are all horrible!"
If he goes with that plot point I'll be completely fine with and understand, but otherwise....

The man should really be ashamed of himself. In no shape or form is it right to demonstrate Germany as being some sort of "victim" or even trying to symphatize with them or bring up the point of "but you were terrible to us after this!!111". Same goes for referencing Akiyama desu. Disgusting.
But I'ma give him the benefit of doubt here, since I currently really despise every character since the recent chapters.


Attached: based retards.png (138x322, 53K)

here we go again

>inb4 retarded explanation of muh spine and "it is completely consistent"

I don't think dogs eat things they've put their dicks in

Not the jacket but I think I found a tease of titan manlet

You have to go back

Marleyans view them as devils. Doubt.

They were the SC of restorationists.

Attached: fullsizerender.jpg (267x367, 51K)

Based Isayama-sama intentionally using WW2 and Jewish imagery and parallels to attract more iattention.

Lmao why do fags like you even read fictional stories.
>read manga
>story about regular humans who can turn into these mythical titan creatures and regenerate their own flesh
>somehow be surprised that one of them can do some special thing with his consciousness/nervous system

If we had put modern day germans into internment camps then they would absolutely be victims.

So what you're saying
Is that it'd be perfectly ethical for me to go to modern day germany and kidnap a little girl and feed her to my dogs because nazis happened?

>self hating g*rm
boy havent seen that before

Nanking reference when?

Attached: Isayama.jpg (2157x3415, 2.02M)

What is it was an ideological internment

Which one LHbro?

Attached: 839e8a7d7614ee823e107432f587a290.jpg (428x604, 116K)

There was one already.

What, you mean like a re-education camp?

It doesn't really matter. Trapping people in shitty camps under threat of death or violence for the acts of their ancestors, or the countrymen of their ancestors is morally unjustifiable and would make them victims.


I don't know if this was made by Isayama, LHbrother, but here you can see what a titan with manlet's hair and two of his fingers hidden. Maybe Hansi can't let it go and will use the serum after all

Attached: Hansisnewtoy.png (1176x733, 2.02M)

Whoa there buddy, in no shape or form did I say that SnK promotes Nazi propaganda.

Let me make this clear:

Eldia: Germany

Marley: America

SnK does not promote anti-semitic ideologies, but it tries to justify/soften the Nazi's perspective and actions.
To me the references are concerning, because why the fuck reference it at all? For which reason? Except for a short realization of " uhhh, AHCKCUALLY THIS REFERENCES TREATIES AND CONFLICTS IN HISTORY" this does not benefit the story anyhow besides that.

Which benefit does it have, to give me a Main character who keeps getting references thrown at his face that he's a member of a fictional "Nazi-Germany"? What's the point?

If it's "just for fun heh", that's fucked up and if the point is "Not all Germans during the WW2 time were demons" that brings nothing new to the table, I already knew that. The history of WW2 is pretty well documented, everybody with basic education should know that. If the point is "Try to see it from Germany's view and empathize with them." Nope, I fucking won't, mainly because in our current knowledge of events in the Manga it's still hinted/theorized that Germany commited horrible acts after winning the war vs America. In addition, there's no mention of Jews yet at all, so let's just completely forget that whole aspect of Nazi Germany, right?
I'll admit that I made a mistake with saying it's "1:1 Nazi/Jew Imagery", I was formulated my view on SnK wrong there [as I mentioned, Jews are completely out of the picture]. None the less, there are Nazi Germany connections to draw and they are very concerning, same as Isayama's views on them.

I hate both sides of this conflict anyway AND I still give Isayama the benefit of doubt. I can even see how he'll probably continue the series since there are many hints as to how the plot is going to end up. In hindsight, drawing these references doesn't benefit the story.

No, I mean what if certain ideologies are taboo or banned. Re-education camps are just an extreme extension of that


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you forgot the "I rabu Piku" fucker.

I hope so. Get fuck chinks.

sex with gab

The nazis did nothing wrong. They had to expel jewish communists from their country. The same ones who ruined russia


Attached: pii uniform.jpg (2020x2048, 283K)

Yuck, no thank you

wrong the Wall Maria is the size of Texas. Island is much bigger.

of all the thousands of Mikasa images you could find on the internet and you pick this semen clogger every fucking time.


I think you're reading into the refferences too hard. I don't think you're supposed to read it as commentary on actual events on history, he just drew inspiration from them. Eldia isn't germany and Marley isn't america. They're just Eldia and Marley.
I'm not a fan of banning ways to think outright, but yes that's obviously different.


Wtf so king Eren actually happening?

You must be 18 to post here

there are 4 Kings in a deck

What did they mean by this?

Attached: parallels.jpg (168x297, 25K)

Also Eren.

I literally just picked up AoT again after watching S01 when it first came out and binge watched everything I've missed. AMA.

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Attached: mikasa_box_by_kukucho_dc8fpsl-pre.jpg (733x1089, 106K)

Must be a freakin huge island then

Attached: texas snk.png (607x600, 53K)

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I don't like how they force EH on us. Is there any Ymir card?

Source: your ass

whoah! i didn't know texas is that much larger than whole of texas!

Eren is always the king after he ate Gurisha

Attached: thekingcommandsyou.gif (471x265, 952K)

based françaisposteur

No, all Kings are Eren and all Queens are Historia.

>I advocate for slow German replacement via encouraging immigration and discouraging Germans from having children.

Do you want your whole race to die out? If so then I suppose you're a selective anti-natalist like Zeke (not nationalist if that's what you think I typed. Antinatalism means assigning birth a negative value.) You are saving one race from having to go through the suffering of life. That's at least a step in the right direction. It would be interesting to see your race serve as a test model for antinatalism.

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No trace of Ymir at all in that exhibition so far from the merchs.

Attached: 1560770119116.png (187x537, 127K)

IIRC he didn't lose those fingers, though.
I really hope he doesn't get titanized. It would be kind of lame.

The set is not even out yet

What did they mean with this?

what a beautifully based show

Attached: mika.png (640x360, 256K)

So far there was only EMA and HEL merch. The card game seems to have others as well though

no that one's alright

What's with the influx of newfags? I'm seeing more people asking questions in the past few threads than before the episode went live.

and yet here you are.

it is, and thus the rest of the world in comparison is also quite supersized.

Texas has a Square Kilometer of roughly 695,000
The Radius of Wall Maria to the Center is roughly 480km, which basic MATHS to a about 724,000 Square Kilometers.

granted they are not the same shape, but same general size if just looking at it blankly.

Attached: information.png (1915x1072, 2.24M)

all the confused secondaries are coming out of the woodworks now that the series is no longer about killing titans

i'd imagine anime-onlies would have plenty of questions after the last episode and can't be bothered to just read the manga for themselves, so they come here begging for clarification.

Baiters, anime onlies experiencing the basement and Marley reveal, controversy over the Eldians in ghettos wearing armbands attracting people who don't even watch the show

Yeah and as I said I don't think that was made by Isayama so don't trust me on that one

>Muh Ereh
>Muh Hisu(chapter 70: Eren was talking about and admiring Historia)
>Muh oshun
Yeah, they are pushing EH this time.

Attached: 1560769911170.jpg (1050x1280, 229K)

I rabu Piku.

Attached: piku's cute smug smile.png (720x442, 276K)

she will never rabu you back

Attached: frownypiiku.png (720x444, 300K)

>Anime sisterzoned Mikasa
>EH merch

Attached: 1480964810083.png (832x868, 371K)

Attached: *dab*.jpg (819x359, 217K)

So what does it mean? Any theories?

Attached: IMG_20190617_160528_084.jpg (1140x1280, 195K)

You never did teach me PiiSpii


Shipfags ruin these threads. It's almost as if they care more about their pairing than the rest of the actual story.

>Is mentally retarded due to race mixing
what did Naziyama mean by this?

Attached: MikasaAutism.png (1090x982, 1.06M)

She rabu strong man like Eren

Attached: 1554754984972.jpg (584x807, 136K)

"To You, 2000 Years From Now"

>the Bloody Mary rule worked again

>to you in 2000 years
Eren got a message from Ymir but doesn't remember it.

>Suicidal due to race mixing
Yeah Naziyama, tell us about this.

Attached: 1559674757377.png (720x741, 724K)

it's just some harmless fun, user. not everything needs to be super-duper serious theorycrafting.

Attached: erenandhishusbandbutheyredressedascowboysforsomereason.jpg (1280x788, 398K)


Bloody Mary?

This. Let's talk about the plot. Pic related

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>cuckren self-inserter
Kill yourself Attackonweeb

Attached: ReinerBed.jpg (556x421, 148K)

If the thread has at least 3 posts of EH at the beginning that bot complaining about ships will appear. If the thread starts with lot of RE for example that bot never appears

you mean the same germans that sent lenin to russia as a political virus in the first place at the end of ww1, basically spawning a half+ century of terrible ideologies that killed even more millions than those killed during the wars?

"Please fuck me inside Historia's pregnant body"

Porcucks, rabuniggers are you afraid?

Attached: DEOpd22U0AA2P0j.jpg (1460x2048, 411K)

period blood


Cant wait for based reiner to btfo eren, fagmin and micucksa, and avenge /ourguy/ bertoldt

It's not a bloody mary rule anymore when these threads are 99% filled with shipping. It's more like rapidly filling so much cancer into my tumour that I can't ignore it anymore and must go to the GP.
You say that but these threads are almost all made up of shipping and fags flinging shit at eachother for not agreeing that so and so is canon.
Proving my point
It's far from just EH and RE but you're also both niggers

How many full night copulation sessions it took for farmer-kun to impregnate Historia?

All of them

>YHfag crying again


Attached: reiner_in_a_pink_bikini_by_marievl_sempai_dbu0gg5-pre.jpg (670x1192, 81K)

>Zekespics are still in the full-blown denial phase
It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Attached: 75147975_p0-1.jpg (810x790, 120K)

I don't think it was made by Isayama. Besides we can see manlet near the right end of the title. Let's hope Hans will instead cure him from his ackerautism and they will be able to live peacefully at least for some time, LHbros. But now I wonder whose head and hands we see here. Is it supposed to represent us, readers?

It can't be supersized. Or if it is then Isayama improperly gave Marley a too small army and navyal fleet. 1 million soldiers across a continent and a half of territory over territory of different subjugated populations seems too sparse, even considering the power of the titans. 61 battleships is pretty low too, though Isayama could have just forgotten to include other types. Remember that they had no way to intelligently control the titans before Zeke's royal blood pseudo cooridinate, and only Zeke has been able to utilize the Beast Titan as an artillery piece. Xavier said his Beast titan was almost useless in a war. Only Zeke, the colossal titan, and Armored could serve as a force capable of advancing/defending a front against substantial army forces.

Or the scale of the map is wrong.

Attached: 1558937902309.jpg (1067x1600, 483K)

Would you fuck a subhuman Eldian, if one tried to seduce you?

>Porco vs. Zeke


Attached: 71kjs9OiBdL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 23K)

Is it a mainlander or an island dweller?

Say hi to Zeke with his niece

Attached: 1560713950822.jpg (3160x1560, 1.54M)

I'd fuck a domesticated Eldian, I wouldn't fuck an islander.

You're also proving my point on shipfags always assuming and flinging shit at eachother. YHfags can die too.

>7 days remaining
Enter: GODco

Attached: chad titan.jpg (1280x1646, 468K)

2019 06 24 EP 58
2019 07 01 EP 59
2019 07 05 - last chapter will be revealed
2019 07 08 Chapter 119

Relax, dear user. Just eat popcorn and enjoy the chaos.

I've been wondering whether Isayama chose to reveal the last chapter while his fans are still hyped over the anime cause:

- EH is endgame, and he knows it may be too upsetting. Apparently, it's just not popular in Japan.


- It's a Historia x Farmer ending, and he knows it may be too upsetting because that probably means everyone else dies

In any case, I'm just going to enjoy the chaos.

Why is Boyega looking at Manlet like that?

>Zekeposters nowhere to be found
Sleep tight monkeys, you're in for another hard day of work in the favelas tomorrow ;)

Attached: KekMyMemeNow.png (630x200, 20K)

>Imagine being a cuckrenfag after this chapter...

Why are snk threads even more cancerous than mha threads? I thought snk is a much better series, it's not fair.

EP is my favorite crackship. And ZP is a ship that makes me laugh the most.

Zekechads are all crypto millionaires

the dimensions are the dimensions, I have no need to say anything further because that's all I need.

Attached: 97E7D882-77BF-4565-A729-8CB2DD2C5F10.jpg (320x240, 21K)

It means Eren received pathsmemories under that tree.

He's not revealing the entire last chapter, just the "atmosphere"/scenery, whatever that means.


Attached: 1559210198672.jpg (4512x1080, 1.86M)

>mhafag saying what's a good thread and what's a bad thread

Attached: PieckWtf.png (720x444, 1.23M)

Because he wants to fuck Hongo's eyesocket

Attached: pathetic.jpg (888x509, 447K)

>anyone letting the mentally deranged guy who quipped about a person getting devoured, enjoyed turning the SC soldiers into bags of meat, who views murder as okay since it relieves suffering, with a smile like this near a baby

Attached: 1538224489236.png (1297x760, 631K)

Nope , just the Fat man Gave she at the dogs

>/pol/ has several threads discussing real world parallels

Where are many reasons but let's say just this, because of mentally ill people who keeps shiposting and samefagging the same thing over and over.


Attached: Erencuck BTFO.jpg (1500x611, 913K)

Welcome to the world of The ''Otakus'' XD all ppl Toxic

How did anime only fags reacted to this reveal?

>the original jobber
Remember the second strongest soldier of humanity?

Attached: 1546773562382.jpg (1066x1600, 535K)

Apparently, there's going to be audio. I'm expecting at least it will be revealed who is in the very last panel.


>Zeke is holding his niece
>Pieck appears in a white dress
>Pieck: Zeke, food's ready
>Zeke: Coming, my dear Pieck
>Zeke: Ouch don't grab my beard, niece
>Pieck: hahaha, she likes you.
>Pieck touches her belly
>Pieck: Soon, you will play with his beard too

Attached: solo.png (1200x1404, 1.5M)

Halt deine Fresse.

There was a Twitter post that mentions nothing big will be revealed, especially since Isayama is not sure yet how to end it

What is he thinking right now? Surely he won't end what could be the last season of Attack on Titan™ without any high budget Mikasa scenes.

Attached: tetsuro-araki-6232.jpg (297x441, 42K)

Judging by the poster, I think the final chapter will be pretty dark.

Attached: yvliqa2qzu431.jpg (1451x2048, 944K)

>zencelot thainigger

As I understood people will be able to choose voice of the narrator. So I doubt it will have dialogues, just some storytelling.

you all made /pol/ turn this anime into a symbol of hate now...

I prefer Hange curing the ackerautism too but I wonder if we will learn about serums+Ackerman, I don't think Isayama will use Mikasa for that

>no santa Titan

fUck off ZPpedotard

Mikasa sex episode soon
you're cringe

Attached: MikasaPuffy.png (1157x971, 806K)

Who were the Nine Titans who Ymir passes her spirit to? Were they her own children or random people? And how exactly did they get her spirit? Did they eat her in 9 pieces?

And how could the Marleys control 7 of those 9 titans to win the war?

Weren't you shipping Porco x Gabi, dear Porcofag?

I can hardly understand what is going on in this poster. I see Erwin, manlet, Mikasa but I can't recognize Hanji, Jean, Connie.

How the fuck does paths work?

Attached: aftersexwakeup.png (820x672, 616K)

sex with bertl

Attached: 1558890914768.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

>Armong titan getting mogged into oblivion by GODhodt Fubar

Attached: CHAD_CT_vs_Virgin_CT.jpg (431x334, 95K)

Was it necessary? You know what I mean.

The anime is obviously gonna end with a preview of Hobo Eren for Maximum KINO.

Attached: 1531513990.png (385x362, 151K)

3vs1 btw

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holy fuck bros...

We don't know, probably random peoples, as when a Titan shifter dies of natural cause, its Titan gets reincarnated in another Eldian randomly.

We don't really anything about the past, all we have is propaganda from all sides

We know Annie Fubar, Yumiru Fubar, Mikasa Fubar, Dina Fubar, Carla Fubar, Karina Fubar, Sasha Fubar, Historia Fubar, and Pieck Fubar.

Attached: the_chad.png (161x267, 53K)

Why are eldian peasant barwench genes so much more supetior than blue blood eldian royalty genes?

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.2141754.jpg (800x1122, 350K)

Louise and Historia are so lucky

>This episode was hard to keep up with!
Are people just stupid?

>BTFOd Eren without help
>Got BTFOd by Eren even with Mankasa holding him down so he won't get hurt

Attached: marleyswhore.png (556x591, 425K)

royal inbreeding

>Jean, Connie
Are they even there?
That right eye maybe?

The Eldians have hoarded all the qt genes

Attached: 104 beach cuties.jpg (622x350, 45K)

This is what I wanted to know in previous thread but everyone was bullying.


Why does messy hair look so cute?

Attached: CQKA8joVEAAnklM.jpg (400x314, 22K)

Holy fucking cringe,which one you retards was this?

How much fucking do you think they do per day?

Attached: farmedstoria.png (927x618, 1003K)

"Lol you're actually fucked for all eternity and your going to replace me in this hellscape."

Attached: 1560323017522.jpg (1810x1300, 282K)

Every Mikasa scene is necessary
t. Abdul ahmed ragesh

Attached: MikasaAbs.png (604x357, 173K)

There's word out that it's going to be full reading of the last chapter with audio.

Because that's what women look like after sex

Grisha treated Zeke like shit and traumatized him, Eren had a way better childhood.

It's unlikely Ymir had 9 or more children since she died 13 years after receiving her powers, and she seemed to be very young going by Zeke's vision.

>Cultivating babies since 853-854

imagine being this cúck'd

Attached: 1518049300533.jpg (454x720, 115K)

It's how she canon looks like.
Do not believe Araki's lies.

Attached: BQsTk0o (1).jpg (800x1142, 194K)
The dub really did Erwin's ascend into Valhalla justice

Attached: The charge of the sasageyo brigade.png (902x1300, 518K)

> The ending of the story will be revealed in Roppongi. Unprecedented, an exhibition of the “last chapter’s audio version*” will take place. You, too, take part in the conclusive point of the story.

>actually linking to leddit
Kill yourself.

"heh, if i tell them the truth then my people will be in danger, i must lie"


Attached: 1560684210341.png (730x1095, 947K)

>throws the first punch
>gets the shit beat out of him
>you now remember him saying he didn't have to resort to violence because he knew he was right
The absolute state of ShartMongue

Attached: oink.png (130x167, 43K)

Isn't it old information? As I understood twitter account of the event has recently posted that it will be more about atmosphere, music, some narration with the possibility to choose VA, nothing concrete.

Can someone explains to me how this revelation "changes everything"? I mean, the Titans are Eldian political prisoners sent by the Marlyanswhatever to raid the walls of the King and are actually victims but what does that change in the current state of things? Innocent or not, they are still the bad guys' army of pawns that aim at sieging the land of the king and must still be dealt with one way or another.
Zeke and Eren being step-brothers was the best part, I guess.

But I've got a question: if Zeke's still attacking the walls, does that mean he's still convinced with the lies of the Marlwhatever?
What does that make of Reiner, Bertoldt and Annie?

what the fuck this is so cringe

Twitter link please.

What a depressingly shit Annie

it's a complete paradigm shift you fucking brainlet.
Spoilers: Armin gets raped

>if Zeke's still attacking the walls, does that mean he's still convinced with the lies of the Marlwhatever?
watch the next season
>What does that make of Reiner, Bertoldt and Annie?
child soldiers for marley

It will all come together during the beginning of the next season, where we see the PoV of Reiner and the new team of warriors that's supposed to replace the Zeke/Reiner/Berthold/Annie generation

>What does that make of Reiner, Bertoldt and Annie?
They explained this during the episode

>Can someone explains to me how this revelation "changes everything"? I mean, the Titans are Eldian political prisoners sent by the Marlyanswhatever to raid the walls of the King and are actually victims but what does that change in the current state of things?

It means there's a powerful enemy outside the walls that wants them dead. So even if they were to defeat every titan and reclaim all the land on the island, they're still in danger of being annihilated.

>if Zeke's still attacking the walls, does that mean he's still convinced with the lies of the Marlwhatever?

Read the manga.

>What does that make of Reiner, Bertoldt and Annie?

Forcibly conscripted child soldiers.

>germans that sent lenin to russia
Lay off your retarded conspiracies, slavshit. First of all, anyone could have taken Lenin's place as the leader of the Bolshevik revolution. Second, it's the Russians fault for letting him in and paving the way for whatever followed thereafter on the political scene in Russia. Whites during the civil war refused the German help, sealing their defeat, while half of the country was against them and they had no means to turn the tables on the commies.

Here's a better beach Annie

Attached: Best Girl tan.jpg (700x700, 419K)

>Every Mikasa scene is necessary
I didn't mean Mikasa. I was talking about her labia. It's even impossible to notice it without pausing. Was it necessary to draw it? Why did they draw it?

Because it's the anatomically correct thing to do

What is this shitty animu-tier art? It looks like it was drawn by an autistic 14yo.

Animeonlyfag here.
What's Owl gonna do with his Attack Titan that lets Grisha escape? What happens to him next?

>Eren vs Armin
>Waifufag vs waifufag


Dude just wait until next episode you speedwatcher

Then they should draw men with bulges too.

All Annies are perfect though

Attached: Best Girl in the hood.jpg (474x474, 36K)

>its Titan gets reincarnated in another Eldian randomly.
Thing is, at this time Ymir was per definition the only Eldian. So it had to be her children to get the spirit because non-Eldians cant turn into titans and other Eldians weren't around.

Also: Why did Marley need new vessels for the seven titans they control since the war? Because of ageing?


some animator got horny and drew it like that

What's the most powerful Titan? WHT?

Attached: 1434714764139.jpg (347x316, 21K)

Yes it will be explained next episode that when you're a Titan, you get cursed and you die 13 years after you receive the Titan ability

He reveals his namesake ability, his titan grows owl wings and flies away.

Have Eldians genetically engineered a cute blonde girl with heterochromia yet?

Attached: EVE_Burst_Error_344.png (640x200, 21K)

She's wearing skin-tight pants. Like it or not, her pussy's outline will show up.

Deer Titan

I meant this twitter
But I've read information about event's format on one forum in SNK topic. I don't know whether it is true or not and what do these tweets actually say.

So yeah, how does she die ?

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Founding Titan. So OP, it's been nerfed.

>Eren had a way better childhood
well that's something i never expected to read

Marleyan dick withdrawal

Not counting the FT? Beast titan with its ability to lob artillery shells, if given prep and distance. The colossal titan is too dependent on it's initial explosion, it loses steam (literally) quickly. WHT for pure melee combat.

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Araki learned to draw just for that frame
She got mauled by the dogs (maybe her throat got bit) then she got thrown in a river and presumably drowned since if she was still alive, she would be too weakened to be able to swim if she even knew how too

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KEK, you can tell what countries all the regular posters are from

No matter how you look at it, it was the german's fault for their own demise. They let the cat out of the bag with an exiled and cointained lenin and deliberately sent him to their largest enemy in the hopes their government would collapse and they could win a losing war they themselves got into with incompetent allies. They succeeded in the first oart and they have no moral right to complain someone else eventually tried to do the same to them, and then after you sperg out trying to fix the problem and freak the whole rest of the world out and everyone turns on you because you keep invading your neighbouring countries, sperging out about muh master race like an asshole, you have no one to blame but yourself for getting bootyblasted.

All the nazis accomplished was tarnish whites and put an halo around the jews in the eyes of the rest of the world for several generations.

There's only like 2 posters from here in that thread

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>It means there's a powerful enemy outside the walls that wants them dead.
How is that surprising? There are actual "sane" Titan-shifters going around and making operations to siege the walls. Why would they go around killing people like this if there was not a "mastermind" behind this.
They believe the Founding Titan can change everything but can't they see by themselves that the people behind the walls are far from as powerful as they think and that the threat from the King 80 years ago (or perhaps more like 110 years ago now I'd say) is but a mere deception now that the Royal bloodline has declined (until Historia sat on the throne at least)?

As correct as drawing shirts and sweaters that cling to each tit individually.

Is OP trying to make a meme out of making fun of Reiner trying to project his suffering on Eren and failing to comprehend why he continues to tatakau?

So there are only 9 super titans around in the whole world?
Did we see them all by now in the anime?

I guess the colossal titan and armoured titan are two of them. Then there's the ape titan and Annie. Making 4. And Eren containing the first titan within himself counts as 5.

So there are 4 shape shifter titans out there, we don't know about yet, right?


>All the nazis accomplished was tarnish whites and put an halo around the jews in the eyes of the rest of the world for several generations.
>hitler is rumored to be jewish himself.
What if this was all part of (((their))) master plan?

Colossal Titan its transformation is already a small scale hydrogen bomb.

We've seen them all in the anime except for the Warhammer.


> "The Sound of the Last Story" will be exhibited at the Attack on Titan Exhibition FINAL. We express scenery of the last story currently planned by Hagiyama with sound only!

Sounds like it's going to be like a radio drama.

There is also that legend of Hitler hiding in Argentina. The victim card really fixed their lives

No, he just retarded

40K Titan

You forgot Ymir and the cart.
You also forgot that Eren has grisha's titan power and Frieda's.

eren has two titans, ymir had another, the cart titan from this season is another and the last one hasnt appeared yet.


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>There will be 13 characters you can choose as voice guide for the last exposition (Eren , Armin, Mikasa , Levi , Erwin, Hange)

>The exposition will be focused on the atmosphere of the last chapter (They use the word fukei which is like landscape/atmosphere)

>They also emphasize in this tweet that Isayama didn’t finish to imagine the last chapter, which means there is nothing really concrete yet. ( ??? he’s still planning it)

Colossal, Armored, Ape, Horse, Ymir's titan, Frieda and Eren's titan, Grisha and Eren's titan

If so it was never mentioned

>How is that surprising? There are actual "sane" Titan-shifters going around and making operations to siege the walls. Why would they go around killing people like this if there was not a "mastermind" behind this.

It's the scope of just how large the difference in power is. Marley is so far ahead of them technologically.

>They believe the Founding Titan can change everything but can't they see by themselves that the people behind the walls are far from as powerful as they think and that the threat from the King 80 years ago (or perhaps more like 110 years ago now I'd say) is but a mere deception now that the Royal bloodline has declined (until Historia sat on the throne at least)?

Marley reflexively despises all Eldians simply for existing. They aren't the type of enemy you can negotiate or reason with.

>13 characters
what did he mean by this?

Imagine Araki telling the animators to put emphasis into drawing mikasa's anus

>he’s still planning it
Translation: he is planning where to hide

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>for all eternity
Maybe it's for 2000 years and then someone replaces him, and it's a loop like that

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so what will it be? giant footsteps?

Well we'll still technically get Kaiji saying "you are free" maybe.

Wait a minute, I swear that I have seen that pattern before...
Meh, probably nothing.

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>last chapter audio is complete silence because the world was rumbled

If the focus is the atmosphere then it pretty much confirms the Rumbling.

>last chapter is just smoldering flames and moans of the dying

>>They also emphasize in this tweet that Isayama didn’t finish to imagine the last chapter, which means there is nothing really concrete yet. ( ??? he’s still planning it)

Link to the specific tweet please.

>All of those AmeriMUTT shitposters in the /pol/ thread

>Nuruto is a genocider

i feel like i've also been in that calm sandy night for so long. Was Isayama secretly a /x/fag?

I got the translation from the previous thread, I can't help you there. Sorry.

>RE in the center


t. Mikasafag/Sakurafag

I went thru most of the recent tweets. I couldn't find a tweet which stated that the mangaka was still deciding.

fuck off EHnigger

This, Kishimoto trolled SakuraxNarutofags with that while Isayama trolled EMfags with the blushing

So is this gonna be some David Attenborough kinda shit were the narrator(s) says stuff like "we see a small cottage on a grassy plane, inside stands a man holding a child"?

>niapoc ,riruom el-essiaL

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Easily Zeke. Nobody, including Eren or Lady Tybur, can stand against him and his rocks.

SasuSaku is the Naruto equivalent of EM unironically

>EHcucks BTFO

He just wants to go back to those good old HOTD days.

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Sakurafags are closer to historiafags since they are using the "looks like the mother" argument.
Oh no no no no

The similarities between Kushina and Sakura were intentional, it's just Kishimoto was a troll and did that to make readers think Sakura was endgame when she wasn't. Doesn't really apply to SnK where one of the key parallels between Historia and Dina is a union with a Yeager man that produces a royal child.

they are all sort of rock, paper scissors, except for attack titan which seems like the weakest, to the point I don't even know what special abilities it has. It seems like a male version of female titan? anyway, if so then yhey are generalists, which always tend to be better than they seem.

for combat, cart is the worst for sure.

colossal is prbably the best tactical titan for waging war with non titans.

other than that in 1v1:

everyone other than cart female and atack >colossal


beast>everyone exept armor and potentially jaws if he's too quick or WH if its constructs are armor titan level hard

WH> everyone except beast save for clause above

Where can I find the cards from the exhibition?

>Was Isayama secretly a /x/fag?
Maybe, he's done the mystical stuff pretty well so far imo

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Just a fyi, my vote's currently on Historia x Farmer. The Eren x Historia theory for now is too conspiracy. (I do not get involved in the debates though.) Anyway, if it's really true that the last chapter will be spoiled early next month, then that question should be settled. I'm just going to wait rather than argue over it.

How did the owl get the attack titan, is he a warrior?


>beast>everyone exept armor

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Dina isn't Eren's mom though.

>where one of the key parallels between Historia and Dina is a union with a Yeager man that produces a royal child.
Still has to be confirmed so it's not a parallel yet.

The point those anons are making is Eren and Historia repeating Grisha and Dina story but this time Eren would finish business instead of giving all the burden to his child
No not an Erenfag Historiafag EHfag but it's so fucking obvious

we dont know

But muh Kaji

Hard question:
Who is a bigger jobber, Yamcha from DB or Warriors from SnK?

Don't know what projecting is, don't you?

We don't know
Attack is not one of Marley's 7 titans though

>I don't like how they force EH on us
Blame Isayama.

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Oh sorry, I mean looks like his father's wife :^)
>No not an Erenfag Historiafag EHfag but it's so fucking obvious
Sure thing buddy, one of the themes in SnK is to not repeat your elders mistakes so assuming stuff about characters that has yetto be revealed shouldn't be a thing.

EHfags compair Historia's looks with Carla

Possibly from the revolutionaries that saved him when he was a child, same as how he knew about Dina.

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Lolimir is cute

>''Kaji Yuki: You're free''

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Control your blood pressure REtard

He is not making the merch

EM is a literally SNK version of NaruSaku or IchiRuki aka MainGuy/MainGirl

He's writing the story, though.

no, you'll learn later that he forged his paperwork to pretend to be Marleyan, thus infiltrating them.
by eating his predecessor durrrrrrrrr
in seriousness though, the Attack Titan was presumed to escape Consolidation under Marley, and thus was hidden.

how blinded by your own retarded shio must you be to miss that user's point this hard?

>Eldianfags want this cute loli to keep suffering in the desert paths prison

>Main girl
>Or even a main character
>Main girl after SS arc

That's the thing, people can make theories, if you don't like it then explain why do you think those believing Eren is the father are in the wrong instead of bringing 154 leddit names or spamming EG every time someone brings that plot

So why didn't they simply wipe them all out when they first breached the walls with the armored and colossal Titans? They are supposed to be superior on a technological scale AND they can produce Titans as they please AND they have almost all the Super Titans while the people inside the walls were clearly defenseless and there were no titans in sight. If they had the protection of the Titans, they would have probably never even invented the 3D maneuver gear.
This anime makes less and less sense as time goes by.

So far I don't see any forcing there either

Mikasa is pretty irrelevant to the big plot too. And? They are still "poster girls".

Historia's like Levi. Prefers tall people. Farmer is a pretty tall dude.

Question, did Hinata and Orihime have a Farmer-Kun as red herring?

>Attack on, Titan!

was this scene necessary?

Animefag here

Don't spoil me too hard here but it's hard to ignore that the 9 Titan thing is extremely similar to the 9 jinchuuriki in Naruto, and that combining them all would lead to the rebirth of the Ymir's titan. Also hard to.ignore that the first episode was called "To you in 2000 years" which I have been dwelling on for the whole series to find out that Ymir died around 2000 years prior to the events in the series, which focuses on Eren. Theoretically foreshadowing that he may possibly be the one to reincarnate the first titan. Huh.

That's just funny observations about WIT sameface. There haven't been any direct comparisons between Historia and Carla the way there have been for Dina. If they do start happening though it's time to panic.

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>bringing 154 leddit names
>spamming EG every time someone brings that plot
What? Are you confusing for someone else? We are on anonymous board you know, every post can be from a different guy. Also what does EG stands for? ErenGabi?

I chalk that up to Reiner being a chronic loser to be honest. There's no way some rocks, no matter how fast they are thrown, should penetrate the ARMOR titan's ARMOR.

that's supposed to be his thing, that he has impenetrable armor, only losing to the ultimate titan offensive weapon in jaws

>just turn your brain off bro

>YH confirmed one sided
>EM confirmed siblings relationship

the rumbling exists, they were afraid the king would release the wall titans on everyone

Sasha dies

Why do these posts only appear when EHfags post?

What a terrible country.
I don't really fucking get it.
If Marleyans don't like Eldians, they should move all Eldians to another island.

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WHT, if Jobco wasn't there, Eren would died

>So why didn't they simply wipe them all out when they first breached the walls with the armored and colossal Titans?

Because that wasn't their mission

Mikasa has much more focus than Sakura or Rukia did, their relevance to their world is irrelevant when talking about them being main characters or not.

Sakura and Rukia are the red herrings themselves.

there has to be some semblance of following physical laws

Is it explained why Zeke betrayed his parents.Are his grandparents even alive in present day?

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>Eruritrash aka Gopnikslut aka GabiSuePedo aka anniepedo
>Ymircuck trannypedo

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>t. anime only watcher.

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>So why didn't they simply wipe them all out when they first breached the walls with the armored and colossal Titans?
They'll address it in the next episode



i dont feel comfortable posting hanji fanart anymore because i dont like levi/han fans reblogging or looking at my art. wish people would read blog descriptions and get the memo. until i can get over this i will continue blocking.

what im trying to say dont reblog my art if you like that pairing. thank you :)

Marleyans like Eldians as weapons to assert their world supremacy. They are the sole reason why that joke of a country was nothing more than a shithole.

Tybur knew that wasn't a real threat at the time, so that didn't really matter for their initial invasion.
it became a threat later though

Mikasa is barely relevant either. Hizuru plot was revealed and discarded almost immediately, and whether or not she learns to move on from Eren will have little to no impact on the events currently unfolding because her progression is too personal to be related to the main plot. She's at least a better character than Sakura but that ain't saying much given just how plain terrible Sakura was.

Holy fuck he's SO COOL. God I wish I were him.

Christoria is so cute

But then the Marleyans would lose their titan farm.

For now, I blame the possibility that we'll finally know who last panel guy is next month. When the end draws near, very invested shippers get more and more stressed out. They do not want to be wrong so very badly.

>Question, did Hinata and Orihime have a Farmer-Kun as red herring?

Neither of the series had pregnancy subplots.

Grisha was a retard that was about to get found out. Zeke told his bff this and his bff told Zeke to rat on his shitty parents because they were shit parents and for Zeke to save himself and his grandparents.

Eren met his insane grandfather in the manga.

Why would Eren want to touch a girl with down syndrome like Shitkasa? Only EreMikaHavens want that!
WHOREstoria, she likes cocks. Ymircuck the 75 years old pedophile likes kids like Bort and Reiner

Because their goal is to steal Frieda's titan, which they presumed belong to the royal family who would retaliate if they went too far, not knowing it was stolen and given to Eren. After 5 years hopelessly infiltrating, Annie captured and Zeke sent to nudge them, BR kidnapped Ymir and Eren in desperation

And like I already said, what matters is the focus the story gives on the characters no their relevance to the plot. We keep seeing Mikasa every chapter while Rukia and Sakura where missing most of the time.

>Mikasa has much more focus than Sakura or Rukia did

Not really. Mikasa is only starting to get real development now.

why would Eren touch a girl?..

>【お詫び】本日開設した[リーブス商会 会長アカウント]ですが、開設に際して不備があったことをお詫びいたします。

But that would probably be the best course of action for the enemy though. You need to feed a Titan-shifter to another in order to make it so that this one regains their sanity. There's no way that the King would have been able to organize such a large scale massacre of his own people to create sentient weaponry only to hide them in the walls. And if they were not sentient, they would simply devour all the humans already inside the walls. This is stupid.
Oh boy, I can't wait for the half-baked excuse that will justify this absolute nonsense because the editor asked the mangaka to extend his successful manga by any means necessary because money.

Is there a shonen series which had its protagonist impregnate someone out of wedlock?


Yes really, Rukia and Sakura were missing from most chapters of their manga while Mikasa is much more present.

What is this?

non sentient titans follow the kings command to the letter, just like zeke orxders his titans around

Historia's pussy is THAT good

>because X happened in shounen manga #5487 X will also happen in SnK
I don't get this logic, especially when SnK itself barely ever fit the battle shounen formula or any formula in particular (aside from that of a mecha, maybe), whether it be in terms of plot, themes or characters.

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Shaman King has teenage pregnancy.

The warriors wanted to draw the FT out to capture it. It isn't stated directly but it can be inferred that knocking down all the walls and letting everyone get killed would make it harder to track down the FT holder. The holder could try fleeing the island, for example, or it could get killed in the chaos and pass it to a random Eldian anywhere in the world. The warriors knew about the pacifistic vow from info from the Tybur family in Marley, who conspired with King Karl. They were still erring on caution just in case.
> They are supposed to be superior on a technological scale

Marley is tied up with fighting wars, defending and poling their territory. Plus a narrative choice to create mystery.
>AND they can produce Titans as they please AND they have almost all the Super Titans while the people inside the walls were clearly defenseless.
Other titans are tied up in wars and defense.
> and there were no titans in sight

>There's no way that the King would have been able to organize such a large scale massacre of his own people to create sentient weaponry only to hide them in the walls.
But he already did. The walls are made of titans and there's millions of em in there. Although this is unknown to the Walldians in Paradis, it's general knowledge in Marley.

>And if they were not sentient, they would simply devour all the humans already inside the walls.
Are you forgetting that the Founding Titan commands the mindless titans?

>And like I already said, what matters is the focus the story gives on the characters no their relevance to the plot.

No, what matters is how the story defines the roles of the characters. Both Rukia and Sakura were the female leads of their series even though they received comparatively less focus than their male counterparts. Same for Mikasa, she's the female lead even though she's been a glorified wallflower for 90% of the story.

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We saw Connie in almost every chapter too, is that supposed to mean anything? If you're there the whole time but you're as relevant as wallpaper for most of your appearances you might as well not be there at all.

Was the main protagonist the teenage father?

Reminder that Connie will kill Zeke.

Go finger yourself
Shitkasa is to attract women with autism and spiderwebs in their vaginas

Why is Orihime punching herself there?

Who cares if she's present when she barely does anything? That's the sign of a plot device, not a character.

Yes. He was 16 or something.

>anime-only retards

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>We saw Connie in almost every chapter too

Go back being detective LEpedo

The pacifistic vow made the FT unable to fully utilize its power. If they knocked down all the walls they would have to wait an unknown amount of time while trying to track down the FT, who could be unaware of being its holder (which was the case with Eren) as titans continuously devour people, while people scatter in the woods and mountains

It's a "cool/cute" pose from a chapter cover.

The founding titan can control pure titans and pure titans requires sunlight to act on their own

It's like poetry, it rhymes

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Link me so I can read up on it. Such is very rare.

We know, Grisha

Attached: D9MqSU9UEAA6wQS.jpg (943x900, 221K), dog

Haha bro I'm video game only it's the superior way to experience the plot


Link what? Just read the manga, I don't remember details correctly but impregnation happened in the middle of the story or something.

Just saw the last episode of the anime.
I can't believe that Isayama is a Nazi genocide holocaust apologist. I'm dropping this piece of shit anime for good

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Can some Grishafag explain to me that caharacter'appeal?

To me he just seems like a loser who got carried and stumbled into barely not fucking up everything

It was actually before Yoh went to the second phase of the tournament/exam(?) and Anna asked to sleep with him.


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Reminder that Kruger was Grisha's true wife.

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Change "Grisgafag" to "Reinerfag" and "barely" not to "definitely"

Why are they showing the last chapter? Wtf? Won't that just ruin the tension of every single chapter going forward now?

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>There's no way that the King would have been able to organize such a large scale massacre of his own people to create sentient weaponry only to hide them in the walls
well, apparently he did, or at least it was done over a long period of time.
>And if they were not sentient, they would simply devour all the humans already inside the walls.
they would follow the Founding Titans commands, if the right criteria are met.

It's not my type. Years ago, I tried getting into that series, but no go. I just want to know if the relationship is secret or was it developed? That's the main problem with EH right now. It's too damn secret. Relationship as plot devices are trickier to pull off than non-relationship plot devices. Even if EH is canon endgame, it will cause a tidal wave of drama.

You see, none of us anons will ever become a Titan Shifter. Chance of us saving the world is pure fantasy. But relationships...


it tried to in the fight against Grisha, it failed. but that's the point. Grisha was there to disrupt the deal, the Founding Titan could not allow that.

>writes Mein Kampf
>posthumously inculcates his Restorationist views onto tens of thousands of Walldians
He's the most successful man in the series.

look at
its literally nothing

>But relationships
Is equally unlikely, hence why shipperfags are compensating for their own lack of love life

A familiar face. Good times.

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So you're just a self inserter?
Who gives a shit? Try to be a fucking adult for once. This is a cartoon aimed at kids.

Did it live up to your expectations?

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Manga is just a detailed storyboard for television. I have never gotten an ounce of joy out of reading it. When you compare it to proper novels, Manga is just plain bad. Only with animation and music do the stories actually become soulful. If you read Manga, you're probably just impatient willfully ruin the experience of the story just to find out what happens next. The same type of people that read the entire plot of a movie on Wikipedia having never seen it.

there's a huge difference though in that grisha put himself in that position and had he not done anything at least one of the royals would be alive in dina

Reiner never wanted to be in this world. He was pressured by his mom and peers when he was an infant and he's actually a multidimentional character, rather than being a fag who only had one thing on his mind since he was a kid and fucking sucjed at it and almost got tons of important people killed

>His seeds become leaders of two factions

fuck that loser

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Came in my pants.

Why did the tit serum turn that guy into Yui?

Of course not, the titan scene was good but that kruger looks awful, they fucked up his eyes.

they made his eyes smaller and he's not kawaii anymore

Attached: Kawaii-titan-in-sailor-uniform-kawaii-titan-37228580-599-337.jpg (599x337, 27K)

He never accomplished nothing on his own though and just acted like a nigger for most of his stay in paradis and almost commited the EXACT SAME MISTAKES that got his family and followers killed in Marley

Kruger still looks awful, his titan is good though


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That mouth was made for Zeke's colossal dick

The /pol/ thread got Archived, fuck fuck fuck

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AAAAAAA venios al tema de Reiner cabrones, que le jodan a los franceses

That's the difference between Grishanka and Reiner. He's a free man who was also a failure, Reiner is a slave who is also a failure. No two fags are the same, some might like Gross(unironically) and some hate him. Argument in Yea Forums is worths shit. Enjoy what you like and let me enjoy what I like from a character. It is as simple as that.

Isayama is still a newbie mangaka (snk is literally is his first and only manga for now), probably he is scared of how the fandom would react, for this reason he is showing the last chapter to us (he didn't even expected SnK would have turn into a so popular story)

Should have done like the Tokyo Ghoul guy and just drop the bomb

Explain Jitsu wa and Tokyo Ghoul's anime adaptations compared to the manga

>like the Tokyo Ghoul guy
what did he do?

That's why I asked in the first place. I don't see any redeeming qualities in Grisha. Reiner might be a huge loser, but he's a sympathetic loser, and it's interesting to see him trying to deal with the fucking mess of a destiny he's been handed.

Exterminate all Marlyan rats,

He knew about all theof yaoi pandering and suddenly made a sex chapter between Kaneki and Touka, they burnt the catalogue

Paradis is bigger than Madagascar

yes we know

Is the pedoposting the damage control this month?

>Redeeming qualities
I said it before. He's a free man who is also a failure and got away with it. That's pretty based and human-like. He did what he want and died on his own term. Simply put, we enjoy his failures and how his actions influenced the story until to the very end. Also, just because you can't sympathize with him doesn't mean others can't too.

Reiner wanted to be a hero that someone would acknowledge, though. He told Eren himself that it wasn't his environment that forced him down that path but his own selfish wish, which actually made them similar in that they both decided to push themselves through hell. The difference however lied in the fact that Reiner couldn't handle it and broke, while Eren kept moving forward because he's incapable of doing anything else.

>not every non-Eldian except the Hizuru
The rest of the world hates Eldians even more than the Marleyans. Eren has to kill them all.

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>YH/EMfaggot crying already
Based Isayama

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Whats their secret?

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Well, Reiner doesn't have a waifu and a mom to save him and to believe in him. Eren did break, but someones were there to put his pieces back together.

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No. But that scene was good

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>everyone ITT right now is American

God, you Erenfags are so pathetic. Literally we can't even talk about the plot in these threads. You just keep spamming and pushing your retarded crackship non stop.

Probably Ymir, that's what people are saying on Reddit.

Add Zeke's too

Why the fuck did he wait until everyone got Titan'd before revealing himself.

>All the shit posters are American

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Dumb LPfag. ErwL is cute and canon.

most of the Hizuru aren't keen on Eldians either. It's only the Azumabito clan cooperating with Paradis because of muh resources and muh chance to get an Ackerman brood mare

It's okay, user. We are the /pol/ threads now.

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Link? I wanna read that bullshit.

They were no longer needed for the next phase of his plan.

How could you be so cruel user?

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Calm down, i'm not even a shipperfag you paranoid fujo. You're literally seething over merch which is kinda pathetic.

Imagine a 4channel where americans are rangebanned

>still crying
You're even more pathetic

Sex with annie

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but he's possibly the biggest cunt in the whole story, and that's saying a lot.

In his single mindedness to fullfill his objective he constanrly put people in jeopardy, almost squandered a much more competent man's life's work, whi nit only carried his whole retarded cult but alsi bailed him out when he done goofed, he selfishly put his own son in an impossible position of existing solely to fulfill his objective like a fucking nigger, and and then after all that and after getting bailed out and given a ton of power he still failed and fucked his son's life selfishly AGAIN

He's an enourmous cunt.


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Holy shit, calm down. You're embarrassing.

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The thread is full of /pol/ aka the r/the_donald colony

I'm not a fujo, I'm a guy and I'm calm and not embarrassing.

Whatever you say, trannie



Keep telling that to yourself until you believe it

so what's the appeal of a one dimensional character who's only dimension we see makes him look like a big fat cunt?

No she wasn't

But that's why we love him!

BREH I was an anime only fag I had no idea the show could get this complex like bruh the plot is finally happening like it's amazing my mind is being flooded with all this lore and shit and I love it

Yeah, that's true. I guess the same also applies to Zeke, since the only remotely stable parental figure in his life shared his fucked up ideology. Really goes to show how the love and care you receive from people around you in crucial moments can change your life permanently, just like how the lack of said love can destroy it for good. Makes sense Reiner ended up being Eren's nemesis and Zeke was ultimately set up as the one existence he needs to overcome.

For fuck's sake, are you illiterate or what? I already gave you the final answer in my last post. What you said or what will you say won't change us Grishafags.

Duh, all YHcucks are numale soibois


What a waste

He wasn't one dimensional, he genuinely cared about Carla, Eren and Mikasa and if Faye hadn't been killed he probably would've grown up to be a perfectly normal person. What I find tragic and interesting about Grisha is that he really did recognize that what he did to Zeke was wrong and tried to change (and for a while he did give Eren a much better childhood). But in the end he reverted back to his old ways

>King Chadren

Isayama is based and redpilled

meaning he basically was a huge selfish asshole who ruined the lives of everyone he ever met and who accomplished absolutely nothing other than almost destroying Eldia forever

>who accomplished absolutely nothing other than almost destroying Eldia forever
He gave Paradis a fighting chance by stealing the founder.

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Other Titans can throw rocks too.