Characters that were made to be bullied
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She was made to be raped
me, apparently
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I want to bully her in the missionary position
She prefers it from behind
Too bad, I like looking at her face while I do it
>go in expecting a good fap
>come out with my masculinity shattered
fuck you now I'm afraid of having a daughter
All men should be
hitori bocchi?
yeah i'll make her lonely
Imagine making Bocchi a single mother
This is a mean thread.
what is sexual bullying
thats rude, immoral, and degrading
i thought Yea Forums would never stoop this low
I answered the question. I by no way support sexual bullying. Light sexual teasing is the limit that should be met!
is it still rape if we're husband and wife
No. She knew what she was getting into. its obviously her fault from the start.
Fuck off with your e-celeb shit.
Only normalfags say this type of shit.
delete this
does she squirt every time yuuta hit her?
Depends on where he's hitting her
>boast about being the queen while being baker's heir
>get the members of a theoretically hostile race around you and try to berate them
>be constantly robbed by the dog
Yes, that's the perfect bullying target.
Is it like hitting a pillow?
She is a pretty huge normalfag.
Think squishier and bouncier
I want to take that kid to my home and make a woman out of her
No, she only wears diapers to bed and this is obviously daytime
She'd deserve it.
He actually looks up too his bully. He's asking for it.
Give me mindbreak rape over this shit any day of the week.
She's had her chance at redemption and she squandered it and continues to do so.
Don't know what this is and i don't WANT to know
jesus christ
>bullying a sixth grader
That's illegal
she looks older
shes 11 you sick girl spanker
heavens no! I would only carefully caress her cute chuuni butt
Even worse if you dont make her realise the dangers of older men on the internet. you need to be rough to make her understand. you just want to make her make all the wrong decisions, dont you?
spanking is only for making mistakes, she wouldn't have the time to make mistakes because she would be resting her butt on my lap all day
Having a girl on your lap is annoying and starts to hurt after a while. I would not recommend it. You need to figure out a way to fix that problem.
>starts to hurt after a while
only if she's heavy, she can just turn to face me
Read it. It's good.
But then theyre blocking the screen if youre for example watching something. like wtf im watching cool ass youtube videos and this fricking girl is trying to kiss me?! Disgusting and disrespectful.
I'd like to break her umbrella and kick her in the face.
she's not even tall enough to block my view from that position though
who knew that Yea Forums was filled with autistic degenerates, who knew
The fuck you calling me? Theres no reason to act like this. Its rude, immoral and degrading. you bitchboj
isnt she like 7 feet?
I really wish I hadn't seen that
Someone post the full pasta
Tale that back
I don't think we're talking about the same person here
im just gonna point and laugh at you
The fuck you calling me? Theres no reason to act like this. Its rude, immoral and degrading. you bitchboj
>Girls are just made for sex xD
So these are the famous "begrudgingly singles"?
>Girls are just made for sex
Spot on
The fuck you calling me? Theres no reason to act like this. Its rude, immoral and degrading. you bitchboj
Is having a daughter the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
eat a dick I'm gonna fuck my daughter right now
As a woman, i can confirm this. We only exist to dominate cute boys in bed.
>tfw no daughter to dominate me in bed
she's 18 and in her final high school year by the time the movie happens
god fuck why
Just read Usagi Drop.
post bulge owo
Literally bullied to death.
Oh nonononono HAHAHHAHAHHA
how smooth of Yuuta to touch her ass again and again without looking like a pervert
>a trap!?
great, now a flat girl being mistaken for a trap and embarassed is my new fetish
Give me some mangas with bullying going too far.
Are you the faggot from the tkmiz thread?
Think about it logically
Don't be a coward, show the truth.
She's great at BTFOing macfags tho
look at this little cry baby bitch. You want your mommy? Well she doesn't want you!
Dude why?
What is it with chunni autists and having fat asses?
I can't wait to go to sleep every night because there's always the chance that I'll have another dream where Rikka is my gf
Not at all what i expected
Is there anyone translating this?
I hope you have that dream tonight user!
was going to inb4
inbafter am I right haha sheeeeit
No translations ever.
She loves it
That ending gets me every fucking time.
In addition to their personalities, there bodies were also designed to appeal exclusively to men of supreme taste.
All the plebs who haven't read it and thinks it's Lewd.
i dont know what is this from but i want to punch someone really hard
Kazuma should've raped her into submission. Useless goddess bitch.
Like a clockwork.
Is this Loss?
>as a woman
nice try, faggot. there are no women on the internet
Got any more of this?
We need some anime/manga where the MC abuses women and treats them like shit.
Bro, that thing makes me legitimally scared of having a daugther and go through the same situation.
Delete this immediately
No bullying! Flat chest is rare and valuable.
absolute kino
>She died,At the end her father was lighting an incense for "Obon" in which it is a time for deceased loved ones to visit their families. Her uniform is also a give away as the weather is too hot for her winter uniform which she is wearing at the end panel. Also note that her father aged a lot due to grief and stress hence his look compared to her appearance which barely changed since the day she died.
Fuck this, my low iq brain didn't catch any of that and was actually happy for the wholesome ending, F U C K.
Who is this incredibly handsome lad?
Source here fampai
she's the trash of the series
It's not hentai. You dont want to read it.
Thanks user
Delete this
Talk about judging a book by its cover. Didn't expect this at all.
Well fuck you for telling me
how come user
Just because you like to wear a skirt doesn't mean you're a girl.
I agree. And girls do look nice in skirts.
I feel you user
Have some self respect my man. bully the girls not yourself. Its rude, immoral and degrading. you bitchboj
This shit