Do you ever literally self-insert and isekai yourself into the Anime world with drugs? I mean if you're gonna go the escapism route, might as well do it to the fullest right?
Do you ever literally self-insert and isekai yourself into the Anime world with drugs...
Sorry, I don't do drugs.
Drugs are for faggots, so no.
Yesterday I was high on weed + 2c-b and tried to communicate to leftist anime fans, because I thought that would be amusing.
The moment I started suggesting that Chinese might actually be insects, they all got triggered and tried to bluepill me. None of them even heard of Habermas so I did not even tried to consider them as equals also.
Sorry, I don't watch Isekai garbage
Sour grapes or underage detected, you can literally get drugs mailed vacuum sealed under a daki cover in 2019 or if you feel it's too risky, just drink robitussin or something
I don't care how you get drugs.
nice anime and manga thread you fucking faggot
Destroying your body with drugs for something as superficial as this is the definition of degeneracy. If you truly desire to experience something like this, it can probably be achieved through lucid dreaming, but sadly, having a functional brain is one of the prerequisites for that.
I did some weeds and I could see my waifu talking to me! Shit was so crazy brah
Normally I try to avoid political shit on psychs as best I can, just enjoy looking at pics (watching them come to life), watching trippy shit like ME!ME!ME! and blasting music, maybe go for a nice walk in nature etc. Sometimes I ponder stuff like God and the meaning of life and blahblahblah but I usually try to chill on that side of psychs.
The most unhealthy drugs are the legal ones tbf (barring crack, meth, heroin, coke etc)
>but sadly, having a functional brain is one of the prerequisites for that.
False, my brain is shit but I'm a great lucid dreamer.
>maybe go for a nice walk in nature
I bet your fat faggot ass lives in fucking chimpcongo and you don't even know what nature is. Smoke your dope and keep pretending your life isn't shit. Fag.
This board is dead
What was that shitty chan clone with the drug mascot? Go back there, tool.
Only with stims i can selfinsert as myself :^)
Most musicians use drugs and when they announce going sober, the quality of their music drops (weird how that works)
There are plenty of harmless drugs. Not every one needs to be heroin addict.
lmao like drugs are so creative!
You sound like a little shit that I want to hit. And Frank Zappa will shit on anything that you'll ever do. Fag.
/r9k/: the thread
I only drink alcohol
Drugs are degenerate and will kill you or make you a faggot nobody wants to hang out with
Thanks for your input, user, but I just feel so much more confident with just 4-5mg of 2c-b, it's great. And honestly speaking I did not thought any high of those people in the first place, so I kinda allowed myself to act like an edgy goofus.
As in nature is a mental entity and does not exist in reality? Not sure if ure that redpilled urself
Yeah, especially the great classical masters. I bet Mozart was high as a kite while composing.
Seriously though, you are probably talking about musicians who produce generic crap anyway.
Sad that the impression muricans have of drugs is the highschool dude weed lmao retards.
Well, of course, but the majority isn't. If something fucks with your brain so much you start believing anime is real, then I guess it isn't really harmless. And if not physically, then at least psychologically.
alcohol is a drug
I'm too shy to buy drugs.
And more harmful than many other.
>As in nature is a mental entity
Jesus dude, how great do your farts taste? Get the fuck outta here. Seriously faggot, go die. I want you to choke on your own vomit.
Where I can talk about drugs on Yea Forums without all the hypocrisy?
lmao fukkin rekt
idk, maybe that fucking board that's that's dedicated to it? fourtwenty something? fuck me... You kids need to fuck off...
What board is dedicated to it? Boomer, you need to stop with your hysteria already, youre embarassing urself
I don't care, the 3DPD world sucks and is boring af anyway
Weird how drugs get hated on so much here every time they are mentioned. Pot and anime are practically made for each other even if the nips don't realize it.
I hope this is bait. Either way, fuck you.
Funny how plenty of quotes in this strawman are actually true like it curing depression (probably would've kms by now if it wasn't for dope), more likely to die from alcohol, helps me study (literally helped my ADHD so well I learned how to meditate)
i'd do weed but i live with my parent's and i don't know how to obtain it
that being said i do enjoy drinking and watching anime sometimes
Alcohol definitely is bad, but I think that graph doesn't really say much. It all depends on how often you use these substances. For example, if dude weed lmaos get high every day, then yeah, if you instead got dead drunk every day, it would be more harmful. But that's not what's realistically happening.
>weed is legal here
>too expensive and don't know what to buy
I wish hallucinogens were legal.
it doesn't claim everything is false, it just illustrates the behavior of obnoxious weedfags
If you need to be intoxicated to enjoy life, you should probably just end it. That's coming from an alcoholic.Also, that image isn't a strawman... sorry if you took issue with a part of it. You fags all sound like that.
I wouldn't waste precious drugs on something as boring as watching anime.
No one has behaved like that in this thread. I never actually see these obnoxious weedfags. Usually it's just normal polite converstaion.
>Cozy rainy day
>Heater on perfect temperature
>Hard drive full of comfy wholesome SoL's
>Sack of Indica
>One 20mg Oxy
>Teriyaki Salmon Don with some green tea
Literally my idea of heaven
Fuck off back to 420chan if all you want to do is blog and not talk about anime whatsoever.
Well, not yet, but I see them pretty regularly. This is my recent catch and tell me he isn't a living meme.
Weed and anime is a really good combo. Watching something like JoJo while high makes it even more enjoyable.
Wow boys/"girls" I sure do like fucking anime and manga!!
look at this cunt!He's totally got everything figured out, doing opiates like a champ! Dang dude, we all totally believe you! lol I knew this guy who did drugs and he was super kickass!
Lmao take a Xanax dude, you need to chill
Weed is gay, I've smoked it a few times with friends and had edibles and it was so boring. I don't see why so many people like it
You guys can smoke your weed or sniff your milk powder through your nose as long as you don't spread your cancer to other boards where we want to experience life without substances with erratic psychological effects. I generally have no problem with people consuming drugs (save for the fact that these people are generally much less likable for whatever reason), but I do mind if you edgelords inspire/ invite others to partake in your degenerate lifestyle.
Hint: This goes for alcohol and tobacco, as well.
Looks like a annoying person. But I don't know what it says about you that you go looking for and saving these things and calling them cathes.
bruh like take some benzos lol
ull be good.
Kill yourself, champ.
I do no such things. I just remembered reading it recently, so I looked it up in the archives and saved it just now to show you people like this do exist.
>Do you ever literally self-insert and isekai yourself into the Anime world with drugs?
What, as some sort of opium war attempt on the anime universe?
Shh user, we shouldn't reveal those plans.
peyote is legal in most of north america if you want to trip balls for 18+ hrs
Welcome to the dead club.
Cope because you can't get your hands on any dope
Mescalin is a fucking trip, but you all need to fuck off back to your board. Seriously, you fags are worse than /pol/ - at least they will talk about anime.
Was that the best argument you could come up with?
actually disregard that, it's a canada-only thing
Look at this repeating digit
Rebellion was an experience on LSD
Rebellion was nice sober (desu I was drunk) but thank you for at least talking about anime... don't respond to me I want this to die. Ahem, sage.
Don't be such a spazzy faggot. This isn't even the worst thread up right now.
I watched it on a nanny dose of shrooms, I should definitely watch it on LSD because not only does it look awesome, it makes you think as well.
I used to watch Anime with cool colours like NGNL on less mindfucky psychs like 2-CI which was sick
Babby dose*
Damn autocorrect
Let's talk about my favorite movie! it's called "A Few Good Men." In this movie there has been somewhat of a quagmire (so to speak), and military personnel find themselves at odds with MILITARY law. Double oofs, right kids? Would you like to know more?
>This isn't even the worst thread up right now
sad but true
90% of the threads currently up atm are fucking trash
filthy phoneposter detected
I'd go as far to say that this is unironically one of the more interesting threads on Yea Forums rn
Probably cause it's unique and not some shitty general or template thread.
Yeah, sounds like a good premise. I think I saw it before but it's been a while. What did you like about it?
Dude it's 2019, some of us like sitting in bed chatting anonymously from convenient devices like smartphones.
There was a time when I came to Yea Forums to lean about or discuss new anime... how many fucking years has that been?
shut the fuck up. Fag.
>Not posting with eye tracking from a ceiling mounted monitor while tripping on all the drugs
3rd world pls go
Well, you can still do it. There are threads dedicated to seasonal anime all the time, but the fact is this season looks like trash.
This unironically happened on this board
>Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu
Fun times were had.
ignore the pretend oldfag
No, it is strictly prohibited and no amount of appeals to current year will change the law. I have just reported you to the internet police. Your ass is getting jailed.
friendly reminder that the mods are
>literal redditors
and most importantly
>fucking faggots
I like to watch anime while coming down from psychedelics. Trying to watch anything while peaking is completely impossible though.
Eat shit. Nobody has any fucking street cred from being here. Honestly, this is the worst fucking board - not shilled or botted into oblivion like /pol/ but this is shit. Have fun, lad.
Definitely, Garden of Words was amazing on my 9th hour after taking LSD
I do, that's why I'm still here. What's your excuse?
>Trying to watch anything while peaking is completely impossible
that's part of the fun though
shitting my pants while watching EoE on shrooms was one of the cathartic things i've experienced in my entire life
You ever think maybe its so easy to get drugs is because the feds want you to have them?
Easier to control a lobotomized population.
Don't forfeit control of your brain to foreign substances
When I smoked weed for the first time it gave me a panic attack and I felt like the world is about to end. What the fuck was that?
You ever think maybe its so easy to get anime is because the feds want you to have it?
Easier to control a lobotomized population.
Don't forfeit control of your brain to foreign substances
It's the exact opposite. The feds crack down on drugs, especially psychedelics, because they can potentially free you from the social programming.
That's not how drugs work.
I don't really know. Guess I like the abuse?
You were new to foreign feelings, even social lubricants like alcohol made my sister go into a bit of a panic after her first shot in life
>"What are dissociatives, psychadelics and edibles packed with strong weed"
Weed nowadays is fucking ridiculously strong. One big hit for someone with no tolerance can be a pretty uncomfortable dose.
Well, DMT might do the trick.
Ive been doing this for a few years now.
Just yesterday i killed two blunts and hit my nectar collector while marathoning the first season of monogatari followed by that maquia movie. And yes im going on a trip to that world again today. And tomorrow as well.
I guess thats one of the perks of being an elite retired neet.
Idk about that one chief, all I see nowadays is the ((press)) and the establishment shilling the devils lettuce
Go to a convention with good cosplayers and drop acid. Welcome to isekai, lad.
How is the establishment shilling pot when it's still mostly illegal?
That's just stupid.
You're such a good oniichan. Now your imouto gets a shot of my love!
There has been an entire movement the past decade to legalize this shit everywhere.
A couple states you can already do it recreational , which is completely absurd, and most states you can easily circumvent the law with a "medicinal" reason.
Not him, but you do realize that where there's money to be made, American pharma or Monsanto will be there...
You haven't watched anime unless you have seen good anime on LSD/shrooms/DXM/etc..
I highly recommend Flip Flappers, EoE, Nichijou, TTGL movies on any of the above drugs, but really whatever catches your fancy.
this fucking retard
>This entire thread
“Degenerate” “normie” etc should be autobans. The thread is shit but the replies are even worse. Moralfagging on Yea Forums.
God I wish they'd delete those stupid /r9k/ and /pol/ boards again before they end up getting the whole site deleted
>guys it cures my depression i wouldve an herod if it wasnt for weed lol
>guys it cures my depression i wouldve an herod if it wasnt for alcohol lol
>guys it cures my depression i wouldve an herod if it wasnt for gambling lol
See how retarded you sound?
Buy a disposable vape pen for $20 or Girl Scout cookie or some other meme strain like blue whatever and take one hit breathing in deeply every 5-10 min until you feel better. You can also get it delivered in most legal states cia text or app and never have to speak or really interact with someone much less leave your apartment.
these all sound pretty reasonable to me
A grassroots movement, the exact opposite of establishment. It is still federally banned.
Big Pharma is only backing it now because people are finally getting wise to how destructive opiates are.
Hate to side with your detractor, but he's right... even if he posts a /pol/ image.
That sounds next level pathetic, like you need to mentally forego the last tiny piece of dignity you still have within yourself to accomplish it.
Deleting them makes it worse, because they spread faster. I remember when McDonald’s happened to ROBOT and the aftermath of pol being deleted. Not fun stuff. Just ban degeneracy ((())) twitter type posts.
But we all seem to be missing the part where it's still illegal.
Well, damn. He got censored real quick... That's eye opening, to say the least.
Janny fags, go away
Come be fags, another day
We'll be happy! and all gay!
By doing drugs, you are trading a shallow, short-lived experience for possible long-term detrimental health effects, psychological problems and possibly risk damaging your career and social standing as well. The default state of a druggie's mind is most likely empty and dull, so he has to fill it with artificial noise in order to enjoy something.
I'm well aware that the word "degenerate" is often used half-heartedly or as a baseless insult, but if the described behavior is not "degenerate", then I don't know what is.
I want retards and newfags off my Yea Forums
This could be said for any kind of dependence, not just drugs.
and that makes his argument invalid... how?
>DUDE wasn't until like 20+ posts
What makes his argument invalid is that he assumes that people who use drugs have zero self-control.
Your on a NEET board on Yea Forums why do you think anyone cares about any of that. Go try to improve someone on facebooks life and leave me the fuck alone normalfaggot nigger.
By assuming that recreational drug use is the same as dependence.
>What makes his argument invalid is that he assumes that people who use drugs have zero self-control.
I'm an alcohlic and I think this statement defeats itself.
If you have self-control, why are you an alcoholic? Doesn't being alcoholic voluntarily make this even worse?
Clearly. Dude, It's not like there was a lot of nuance... at this point, I just think I'm ironing over your head.
Damn D.A.R.E. really did a number on you huh
>jojo while high
This. Only way I was able to make it through part 3.
What is that supposed to be?
Don’t try to explain to some normalfag crossboarding shit who probably thinks we should all jus b ourself ironic weeb shit. Keep on tipping fren.
>which is completely absurd
Do you enjoy the taste of the feds' boot?
>139 replies
>still no mod to delete this garbage thread
I understand now, sorry, I had your post confused with something else for a moment.
But they deleted the jew news pic
Just because you're a weak willed beta doesn't mean drugs are inherently bad.
>at least they will talk about anime
But the anime discussion was derailed by the drug haters not the drug posters.
This could have been a comfy thred about drug sales in anime or favorite things to watch or it’s indutry impact like Sarazami showing pot or whatever but some moralfag /pol/tards had to come in and virtue signal.
How do you make all of this out of a single post that only talks about drugs? If anything, it's the "normalfags" doing their drugs at the parties, clubs, or during whatever pastime is popular at the moment.
>lol drugs are so cool why aren't you doing them
you might not be underage, but you're definitely still young if you think drugs are needed for watching fucking anime
drugs are best when doing them with close friends, otherwise there's absolutely no reason for it
OP's post was about using drugs while watching anime and not anything else.
>if you think drugs are needed for watching fucking anime
Who has said that? People are just saying they enjoy watching anime high, not that it's required somehow.
>a alcoholic NEET is out partying at clubs
>a stoner who buys pot from silkroad and never leaves his house is out snorting coke with hookers
Go back to whatever normalfag site your from retard
even just imagining someone getting high and watching anime alone makes me sad
And yet half the thread is some POL kike going on about how drugs will kill the west.
What about being sober and watching anime alone?
The voices mean I’m never alone with me myself and I!
sounds like a connoisseur of the finest taste
Sorry, I do not have first hand experience on what either normalfags or complete human garbage do. You seem to be very knowledgeable on that particular topic.
But adding drugs to the mix fucks it up somehow? What about drinking?
drinking is basically in the same category as drugs
Alright, I am just implying that drugs in anime =/= drugs outside of anime. We wouldn't have half as many /pol/tards ITT if thread was about former, while the latter, let's be honest, will almost always derail from anime and anime-related discussions to talk about drug consumption in general.
If OP wanted to discuss drug-use IRL while watching anime, he should have opened up a thread on /r9k/, but he couldn't be bothered with it and now we have this mess jannies don't want to delete.
I just don't get the social drug use perspective. Nothing fucks a buzz worse than other people.
Are you actually retarded?
It would have been fine if retarded normalniggers didn’t try and moralfag NEETS doing drugs and jerking to lolicon but here we are 2019 Yea Forums.
Watching CGDCT while intoxicated/high is one of my many favorite american past times.
Introvertsm here, only drug worth taking is MDMA socially, turns me into a chad for a few hours (alcohol makes me too sleepy) and I'm much more of a loner stoner
yeah I get that, but trust me, you really don't want to make a habit of getting high alone. It will fuck with your head more than anything else.
Post dubs you nigger
What if it's getting high on addy + sativa and you've got a productive hobby + good at innovation and ideas?
i wanna try lots of drugs idc if theyre damaging im already gonna kms
I wonder if we'll ever have a comfy drug thread on Yea Forums without stormtards moral policing and derailing
If you take them at a proper recreational dose you'll end up wanting to delay your suicide maybe
I think araki is high when he draws it
Back when I was fucking with DXM I watched the whole of Overlord S1. That shit makes you super empathetic which is a bad combo with an edgelord power fantasy. In the scene where Ainz hugs clementine to death I could feel my spine popping. When Shalltear was killing mooks in first person I could taste the blood. Not pleasant but weeb being so real was a cool experience in hindsight.
Getting high as a habit is a bad idea in general, but if I'm going to take drugs then the whole point is to fuck with my head.
What do you expect when OP always posts an anime girl smoking a joint and brings up things like self-inserting and isekai? It's just asking for shitposting.
I don't know if you know this, but Yea Forums is extremely straight edge for an anonymous 18+ board.
Drugs are also rarely even seen in mainstream anime.
The moderation here doesn't want drug discussion either.
you're the ones derailing talking about drugs on an anime board
Moderation can suck my futa cock
anyone who works as a moderator on any website should have their last moments being a boot pushing their face in the mud before an execution
They were just looking for an excuse to ban a MAL user
>, but Yea Forums is extremely straight edge for an anonymous 18+ board.
>/pol/ is extremely straight edge for an anonymous """18+""" board
Moderation has its uses, but its tricky to ensure it doesn't become straight up censorship. If there was none, whole site would have been overrun with MLP, furries or other kinds of faggotry.
user, frying your brain on drugs doesn't make you adult, I'm sorry.
it already is, they just do the bare minimum to hide it
neither does frying your brain on /pol/tardism
I know, we definitely could use a bit less of "moderation". I was just saying that completely abolishing it isn't a good idea either.
>fuck da police
Why are most drug users niggers when it comes to authority figures?
no, you
Being a bootlicker is not any better.
>authority figure
Top kek
>the only reason people wouldn't do drugs is because they can't get them
friends don't let friends do drugs
>Being a bootlicker is not any better.
And who said it was?
>Doesn't know what an authority figure is
>Even though moderation in itself literally require authority to function.
not liking drugs =/= /pol/tardism
I don't self-insert at all
What the fuck, some drugs are perfectly legal here. I still don't do them.
Real friends do them together and then have fun watching anime or playing vidya.
Trannie jannies are as sharp as a mashed potatoes.
I might be an autistic fuck, but I'm not a degenerate druggie.
Haha, you are such a child user. I do drugs all the time, like the other cool adults, no big deal. Mom also lets me stay up late.
>All this anime watching talk
Ya'll niggers weak, everybody knows that manga is the superior medium.
You literally can not say you have actually read Fire Punch if it didn't feel like a fever dream that you were trapped in until it was over.
I mostly do it to read romcoms because it's easier for me to get emotionally attached to characters that way.
I will start crying about the smallest shit while high and at the same time not be sad in the moment at all, It just works
The no fun police are already here unfortunately.
i used to
i would hang out with my good friend whiskey-chan and just binge watch stuff
goddamn fire punch is such overrated shit
>t.Axe Devil
You can try having fun without destroying your health.
And you fuck off to another thread that's actually trash and off topic but you wont do that will you mom?
fuck yes
i normally always get high before watching anime, makes the experience much more immersive
i've even gone so far as to draft a few stories with a stoner protag
>tfw no anime or manga with weed as a central theme will exist until Japan legalizes weed 1000 years from now
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Drugs are for degenerates
i'll probably just keep smoking green like i do now.
i can't picture myself having the need to take hallucinogens; i'm already in a new world that's probably full of weird magic shit.
Dissociatives, kratom, marijuana, alcohol and benzos work well with anime, especially SOL. Low dose psychedelics and some magical girl show or so is also great stuff.
On trippy intoxication levels however, I have trouble to concentrate on the content, get carried away too much by details or general aspects like lighting, camera, language or background music to follow the story. At this point it's just frustrating to continue watching. I can't follow my own thoughts without missing out on the medium.
Is that how you talk back to your mother? Put down the bong and do your homework so that you at least have a chance of finishing high school, my good for nothing son.
But yeah, the other threads are also trash today, so there's that.
Acid or shrooms can be amazing but you need to be emntally strong for it
If you cant be truly positive for 4+ hours shit sucks
I only enjoyed one hour of a 6 hour trip the rest i thought gods were trying to punish me
i probably won't survive in the new world then if i took a shroom. the amount of new world shit i have to process is overbearing enough, add a hallucinogen and i might just get killed/commit suicide
This is all already in the real world. I was always having dreams of a medieval fantasy world as a child, but when I was around eight years old, I started realizing they were probably something like my memories from my past life. They were very consistent with one another, and seemed to be a parallel retelling of this world's history with dragons and magic and a leveling system. I tried experimenting with the leveling system myself that summer, and it worked, bringing up a status showing my age (9, I had a birthday in between), my school grade, the various skills I had (all level 0-1 other than dreaming at 98) which would passively level up as I worked with them, and my total experience points with which I could trade in for further leveling up those skills (very low).
I had never played RPGs before and this was years before Sword Art Online, so it was all very new to me, and for about a year I only used my newfound knowledge to pass history tests before I realized I could sell skills for experience points and then use those new experience points to upgrade other skills. With this in mind, I started working on leveling easy skills like walking, and then sell the levels I had earned at the end of the week to spend on something I had trouble with like math or communication, and I shot up to be the best student of the school pretty much instantaneously.
Eventually I had to hold off on doing it when I became a teenager, since my walking speed was still the level of an eight-year-old, but it no longer mattered at that point since I had already learned differential calculus, several languages, etc. and pretty much didn't have to worry about anything until college. Unfortunately as I stopped using it, by the time I entered college I'd already forgotten how to bring up my status. I wish could dream how to get it back now, but I stopped having dreams after I sold off the dreaming skill to level 0.
As a rule of thumb, always have benzos on you when doing psychs (alcohol may sound like a good idea, but my worst trips have ended up being ones where I had a bit too much to drink)
i'll try to keep one handy then if i come across those particular "party favors". thanks user
Damn, and here I thought OP wanted to isekai into a fantasy world that has drugs.