What is Yea Forums's general consensus on Boogiepop wa Warawanai anime?
What is Yea Forums's general consensus on Boogiepop wa Warawanai anime?
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Fuckin newfags
Fuckin Phantomfags
>2 boogie threads
Since when Yea Forums has good taste
Watched it purely for Aoi Yuuki's Kino voice. Dropped it around episode 6.
3/10, when the only reason people care about a Boogiepop anime is "Muh smug waifu with Aoi Yuuki VA" you know it was pretty shit
ret/a/rds and opmfags BTFO
Yea Forums won't admit that the show is a natural pleb filter. Personally I don't give a shit about other people's negative opinions about it, I acknowledge its flaws and greatly enjoyed and treasure the show in spite of them. also I'm still a secondary but I'm finally reading the LNs now
>edgy character got superpower from alien
>boogiepop with his epicly smug: "stop being edgy"
No matter what era or style, Boogiepop has soul
I couldn't get over how bad the visuals were. I remember seeing the faceless pedestrians in the first 15 secondd of the show and hoping it was some sort of artistic choice, but the lack of any creative directing made me realize the show just looked like crap.
It's really, really good. I wouldn't say it's the first time I've felt "so close" to characters, but the way I feel about most of the cast and the style of writing that exhumes from it definitely has another level of maturity to it. Would argue realistic as well but realism in fiction is too much of an arbitrary aspect to be worth dwelling on it, especially when it comes to how characters act.
Also love how the titular character is used. It manages to feel both like the key to the answer to actually being irrelevant at all.
Saotome and Shinpei are my favorite characters.
Pretty good, not perfect.
Light novels from Seven Seas are better.
Based saotomebro
It is a thing that Yea Forums and normalfags hate, so that means it is good, groundbreaking even.
Everyone is a ninja in this anime.
What happened? Boogie got your ears?
Phantom is literal garbage
What even is the show about and why is she so smug about it
pretentious garbage with bad animation and generic character designs
the smugness is just how the oogaboogapoop's face work and doesn't mean nothing
the phantom doesn't have this shit, so it's basically the art style
The LN has it, which is what matters
the illustrations? did he utilize his smug face for something? no?
see it's his default face, doesn't mean jackshit
A chuuni serial killer and the Japanese X-Men.
No need to shit on Phantom, can't we all just be friends?
>the illustrations?
No the fucking text.
The illustrations are literally 2 faces and completly ignore what is described in the text.
My wife/husband boogie is really cute
Where are my jinbros
>Other thread archived already
>Kirima Nagi>Boogiepop
They're both top-tier though
How? This was chuuni as fuck.
I think a lot of meaning was lost in the translation
>tfw japanlet
I loved it
and episode 10 is still eoty
really boring and trying too hard to be 2deep using very tired ideas
I'm pretty sure most people on Yea Forums dropped it considering how quickly the threads faded.
The novelty is most of those people didn't stick around to shitpost it either. Considering it only sold
Didn't get to watch it with Yea Forums, but it's great
>He didn't watch the At Dawn marathon or the KoD final
The novels are better.
would you?
Season 2 soon
Trust me, natsume told me so
I know some threads did alright but I also recall some threads lasting days only due to people bumping it from the last pages repeatedly.
I'm sure the IP count was always quite low. I assumed a lot of it was that autist that had been calling it AOTY since November.
>I'm sure the IP count was always quite low.
Not really.
>watch this show
>had a dream about snow in april
I am scared
Maybe my memory is being harsh on it then.
I just recall enough comments about the threads being comfy and I thought that was due to how much slower they got at some point.
What's up with the deadpan faces and the monotone voice
The middle parts of the arcs were rather slow but that's kind of natural given the structure and source material being translated
The first book got butchered and even though the next one seemed like it was getting adapted slightly better it still wasnt't very good, dropped it like 5 episodes in.
Why did she reject him?
Incredibly mediocre compared to Boogiepop Phantom.
Explain why you think it's garbage user.
It completly butchers multiple novels to turn them into some horrific mashup plots that don't make even the slightest bit of sense.
Like when they revive Scarecrow only to kill him off again, and I don't think they even included his backstory before so it's even more baffling.
Also Spooky E's design
Didn't finish the old one, didn't finish the new one.
Maybe I'll jump into the novels instead.
>muh normality
I want a season 2 and more translated novels
The show is generally bad, but hey it has one of the best sakuga scenes of that season.
Boogiepop? More like boogiekino
the first one was ok, its biggest crime is that most of the OST only gets played for 5 second bits and some of the best tracks never played at all
God i forgot the existence of that episode
Boogiepop second wind SOON
Cute bubble
I just finished it last night, very much enjoyed it. The soundtrack was great and I liked Jin's character. I am going to have to rewatch Boogiepop Phantom now. Any other animes similar to this?
die meistersinger von nürnberg
It's smug.
I liked it. The only anime besides MP100 that I watched from the winter season that I even consider worth talking about.
Yes please
Too good for this world.
>What is Yea Forums's general consensus on-
Newfag please
First three episodes were utter trash that completely fail as an adaption of the first volume.
VS Imaginator was okay, but lots of random details were fucked up (no flowers growing from chests, Spooky E not having a dozen phones) and the adaption didn't really add anything to the material which is a shame because this is the story with the most room for improvement if they went above a "adapt the source line for line" style production.
At Dawn was by far the best part of the series, but still cut some important content and didn't quite hit the mark in conveying the theme of the volume.
Distortion had some wild swings in quality and generally held at the same level as VS Imaginator, but the climax with Shiro was the scene which most benefited from adaption in terms of using soundtrack, direction, etc. to build the emotional power of the scene.
Overall, probably around a 7/10
I'm eternally grateful to whoever made this gif
First three episodes or so were complete fucking ass, then it became okay. 6/10
Woah spooky are you my () twin? I almost chose 7/10 but changed it at the last second.