Food Wars

It's over.
All the food has finally been eaten.

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Did you rike my ending, Yea Forums?

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Dropped this shit a while ago. What was it?

>Souma makes a dish that Erina likes
>Erina denies liking the dish followed by a tsun blush

That's it. Story's over and we're getting 3 epilogue chapters. Waste of time for plotfags (if they even existed after EL HERMANO), shippers on any side, even fags who just like food.

The good part is that Tosh is finally free from this trainwreck and will hopefully join up with a competent author for his next work.

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>All the food has finally been eaten.
More like the food went bad partway through eating it.
But some of us were too invested in it to stop eating even though it was rotten.

>tfw she kept the whole manga together
Fucking hell, why did some nip have to impregnate her?

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Hopefully with a break for good doujins beforehand

>implying you wouldn't given the chance
Fuck your shonen.

>tfw I totally forgot about it like it was some traumatic shit
I couldn't get past the part where they become the boss of the school, there's a limit on how shitty and repetitive things can get.
Also what's up with all the hot imported grils marring some jap when irl it's almost 90% of the time jp girls marrying some gaijin, I wanted some based international cooks and slightly believable stuff and some set backs not the same shit for eye candy all the time with soma asspulling it's way along

What's next?

The only atonement for this shame is death.

Can Tosh do some porn now?

First Beelzebub and now this, why cant gooks make a good ending?

So his career is over now, right? What a fucking mess.

Next ch on the 27th.

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I want to eat Souma

He made enough money along the way.

how did this even survive in the first place? a friend of mine loves this shit but I couldn't bear to watch it with all those pan shots, the manga is probbably even worse.

>yfw the next chapter is actually a crossover chapter with Dr. Stone

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Well the manga doesn't spend a good 2 minutes on moaning. It's usually a page spread at most.

I hope Tosh stays away from Tsukada long distance and only focus on doing good shonen projects like MMA and others.

I really feel bad for him