Hideaki Anno is a hack.
Hideaki Anno is a hack
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Ignore the tags and appreciate Rei the goddess
Eveyone on Hideaki Anno's wild ride knows
At least he created the best girl Rei so it's fine.
>At least he created the best girl Rei so it's fine.
Not even a girl
Say something new.
asuka really look like that?
is she preggo?
>asuka really look like that?
sure, whatever
>Using influences means you're a hack
try creating something yourself first you retarded zoomers
The OP image reminds me of this presentation at the EU Parliament
Lmao Asuka is fat
Don’t think Anno ever lied about his influences
>try creating something yourself first
Every time. Every fucking time people make this argument. It has never once been valid. People can criticize things without being creators themselves. Having and expressing opinions isn't wrong.
>you're not a chef, how dare criticize my turd!
But it is wrong when you have nothing to back up your opinions with, my friendo.
Unless you want to go out with an hooga booga argument.
that said OP's video is still pretty retarded. If Anno is a hack for shit like that than Orsen Welles is also a massive hack because when he directed Citizen Kane he literally just compiled and copied all the great scenes and techniques from previous decades of film... and citizen kane is the poster boy for film student classic
Citizen Kane is crap
>doesn't adress my argument in the slightest.
I can tell you that anybody who unironically holds the opinion that shit like OP's video is the sign of being a hack has absolutely 0 knowledge of film production. You included retard.
just because 99% of directors are hacks it doesn't make it less true
I don't think the video is saying the homages are bad, they're clearly there and it's pointing them out in a pretty neutral way. OP is just a retard.
the video is fine, OP is being retarded on purpose (I hope)
okay yeah fair enough.
yeah I confirm I only wanted to rustle your jimmies
in my defense, this board will be shit once NGE actually arrives on Netflix
>in my defense, this board will be shit once NGE actually arrives on Netflix
it already is. But you're right it will definitely become worse.
Jesus fuck go back
at least it will bring some new blood into the Eva threads which are usually the same spergs arguing about the same stupid shit (mainly waifufags)
>at least it will bring some new blood into the Eva threads
you really have no idea of this monkey paw
it will be kids born in 2001-2004 (no one cares about the 18+ rule) saying the dumbest shit or that episodes are "slow"
Rei is a mop.
the funny thing about that criticism is that the show only has one filler episode. There are definitely some bad or boring ones but the pacing of the show is pretty great. Obviously you will get people whining in threads after watching 2 episodes but it will be better than 150 replies from the same two people arguing about Rei vs Asuka.
Old Anime was made to be episodic in nature and watched weekly. Seralized narratives in anime became a thing when it started adapting more manga, and making less original shows.
>x is a hack
Even if you were right it would be pure coincidence because retards like you have no idea what shit they are actually spouting.
I can't believe it!
Anno took influences, I just kind of assumed he created the Japanese language, Animation and the TV format.
What else is he hiding?
Our we sure he's the ONLY Anno?
>inflation fetish intensifies
>hurr durr he copies some characters and vehicles design
Who cares? The plot is the most important and greatest thing about Evangelion. And it's fucking original.
Which ep is the filler one? The one with the jap government fucking up a bot with nukes?
This, Rei is gei.
NERV were the ones that fucked it up by hacking it to go haywire.
Evangelion as a whole is an amalgamation of various sci-fi/mecha shows Anno saw as a teenager/young adult
Don't know why people get so livid when this is pointed out
>hideaki son of dob
Asuka is for bakas. Like Shinji.
Rei is for Yea Forums.
LMAO what the actual fuck?