GIFs that make you > DIAMONDS
GIFs that make you > DIAMONDS
What's this
What's it like back there in 1996? Wait I was around then, I already know the answer to that.
Oh also this one, kinda meant to post this one but eh
What the fuck China
Good, if some slant eyed kid started kicking me with his dirty gook shoes I'd snap his skull too. It may cost me social credit points, but that kid will learn never to mess with me.
i hate to admit that i've been trying to figure out how to convert to webm this entire night but the only programs i've found gave me fucked up pdf documents or files not compatible with Yea Forums.
1996 was pretty chill, privacy still existed and my family had a rotary house phone
fucking hues
>not just googling GIF to wemb converter
Howo much of a boomer can you be?
>i hate to admit that i've been trying to figure out how to convert to webm this entire night but the only programs i've found gave me fucked up pdf documents or files not compatible with Yea Forums.
I wonder how anyone could possibly be this retarded.
I know I shouldnt beg for sauce, but whats the sauce?
you wouldn't do shit, pussy
I was 8 in 1996. My parents had a house that had an entire furnished basement that was basically my "apartment." it was great.
imagine being this new
no one spoonfeed him please
How long have you been to this board
Get out.
WebM for Retards used to work pretty good for me but I've not made a webm in a long time.
Thanks mate
And to the other anons, you know reverse search doesnt work on webms
>reverse search doesnt work on webms
Holy fuck lurk moar faggot
anytime user, it's my favorite anime movie and i want everyone to see it
But screencaps do.
Man, 4.0 looks fucking weird.
derpa durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
what kind of retard still uses a PC?
>anime threads getting deleted left and right
>meanwhile this blatant nudity will be up for the next 10 hours, guaranteed
>OP asks for .gifs
>not a single .gif in the thread except from the OP
Screw you fags, no wonder everyone hates this board
People that actually lurk moar before posting.
People that actually make OC and aren't newfags that can't even screenshot a webm.
And I was just beginning to think that i'd seen everything on the internet.
fuck a webm come talk to me when you get hip to making all your videos out of clip art in microsoft office 2007 sweetie
>come talk to me
No you shut the fuck up and lurk moar.
imagine being the animator
hey user wanna talk
you don't convert gif to webm retard, you convert your mkv to webm using ffmpeg
lurk /g/ moar
Must be in Korea, Korea are soulless people wwww
this newfag reeks of twittershit humor
You don't tell me you use a fucking mac.
the mods took down the naked huehuehue but not a man stomping a childs head in? is midget butt too hot to handle? are the mods on this website fucking retarded?
i use windows vista baby
Who's spamming these webms?
And why are you assuming mods can see everything we do straight away?
Generally they don't touch much unless we report it.
don't make it worse
i have no clue whos spamming the webms, and ahh ok i gotcha, but if that's the case now im more confused why a naked midget was reported and not a man causing debilitating injury to a child
i was just being an ass, i haven't seen a vista computer in like 15 years
Someone reported both with the same reason. Not gonna say who because announcing reports is probably a faster ban than shitposting images and webms.