How can I get a haircut like this?

How can I get a haircut like this?

Attached: tumblr_pi1kc85G2j1ux597k_1280.jpg (655x655, 221K)

it's called a bob

Just use a bowl dude

find a middle aged woman in a store yelling at an assistant manager, they hold the secret.

what about the braids on top of Bruno's head?

oh, I never noticed that part
you could just get a braided hairpiece to stick on top

The most impossible anime hair to actually pull off

Undercut + wait a half a year

are you joking? it's not even top 10

Attached: 0c1671388e10e66adeb84113c3119fe6.png (561x592, 285K)

Im not saying impossible to make, that hair is impossible, Brunos hair is achivable but it's still a bowlcut which no man has ever pulled off