He's a plot device, not a character

He's a plot device, not a character.

Attached: Future Trunks.jpg (660x765, 128K)

how so ?

He exists more for the sake of pushing the plot rather than actually having a character. His only notable characteristic that couldn't just be summed up as him having a normal/average personality was his daddy issues.

oh look, it's THIS thread again

posting in the daily Trunks slide thread
getting more aggressive with the phrasing now are we? Not getting enough replies?

I do want to discuss this with more people, yes.

What's with the Trunks hate lately?

One autistic pseud with a chip on his shoulder.

But that's wrong, OP.


This is what a plot device looks like

Attached: 1534330520356.png (882x876, 622K)

Trunks almost made me think I was gay when I was 9 years old. Then YYH began airing on Adult Swim and I discovered Botan.

Abused babs.


Bulma is a plot device, not Trunks

He has an entire movie that shows his backstory. He is someone who advances the plot,

That's complete bullshit and you're trolling.

Trunks is cool for being the only one who's ever actually seen a scenario where the ACTUAL plot device of "Goku and the good guys always win" fails. Like Gohan, he's got the more human side and is a genuinely nice person, but he's seen how bad shit can get if the Z fighters, as the only thing stopping the world ending threats that regularly plague earth, fuck around and don't get the job done. While Goku and Vegeta and the likes are being stupid treating each fight like a test of their strength and toying with their opponents and shit, Trunks is constantly the one killing the bad guys with overwhelming power as soon as the opportunity presents itself. He's serious, he's about business, but not in some "hardened silent type" boring cliche. He's also likable in that his personality is actually a better fit for the world he time travels to than the one he came from, and it's cool seeing better appreciate what was lost and what he is really saving.

You're just a pleb.

Trunks is kind of lame

Movie, lmao


>no arguments
cope lmao