Most anticipated panels/moments from the webcomics
One Punch Man
Anime version when?
30 years
How will the manga handle this? Will they retcon Tatsumaki into wearing panties, or just avoid the scene?
Too bad manga is absolute shit.
I'm looking forward to this more than the Garou fight
>no cute little bear
My disappointment is immeasurable
volume 20 cover
this image makes my balls ache
Tats is well fit
the manga version is going to be like the meat puppet being torn out
almost identical but much cleaner
The "Since when were you under the impression that I lost" Amai part. Murata is gonna pimp my boy up pretty good.
Let me pass through for a sec
everyone forgets how strong he is because he is a pretty boy idol
actually a monster living a human life
he was probably on his way to becoming an ugmon before obsessing on making himself handsome
as a Tats fan who ships her with Saitama
I really hope Murata doesn't go easy on her beatdown
Yeah I can see that. Its pretty much going to be how Melzargard looked veiny but cleaner instead of rough like One does.
After seeing the Amai massacre and one of the girls having a hole in her tits. I have no doubt he'll deliver. Though probably won't be as bloody like the webcomic.
Get cancer
He seemed to have martial skills based on his combo with Tatsumaki, you would think a monster would have a more animalistic style while fighting a strong opponent that he knows he can't beat.
SM is weird, he seems to have a little bit of everything like a bonus training puppet in a fighting game that has no individuality. Maybe he's also hiding his monster powers and relying on only physical minimums.
Well there is that panel of him killing that caveman and he used a leg sweep and a one inch punch. So he seems to have some martial arts background. It seems when he's angry he goes animalistic and brutal with his style of attacks like the mercenaries.
You could argue even that murderous charge had a bit of finesse to it tho, but I agree. The beast eyes, the face change, the veins, his own words all lead to the monster theory, wonder what the association and heroes would think about a monster working and living among humans.
Reminder Amai Mask can't be 100% human, in a sense that 1) or he got forced to some experiment (like Zombieman), or 2) he got some partial monstrification, or 3) some other bad shit happened in the past. No normal human can reattach an amputed arm like that (no mention to his veins). Also, against the caveman he showed to have a solid martial arts background. Damn, his story arc will be one of the best ever.
his name literally has mask in it that should be a big enough clue.
Yeah he does show he can finesse his monster rage like his concert. Where he was dancing and killing those monsters.
literally the entire tats vs Saitama fight from dungeon jump to mole saitama
needs to be at least half an episode long
faggot is gonna join Neo heroes probably with how much more of an elitist Saitamas showings against Garou made him.
I think the heroes that are definitely gonna switch are
-Drive Knight if he's alive
-Genos (for exposition, he will likely quit tho)
Doubt on Amai mask and Bofoi especially with the chapter of him showing up those newbies that appeared plus Saitama being in association. Doubt on bofoi due to him seemingly being a loner plus he may distrust other organizations at this point on. Not to mention he has an army of robots plus Boros ship still to supply himself. Genos isn't possible since Saitama said he wasn't leaving and Genos himself he wouldn't leave also due to Saitama's decision.
We know that obsession can turn humans into monster. What of he is a opposite? A monster who's obsession with humans turn him into one.
At this stage what even is a monster?
look at house of evolution's restaurant business.