Please Show me your opinion ”Saint Young Men"

Good afternoon everybody(Japan time). I am writing from Japan.

In Japan, the second film of Saint Young Men's live-action film has been released.

Do you all know the work "Saint Young Men"?

The cartoon "Saint Young Men" is about Buddha and Jesus living together in the lower world.

If you know, please let us know your opinion about this work.

If you can answer, it would be nice if you could tell your nationality and religion.

Thank you very much.

Takashi Mori
From Japan

Attached: youngmen.jpg (480x301, 93K)

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I watched the anime movie on a plane but it was rather boring to me. Probably won't watch the live action films, sorry!
Wbr, Ivan from Russia

Hello my brother, I have not seen the film in question but it seems very halaal to me. Have you no shame, adopting western infidel culture to such a degree? Your women are very cute however and I can't wait to get over there.
Nabeel al-Azimi, UAE

I love it. I will see the live action too if I can. Jesus is cute and Buddha is cool

I remember checking out the manga and it was pretty good. I might check out the movie

Manga is great. No idea about film. Missed opportunity though is that there was no Muhammad with these two.

It is very cute and wholesome, my friends and I watch the animated movie every year.

The live action series is available with subs on avistaz. I will watch it later

Hm. This is completely new to me. I will give it a watch.

Best Regards,

Thank you, so much!
From Japan

Thank you so much
From Takashi Mori

Read somewhere that the muzzies don't like visual depictions of Muhammad which why they always have him off-screen. Probably a wise choice.

Thank you so much
From Takashi Mori

I've only seen a few chapters of the manga, it was nice. Didn't know it had a movie. Might check it out later.
American, Christian.

I've heard good things about this.
I actually wanted to read/watch it but never got around to it.
I'll put it in my backlog so I remember

I like the manga and anime, but didn't bother to watch the live action. Perhaps if you get Johnny Depp to star as Jesus I will.

I like it a lot. Sometimes I rewatch the animated movie to calm down and cheer up after a bad day.

Japan doesn't have any muslims, so why the fuck should they care?

Oh and I forgot to say that I'm Swedish and not religious.

Look at this fucking guy
LMAO what a scrub

Attached: Mori_Takeshi.jpg (198x298, 12K)

I read the manga a while ago and it gave me some good laughs. Definitely one of my favorite series. Didn't know there was a live action so I might end up watching it later to give an honest opinion on it.

But overall really fun series.

Central America, Catholic.

>Japan doesn't have any muslims, so why the fuck should they care?
user, I...
ignorance is bliss

Any PV link?

Oh wow, didn't realize my favourite series got live action.

Why would you want a pedophile goat fucker in an Anime titled as 'Saint Young Men'?

The anime and manga were great and very funny; however I tend to avoid live-action adaptions of manga/anime. I just find them embarrassing.

American, Atheist.

Attached: 79846-04545.png (684x365, 388K)

Manga is great
Anime is good
haven't seen the Live Action i'll watch it if it's available here

Filipino, Orthodox Christianity

Japan loves pedo shit
You could make him a lecherous old man who is always hiring JK girls and taking photos of children, then lure them to his house telling them they can pet his "goat"

So what. If you go for a laugh at world religions, don't skip any.

So that the other characters could react to his silly gags.

I've been following this series since the manga. Love it. But I'm not too keen on live action. Japanese rarely can act.

t. Christian from Singapore

Lmao, isn't Yea Forums blocked by your "great" firewall, chang?

Thank you,so much

This is PV.
(sorry,Japanese version)

The younger generation, yes but the older ones afaik most of them aren't if so QRD
You do know that it would expose Islam for what it truly is?

I like it.

Holy shit Satan

This looks very cute, I think I want to watch this

Thank you
From Takashi Mori

This is a nice thread

Attached: dunois-8748.jpg (720x720, 133K)

Are Buddha and Jesus played by Japanese actors? Did you work on the film or just a fan, Mori-san?

We have a guest, so most are on the best behavior.

Even autistic mongrels like us can be polite, it seems.

My thoughts exactly.

Attached: sym.png (1600x900, 2.48M)


Attached: 1544145373047.gif (270x314, 3.98M)


I have a bit of involvement and I have to write articles. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Muslims can't make any joke with their religion, remember when they riot over some Swedish/French comic?

I'll check out the live action, I already watched the anime and I think it's great
Indonesia, Catholic

You have nothing to apologise for.

>I have a bit of involvement and I have to write articles. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Does the actors genuinely like their roles in this live action? Also no inconvenience here whatsoever just fire away any questions you have

Love the manga. Will check out the movies when I have free time.

Lithuania, orthodox christian.

Manga was comfy, 8/10 for me
Not really interested in the live actions since japanese acting is so damn stiff

Chile, christian agnostic

Why didn't you pick better looking actors?

The Jesus and Buddha in your manga were better looking than the actors in the live action.

You know Buddha is suppose to be very good looking. He was a Prince after all.

As for Jesus, he got 12 Apostles to fangirl over him.

If Gods were super ugly, nobody would want to worship them.

The two leading actors seem to have played very well.

Saw the screenshots from the anime, but didn't watch it yet. Guess I'll watch the anime and if I'll like it, will consider the movie.

Russia, atheist

I liked the manga well enough, had a fun time while reading it but I don't really care for the live action, sorry. No real reason for that, sorry.
Romania, orthodox christian.

I really like the manga, never really been interested in live action adaptions but I do make some exceptions.

Oh right. Uh, European (it's complicated) and I guess I don't really care about religion to be honest. Don't remember what that's called at the moment. Not an atheist though.

i liked the manga and anime, if there's a live action version I'll watch it too

Buddha:Shoitchi Someya
Jesus :Kenichi Matsuyama

Liked the series.
Apatheist. SEA.

I don't have anything to add.

I return to the task of writing an article, so I leave the thread. Thank you to everyone who responded. Thank you very much for helping me.

From Takashi Mori

Good luck!

Mori-san i asked if they genuinely liked their roles not how well they performed


This was a nice thread. I'm proud of you, Yea Forums.

Yeah you are shit out of luck. Seems like a larp though.

OT: Fancy the movies. Can't be bothered with live-action.

Thank you.

I like the manga and anime, i had no idea it got a live action, i am Mexican and catholic.

>live-action film
>Yea Forums

Try or something.

i have seen it not and this is anime board

Houmam al-Hakeem, sweden

That is a nice girl

you are blessing it, brother, you absolute fool

Yes, I remember reading some of the manga and watching the anime some time ago. I'm catholic and I liked it.

Haven't seen any of it, does not sound too appealing to me since I am not religious.

From the Netherlands.

Is this blasphemy?

Could be madness.

Manga is great and I wish they made more anime, not only short ovas. Too bad the translation stopped for some reason.

i liked it but i only read the manga. especially if you know the lore behind this 2 religion. personally i can relate to both.

SEA, ex Buddhist, ex christian, now theist.

no opinion