Get ready, SoraYori shits, soon based Kyoani will show you how to write drama.
Get ready, SoraYori shits, soon based Kyoani will show you how to write drama
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>Forced marriage cancelled by finding some childhood doodling
What a masterpiece
Why did KyoAni stop making fun things?
Maidragon is the funniest anime ever made, do you forgot all these "Saikawa orgasming" and "Tooru trying to feed Kobayashi her tail" scenes?
We know when this is going to air?
Prob fall 19, since winter 20 is slated for shitgarden movie.
The author of this is literally a SoraYorifag, what's the point of this forced rivalry?
Lurk more faggot
I heard Electric City Catalog has literature awards
Imagine actually believing that Kyoani author can be a fan of inferior work. Maybe she said it out of pity, like, "well, it's not too awful by Kyoani standards".
You forget the dragon that wanted to eat more snacks on her way back from work.
He (the author) is literally as Yorimoi fan. Soon YOU will be getting the taste of good drama writing, and when that time comes you will be running to the Yorimoi fanbase in tearful repentance, begging to sign your name on the friendship contract. I cannot wait.
Why are KyoAnifags on Yea Forums so purist? I mean, why the heck must you praise everything regardless of the quality of the work, and shit on anyone who even hints at them not being perfect? And what's wrong if people involved in KyoAni also like non-KyoAni works? Are you a cult or something in believing that everything anime-related must revolve around KyoAni? I mean, I'm a KyoAni fan myself (KyoAni is my all-time favorite studio), and even I think KyoAnifags are perhaps the worst studio fanbase in all of Yea Forums.
Who the fuck cares about Sorayori? It has nothing to do with this, stop trying to start up shit. I fucking hate reverse trolls.
VEGfags were a mistake
The premise sounds ridiculously dumb.
I wish they've stopped pushing their shit VNs and started adapting good manga instead.
amaburi was fine
>4 years ago
this is why
It's just shitposters posing as fans. KyoAni is just a useful tool for shitposting to them. If someone just enjoys KyoAni shows, would you even notice unless they start shitposting threads like this one?
Turns out fun things aren't fun at all. In fact they're pretty freaking boring.
But drama, well, now that's a real genre.
Some of them are shitposters, true. But others are genuine.
>This magic catalog will somehow get me out of an against-my-will arranged marriage!
Annnnnnnd into the incinerator it goes.
Stop shitting up Madoka threads then.
Rento Freeo
wow can't wait for time flop guy to compare this to whatever show goes over it and seethe every fucking day for the next 15 months.
It's bait, nothing more
Is Trigger releasing anything this fall?
If so, can't wait for the KA-hating mods to invite their Discord pals to burn down elecshit catalog threads while they protect Gridman S2 or Promare threads.
I wonder if the sorahater was also the "Promare flop lel" guy. Seemed to use the same language and have the same amount of time on his hands.
I bet it's ACK
>I mean, why the heck must you praise everything regardless of the quality of the work,
Except for the fujo stuff. You don't see anybody shitposting about Free or Tsurun
>Implying SoraYori fans exist
Free is basically a shitpost that overstayed its welcome, no need to add anything to it
Kyoani would've released something already if it's this fall. We don't have a single promo so far.
Is ACK perhaps Enigma Godlike?
So it's going to be shit then
>We'll fix this in post, right?
>Uhh, what's "post"?
They're probably returned back to whatever shonenshit fanbase they were before
Nah, his English is too good. Enigma is ESL; this is him here.
Dayum, evertrash drained a lot of their resources. Will elecshit catalog look this bad?
Damn Free was pure art
Based and violetpilled.
Do you really think threads like this would've survived more than 25 posts if there actually was multiple "KA-hating mods"?
>Free in 2014
>Free in 2018
Kyoani is dying
This is an edit, right?
No. Season 3 was full of quality.
Nice try, yorimoifag.
They went full cheap shit(by kyoani standards) on free S3 and tsurune. Fujos weren't amused.
Yea but sauce?
Google it you retard.
You know how African dictators give themselves a ton of medals to wear on their uniforms? KyoAni's literature contests are like that.
Yorimoi absolutely deserves to be hated.
When will you fags stop forcing the VEG/Yorimoi rivalry? They have nothing in common other than being dramas that aired in the same season.
Yuru Camp was better than both btw
Its literally just 1 person.
>this is what yorifags actually believe
They shoulder the losses as well as the benefits. After three bombs in a row, expect QUALITY out the ass in Dollar General Saber: The Animated Movie and Magical Arranged Marriage-Ending Catalog, assuming based Trigger doesn't buy them out first.
I can raise his banner if he falls
You need to go back
Talk about the show and not other posters.