Will we get another season?

Will we get another season?

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Hopefully no

Hopefully yes. I could listen to Boogiepop's smug asmr voice for hours

No it flopped

God I wish

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Sometimes it snows in April.

t. Jin

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I would want another season.

Maybe in another 10 years

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just give me the smugiepop vocal discs

For the 40th anniversary

This literally sold half of what Flip Floppers did, I doubt we'll see it mentioned again, I have the feeling people didn't buy it as a revenge for killing OPM S2.

I unironically miss this show

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the show, the voice, the threads
i miss it all

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Aparently this was a failure in evey front?! I mean, didn't the LN ilustrator complained about the new character designs for the anime?
From the get-go this shit was doomed.

I still think the anime was pretty nice
The 1st arc was really rushed but the rest was good, I mean it's a miracle after what madhouse did with overlord

1st arc: unnecessarily convoluted
2nd arc: boring
3rd arc: ok
4th arc: good

The problem is that it took too long to get good.

I still remember the happiness of the thread when the giant kaijuu wasn't CGI

My problem with this show is that nothing memorable came out of it, I'm on episode 13 and the only interesting character so far have been the glasses dude, and now he's dead, fucking great, I'll take a break.

I would rather Boogiepop came to American TV through Toonami, got more exposure and boosted the LN sales to get more of them released over here. Season 2 is inevitable though

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No but the ost will keep me satisfied

boggieflop was so bad and flopped, so dont count on it.

Muratafags were a mistake


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Sold like shit because they had sakuga in the PV and shit animation in the actual show. They tried to bait retards and backfired on them.

I was told that I should watch the 2019 series before the 2000 series. Is this really the best way to go about viewing this?

Was Jin described as "handsome human male specimen at its peak performance" on the LN? Thats the image the anime left on me about him

Japan let us down, bros
That was a misunderstanding that he later retracted

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No one surpassed this episode yet

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I need more smug

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It was what made Boogiepop my AOTY

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He was absolutely based.

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OPM S2 would be shit anyway.



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still don't understand shit about it

And ironically OPM2 ended up having better animation, looks like hack director was nothing without his contacts.

Yup, hope my boy J.C. will make another OPM season soon.

>And ironically OPM2 ended up having better animation
Please tell me this is bait

I want him back

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Denial and stay coping
If you frequent the weekly OPM just to view the shitshow you would know that it is

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IMAGINEbeing the lad who scooped up Suiko's brains off the street


Yes in 2039

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I think that OPM season 2 is a lot more more consistent. It has at least one or two well animated secens by episode i guess?

The thing with boogiepop is that is very irregular most of the strong episodes are distributed in the begining or the ending of the arcs, so there is some episodes that are kinda boring animation wise in the middle.

>I think that OPM season 2 is a lot more more consistent. It has at least one or two well animated secens by episode i guess?
Well that's comforting to hear I suppose even though it's still a vast downgrade from season 1.
>The thing with boogiepop is that is very irregular most of the strong episodes are distributed in the begining or the ending of the arcs
That's fair for Boogiepop since most of the show is dialogue scenes and when there's action or character animation they put more effort into them. Also I noticed that eps 1-5 had the most spotty quality but after that the animation is very consistent with some small dips in certain eps. Which is what I hoped would have happened when the show originally aired since I know they rushed the first arc and when they settled into a better pace for the VS Imaginator arc that the time and budget would be better utilized.

Itd surely be nice. Boogiepop is top cute!

Yes please

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interesting and unique content don't sell. so no.
I've been asking myself "Will we ever get another Texhnolyze" for 15+ years.

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In another 19 years

Praise the empathy slut

>a slut saved the world
what did they mean by this?

Sensei is so beautiful

I had such a good time watching this. It gave off a vibe that the team behind the scenes had a good time too.

Better not, show deserved to fail

Unironically AOTY
I need the other novels

I hope so