>Let it die bro
Shingeki no Kyojin
Plot armoured titan incoming
is this the new donovan slide thread to be spammed daily?
it's not as funny to be honest
Charge, my shitposters. Rage, my shitposters.
I rabu Piku.
>the Eldian Queen - Historia is a huge fucking DYKE
How fucked are the they?
>annie coming back
N-no you!
anime coming back to get dicked down by armin which is basically like getting dickde down by both of the guys who had a crush at once
FG is cute and canon.
How about you stop forcing this meme.
Poor, poor Bert! :(
>that seething cope
just how big is the island that the walls are on? regular sized island cant fit a giant forest and a desert
Reverse Madagascar.
its the size of Madagascar so double the size of UK for comparison
this last episode left me more confused than i was before
why is zeke trying to wipe out the wall inhabitants
Pretty fucking big for an island.
Because they're members of a defiled race.
oh i assumed zeke would grow up not to be a nazi
Not really. Yeager dick is too powerful.
It's 1:1 Nazi/Jew Imagery, I could bring up spoilers for non-Manga readers in order to provide even more evidence, but I won't.
On the other hand, General Pixis' looks are similar to the ones of a real-life Imperial Japanese General, Akiyama Yoshifuru (there were tons of media outbursts because of said reference).
As a german, this is something that REALLY currently disgusts me:
It quite seems like Isayama is trying to make you symphatize with his created version of Germany, but truth be told, I'm not biting that hook AT ALL.
I'm gonna give him the benefit of doubt that soon it'll be like "buhh... uhh.. we weren't good guys at all, but just as terrible fucking demons like you kept telling us we were, but you are just as horrible! We are all horrible!"
If he goes with that plot point I'll be completely fine with and understand, but otherwise....
The man should really be ashamed of himself. In no shape or form is it right to demonstrate Germany as being some sort of "victim" or even trying to symphatize with them or bring up the point of "but you were terrible to us after this!!111". Same goes for referencing Akiyama desu. Disgusting.
But I'ma give him the benefit of doubt here, since I currently really despise every character since the recent chapters.
It's literally Madagascar, down to the three rivers shown in the map (they correspond to real world rivers). And Madagascar has deserts and forests too.
Well, the owl and Grisha are still alive (in the flashback), so stay tuned.
How the fuck do they have so many Eldian titans to throw at the walls
But he's correct
t. Israeli high school education
dykes can carry children
into the trash you go, nigger
>Muh Nazis
Yikes from me
>the Attack on Titan dub is ba-
rats breed quickly
they have about 6 million of them
I know that Eren will lead an attack on the Mar*ys and it brings me some satisfaction t.bh
This is from reddit isn't it? or did you just create this fresh pasta?
The Yaeger chad aura is too strong
German cucks are unbearable
It's over man, you don't need to hate yourselves, despite a fucked regime, your ancestors were normal people, too
I think I need to refresh my memory on the Reiss arc. Maybe I will read it this time
This. Fucking learn something from the series, you have to forgive yourselves and others and end the cycle of hatred.
I agree Germany should boycott AoT or ban it from their country. Fuck Isayama.
Grisha is actually an Islamic Jihadist
Can there be a race more revolting than the modern cucked Germans? And the worst part of it is, you're not content to just be there alone with your cuckedness. That would be tolerable. But no, you needs must inflict it on others. Who are you to presume to lecture Isayama on anything? Your weakness is not a moral strength. It doesn't make you a better person and doesn't give you some kind of soapbox. It's just a weakness.
can anyone explain me how the fuck the kindom inside the walls came to be
>Tfw I made this post then someone screencapped it and I realized I forgot a word
BRB gonna kms
Grisha is an ultraorthodox Jew/Zionist.
I'd say he's more like... those French collaborators. What do you call them? Vichys?
the conquering and civil waring made king karl sad so he fucked off to an island to play pretend with a bunch of his subjects
are we ever going to get a flashback on how the titans powers went from Ymir to Sina, Rose and Maria and then turned into the 9 titan powers?
Remember the days when everyone thought Grisha was a wise old man?
Cuck King Carl exiled his own people there and caged them in as atonement
King fritz...total peace fag...foundaing titan power.....made walls.....leave us alone Marley Empire or all wall titans attack....blah blah blah blah
>Spoonfeding animeonly shitters
You fags disgust me.
You wouldn't understand, you don't know how it feels to be born inherently evil and having to work daily to wash the sins of your ancestors.
This is our cross to bear and this is not a complaint, it's a declaration of regret i don't just want you to know that i'm trying, i'mma make you show me the way, it's the least we can do. I'm sorry.
ok i think we can all agree that in the second holocaust, first we kill the jews and then the germans
then the rest
Where are the nazis getting so much titan juice?
Keep on fighting the good fight Reiner "Helos" Braun
they put titans in a giant juicer, duh
back to the cuckshed Kieth
The early Eldians were HUGE
Ah shit, I had never put that together. I think they'll become important, the anime stuff had clues to the manga from the very beggining. The title card basically screamed in your face they lived in a fucking island since episode 1.
titan spine
>bitter mangafag
Kys you seething retard
You're not inherently evil okay? now quit groveling it's disgusting.
They probably have a ton of captive titans they just milk for fluid. Or the warriors donate every now and then.
>the Eldian Emperor gets tired of his people endlessly fighting over the power of the titans
>renounces war, gathers a band of his followers, and fucks off to an island
>uses his titan power to create the walls
>rules as King over his followers within the walls
Ymir died in her 20s didn't she? Her husband look quite old
That works too. Palestinians are a reasonable parallel for Eldians.
I'll cap it if you do it again
it's okay, you can be 1387 now.
We don't know the exact reason the king decided to fuck off to Paradis. It's still a mystery that's supposed to drive anyone who sees the memory into doing everything they can to maintain the status quo.
Why don't you kill yourself already?
Didn't they mention they had 7 old titans still under their control?
EH means Eren-Historia?
I didn't expect a straight answer, based.
So is this wrong info then? They say only Eldian can turn titan but isn't it literally anyone that gets the injection? I mean we just watched Armin turn.
Great Titan War spinoff manga when?
EH means canon.
>Ymir died in her 20s didn't she?
where did you get this from? I don't remember anyone mentioning it. Are you taking into account the 13 years shifter curse? Did Ymir have it too?
AFAIK, all we know is that she was old enough to have three daughters before dying.
>all your life you are forced to repeat "Everyone is equal"
>but at the same time you are made to believe you are inferior
the jews really did a number on you
t. Grisha's dad
Armin is an eldian, as is everyone else within the walls
Ymir died in her 20s didn't she? Her husband look quite old
We don't know. Also marriages that were very mismatched in age weren't uncommon in ancient times.
>"K zeke, right here I'll read it again"
>"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Eldian children."
>"get all that? no? Damnit we're gonna keep doing this until you can remember the whole thing you little brat."
Oh, right. Derp.
You're right, I don't know how it feels. Nor do I want to. But if you do feel that way, then wash yourself without going out of your way to splash others. Like I said, if it were just a matter of you being content to be alone in your cuckedness it would be fine.
I don't care about your regret, and I don't care that you're trying. What I care about is that you superimpose your regrets onto others, and presume on this basis that you should lecture others to also properly feel regret. This just makes trouble for other people.
for you
The 13 years curse is because she died 13 years after getting titan power, and she look like a child in Zeke's rebirth experience as well as every depictions of her deal
>As a german
opinion discarded. german opinions cannot be trusted, they are the most brainwashed of all europeans/whites
Please draw them as titans.
Not everyone. The nobles weren't of the proper bloodlines, and also the Ackermans and the Orientals.
>ED3 showed Sina, Rose and Maria eating Ymir
wow, nice catch
pretty sure we will get it. We have an explanation for almost all the other scenes of ED3 so why not?
Redemption is never a matter of introspection it's about mass indoctrination and poll based attonement. We did this and only those we injured are to free us from our deeds. If you would never forgive us i'd understand but the least i can do is to try to reach forgiveness. It's my duty, it's what i deserve.
The fact that Isayama as an individual would find something sympathetic or even worse try to lessen the serverity of this struggle is simply disgusting he as a descendant of an ally should know that there is blood in our hands and that blood is not for us to wash from each other let alone ourselves.
Is Hizuru even going to do anything at this point? Did Isayama just include them as a roundabout way of giving Mikasa's heritage some importance?
do people actually think this user isn't fishing for (You)s?
so Eldians where in mainland...then king fucked off to tiny island but left Eldians behind, and marley turns eldians into titans and trows them into the ilsand, but eldian king has the powe to control titans?
why marley want eldians to have more titans?
>"I'm the guy."
Other than the king there's 6 others in the background. Could these be the progenitors of the other 6 shifter lines?
Rewatch S3P1
Erwin × Hannes
Kruger-sama is pretty hot ngl
Holy shit it's for real. Rly makes me think
I feel like given the breakneck pace the manga is concluding at, we won't get a satisfying full explanation for all the ancient Eldian empire stuff unless we go full mindfuck PATHS flashback with loli Ymir Fritz in the ending.
Hizuru and the plane will both come into play. Isayama never drops plot points
lolaksa drawings are so stiff
If you are serious then I feel truly sorry for you and I want to kill whomever put this way of thinking into your head.
Wait this is actually the final arc?
yeah, it could be. There's also the possibility that 8 random babies got titan shifter powers right after Ymir died and one of Sina/Rose or Maria ate Ymir's corpse and only got the founding titan power
Both Grisha and Reiner's flashbacks were 4 chapters. It should still be fine with the rest revealing Eren's plan, Historia's involvement and the result of everything
Get over it, incel.
God this is so disgusting to read, I am almost sure, and I really hope, you're trolling
If you aren't, you aren't born evil, there is nothing wrong with Germans, they have a lot of great in their history, too, and you guys will fucking disappear if you keep going with that mindset
Also I wanna kick you
I'd say we are witnessing the final battle. I'd be 100% sure on that if somehow annie joins the fight in the next few chapters
You guys should stop breeding
You've never injured me, so why should I forgive you for anything? More accurately speaking, I'm not even CAPABLE of forgiving you.
>The fact that Isayama as an individual would find something sympathetic or even worse try to lessen the serverity of this struggle is simply disgusting he as a descendant of an ally should know that there is blood in our hands and that blood is not for us to wash from each other let alone ourselves.
Why should he know that? He's a Japanese, and as far as I can tell he's some sort of nationalist. You see what I mean about superimposing your regret onto others?
What do the nations rival to marley think of Eldians?
>current arc
>breakneck pace
Hate them even more than Marley
>Did Ymir have it too
There's a reason why it was named the Ymir curse.
His reveal was legitimately so fucking cool. I wish it looked better though. I miss the art quality of season 2.
Would genocide them all if Marley didn't protect them.
Why are people freaking out over last episode so much? It doesn't matter that Dina looks kinda like Historia.
It was already confirmed by Isayama that the farmer is the father of Historia's baby. At best, Eren brought Historia to him and watched them have sex.
Eren likes Mikasa only.
Eldia's restoration soon.
The way that Sina, Rose, and Maria have been elevated to near deity status in the Walldians lore suggests to me at least that they were all titan shifters. And not just like one gets the founder and the two others get fizzles
Yelena probably doesn't even care about her lost nation anymore
They fear them even more than Marley.
unironically want to punch your face in, even though you’re probably baiting
hizuru was included to confirm that mikasa was japanese and not the other kind of asian. can't have any gooks in this manga
I was going to say you should hang for being a race traitor but this right here is reason enough for you to be shot in the mouth.
What's the exact term for Mikasa's race in the show? Tou-you-jin? People-of-the-Eastern-Sea?
This looks so silly
hated even more than Marley
I don't care for reaction channels and these two seem like they're fakers who already read the manga (at least the guy does, the woman seems more believable), but for some reason I find them incredibly entertaining. Black people really do make for the best reaction faces.
What a simp
>one of Grisha's biggest regrets was letting his wife get titanized
>Eren is so adamant about preventing Historia from going titan because through PATHS he knows how much it'd hurt
doesn't matter how you look at it, EH is canon
>Eren, it's time to finish this...
Eren Hange
>Not even full screen
>user spreading the fact that he watches fucking anime reaction videos
So this is what Yea Forums has come to.
Also Hizuru is Mikasa literal plot armor, while Hizuru is okay we know Mikasa is going to survive in the end, at this point she is the only character that has a 100% chance of surviving
The same opinion that most of the world holds towards America when we bomb the shit out of people for Israeli interests. The titans are the face of Marley's assaults just like the US armed forces are the face of Israeli expansionism and influence.
>Once and for all, Reiner... let's settle it, right here!
Eldian-Hizuru mutt.
La creatura de Paradis.
Reiner's testosterone shutdown from being BTFO too many times.
Seriously, dude?
>black people having a chimp out is entertaining
Consider me surprised. That's why zoos are still in business. It's always fun to see monkeys chimping out.
she tired... she tired...
she tired...
I just saw a few videos to laugh at them because I saw a clip of them chimping out and thought it amusing, faggot. Make another thread about fucking cunny if you're that assblasted.
I just keep moving forward.
Face looks good but that neck is fucked
>married black couple with kids, nobody seems to be a crook, dad is gainfully employed and mom is a housewife
They beat the odds and alls I got for dem is respect.
where were his Ackermann spider senses, anons?
>Wake the fuck up, Armin. We got a world to rumble
>the eldians did terrible things
>the japanese did terrible things
Wow, Nice try, Isayama
Jared Leto as Hobo Eren or riot
>Eren likes Mikasa
Literally said he has always hated her
He was probably exaggerating but he clearly was never in love with her, or are you as deluded as Armin?
Yeah, YT job and all but I don't mind 'em. I watched a couple of the videos to see their reactions to the more crazy reveals and it was hilarious, but in one of them the guy said he was in the army and it sounded unconvincing, so there might be some stolen valor going on here but I'm not familiar enough with them to be sure. Other than that they're just funny to watch.
This guy looks like he could play a creepy child rapist culty leader but not Eren. If you really forced it I could see him being a convincing Willy at best.
just fucking imagine Terence Hill as Erwin, holy shit
he never "activated" it
As a showfag, I feel like I've ODed on redpills. So many questions...
>First of all, are they on Paradis or Paradise island? I saw both in the subs
>Is Ymir the same as Ymir Fritz?
>What are the nine titans? What does it mean the Marleyan givernment needs subjects to serve as vessels for the nine Titans?
>are the walls on Paradis make from the Eldian king?
>can everyone inside the walls transform into a titan since they're Eldians?
>are Eren, Armin, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Ymir, and Zeke part of the nine titans?
Disgusting. You disgust me.
I had way more respect for your predecessors.
You have no sin to was, you fucking retard.
For anything, your grand parents wanted your country to be anything but a degeneracy cesspool.
I bet you're a furry and fap to futa and somehow in your mind, it's better than being like your ancestors.
>This guy looks like he could play a creepy child rapist culty leader
that's fucking Jared Leto lmao. One of the previously (well, still kind of if you ask females) sexiest men alive. He just went full hobo mode these days.
It's the same thing
No. Rewatch the S2 flashback
9 titans that can control transformation. Yes
Yes except nobles and possibly Ackerman
>he obeyed his master's command and gladly shamed his own ancestry, much like he was their dog
>creepy child rapist culty leader
litterally Eren
Man its weird rewatching Season 1 knowing everything I do from season 3.
Allow me to help, brainlet
>>First of all, are they on Paradis or Paradise island? I saw both in the subs
Paradis. The Crunchyroll subs are good and the ones that come out earlier in the day are retarded Google translate subs
>>Is Ymir the same as Ymir Fritz?
No, she was a waif on the street who was picked up by scam artists that told people she was the reincarnation of their Ancestral Goddess Ymir
>>What are the nine titans? What does it mean the Marleyan givernment needs subjects to serve as vessels for the nine Titans?
Ymir's power was split into 9 titans, each with somewhat varied abilities. Vessels refers to people like Eren, Reiner, Bertolt, Armin, etc., the people who possess the power of these 9 titans at any given time.
>>are the walls on Paradis make from the Eldian king?
Yes, they were made by the King using Colossal Titans, both to block his people from leaving the walls as well as to serve as a nuclear deterrent against the world in case any nations attempted an invasion
>>can everyone inside the walls transform into a titan since they're Eldians?
Eldians are people who can transfer into Titans and they can do this no matter where they are. Being inside the walls isn't necessary for this. Keep watching because there's going to be more on this later.
>>are Eren, Armin, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Ymir, and Zeke part of the nine titans?
Yes. Shifters are the 9 titans. The other titans are "pure/mindless titans".
>>First of all, are they on Paradis or Paradise island? I saw both in the subs
they're the same thing
>>Is Ymir the same as Ymir Fritz?
>>What are the nine titans? What does it mean the Marleyan givernment needs subjects to serve as vessels for the nine Titans?
those are the titan shifters like Eren, Reiner, etc. Marley needs candidates to hold those powers by eating the previous users
>>are the walls on Paradis make from the Eldian king?
they're made from Eldians transformed into colossal titans
>>can everyone inside the walls transform into a titan since they're Eldians?
yes, if they're injected with titan spinal fluid
>>are Eren, Armin, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Ymir, and Zeke part of the nine titans?
I know it's Jared Leto user, I worked under one of his agents. Your fetish doesn't make him right for the role.
like clockwork
can you send me pictures of his feet
Why did you bother??
center is Mikasa
He's right for the role, though. Feminine, yet not too feminine features, big eyes, long hair, stubble beard, tall but not too tall, the lean kind of buff.
I don't see anything that wouldn't match.
kek Eren's Titan looks like picrelated
ackermans are eldians, whatever eugenics and experiments were done to create them involve their paths connections, but we don't know how they'd react to titan serum yet
Will Armin's colossus titan transformation be a 40m titanlet because he is a manlet IRL or will it be full size?
Yeah, just go on the nearest rooftop and leap off, you'll get the pics right after.
>First of all, are they on Paradis or Paradise island? I saw both in the subs
the island is called Paradis. Marleyans also use the expression "send eldians to paradise" as an euphemism to being titanized and made to roam on Paradis island
Is making Armin CT look fucking pathetic intentional?
It's the ST now. (Skinnyfat Titan).
Speedreader here.
Could someone explain to me the magic behind Grisha's diary and how it jolts memories of the past?
It made sense when Eren touched Historia.
Is Armong's titan bigger than Bort's or is it just the perspective?
Anime only here. Can someone summarize everything to me from start to finish? reading the wiki is so messy and boring~
I honestly feel terrible for Reiner and when he was ready to die in the last battle I was hoping he would to stop suffering
I really want this (and the other one) as posters.
Could they make multiples of each titan by having a person with the power get cut up and eaten by more than one normal titan?
Reiner is going to break the 13 year curse.
It's taller from what I recall, but not as strong.
For fuck's sake its entire neck is exposed, just waiting to be cut. So the only thing Armin got going with his skinnyfat titan is the height.
Read the manga.
His eyes are too sadistic and evil and make him look like he'd torture people for his entertainment. Eren's eyes are maybe the most important part of his appearance so an actor could fit the bill on all other counts but it wouldn't matter one bit if the eyes were off.
I'm personally not a big fan of Logan Lerman or Aaron Taylor Johnson's acting but they looked like the best possible castings for Eren when I looked them up. Johnson has the talent to play him too.
Just drop this series. It's better for you.
The battleships are like 1/4 Eren AT's height which reach Bert CT's knee
You should leave the thread if you don't want to get spoiled, animeonly.
and for us too.
1.68m is almost average height for a guy
>don't talk to me or my son ever again
Eren's eyes are adistic as fuck, what the hell are you talking about?
No motherfucker. Lazy bastard.
Are we supposed to believe that they brought 6 million Eldians over to the island on boats and injected them with titan juice? Just the logistics of that would be ridiculous.
Shingeki no Kiojin? more like Shinkeki no Hoax
What's your deal? You want a signed fucking affidavit from everyone in the thread saying your fancast is objectively correct? Take your pills, wannabe groupie faggot.
Time for a history lesson, lads.
No? I'm just saying you're wrong.
This has literally only been between you and I the entire time, but you never manage to disprove what I say.
I get that you're trying to meme but maybe you should consider jumping off a cliff instead.
Who called Bertolt a gay tranny last thread? not funny
King Fritz didn't want to fight anymore, and just was waiting for other people to kill eldians. Read the insurrection arc and the Marley arc
>the weak should fear the strong
t. manlet
Jesus I can’t even begin to comprehend how someone like (You) can be this pozzed. I suppose there’s some internal logic to that and one should educate oneself so as to not repeat history, but god damn dude get some perspective being German isn’t a crime
>get shifter that can transform into the colossal titan
>put eldian refugees on its back when it's laying down
>push it into the ocean with the help of the armored titan shifter
>wait until it's there
not that complicated, user.
>how did dad do it again
Bertolt would destroy Shitmins Colossus titan
I already explained it, you obsessed faggot. Eren's bloodthirsty when he gets angry. Leto looks like he smiles while he peels off people's skin. He's sadistic the way Gross is sadistic. Now fuck off and jerk it to your waifu folder.
I'm 1.97cm and I can tell you that's fucking tiny for a guy. I don't know if this is an American thing, but here (Norway) you'll rarely ever see a guy under 190cm. When I went to visit Germany it was the same thing. Do you guys just live in Midgetland or something?
I can't wait to see the GR2.0 bellyflop into the crowd.
It's never brought up but Marley definitely would have tried so it's safe to say there can only be 9 at any given time.
>Leto looks like he smiles while he peels off people's skin
But that's literally Eren. Did Jared reject your proposal or why are you so salty about him?
Bitch I'm 187 and I'm the shortest guy in my family.
When is Eren gonna have his titan get hairy like his dad and brother
>All the (you)s falling for this bait
No German thinks like this, and even if there was someone who did they wouldn't be posting on Yea Forums, it's obviously a falseflagging /pol/nigger.
Neck yourself mutt
So Zeke is killing thousands of Eldians for several years straight, just so he can get more titan powers to attack Marlyland?
Wouldnt it have been better to approach the walls as the beast titan and be like "hey guys, can we talk? Ive got some important things to say." instead of having colossus Bert break the wall and kill thousands of innocent people?
DAS RITE! Heil Ymir.
Zeke was not in charge of the initial mission which was just the four Warriors. He was only sent out with Pieck when it took too long.
Zeke wants to euthanize all Eldians, though.
I described the guy's appearance and his filmography reflects what I said. You sperged out because you felt your waifu was being personally attacked. I haven't said jack about him as a person, so I don't know what you're on about. Try to seethe less when people disagree with your opinions about your celebrity dreamfaps.
avg height in the US is still considered a manlet by every American, and shitmin is 3 inches shorter tham Average
I wish I was 6'5 holy shit
Is there something wrong with me? Why do I cry when watching this anime sometimes?
I really like the new song they came up with this season that plays when Armong comes out of the Titan and Kruger transforms at the pier
It's literally Madagascar
Because its depressing, crushing, brutal nature and tone is offset by assholes getting their comeuppance in cool scenes.
they make sure to have every death feel like the end of humanity
they repeatedly point out how this is the very last few scout troops, the last defense of humanity, but every time there is more
It's not that great user. Girls like it and guys have more respect, but you'll always feel like a lanklet and get "omg I bet you can see [insert X] from up there"-kinda commentary. Also driving is torture and if you have a 8.1 inch cock it'll look 6 inches unless you're on a cut.
I have an odd question if you're someone who wears glasses. I'm 187cm barefoot and I've noticed that if I take off my glasses while I'm outside, everything around me seems lower and I feel like I've grown a bit taller. Might have something to do with no spectacle rim being present in my upper periphery but I've always wondered if taller people experience this too.
I get it, they're like Jews!
This is from one of the reddit threads isn't it
>thread turned into Grindr
>get to this scene
>oh man this is getting good
As soon as this season ends Im picking up the manga. I cant wait another year to get another season.
I don't wear glasses, but I get what you mean. This happens to me too though, especially when I walk around in the city. When I'm in nature? Not so much.
>be Porco Fail-hard
>denied Armour by your brother
>denied a long and healthy life by a dyke
>denied Pieck-chan by a fat orangutan
>denied Founder by Ackerdogs
>denied War Hammer juice by gravity
>denied not being saved by Reiner by screaming kids
>denied Founder (x2) at the roof by bad luck
>denied Founder (x3) by spike hax
>denied Founder (x4) by monkey’s rocks
Put this piglet out of his misery
this shit again. please fuck off user. you're not doing anyone any favors bleating on and on about this shit. They're german/japanese, it's settled, you've got your armbands, now go kvetch about it on twitter and then seethe when nothing comes of it all. enough with this shit.
I wish I was very muscular, 6'5, and had a 10 inch cock
>Zeke is killing thousands of Eldians for several years straight
How did it take you this long to pick up the Manga? After season 2 I refused to wait any longer to find out what happens next.
I'm 5'5'' in socks but 5'11'' when I walk out the door with pic related in my shoes. you mad lanklets?
Yeah, I have the same experience. Really interesting what you said about the nature v city bit too. My apartment in college was in an area cleaved from the rest of the campus by a small forest of pine trees and depending on when my classes began, I'd sometimes take the long way to campus on sidewalks or cut through the thickets, and I noticed the same thing too.
>people on twitter calling Isayama a Nazi
Eren? more like Jewren.
I'm positively seething, yes.
I'm still 1 inch and a half taller than you
>it's from a youtube let's play subreddit
those fags call everyone a nazi
He's Japanese. are they retarded?
I want to be really muscular too, but it's a pain in the ass so I try to stay lean for definition and only hit the gym 4 times a week. I have broad shoulders. I have the problem that my face stores the most fat, so my jawline gets shitty if I'm above 12% body fat.
A 10 inch cock wouldn't really be of any use, user. Girls adapt to your cock, so even 11 inch could fit in one. However, most girls will find anything above 6 inches big when it's inside. The majority I slept with couldn't take me, while others had no issues whatsoever when we tried different positions. (if your cock has a bit of curvature (upwards) it's an auto-win anyway). I'd say if you're over 5+ you're good to go. 5 would still be enough to pleasure a woman, and maybe even 4. There's really nothing to worry about aside from size queens or penis ego. But then again size queens aren't worth your time.
Also girls are really, really bad at measurements. They'll easily think you're huge if you're over 6 inches, but when you break up with them they'll say you're really small. it's all about attraction my man.
Nevermind, just learned the Japanese were in the Axis powers
>denied Founder (x4) by pure ragechad bitchslap
Eldians ARE literal Nazis tho. beyond surface level similarities with Jews, i.e. the armbands, ghettos and shit - they fit the Nazi archetype to a T and a lot better than Marley.
You can't shake a stick in Paradis without hitting some Aryan looking motherfucker, they all have germanic sounding names, they had a hard-on for eugenics(Ackermutts), and they subjugated the whole world and to the point where you were either a second class citizen or didan food(that's not exactly Marley propaganda, other nations experienced it too, and Marley is actually the most cordial to Eldians outa' the whole bunch)
Eldians are Turbo Nazis, it's just that they got their shit pushed in after Carl the Cuck and the Tuburs set them up to fall, and got locked up in ghettos where the Jew, Slav and Sandnigg equivalents dab on them ferociously.
these people think food items can be Nazi. they're about level with the lowest, brainlet-tier, pedophile-grade, ESL retards in these threads.
>Yeah, Attack on Titan's whole "Jews used to rule and brutally oppress the world and fled after losing a war and are the only people who can turn into Titans and literally eat people" thing is, y'know, pretty gross
>Thank you for gentilesplaining
>I thought this shit was Known, that the guy who wrote it was a literal Nazi
>It's literally "Nazis and Jews were equally bad, war is just terrible, the Nazis were responding to Jewish oppression, isn't violence just awful?"
I hate these people sometimes
das it mane
but they also built roads and shit
You’re right. Just toss that onto the “Porco failing” pile
Old news, This bitch is just crazy.
Correction, they had didan food build it for them.
>I hate these people sometimes
That cunt is a soulless whore. Marley is Israel at any rate. Leave it to a kike to subvert and muddy something for others that she hasn't even read herself, all to paint herself as the victim. These people should be gassed unironically.
dily reminder her avi is as deceptive as you'd expect a kike's to be
don't have children
Based Grisha.
>"Six million? Doubt it, I think 200.000 is more than a generous presumption. "
We need more news articles about Attack on Titan’s Nazi Propaganda.
I think he went a bit far there
>tfw Grisha can't even read the language the book is written in and admits he's just making shit up
Height won't make you virginless
>mfw I'm already blocked
>How come the number on the plaque outside Liberio got reduced by 1.5 million after an audit but the official figure for the total never went down? what's up with that?
user, I'm not a virgin. Doubt the others are too.
it has to be eren
Libtards are legitimately mentally ill. She got fired from game developing because of cramming SJW shit where it didn't belong and playing the gender card when people called her out on her bullshit.
how the fuck does one get fired from game developing
it's literally the easiest kind of codemonkeying
I almost had to get a restraining order against a psycho sorority bitch in college after she threatened to kill herself if I didn't love her for about a whole year, actually. Went inactive in my own frat to get away from people after running it for the better part of two years.
>it's literally the easiest kind of codemonkeying
not that user but I believe price was one of those diversity hires that do story stuff and world building or some other indetereminate inconsequential flavor of the week bullshit task to leech off the company for no reason other than to help PR. it's a fucking mafia.
Neither game nor web devs should be taken seriously as developers.
I'm a grill and my experience with tall keks like you is that they're very clumsy. There's a big difference between been tall and being 4channel-tall.
AA is canon.
>dat Mikasa with messy hair in the jail cell
that looks like Yelena's hair more than it does Armong's bowlcut
>There are autists who still deny Eren impregnating Historia despite the very obvious parallel of Dina and Grisha
I believe you only if you're pic related in which case I'd like to hug you.
Does that have art?
>tall keks
Doubt you're a girl, you talk exactly like that autist who goes off about beta societies and Gabi posters in every thread. I've seen clumsy guys get laid too, so I don't get your point.
Not that user but the same thing happened to me. You don't need to look like your pic to get a girl to do that, user. Crazy chicks are easy to get, but the old saying to never stick your dick in crazy is very true.
You've been deluded by incel propaganda to think you'd need to look like that to get a crazy bitch lmao literally just show support and have a decent face and you'll get there, although I wouldn't recommend it. Stable girls all the way.
Idk who that is, I only come to Yea Forums for these threads when I watch a new episode or read a new chapter. You should probably just hug your father and wish him a Happy Belated Father's Day instead of looking for companionship/intimacy with online strangers.
Someone offered constructive feedback and she had a massive meltdown and played the gender card. People called her out on it and she started spamming tweets about how she's being bullied and harassed for being a women and then she and some white knight faggot that worked with her got fired.
I read somewhere that she's supposed to be fucking 6'8 or more. that's half a foot on me. Makes the whole beard-on-face disguise all the more hilarious.
she looked like she was fucking for 5 hours
oh wait I remember that! kek it was funny
based fellow lift chad
More though? That could be a god-like fap.
thats the smile of someone who gets to kill jews all day
>Honestly, it seems more likely that prisoners died from insufficient supply lines in a war-torn Marley rather than enough Titans to eat 6 million Marleyans
user, that's the kind of body you get after 6 months at the gym. There's literally nothing impressive to see there. You could call it the average construction worker body.
Why do you keep posting it in nearly every thread, exactly? You know, if you're jealous and not incredible obese you can get there by this year's end.
That is a photo I was given to me when I asked for hand posters like pic related. I don't have interest in fugging /snk/ anons so don't worry about me.
>You could call it the average construction worker body.
Nah, the average construction worker also eats horribly and more likely than not drinks/smokes a lot.
Why was she twitching in her speech thing? she just kicked the air and raised her hand
That's what happens when you think with your cock.
She's ~195cm-2m
Uh, come again?
that Japanese girl in bethesda e3 conference
Right, what about her?
This is a bait right? Please uninstall Yea Forums otherwise.
King Fritz was a douche. The continent was ruled by the eldian noble shifters. It was more or less peaceful, there was no exterminations of ethnic people like the Marley. They did have lots of wars with each other though. Fritz was getting tired of the wars, and deduced that the only way to stop it was to cuck the nobles and let the Marley take over. Fritz conspired with the warhammer titan clan to screw over the remaining 6 titans. And he himself fled with to the island to rule in peace. He forced all of the mindless titans to become the walls, therefore crippling the nobles as well, allowing warhammer to seize power in the continent.
Those wooden doors that kept them "trapped" in the "gas chamber" didn't seem very strong
This episode just reminds me of how good Barricades is.
/pol/ parallels and memes aren't funny.
That's a body of someone that doesn't try too hard. Steroid looking fags are gross and besides you can tell their insecure because the size of their dick.
Unrelated but I robu Jeanbo
I still don't understand why did they use when Dina show up. Feels like it's a good song for action scene. Dina is just showing up, It's not like she is flying around punching Marleyan officer.
>watching the raw episode and trying to piece together what they're saying based on the manga
But she is royalty, it was a big happening
It's pretty fast desu
How impatient or lifeless are you
what the fuck are you talking about, as long as you don't have garbage tier genetics you can have a decent body (at least Henry Cavill level) without steroids
>That's a body of someone that doesn't try too hard
are you seething because you can't get proper definition either? lmao
pic related is me
I have literally nothing in my life other than anime, baseball, and working out
So were all the Restorationists virgins? Zeke was the only kid they could send to try and become a warrior?
I wish we'd have one or two days every month where these threads could stay at least 30% on topic instead of 99% sexual frustration. Just a little bit of honest-to-God discussion about the series is good enough. It all gets so muddied by the deranged and desperate pornzombie crowd.
They sent him because he had royal blood.
god I fucking hate Billie
He had royal blood
7.5 inches isn't quite dicklet status user
why the fragile ego?
To the jewish faggot who reported one of the shitposts and the dick-splicer mod who banned me for 15 minutes for it - you will never be free of your body odor and should both kill yourselves. Try banning the fucking thristposters next time you degenerate faggots.
She's one of the more obvious and blatant psyops since Miley Cyrus. Seeing her spaced out face in every other video on YT trending shows you just how brazen these fags have gotten.
They got you
Sure buddy. Nobody lies in the interent.
>O'Connell was born in Los Angeles, California, on December 18, 2001.[6] She is the daughter of Maggie Baird and Patrick O'Connell, both of whom are in the entertainment industry.[7][8][9] Eilish is of Irish and Scottish descent.[10] She was raised in Los Angeles' Highland Park.[6][11][12] She was homeschooled and joined the Los Angeles Children's Chorus at age eight.
Damn she's been in there since birth
Historia next chapter, brothers.
Her brother is a fucking professional music producer yet people still want to sit around and talk about how fucking smart and talented she is holy shit man. "uhhh buh her voic is so good!" yeah maybe if you're a fucking dipshit teenage girl that started learning how to sing from taking choir freshman year of high school but obviously her voice is going to be good. Listen fuckhead, imagine you're born into LA, you're entire family works in the music industry, you're parents put you in the fucking LA Children's Choir when you're 8 years old, and you sing for literally you're entire stupid fucking dipshit wannabe depressed life, obviously you're going to be able to sing very quietly and do falsetto pretty well by the time you're 16 and your fucking MUSIC PRODUCER BROTHER is helping you write music. But that's not even the worst part of Billie Eyelash, her stupid fucking wannabe depressed attitude. Look, I get it, she's 16, she doesn't understand her emotions yet. But If she's 16 and want to express her emotion, learn how to express it in a way that isnt the most fucking vapid emotionless shit on the planet. One of my favorite bands is Radiohead, and Thom Yorke has a quote where, in regards to their music being sad, he talks about how it's not about the music being sad, it's about using that emotion as inspiration to make something good. Billie Eilish is homeschooled and hangs out with celebrities every fuckin day, but all she can manage to do with her emotion is by basically bragging about being depressed 24/7 like it's some cool shit. Is there anything more annoying than those fucking idiot chicks you knew in highschool that would talk about being sad all the time? Then why the fuck are you imbicils actually supporting this dipshit that just brags about being sad all the time. Jesus christ I hate Bully Goolash so fucking bad.
Kurt was the OG anyway
>thinking it will end after only 15 minutes
Enjoy your upcoming vacation and never come back
Really not liking the expression on Falco's face
tfw threads are either people triggered about fictional dollies kissing or people triggered about their sexual frustration irl and barely jack shit about the actual manga or show
How fragile are you lmao
Gross was right.
>Grisha admits to everyone he has absolutely no clue what's in the book and nobody cares
more like passed around since birth
It ended a while back fag. slit your wrists.
Okey, NOW I belive you. Are you alright?
same bro, but replace baseball with playing guitar
It means that you have a pending ban you cancerous /pol/poster
No use talking about it in hindsight but surely it would've been nice to throw some more eggs into the basket along with Zeke? Him having royal blood seems irrelevant in this case.
If Marley just executed their prisoners like normal instead of insisting on some bizarrely sadistic punishment, they could have avoided a lot of trouble.
>well we caught the rebels, let's just shoot them-
>No, let's take them by boat to an island, line them up carefully, then turn them into titans before pushing them over the edge and letting them walk around a bunch
>Well that seems necessary and efficient
I wonder if Marley's tax payers are okay with this. Getting them to Paradis must cost a lot of money.
What is Magath's tax policy, by the way?
>less than 20 days for the final chapter to be released
I want to mutilate my penis and crack the skulls of palestinian children with a rock for Annie
Isayama made me feel ever better about being German and I'll forever thank him for that.
the nobles were also eldians as everyine else in pardis. the only thing the royal blood does, as far as we know, is give the ability to control the founding titan if you are the host.
It also seems to enhance your abilities as a shifter, although the manga is a bit fuzzy on the exact effects as the only example we have is zeke being able to create and control dumb titans
They were all retarded
>putting some slave conscripts on a ship and sailing them away costs a lot of money
>this caused Marley to lose the Jaw Titan because of titans they placed on the island
Actually there will be 6-8 more chapters
It's probably not that expensive, more just a massive waste of time.
>t. lolifag
send your father a screenshot of your cunny folder, you worthless dipshit. see what he has to say
not that user but there's literally nothing wrong with lolicon unless you're an Ameritard who's not even allowed to legally fuck 14 year olds because they're """children""" lmao
this got me. so true and accurate desu
t. Infidel who does not believe in Ymir, the one true goddess and saviour of mankind
You're being just as dumb.Please link me to the information you just conveyed.
Did they ever explain why they use 12 year olds?
fuck it I want artists like Layne Staley back
there it is
>top ten pranks gone wrong
*The only explanation I can come up with is "kids are dumb so they're less of a threat if they rebel" but that seems kind of weak
I hope we get some fucking answers, I'm getting tired of this battle.
easy brainwashing I think?
How did the owl become a titan shifter? - Anime only fag
They also use adults. Pieck was supposed to be a middle aged man. Kids are easier to brainwash and won't go rogue because their parents will get tortured and turned into titans.
easier to mold/brainwash
less suspicious than a grownup
no complex worldview yet
seriously, this might be the most cancerous fucking general in any board outside of Yea Forums I've ever seen.
An unholy clusterfuck of.shipperfags poltards, Narutards, the newest of newfags and spoonfeeders.
fuck /snk/
>Send adults
>They pose as refugees
>Pardis doesn't give a fuck and sends them reclaim the Wall they just smashed
>Marley loses all 4 titans
you forgot the pedos and miscers
But I guess EMfags spamming and fujos posting pics of EH saying "CHADREN WILL FUCK GABI" is ok right? Fuck off
Because they are easy to brainwash and control, won't get any funny ideas like, let's say, usurping the founder and turn it against their former overlords, had already displayed that they were competent which caused the Marleyan high command (which was stuffed with armchair generals) to forget that those were still 12 year old children and thus prone to major fuckups.
Magath even stated how retarded the plan was but he had no clout to prevent it/change it.
Easier to trick and blackmail kids, plus the whole 13 year lifespan thing.
>seriously, this might be the most cancerous fucking general in any board outside of Yea Forums I've ever seen.
Have you seen the game of thrones general on Yea Forums? A million times worse, just dudes jerking off to Emilia Clarke and/or Hitler
Emilia Clarke and Hitler are cuties though
The day-night cycle on Yea Forums of pedobait generals during the day and depressionblogs during the night was bad enough to make me stop using that retard gravity well of a board so it's not as bad as it could be. That place is Yea Forums for the blueboards right now.
Don't forget the never-ending porn spamming
got assblasted that your qween turned out the way all the ebil white men said she would, you fucking redditor? it's a great thing you got blasted by that episode and those generals turned into a victory dance over her grave. the fans turning around and trying to defend their mommy was one of the only good things to happen on that faggot central, psychosis magnet of a board
I can't wait for animeonly faggots to watch GR2.0 and then "Mikasa I've always hated you" while they watch Eren trash all their dreams and predictions and ships to become more based than he's ever been before.
Even some of their officers questioned that decision and the higher ups was like
>Look dude, those children just destroyed a country. They will be fine.
>dozen blacked threads
>dozen pedobait waifufaggot threads
>thread about Jewish influence in media, some big celeb news story exposing something sketchy, anything at all that reflects poorly on fags
>got assblasted that your qween turned out the way all the ebil white men said she would, you fucking redditor?
What? I've never been pro-Dany. She's an incredibly unlikable character.
The amount of newfag animeonly retards ITT tonight is utterly disgusting. Why aren't the mods doing their job and purging these faggots?
Petyr a best!
Dany a shit! A shit!
The Kruger transformation scene made me wish I hadn't read the manga first
a shitty series for shitty people
I don't think a single reader ITT is mentally stable from all the posts I have read so far
>>denied War Hammer juice by gravity
dumb nigger could've suck the juice like sucking dick
What is with Eldian royals being complete cucks?
Stop trying to fit in.
Well, then you would've liked the threads that went up after episode 5. My sides hurt for about a day. Apparently reddit used to love frequenting those threads and got BTFO by the direction they decided to take at the end of it all. I went there after ages of staying away from that board when episode 3's shitshow happened and I wasn't disappointed.
is it really this easy?
you just have to pick on women to get a gf
Shinge KINO Kyojin
The more I read the wiki the funnier it gets.
Grisha's VA did a great job yelling out "GUYS" - I think it's spelled "minna", when the titans started chasing after Grice
>at last, I have become an Attack on Titan (TM)
the scene with the fat cop speaking directly to the camera was pretty spooky desu
Im anonymous retard. there is no fitting in
I liked the dolly-zoom in on his face. They did a good job using the clouds behind him to fuck with viewers.
Apparently this was intentionally and the author wanted it, because the people watching it enjoy seeing characters being eaten by titans
Stop trying so hard, r*dditbro
Nobody pointed out how hitler considered to send jews to madagascar before
What happens if a normal person eats shifter meat?
What happens if a non-eldian is injected with spinal fluid?
Can someone post that page with Zeke vs navy, please?
Most EHniggers are unironically people who hated shipping in this general in the first place
They rode it since it was advertised as the shipping to end all shipping
SEETHING animeonly retard detected
Who the FUCK is this, This ain't the cute Mikasa I know.
>Caps lock
Why did this suddenly turn into WW2?
I want my comfy middle ages back
>There was too much to keep up with this episode
Are most anime watchers just brainlets or what?
>I want my comfy middle ages back
Never existed
>middle ages
based retard
Just wait for next season things will get super-comfy
Depends on their lineage. Reiner is half and he can transform just fine.
If eldians really did rape everyone, then everyone should be part eldian. They should be able to shift/controlled by the king, but that's obviously not the case.
Will SnK even get another season? I mean they made this one 10 episodes long.
Do lolis trigger you? Fuck off of Yea Forums then
>B-But what about this thing on /tveddit/
Once again EH ledditors expose how cancerous they are
Which makes it a shame that they didn't show him getting actually eaten
Don't see why it wouldn't. It's profitable enough to get optioned by a Hollywood studio.
>Justice will reveal the fangs
>show Eren and Grisha
Eren will bring justice to them confirmed.
wtf is with some of the faces this season?
You have to remember that we hade a whole to process all this shit.
a whole month*
The farmer shit is a facade
Because we are at that point in the story again.
Eren Kurger tells Grisha:
"In every era, this Titan has always moved ahead, seeking freedom. It has fought on for freedom. Its name is the Attack Titan.".
Should that be taken literal, meaning Both Grisha and Eren aren't seeking freedom for the people of Eldia out of their own convictions? Or is it just japanese pottery and should be ignored?
Eren fucked her. The farmer thing was made up
It's literal. Why else do you think it's the only titan nobody controls?
Can we talk about how much of a shit Kruger was being ontop of that wall? He could have transformed before any of the convicts were turned, stopping most of the story from taking place, as Dina wouldn't have eaten Erens mother. (Also saving about 10 Eldian lives, when the plan was to kill the Marlyans anyway)
smol brain pls go, Kruger needed a guided missile, not a rebel corps
As if they were ever going to make it to the walls. They'd all have either gotten eaten along the way or died at the docks.
You know, I didn't actually make that connection at all when I first read the manga since I've been following it monthly for years now, but seeing Eren's reaction to Dinah's transformation this episode while knowing the stakes of the current arc definitely gives all the more weight to his complete refusal to sacrifice Historia (and it'll be made even clearer next week during the Grisha/Kruger convo when the mass breeding and titanization get brought up). It makes too much sense for Eren to be so hellbent on finding a way out for Historia since he's experienced firsthand the immeasurable pain of seeing a loved one suffer that terrible fate through his father's eyes. This manga is damn good.
It's not a conviction born of weakness either. Him refusing to give her up is just as much about rejecting the idea of using your own people and your children as slaves / breeding sows as it is about any relationship they might have.
Seems like it
The man historia fucked literally killed hundreds for her
Think missing fingers, user. That's gonna be tough to explain within the walls.
>We were hungry *shrug*
>for her
>shipperfags still want to believe all this is just for her
Not to mention the attack was Zeke's plan
Not that user, but eren could have just turn historia into a titan and rumble, avoiding all this shit
When I got back about 2 weeks ago, I think I spent about 3 hours trying to understand EH shippers. Then, I remembered that shipping and logic are like oil and water, especially ships that run on hints. Basically, just leave them alone and find something else you think is actually worth your time and energy.
based and bluepilled
They needed the serum first, so it's actually not that easy
I can't wait to see your face in three weeks
They wouldnt have made it to the walls
I never meant to imply the memories he got and the feelings he experienced were the only reason for his unwillingness to let Historia go, not that I consider that particular reason a weakness either, mind you: if anything, I'd say the strength/intensity of those feelings should motivate anyone to work towards a future in which no one has to suffer through this kind of horrifying scenario ever again.
As you said, it's clear that the 50 year plan is pretty much in direct opposition with the ideals he prescribes to, as it's robbing an entire family of their freedom and well-being for the sake of many, and for the sake of God knows how many generations (probably forever since the power of the Coordinate is not something Paradis could ever realistically let go even after catching up to other nations), and he explained it himself during the Kiyomi meeting. But the more personal dimension to his reluctance to put a loved one's life on the line was already highlighted long before the 50 year plan and the idea of letting future generations of royals suffer were a thing.
They had the serums, they could have just thrown Zeke off the blimp.
Oh look, an actually well-written post instead of yet another wankfest fapbait post.
Also, Kruger had to sacrifice countless Eldians to get his plan off the ground and he tells Grisha that they need to break the cycle of making the same mistakes. It's all the more fitting, then, that Eren resolve the conflict in a way that puts an end to this need for giving up their people over and over and over again the way Kruger and Erwin had to do.
Why would they do that? This would mean they can't use Zeke and prolong Historia being turned into a titan. Even worse this would mean she would get turned into a mindless titan and not a shifter.
Wouldn't you sacrifice your family if it meant world peace?
>this is the last post, on fucking LGBT month
Yaaaas Yumikuries! My fellow proud and intellectual c/u/ck bros!
I would flatten the world and protect my people. Helos fantasies are for cucked faggots.
You can still activate the Coordinate with a mindless royal, so it doesn't change anything. And at the end of Armin's term they could just feed him to her. Problem solved. But nope, she's pregnant right now and untouchable anyway, which wouldn't have been needed in any way if sacrificing her was an option for the person responsible for that. Obviously Eren is trying to everyone (at least on Paradis), but it's not that hard to see that he made things a lot harder for himself than necessary from the start (10 months ago) and that he's paying the price (Sasha's death most notably).
save everyone*
It's about the principle user. We're not letting our people be mindless slaves any longer.
>You can still activate the Coordinate with a mindless royal, so it doesn't change anything.
I know and that was not my point. Just that the SL wouldn't throw Zeke out of the blimp and doom Historia to be become a mindless titan
You're a mong. That whole scenerio was so that he could keep his friends away to protect them. It doesn't take an English degree to recognise basic fucking story threads.
Yeah, and people that are close to you are dying so that other people close to you don't become those mindless slaves.
Kys faggot
300 Eldians are poisoned and soon will become titans (I don't believe Isayama will just let them go), Sasha is dead, 30 soldiers who were just doing their job are dead, manlet almost died, Hanji is treated like shit and in danger, 4 soldiers died together with Zackley, Sasha's family and the best SC soldiers were locked in a building with people who can become titans any moment Zeke scream and now they're locked inside Shingashina. AMJC are soldiers at least but there was literally no reason to imprison Sasha's family, Eren is just a huge asshole. The only one who is safe and sound is Historia. So don't hide behind noble "principles", Eren doesn't have them.
Yeah desu that's quite pathetic. You can really tell he's a ledditor because he expect the mods to do shit lmao
At first I though that Eren x Historia is a joke but now I can see no other way
t. Cuckren self-inserter
What is that?
>From the last exhibition, Queen and King cards
meant to reply
EMYH allies
t. mentally ill spicnigger Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun
>So don't hide behind noble "principles", Eren doesn't have them.
Chill out, fag. "It's about the principle" means standing your ground for an ideal. One. Singular. That ideal can be anything, it can be good, bad, evil, heroic, anything. It has nothing to do with upholding a nexus of positive "principles" as we normally conceive of them. If a gangster has someone killed brutally for lying to him, he does it "for the principle," not because he had good and heroic principles.
Eren 1.K
EH bro