>Shitty Deus Ex Machina forces plot to continue
Shitty Deus Ex Machina forces plot to continue
We always knew he would lose control at some point. The timing was O MY RUBBER NEN tier though.
>i have no idea what Deus Ex Machina means
OP is a fucking retard.
everything in Jojo Part 5
>Like If I said get on your knees and swallow my children you'd have to do it
missed opportunity is missed
the purpose of Mao was to set this up
this is something she wants to do anyway, the whole point of the scene is to help establish three key things
>for all his big planning lelouch is a dumbass higheschooler that sometimes says shit he shouldn;t and not an invincible keikaku master
>just how powerful the geass as, as it managed to do something utterly against her character, something she even managed to resist briefly, and have her enjoy doing it
>the writers don't really like gundam SEED
it was at this point that I really disliked Lelouch as a character. I know they had to keep the story going but I've wanted him to die ever since this episode. Hated that the other MC turns to his side and that the older brother who's supposed to much smarter loses.
The fact that this still gets called a deus ex machina shows how little Yea Forums knows about actual writing. The only poorly done thing about it is the contrived timing, everything else made sense and was properly set up.
Why was he not prepare before hand? Mao! Mao! Mao!
>The only poorly done thing about it is the contrived timing
That's exactly how a deus ex machina works, user.
I know the pasta, but Is it really a deus ex machina if it drives the whole plot? Isn't it more of a MacGuffin or something?
This was great OP, fuck you.
If you go babbling about "contrived timing" you're really in no position to teach anyone about writing
Deus Ex Diabolus, but I shouldn't expect you to know what you're talking about.
Sucks, doesn't it?
Diabolus Ex Machina
Mao couldn't control his Geass from the start though. That's its drawback. While Lulu's drawback is that it can only affect someone once and requires direct eye contact. Mao set up CC's past and other Geass users.
This shit is just an asspull to make a second season.
>Deus Ex Diabolus