Saved anime
Unlike one joke man
Saved anime
Unlike one joke man
>dude friendship lmao
Mob > you
have sex
They should have kissed. I'm not a homo, but
thanks for proving that mob psycho is for normalfags
Why is it that everyone has to fight over which show is better? OPM s2 got screwed over and that's all there is to it. Both of them had potential to be incredible but only one was given the chance. This doesn't remove the fact that the first season of OPM was still very enjoyable to watch
Oh yeah! Totally!
Thanks for all the upvotes!
>t. incel
go back
retards falling for bait in 2019
>I-I was just being ironic the whole time guys
OPM’s manga went to shit too with murata filler
I’m not OP moron
It's like a room of screaming chimpanzees
sex, have it.
Yes you are fag!
>Shitting on OPM
They're both good.
then kiss me fool
No slut.
Only ONE can be kino and that is mob psycho 100/10
can i do it... w-with you..?
Lewd mob
Lewd mob!
>Mob is the best shonen of the last 30 years
>Uses talk no jutsu to defeat the enemy
C'mon you guys...
No he used reigen
I'm calling the police.
Let's be honest, the zoo is better civil discussion than this place.
too bad *sexes u*
so where does the manga end?chapter 109 ?