Or third season.
If Evangelion can get 3 series, Big O should at least get two. The world needs more anime bruce wayne.
Or third season.
If Evangelion can get 3 series, Big O should at least get two. The world needs more anime bruce wayne.
>CGI Big O
I think its better it stays dead
I've never seen season 2. Is it shit?
I'd just want a movie in the vain of the Beeboop and Trigun ones. Just a self-contained extended episode that happens somewhere in the timeline, but doesn't extend the story past the ending.
It's not as good as season 1, but you should watch it if you like Big O
Remember FLCL seasons 2 and 3? It'd be like that
That Trigun movie got me so fucking hyped for a Trigun remake but no we got squat.
>All those people defending season 2 and 3.
Why? The ending is already good, don't add more for the sake of it and ruin the rest. Big O is something special, it can't be replicated.
Heres a cool poster I got from a con. Sorry for shit quality.
I'm thinking of preordering the steelbook. Should I?
>The ending is already good
The ending made evanglion of all things look logical.
Ending was ridiculously simple.
I don't want to call anyone a brainlet, but it really was fine and made sense.
Angel is the author of Paradigm City.
She breaks down as she's a depressed woman who goes further into despair as she realizes she can't even control her own fiction. Roger, her husbando material is closer to Dorothy, the world she made is in ruins due to the machinations of Alex Rosewater, the Union, her supposed companions she constructed treats her like shit and never listens to her.
This is why the series ends with Roger talking to Angel about the importance of existence regardless of it's flaws and the narrative basically resets as everyone is allowed to continue existing as normal.
I really don't understand "Big O doesn't make sense" meme.
>The ending made evanglion of all things look logical.
oh no
brainlet alert
that is indeed a cool poster
Big O's a shitty robot, its so goddamned slow. Literally even Zaku's would beat the shit out of it.
The fact that the series had to be constructed around not knowing if they would get another season, I find the ending decently executed. Plus, the fact that it entails Roger Smith negotiating for the world itself is so goddamn cool.
One piston punch from Big O would destroy a Zaku, and it wouldn't be very hard to pin down with it's rockets/hip chains.
it's got faster weaponry for fast opponents.
It's basically a siege weapon after all.
Big O would just look in the general direction of the Zaku and beamspam at it until it disappears.
A zaku has a gun-- as in a long range weapon. Big O has CHAINS. As in a very, VERY short range "long range" weapon.
Any zaku that willingly gets within chaining range instead of taking pot shots from range should qualify for a darwin award.
So 99.9999% of Zaku pilots then
Big O is a tank. I don't think anything a Zaku has could even hurt it. Some sort of Gundam would be a different story, though.
I need to find out where I can buy a dvd or bluray of this for under $100 now. Fuck it's been so long since I've seen it.
Can anyone please get me the torrent link for season two?
I wouldn't trust any link from Yea Forums mate; this is the place that put instructions for how to gas yourself with mustard gas up as a "grow your own minerals" instruction kit.
"big bad Yea Forums" died 10 years ago user. Still, finding a torrent for something like this shouldn't be difficult.
Well I can't find it on both rutracker and nyaa and the second one isn't even listed on MAL.
Strarting to think I'm getting trolled here
it's definitely on nyaa, try "the big o" instead of big o
I'm seeing a disappointing amount of Dorothy in this thread
Most Big O torrents have both the first and second seasons. Count the number of episodes, if its 26 it has both.
I dont remember where I saved most of my images to be honest.
>26 episodes
Oh fuck i'm stupid
Thought it was 2 separate seasons
It is. The show went off the air and was resurrected. They're just lumped together for convenience and because the second season doesn't have a weird anime sequel title
The second season was cg though.
I remember reading that the BDs are upscales, even for the first season. Check to make sure I'm right, but keep it in mind.
i think i deleted by Dorothy file.
somewhere I have high quality copies of A1 and S2
>pot shots
>with a gun that could barely scratch the Gundam
It would run out of ammo without even putting a scratch in the Big O.
Anyone else feel the end wa a cop out?
Feels like they just didn't know how to end it so they went with the dull "it's an infinite loop" trope
they literally didn't know whether season 2 was the definitive end
hence why they should have had a season 3.
>Also, Roger belongs with dorothy's robovag, not angel.
I guess that makes sense though if it did get a season 3 somehow against all odds I'm not sure how they'd even continue from there really.
Wasn't there talk of a comic book, web series, or manga for a Big O extension at some point a few years ago?
Why do you think it'll be good rebooted? The current climate fucking blows for mecha. Also, every other reboot has sucked.
Alt (the one with the brown haired girl protag and one Haruko) was actually good. It didn't use slapstick and references as much as the first one, for better or worse, but the themes it tackled were actually well done.
Progressive (with the Emo girl and two Harukos) was pretty awful.
We need a reboot of season 2. Just completely ignore what happened in the season 2 we got and continue with a new season 2 that's more like season 1. More anthology like. Hinting at some great mystery that's never gonna be resolved.
it ended fine
The Big O doesn't need revived barring some absurd sequence of events that'd insure the original team worked on it. Even then, the end was perfectly fine provided you don't take it at face value.
the word is "Vein". "Vain" is the root word of "vanity"
I think most people can't handle meta-narratives. normally, everything happening on the screen, happens in the "world" of that show. that, or it breaks the fourth wall, and addresses the audience. a show that breaks its own narrative, but doesn't break out of the screen and talks directly to the audience is baffling to a lot of people.
I guess. A rather large number of people did say Deadpool got weird with the 4th wall breaking and if "lul 4th wall" is too much for people I guess I can understnad Big O being a mind screw to them.
The reboot already happened in the last episode
It shall be known as Big O: The Big RebOOt.