How are the japs so knowledgeable about america?

Why are they able to depict the US and americans so accurately in Manga and anime?

Attached: america.fuckers.png (779x267, 288K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Well we did kind've occupy them for a decade or so.

This goes beyond such a simple thing as occupation to pure psychic levels of knowledge of americans though.

t-that's a picture of my uncle. what the fuck?


What animal was that T-Bone cut out of?

The whole world kinda knows America pretty well since a lot of people consume American media everywhere.

>not burgers

Your uncle's fat albert?

Do Americans really do this?

Attached: breakfast.jpg (2880x1922, 1006K)

Replace the beans and veggies with pancakes

>before going to work
>going to work
>black guy

No we don't eat tomatoes or mushrooms except on a pizza.

>the full ENGLISH
Very funny

What's your order lads?

Attached: waffle-house.jpg (1024x782, 243K)

Fuck yeah

then they should know a black guy isn;t going to work any time soon

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All star my fellow southern nigga, love it.

Nips were literally mind-broken by the BAN (big American nuke) and they never recovered

It doesn't matter the stoned cashier is going to forget the waffle that comes with my allstar anyway

Waffle House Chocolate chip waffles were my childhood. I pretty sure if I eat them now I would start crying.

1x Pecan Waffle
1x Chili
1x Grilled Cheese
1x Cheese 'n Eggs with bacon and grits
1x Country Ham

Attached: fat_anime.jpg (587x473, 63K)

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Look at how soggy that waffle is getting. Pass.


Actually gotta agree, you can literally see the top of the one on the left disintegrating from the grease-- which is impressive considering its the TOP and shouldn't get in contact with the juices much (I guess the person eating it got their hands wet with grease and picked it up again?)

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It's honestly kind of quaint as to how Japan's perception of Americans is like 90s and earlier stereotypes and not like any of the edgy millennial or SJW stuff

Also we're all blonde


>Also we're all blonde
>Existing in america in 10 years

The food is practically swimming in grease. What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

t. britbong

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If you want something liquid I'd recommend a soup but you'll likely prefer a bottle of cola. Go do that then instead of ruining food.

This is so fucking disgusting

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Try 7 decades

where's muh monte cristo motherfucker

>brought him back for the sequel and he bottoms to Cosmo

what the fuck was sandwich thinking?

His logic is undeniable you know.

>Stop having to pay for bloated military budget because the US ponies up the bill for your protection instead
>can have taxes go for things with concrete immediate benefits instead
>China can't erase you from existence despite being 10 times your size because you can just whistle for america
what gave you the impression that you were the one doing the occupying?

Steak and eggs with grits, add cheese to the grits, get a side of hash browns scatter, smothered, and covered, add an order of pancakes, add an order of bacon, add an order of sausage, put the butter slice between the pancakes to make it melt and seep through the pancakes, take Tabasco and put it on the eggs sunny-side up, eating the eggs first, then take one piece of the toast to wipe up the yolk on the plate, putting butter on two of the other halves of toast, eating one of them, then putting jelly on the remaining piece of toast and make a toast half-sandwich, eating that, then going for the grits which have hardened up properly thanks to the temperature and the cheese, meaning it can be devoured in one or two bites, then put Heinz 57 down on the plate, using some of it to help eat the hashbrowns, using the rest to eat the steak, and then finish with the pancakes as a kind of dessert, covered in syrup.

Yes, I'd like one heart disease please, and an order of obesity.

My usual.... steak and eggs, medium rare, scrambled, whole wheat, tomatoes, black coffee.

Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt
Hasbrowns: smothered, covered, topped.
coffee and a water please.

Attached: perfect.png (311x304, 63K)

more like gayonnaise

Shut the fuck up, if you're working hard all day then that means your heart is exercising and you're fine, and not only that, all of the carbs are necessary for energy to keep working hard, and the protein is needed for the muscle, and since vegetables are filler you don't eat those and you use the grease from the steak and the bacon and the sausage to lubricate your guts so you can shit regular and you don't have to waste hard-earned money on Metamucil or fiber bars.

Learn to be a goddamn man for once.

If your logic were true then america wouldn't be a land of landwhales with obesity because "Muh working hard"

Coming right up.

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The folks in the cities aren't Americans, they're goddamn socialists and you know it. I'm out here busting my hump every goddamn day to get my produce to the farmer's market, so yeah, I am working hard. What are you doing with your life?

>only rural farmers/southerners are americans!

>This thread again

I fucking love steak but I can't do beef for breakfast, I don't get how people can
it's gotta be bacon or sausage or nothing

so working 3 minimum wage jobs to afford rent isn't working hard?

You know it's a fact, you can't deny objectivity.
1) We got freedom of religion, but city folk aren't religious and get mad at religious folk;
2) We got freedom of speech, but city folk keep censoring stuff;
3) We got freedom of assembly, but city folk keep rioting;
4) We got freedom of the press, but real news keeps getting shut down by city folk;
5) We got freedom to be part of personal groups, but city folk keep calling that racist.

That's just the first gosh-dang amendment that city folk don't adhere to. That's how un-American they are, they can't even do the first thing this country was built on.

I usually just do coffee and cereal. Maybe a bagel every now and then.

"Minimum wage = minimum effort." -- popular slogan of the socialist unions ruining this great nation.

The fact that you have to have three minimum wage jobs only shows how little you actually work.

This is your average European hotel breakfast. Wherever I go I know breakfasts will be delicious.

Attached: Mine_disgusted_at_hicks.jpg (1920x1080, 901K)

Is she shitting on Nutella?

based patriot
commies aren't people and university socialists are less than that
>wah i spent my time playing video games and watching anime instead of developing a skillset that would give me a fulfilling career instead of wageslavery, the system is at fault we should tear it down and replace it with one where we have to stand in breadlines! (not me tho, everyone will see how good a comrade i am and i'll be made a card carrying party member and get special treatment)

No this is a European hotel breakfast.

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whoa whoa whoa
you got a license for that egg, m8?

god bless

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What's with all the /ck/ threads on Yea Forums recently?

>Looks at pre-war Jap culture vs colonial American Jap culture.

Yeah, the US is occupying.

What made you think it doesn't protect its colonies?

user, I don't know how the fuck you store your nutella, but it shouldn't be turning black.
Also, fucking blood sausages on that plate, bleh.

I usually get the bacon cheeseburger with a pecan waffle for breakfast

Attached: american cuisine.webm (640x480, 2.82M)


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What I can say for sure is this isn't England. Hotels there aren't open carry and Brits would panic if they saw that butter knife in public.

How did this go from a page about americans in anime to a breakfast club thread?
Please tell me they aren't that stupid.
There's plenty of things you can cook in soda, but its not PRECOOKED food.

That's mostly a London thing.
They decided to import Pakistani criminals and then instead of getting rid of them and making a fuss decided that they would rather live in tyrrany.

90% of the soul of Britain died in ww1 and all that was left were tea-sipping gardeners.

/ck/ has been infected by the egg king
soon we will buy out our neighborhood supermarkets supply of eggs and build forts from which we will be unable to get out of, unless we are able to sell gross amounts of egg sandwiches

But Jaiden had to fight a duel over the last Eggwich. Surely there are no more?

>pre-war Jap culture
>Suicide a large, important, common, and honorable part of society
>half the fucking nation starts offing themselves as they start losing/lose the war
>Tons of other backwards medieval aspects on top of that
>Considers everyone not Japanese to be subhuman and regularly executes/tortures POWs for fun

Yeah pre-war culture was certainly superior user. If only those evil gaijins didn't introduce things like human rights to the superior Japanese.

Obviously you must kidnap whores and then make them eat all the eggs before they can leave.

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this but genuine

They had human rights user. For the japanese.

>Suicide a large, important, common, and honorable part of society
It actually wasn't. That was literally propaganda drafted by the military to keep all the good little boys crashing their zeroes for the emperor. Seppuku was extremely rare and limited only to certain parts of the aristocracy.

>Considers everyone not Japanese to be subhuman and regularly executes/tortures POWs for fun
Same as the US did, same as China did, same as every country did, every race always has, every race always will. War is hell. There is no single country on earth with a standing military that can hold the claim to being less barbarous butchers than anyone else. Cherrypicking out one country because it specifically rustles your ass doesn't make your argument sound.

how can something so simple be so difficult to argue

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Its a show where they put random ingredients based on a theme. One episode had an actual bear hand as an ingredient.

I'm not actually saying anything about the value of their culture. I'm saying that the Americans ripped it's spine out and replaced it with what is essentially just another American ethnic enclave.

This is a good thing jor the average Japanese person, but it is absolutely the Americans making them a colony.

>but it is absolutely the Americans making them a colony.
Except the americans don't exact taxes or exert any control over them.

>>Considers everyone not Japanese to be subhuman
They aren't wrong

>Suicide wasn't important/large in their culture
They still brainwashed a good portion of their military force and told them to go off themselves to get an edge in naval warfare. When you hit that point you can safely say they integrated it into their culture in a noticeable way.

>Other countries also lacked human rights for foreigners
On completely different levels though. No countries were good, with America building concentration camps for the Japanese, Brits executing POWs, etc. Japan on the other hand had unit 731 to do stupid shit like dissolving civilian POWs in vats of acid, live dissections, etc. They had Nanjing, common accounts of executing noncombatants for fun (90% in China). They didn't have the same scale as the Nazis, but in terms of brutality they were without a doubt the worst nation in terms of atrocities for the war.

Oh, yeah you're right there. America hella colonized Japan after the war.

Idk, they seem to have kept enough of their culture while leaving out shit like racial supremacy and wanton murder. Nothing of value seems to have been lost.

>implying they need either.
The Americans want it as a strategic territory and for trade an corporate income. Both of which they make in ridiculous amounts off of Japan.

This is how the entire American Empire functions, and it's why they work better than any other one in history, it offers the most autonomy to its colonies, much like the entire American system which is based on granting autonomy to states and individuals, rather than desperately trying to control everything.

US soldiers in WW2 published an instruction guide on how to boil the flesh off a Japanese skull to clean it for use as a trophy. Yeah, I'm not interested in your tunnel vision hateboner.

dammit, those cooked tomatoes, mushrooms and beans look delicious

Again, that's what Americanization does to cultures. It did the same thing to Italians and Germans.

>We got freedom of assembly, but city folk keep rioting;
Good lord user, what do you think freedom of assembly even IS?

>taking trophies of enemy combatants you kill is totally the same as having rape competitions published in the newspapers.

Trophies are gory but they aren't even morally wrong.

>There's plenty of things you can cook in soda

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That’s also what makes them not colonies. They’re spheres of influence but it’s not like the US can exert any direct control aside from military or trade ones, which they really can’t do unless you’re a truly despotic shithole.

>1) You got freedom of religion, but the religious majority forces its will on the religious minorities.
>2) You got freedom of speech, but people keep trying to suppress positions that don't align with their own.
>4) You got freedom of the press, but there is an attempt to create a nation-wide "consensus" in a top-down manner using the press.

And 4 failed in the case of Trump. That's why I'm unironically glad he became your president.
Maybe he'll change something for the better in the end. Probably not, though.

Yeah man I’m sure a lot of the Italians and Germans of today look fondly upon their past fascist societies.

City folk riot to SHUT DOWN the freedom of assembly of people whose ideologies differ from theirs. We aren't talking about peaceful demonstrations to express a point of view, we're talking about them deplatforming and infringing the first amendment rights of others. Look how many times a conservative speaker has been been assaulted and thrown off a college campus in the US after it was agreed he could speak there. Look how many times they cause violence around conservative politicians' campaign rallies. I could find you a thousand examples of this if I thought you were worth the time.

>trophies are gory, but not morally wrong
I want you to slowly repeat that sentence again, out loud

You're actually mentally ill and there's no way I can take any of your arguments seriously now.

user, several barbecue recipes for pork revolve around using a soda as the braising liquid.
I'm not saying dump your macaroni in soda or anything like that, but there are legitimate recipes for using sodas. Its not the carbonized aspect of it, it might as well be flat, its the sugar content and other flavorings that are useful.

Attached: rootbeeribs.jpg (428x639, 208K)

M8 Japan was the world’s second biggest economy for a period of time because of their agreements with the US. They greatly benefited from the arrangement.

>thinking the obvious gag comedy show is a legit cooking program
brah come on

Hashbrown bowl

>user, several barbecue recipes for pork revolve around using a soda as the braising liquid.
They're probably disgusting, just use normal sauces and rubs. Sounds like some poor nigger shit.

>there are people who unironically eat ham

I think a huge portion of Jamaican jerk foods are soda-related.

>t. i don't know anything about cooking
please don't post in /ack/

Do you want to know how i know that youre american, or at least loves sucking america's dick?
War is hell, and jo country in war gets the moral high ground. The only reason people get to hear about the cruelty of japs and nazis and not the other way around is because they were the loosers. Stop trying to justify your hateboner, everyone is fucking brutal in war

>past fascist societies
The modern "fascist" is a lefty.
They'll declare anything "hate speech" that conflicts with their own position, and then subsequently demand for "Nazi" to be eradicated.
They don't even realize the irony in demanding tolerance towards anything they deem worthwhile, while being utterly intolerant towards right-wing faggots.
"Tolerance" needs to be unconditional, otherwise it's not tolerance, but simply going along with something you accept anyway.

There is a genuine level at which I'd agree that something is "hate speech", but they have watered down that term so massively that it's become completely useless.

Not to mention that prewar japs are lazy and always late before the Meijis pounded their humanity away

Like I said poor nigger food.
No serious chefs cooks shit in soda unless it's some meme novelty gastroscience dish.

Nice edge kid, taking a dead jap’s sword is one thing, but desecrating his corpse for a momento is another

>be liberal city dweller
>"slavery is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"women being unable to vote is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"lack of civil rights is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"banning mixed race marriage is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"criminalizing homosexuality is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"banning homosexual marriage is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
>"labeling transgenderism a mental illness is unfair and oppressive! if only we were allowed to openly discuss this matter and push for social change. oh wait, we have free speech, so we can!"
If the US made one mistake, it was betting all its propaganda on just fighting the end product of Communism, and not educating the public on the root evil of authoritarian leftism.

You’re literally going off on an unrelated tangent because you got caught stupidly thinking that anyone looks fondly upon the actions of the WWII axis powers.

>No serious chefs cooks shit in soda unless it's some meme novelty gastroscience dish.
I suppose barbecue chefs aren't "real" chefs either.

>t. i don't know anything about cooking

>decapitating someone and taking their skull home is better than fucking someone

Serious chefs do meme novelty shit all the time - what fucking time capsule did you crawl out of?

>placing moral value on corpses.

It is a sack of flesh, not something worth protecting.

Yes, absolutely, because decapatating a corpse hurts literally nobody.

You all place far too much value on inanimate objects.

M8 you’re just digging your grave deeper that you ironically place no value in.

I cant even argue with you anymore user, holy shit.

Your samefag detection powers are malfunctioning, user.

Authoritarianism isn't really related to left or right (or center). You can have that anywhere in the political spectrum.
I think communism is better than capitalism, but human kind isn't capable of pulling it off without turning the world into some 1984 rip-off at the moment, so let's better not start with it for now.


Being a US colony is a good deal, that's why nobody actually hates the Americans outside of a few fringe cases, we don't always like them, but if you have to pick your global empires they are absolutely the nicest in history, even with their occasional atrocities.

They even got the mutt meme part right.

Attached: laughingdumbfuck.gif (500x491, 376K)

user I get what you’re saying but no one wants to read a big wall of text, condense your points more, it comes off as rambling otherwise.

How many dead animals do you keep in your garage, be honest

My corpse won't be worth anything when I'm dead either.
There is literally no moral value in already dead people unless you're a Catholic or some other religion that believes in bodily ressurection.

Something being repulsive does not constitute moral evil unless it is hurting somone.


Yes, especially when you aren’t actually a colony and instead just possess mutually-beneficial trade agreements with the world’s only superpower that’s much more likely to defend you militarily than ever conquer you, unless you’re in a totalitarian shithole.

None, but I do keep a dear-skull on the wall from a hunting trip when I was a kid.

Gutting an animal's or a person's corpse might be repulsive, but morality is founded on the concept of harming others, and mutilating corpses does not harm anyone.

They hate use cause they ain't us

Attached: cuttingisforfaggots.jpg (1000x707, 490K)

M8 I think you’re either just trying to be an edgelord pragmatist to save face or you’re actually retarded.

That depends considerably on your definition of colony, because by that definition India was never a British Colony in reality.

do blacks actually use their wellfare bux to get t-bone steaks?

Would have been good after the second step, the third step if you are feeling like going overboard, but the fries and cheese mix ruins the sandwich.

delet this

Attached: reee.jpg (640x480, 28K)

I'm really not. This just isn't edgy to me. Mutilating a living person is torture, mutilating a dead body is no more morally evil than destroying a car or something.

Give me an example of who is being hurt by it.

>they are absolutely the nicest in history
Isn't their body count practically only short of Nazi Germany at this point?

their friends and family

no, bite me

> Everyone is having a nice thread about food
> A mutt shows up and starts mouthing off thinking that his war-criminal country has any claim to the moral high ground on anything

Attached: fag6.png (818x365, 189K)

Aside from the forced mercantilism, governors/viceroys, and military recruitment/conscription yep totally the same.

A corpse has great value to the person's family. Normal people do care about properly handling their loved ones' funerals.

Ah yes, my favorite weekly Yea Forums /ck/ /pol/ mashup thread

This isn’t up for debate dude Jesus get a fucking load of yourself.

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You’re either underage, legitimately autistic, or both. But to answer your question, the family of the deceased.

>that's why nobody actually hates the Americans
I honestly can't tell if you're legitimately being sarcastic or just retarded.

Their entire society, and yours. Engaging in acts of butchery to a human, even a dead one, stains the soul.

You're almost certainly an underage faggot acting edgy for /pol/ street cred, but on the off chance you're actually this mentally ill, get help.

Yes over a period twenty times longer and over the entire planet, with a large part of it being composed of Nazi Germans and Japanese.

nah, they just steal them because if you try and stop them they'll scream racism and have you ruined even if they were openly stealing stuff.

Adam is a treat

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You keep using that word colony despite repeatedly demonstrating you don't know what it means.

I'm afraid to read this manga because I don't think anything in it could possibly be as good as this one page. This is the peak, manga is just done now.

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Attached: metro_20170102_2016election_gdpdivide.png (2831x2290, 807K)

Okay, so the family of the deceased care. Was this corpse from their military in the Phillipines likely to make it back to them ever? Or was it more likely to be eaten by flies?

Will they ever know that it was mutilated at all? It's unlikely.

Even presuming it does end up filtering back to them, how much is it going to hurt them compared to their son death, which we have already determined was necessary for the war effort.

All you have established is that a corpse has no intrinsic value beyond what other people place on it.

Thank god it's not.

To be fair, if you're going by economic power, Trump did a populist message where he preached to the rural poor that the reason they were poor was due to minorities and the Liberal "elite", so that is like saying "This black fence is black". Of course trump won the poor vote, that's what his campaign was built on hoodwinking.

>muh rurals are so dumm
You would probably literally die in a week without the services your city and smartphone provide you. The fibers are woven deeply, you're just a cell in a creature bigger than you that doesn't share your will. Meanwhile all those poor dumb rednecks would be just fine surviving in the backwoods without electricity or running water if they had to.

>all the rich people cluster in the areas where they can be tyrannical

Wow, who would have guessed.

I legitimately feel sorry for any family member this retard will have to bury.

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>it’s only immoral if I get caught doing it!

>not eating a mighty fine mushroom melt burger

get out you aren't american

Not really user, he may not have turned the gears of industry around on his own, but he represented a functional step in the right direction.

>Trump did a populist message where he preached to the rural poor that the reason they were poor was due to minorities
You ACTUALLY believe this? You've ACTUALLY never watched him speak? Good lord, put the huffpoo down son, you're killing your brain cells.

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No shit, people that already have a comfortable life will vote for the guy keeping everything like it is, while the people that are scraping by will vote for the candidate promising change.

Who the fuck would have guessed?
Why was that okay with Obama, but with Trump it's not?

>You would probably literally die in a week without the services your city and smartphone provide you

I didn’t vote for the guy but he’s not a fucking populist or anything.

>the reason they were poor was due to minorities
I'm sorry but there's just no excuse for this level of retardedness

Most of the memes about california are coping mechs tbqh

Cali is nice. Its why all your smart friends worked their asses off to get into colleges here

California is literally the america of america, the rest of the 50 states are too obsessed. Do Californians really?

Im not even american. But you will probably be shocked at how accurate i am.

The morality is entirely associated with the emotional value other people place on it. You are literally making my argument for me.

This is entirely irrelevant, and I presume it means you don't have an actual argument.

What it boils down to is that getting the corpses to the families was unfeasable, as the Japanese wouldn't accept it even if you tried during wartime since it would be a hotbed for espionage. As such visually repulsive practices such as trophy-taking were not doing any damage which nature would not do on its own, and we're thus not amoral.

I had an inkling there were genuine sociopaths on the site, didn't think I'd see one in this kind of thread

That's why 1.2 million people have fled it in the last 10 years right?

Same things happening in New England. Middle class doesn't like the tax bills.

We try to pretend it don't be like it is but Japan know it do.

I'm certainly not a sociopath, I just don't attach empathy to corpses because they aren't people.

A dog has more value than a corpse.

t. onionboy who can't handle animal protein.

The people leaving are all the people who can't afford to live here because they aren't smart/skilled enough to compete.

The longer you guys talk about politics, the more this thread should be moved to /pol/.

chicken fried steak > regular steak

Attached: Chicken-Fried-Steak-Breakfast.jpg (720x440, 28K)

Nah it should be moved to /int/ or /bant/, if this were a /pol/ thread it would just be shill bots spamming "MIGA" and "ZION DON".

Ah yes, I'm sure that's why you have poor people shitting up San Francisco with human feces like it's fucking Delhi.

It isn't about Competition. You have unironically created a 1980s model Dystopia where only the ludicrously rich and the very poor can love in your state.

>A dog has more value than a corpse.
Fuck off to your shithole /an/ petcuck.
Do you spam because it bothers you so much when you realize your worthless dog doesn't care about you and is incapable of feeling complex emotions and is no different than a pet rock?
Is it because you know in the back of your mind how much of a cuck you are feeding this dumb animal everyday getting nothing in return? Literally picking up it's shit?
Both dog (and cat) owners are idiots and are completely cucked by their respective animals. They waste time and money providing for an animal that has basically no benefit personally or on a societal level.
It's even more disgusting when you realize the scale of it in western countries and the US.
Dogs and cats in the vast vast majority of cases (sorry but you're a not a blind farmer), are pure luxuries and not needed. The push by the pet industry and pet evangelists to normalize pet fetishization and seeing the pet as family member is disgusting and needs to be stopped. We have people think of dog as family member and on level of human, why is this okay? It's like normal person version of waifus, except they have even more cognitive dissonance and it has much worse impacts on our lives. Waifus are mostly harmless. Compare to dogs which average has carbon footprint of two SUVs and there are about 80 million dogs in the US alone. Why should accept this? All this waste just so some sad fucks can delude themselves into thinking their brainless pet "loves" them?
How retarded is the idea of no kill shelters? We have an epidemic of stray dogs that are useless and a drain on system at best. So what do pet lovers do? They campaign so that they cannot be killed and instead we have to waste money and time caring for these dogs that do nothing and will simply die eventually. Strays should simply be killed on the spot and it should be legal for any one to kill one. Similar to population control for deer.

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>He wore a baseball cap
Because he had a powerful slogan that everyone recognized
>He swore on stage
Because he swears all the time.

He won because people were tired of business-as-usual politics. His opponent even won the popular vote, yet he’s the populist!

Pan fry some tomato slices in olive oil with salt and black pepper over low heat in a non-stick skillet for a couple minutes.
Shit'll blow your mind

Point is, it definitely isn't Yea Forums anymore.

>only the ludicrously rich and the very poor can love in your state.
Everyone can love in California! In fact, you're required to. Often. Regardless of genitalia. Or age. Or species.

Rich would have been proud.

Attached: 1548231036433.png (991x599, 958K)

>where only the ludicrously rich and the very poor can love in your state.
I'm neither and I don't mind it.
>good jobs
>can go skiiing or to beach every weekend
>good food and cultural stuff
>pleasant weather

New Yorker here - you’re still small time.

This is pretty accurrate. He was definitely populist, but it was an anti-elite message. Even the anti-illegal alien stuff was based more on the system that encourages it than on hating the immigrants themselves, as much as it was repeatedly spun that way. Note how in his much quoted "they're sending criminals" speech, the emphasis is on opposing "they" as in elites, not on the criminals themselves.

no chicken fried steak???

Jesus Christ dude clamp down.

I had no idea pets were so triggering.

Fucking kek
It's worse than gypsy settlements anywhere in Europe.

meh, usually a ripe tomato is too Soft that it'll disintegrate; its why Pan frying is generally done with Green tomatoes where the tomato is firmer.

You just described like 90% of the coastal US.

Most of which doesn't have people fleeing it in the millions.

Based NYCfag spitting facts.

>Not ribeye
get a load of this retard
Also fuck new york strip niggers

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Breakfast in the USA is usually either: oatmeal, cheerios, pancakes, waffles, french toast, or eggs (with various sides). Meat is usually not served for breakfast, or if it is, it's merely a side dish made to go with eggs (bacon strips, ham, small breakfast sausage, etc.). Steak and Eggs is VERY Texas, most of the people who do that are rednecks.

not a fan of chicken fried steak DESU. I like my steak fairly rare, and when you do that its juices will soggify the breading.

>You just described like 90% of the coastal US.
None of the east coast has good skiiing or mountains.
Surf is better on the pacific.
Most of the coastal US has worse jobs and I wouldn't be making 150k+ starting.
California is nice.

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The US has 3 big cultural poles. NYC, LA and WDC all extremely influential, all for different reasons (fuck Chicago, they could have been one but they fucked it up) Dallas/Austin can arguably be called a fourth, but that culture is more diluted and less polar.

>eating chicken rare

Best steak is Flatiron.

Attached: flatiron.jpg (616x462, 37K)

SF bay > Dallas/Austin.

You haven't lived on the east coast have you?
Literally the only true thing you just said was the surfing bit, which is admittedly worse here, but in exchange we get better history.

Where the hell did I say I eat chicken rare? I said I like my steak rare. Chicken is good to fry because you DON'T cook it rare like I prefer my steaks, so it doesn't make its breading soggy due to this.

How much of a hyena are you?
Medium is perfect imo.

Attached: steak.jpg (561x584, 164K)

>150k starting
The meme is 300k with a degree in math you retard.

Not really in terms of cultural influence. Texas is basically the Capitol of the Midwest the way LA is the West Coast and NYC is the east. It's why you see confederate bumper-stickers in Midwest states that were never even close to being confederate.

>Eating the flavor equivalent to saying you have a fast car because it's barreling off a cliff

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I've lived in nyc, south east, and miami.
The skiing/mountains/nature thing is definitely true.
Where are you going the catskills lol.

Last steak I had was blue rare and it was wonderful


>Texas is basically the Capitol of the Midwest
It's not even in the midwest.

>NYC and Miami
This is your problem.

You're missing the entire fucking Appalachians, the New England Coast, the Chesapeake Bay, and some of the best forested hiking trails in the US.

Come do the C&O Canal sometime.

>It's why you see confederate bumper-stickers in Midwest states that were never even close to being confederate.
That's not because of Dallas that's because rural white hicks are racists and latched onto the CAS/lost cause mythology which is not from texas.

But it is the cultural capital nonetheless.

It's influence stretches from the border with Nevada to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and North to the Canadian Border.

Chicago used to exist, but they fucked it up as previously mentioned.

Somewhere between medium rare and rare.

>discounting the influence Texan culture had in spreading that myth.

You really don't understand the central US do you?

Here in my country, New York and Boston are regarded as the best places to live in America. California is thought of as the party capital with immigration problems.

Best steak is a New York Strip Sirloin. Flatiron and London Broil are second place.

Prime Rib is overpriced bullshit, roast beef masquerading as steak. Filet Mignon is TOO tender and you need 2-3 of them to make up the amount of a single good piece of steak; it's also harder to cook properly due to the shape.

I've been to Appalachians multiple times, they're pretty but western landscape is far more epic.
Only thing missing is nice fall color change desu.

Fucking Yamazaki and his bullshit, at least Matsumoto only does shit like put a pig's actual face or whole tuna head on pizza

It's southern culture not texan.
Why are they flying stars and bars and not lone star?

I guess, but if I really wanted that I would drive out to the Dakotas or Collerado and Utah rather than Cali.

It's not like there's anywhere in the US that's actually out of reach for anybody with a car.

My issue with Filet mignon is more that it seems kind of flavorless; any steak served with a sauce of some kind besides its own juices generally misses the mark in my book.

The lack of marbling makes it have issues "soaking in" flavors like other steaks, since fat tends to concentrate seasonings.

Not at all. chicken fried steak is one of the worst preparations of cheap beef. Use it for stir fry or something
Thats why you use low heat, you're just barely caramelizing the sugars and breaking down the proteins, not fully cooking it. Its great for breakfast on some toast with some breakfast sausage.

Look m8, nobody took this bait in the /ck/ thread, don't throw the same shit out here.
If you're going to shitpost, at least slightly edit your material, this is just plain lazy.

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I'm sorry, I came in expecting an anime thread, I seem to have misclicked /ck by mistake.

Because the Lone Star is an explicitly Texan thing, but the Texan influence is what's driving it.

Half of them also fly the Dallas Cowboys flag.

Also, Texas is the capital of southern culture, far and away, the only competitors might be Saint Louis and Nashville, but they're both too specialized.

That's a multi-day trip and lots of driving (I've done it) not a weekend jaunt.
Here I can drive a couple hours and get to pic or drive 30 minutes and be in the pacific.

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>Also, Texas is the capital of southern culture, far and away, the only competitors might be Saint Louis and Nashville, but they're both too specialized.
nah that's the deep south region, why are you comparing texas to individual cities anyways?
If a city is capital of the south it's Atlanta.

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I live in DC so I can't drive 30 minutes and be out of DC, but I digress, I can hit the Chesapeake or the Appalachians pretty easily, and they have their own charm.

There is literally nowhere in the US where you cannot get to breathtaking natural beauty with a few hours driving.

Also it's like a four day trip to Badlands, you get in on afternoon Day two.

You're not getting Gettysburg or Fort Mchenry in an hour or two in Cali though, that's for sure.

East Coast south doesn't penetrate north of the Mason Dixon line, Texas does. Hence the Cowboys fans in Illonois.

Filet mignon is a meme steak, it's the starbucks frappe of red meats. Perpetuated by boomers who were too dumb to even know that more than 3 cuts of meat exist.
You can say ribeye is roast been masquerading as steak all you want but at the end of the day it's got damn good flavor and and it's not a nigger steak like new york strip.

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London Broil is the definitive superior steak.

>$120 sandwich

>Too poor to afford the taste of steak
>Must subsist on shanks for my meat

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>American poorfags still eat meat everyday. Bitch that they can't eat better meat.

Sometimes I wish my country was that fat.

Honestly I haven't had London Broil enough to dispute this but I'll still say you're wrong because I live on the principle that steaks should survive based on their own flavor and not a marinade


like, maybe he's just ordering a really expensive bottle of wine or some shit, because 2 burgers with tip should run you 30 dollars TOPS.

>rejecting the importance of the Marinade and preparation.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Meat is solely as a flavoring agent for me; a single shank is cut up into 4 meals mixed in with either rice, beans or pasta, not eaten as an actual "part" of a meal.

Get out sith.

Not at an actual restaraunt.

100$ is still really expensive though, maybe in NYC, LA, SF or the trendy parts of Washington DC it costs that much.

Normally that's like 50-60$ when you factor everything in at a normal restaurant on the coasts at least.

Probably a good bit cheaper in the middle of the country.

If you're getting a burger at a nicer joint, he's probably paying $15-20 per burger. Plus apps, plus wine, plus tip, I can see how they get up there.

What country are you from you can't afford to eat meat everyday?

1. Like christcucks wanting to kill all muslims?
2. Like christcucks wanting to censor vidya and other things that goes against their values?
3. Like how conservacucks wants to block prides because it hurts their feefees?
4. Like how right-wing media was in cahoots with gop to start every war they started?
5. See 3.

We definitely have seen every night usually. At least 5 nights a week.

Personally my favorite steak is a proper cheesesteak.

>2x $20 burgers
>2x $7 sides

>Not at an actual restaraunt.
I go to actual resteraunts, and the burgers run from 12-16 dollars here. Maybe in a place with super high inflation like inner city manhattan where one of their dollars literally equals 2 of mine, but where I live, a legitimate steakhouse with a fairly fancy setup runs 15 dollars for a burger, and an applebees runs 8 bucks for a burger.

Dude like 80% of the world can't afford to eat meat every day. And it used to be considerably more than that.

He's probably from Russia or Asia or some shit.

Or meme Canada with their 80$ ground beef.

>not eating real curry every day

dude, you do know that's like 2/3 of the world, right?

India, all of south america and mexico, all of africa, China, Russia/eastern europe... all of them can't afford meat with meals.

>Dude like 80%
screw you typing like that, now I look like a samefag.

Meat is cheaper than fruits and vegetables in America. You can get ground beef for like $2/lb, while things like tomatoes and apples are $3/lb.

>Block Pride parades
Because of public indeceny and a record of trashing the places they demonstrate.
Otherwise obviously radical Christians are obnoxious, but you will note that neither of those things have ever actually been their arguments even still. They were fine once ratings got put on video games, which was perfectly reasonable, and Radical Islam, which is a large portion of the religion, is not something that is undeserving of being quashed.

I live in LA and burgers here top out at about $20 and that's for whole hog insane shit like grass fed organic carrot finished bison burgers with 3 sauces and sweet potato fries that are so overdone you'd mistake them for dessert. To get to $100 for two people you would most definitely need to be paying for overpriced wine, which if you buy in a restaurant you're just stupid.
Go eat your chicken marinigger

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What? Meat is cheap here, the fuck are you talking about? It fruits and veggies in winter is the problem.

Once again, this must be in some sort of super high inflation part of the world, because a burger at a cheap joint like applebees or Texas roadhouse is 8-10 dollars, and a fancy steakhouse is 15.

I know a lot of world can't but I'd assume they wouldn't be on Yea Forums speaking english.
I didnd't know eastern europe/russia was that poor.

Oh sure, it's like 15 bucks for the burger and then 8 or 9 for the glass of wine, then 10-15 for the tip.

Look at image, he's from NYC.
>applebees or Texas roadhouse
flyover as fuck

hell, you can get it for .99/ld if you watch for sales and freeze it for later use.

>Rejecting the marinade.

Sorry dude, I don't want to talk to myself.

>Or meme Canada with their 80$ ground beef.
wait, meat's expensive in canada? Why? the US is right next door.

Its honestly surprising how many places use Yea Forums.

Also how many places teach english.

This is $18 burger in San Francisco.

Attached: Finn-Town-Burger-1-1500x750.jpg (500x250, 29K)

>Because of public indeceny
From which point of view? Christcucks? But what about freedom of religion?
>trashing the places they demonstrate.
Like how right wingers trashed black wall-street 100 years ago?
>They were fine once ratings got put on video games
Like a year ago Trump sperged about ebil vidya on Twitter and muh censorship
>Radical Islam
No one talks about radicals, chrustcucks wants to kill all muslims

>8 or 9 for the glass of wine
I take it you've never eaten at a fancy costal city restaurant. A single glass of wine around here averages out at somewhere around $35 all things considered.

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Protectionism and a really strong agricultural lobby. They tarrif US imports hard and outright ban a lot of US meat for ostensible organic reasons, but really so that their homegrown industry can compete. It gets ridiculous in the hard to reach parts of Canada because shipping costs and meat tariffs stack on top of each other to drive prices up.

Glad I don't drink.

>something happened 100 years ago so people now should be held responsible
God I hate this shit

>public indecency is religious.
Waving your genitals around in public is indecent even in primitive African cultures, fuck off.
>100 years ago memes.
Those people were Democrats.
>Trump out of touch
What else is new?
>muh evil christians.
Point me to some who actually want this and are part of a real denomination.

Reminder That thinking Islam the faith is evil and wrong does not inherently mean "kill them all"

I'm glad I'm a methodist.

Don't start. 3rd wave coffee is the next wine anyways and if you know where to look it's a lot more accessible and interesting than the wine scene. Get yourself some green honey processed nicaraguan beans and roast them at home and you'll have a more functional and better tasting beverage than any wine.

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Pay up :^)

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>sunny side

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Pic related
Tea is better IMO, less toxic in both literal and figurative senses.

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Why aren't you fasting Yea Forums?

>not for breakfast
unamerican, fucking completely unamerican
if theres no meat its not fucking breakfast its a snack.
If you cant afford steak you at least make a burger, sausage or fry some bacon. Fuck you man.

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>shameful treatment.
>mostly amounts to not letting them participate in a religious ceremony that explicitly bars them.
>some inevitable eugenics bullshit that was tried on literally every single demographic imaginable because scientists are amoral fuckwads.

None of this deserves reparations. What is currently called marriage should in legal terms be redefined to "Civil Union" since civil union isn't a Christian sacrament.

because ramadan's been over for 2 weeks

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>even in primitive African cultures
It's not. Also ancient greeks were fine with genitals ans they were the obes who started modern western civilisation.
>Those people were Democrats
So, why are the modern day republicans acts like democrats 100 years ago? Will they pull head out of their asses in next 100 years?
>Point me to some who actually want this and are part of a real denomination
It also could be asked christcucks about who actually wants to kill them in US with you muh war on christianity muh white genocide
>Islam the faith is evil
In its history christianity made more evil than islam and majority of the modern islam radicalism grows from the actions of western countries starting with the burning of the Library of Alexandria which followed by neverending wars that completely destroyed their chances to reform and develop the way christianity did.

>not eating one of these for breakfast every day.

Attached: MS17_Sandwiches_9ItalianClub.jpg (900x600, 95K)

>I don't drink.

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>thinking Islam the faith is evil
but why would you do that? Thats as retarded as thinking capitalism is evil because some bankers are assholes and some of its doctrines seem problematic

>The Greeks were fine with it
This is a misnomer, and they absolutely were not. Nudity was used in religious ceremonies, not something publicly accepted. Same is true in Africa with the exception of breasts.
>hur dur Republicans act like democrats.
When was the last Republican Lynching?
Heck, had there even been a Republican Lynching?
I honestly don't even know what you're smoking.

>anything other than the creamy raosted garlic eggpill
3rd wave tea is also pretty fun but there's a lot less variety of drinks to be made. Call be a basic bitch but I still love a good latte and I just can't get it with most tea. I've tried rooibos but found nothing interesting with it. I tried making tea with my espresso machine but it was too inconsistent and sludgy. At this point I've just started brewing tea in milk and it seems to be working. I have some butterfly peaflower tea in the fridge right now and I'm kinda hoping that adding a shot of espresso will still trigger the color change when it's made with milk. I have some Ethiopian guji to use for this specific drink but honestly I still don't think it'll work out that well.

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Who the fuck eats tomato as it is?

What about chai?

What is the Southern Strategy and the Neo-Conservative Movement of the 1970s (they're separate things)?

Because any faithful member of any universal religion believes that all other universal religions are evil by virtue of their stealing souls away from God.

This is a core part of every single one of them, including Islam and Christianity both, hence why they are the world's largest religions and the only ones still growing at pace with or faster than the world's population.