>thread deleted
Do not put "edition" in thread OPs, nor number/chain them /vg/ style. This is completely irreverent/irrespective of the thread subject itself and more an overall Yea Forums thing.
that guy is such a fucking fag
because the OP previously was retarded
also I seriously hope you don't go full /pol/ and it was all fun and games last time
You know this "equality" shit wouldn't have happened if Louis didn't become head in the first place.
A general is a general anyway, sounds like a loophole
Don't make shit threads faggot.
I wish I had a Sebun-san to ask how to be an adult
I want to kiss Sebun on the mouth
more like thread killer sebun
This manga jumps the shark every second chapter and I love it.
4 months 'til the anime comes out.
I just hope we get a good opening.
But it hasn't had a shark in it yet.
Who do you think will die next?
The went from hanging corpses outside of their hideout to eating watermelons and being little bitches. This comic is gradually getting worse and worse.
Hy hopes and reams of Juno winning
Again, see
The lions were already struggling big time to keep their business running because of their last shitty boss being too brutal. No one wanted protection from them until Louis became their new leader.
I could see Louis getting into a fight with Yafya to keep him from killing to lions after dealing with Melon. His iron leg might be strong enough to stop Yafya's old man horse kick.
>furfags talking about furshit
>gets deleted
Based Mods
yiff in hell, faggots
>Legosi tells Gosha how he got shot
>Naturally he is pissed as fuck
>Beats the shit out of the horse he enjoys it
>Gets involved with stopping Meron
>Arc happens
>Final fight
>He sacrifices himself to save Legosi and Yafya
Or something like that, idk, i just feel he's gonna die somehow.
Have you ever wanted to buy a book just so you can look at its cover?
>double kick with Legosi
Every time I've scrolled past that page looking for character faces I've wanted to crop that
i want to hug him to make his pain go away
And rightly so. Furryshit belongs in /trash/. Being Japanese furryshit is no excuse.
That's weird. Isn't Agata a female name?
Wrong Agata
Remember when these lions were a threat?
Between Gouhin and Louis, all the vicious ones are fucking dead
Please let's just keep it at 2 threads per week, one for the raw and the other for the TL. Making a daily thread will hasten the appearance of more ritualposters, waifufag/husbandofags and other cancer.
Melon is literally me.
Damaged by society and has a wicked sense of humor.
Last chapter thread only got around 300 replies, and now its deleted on sight .I Kekd so hard
So apparently Legosi's mom is born with komodo dragon skin
>TFW you're older than this guy and also more autistic
>call him the cute young lion
>realize five minutes later he's several years older than you
Free is objectively best Shishigumi
Guys, i'm scared.
It's not like it starts publishing much sooner than the anime airs
blessed image
I hope the 3D animation is so bad it will make people either drop it after ep1 or not bother at all. That and they don't bitch out on anything and ruin the story in the process..
First one isn't happening, even if you think Orange's animation isn't great it's still good enough that people will keep watching. Going by Houseki's adaptation they probably won't skip stuff though, it was pretty faithful aside from the last episode.
>won't go far enough to get to pina
just a little upset about that.