How do we make anime better?

How do we make anime better?

It seems quality is going down

Attached: 08044AC4-A1D3-4948-B120-9AFB9AA66B9A.jpg (900x1260, 308K)

More HEALTHY girls like in OP's image, that's how

Attached: nagato_by_synecdoche445-d8ps246.jpg (930x1500, 277K)

I have to go to the bathroom, wait for my answer.

Spam thicc

why is Marcille fucking shredded as an oni whereas she's normally healthy to a little plump?
does that mean that bodybuilder mode is the default for an oni and Tade is a fucking fatso by any other race's standards?

You can't.

That's the plan.

Attached: __nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_synecdoche__sample-d0d14138c5c15b501e5694c707157756.jpg (850x1202, 229K)

>t h i c c tomboy oni


her armor probably makes her seem fatter

Whys is she doing the meme

Just looking for a reason to post this.


Don't mind me.

Waiting on pizza in the oven to finish.

Attached: FruitsBasket-11_R.png (973x853, 619K)

This. Kui won't slip one through this easily.

Attached: 1304376955947.png (500x375, 299K)

Don't let the THICC train stop!

Attached: ndnxfzhgZD1rntn47o1_500.jpg (500x706, 126K)

You picked the worst possible pic if you wanted any kind of discussion.

Post Oni Marcille

Attached: __nagato_and_t_head_admiral_kantai_collection_drawn_by_synecdoche__sample-a60c4a0eb92acf5a40d3afc56e (850x1202, 322K)

Don’t stop get
The thread to 300

Increase fat flow to 100 fellow architect

Then join in on the fun! The S.S. Fatchad needs all hands on deck!

Attached: __nagato_and_t_head_admiral_kantai_collection_drawn_by_synecdoche__sample-73fc8b3b7fbc7cb3fcb14451eb (850x1364, 219K)

Attached: 1560661021243.png (532x636, 264K)

Attached: bananas.jpg (1097x1512, 396K)

Ogre Marcille is best.

Attached: marsilla ogre.png (1252x1800, 522K)

>thicc oni
Oni should be shredded with a beer belly

Attached: wood_block_japan_print_2016sept158.jpg (1200x742, 260K)

>implying that wasn't the plan from the start