Why are the characters in the dragon maid manga way more attractive than the characters in the anime ?

Why are the characters in the dragon maid manga way more attractive than the characters in the anime ?

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Both designs are good.

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tohru is so fucking hot

What are you talking about?

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I like his style but only sometimes

Anime looks better

I disagree entirely except for Lucoa in her spinoff manga. She was thickened up an incredible amount so that her giant boobs didn't look so out of place.
It's the best spinoff for this reason.

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How can COOL draw her so cute and then create this thing?

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Congratulations, you're Yugioh now.

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>It's the best spinoff
Not even as a joke is that true

It didn't realize how large Tohru's tits were until I saw her design in the manga

I'm a proponent of the plushy Kanna with thicc as fuck thighs that we got in the anime, but the answer is because the animators can't quite capture COOL's style. Everything is too smooth.

I think the author tweeted about it

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The anime is too damn round.

blue board version 1

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blue board version 2.

You don't get v3, because it's not for blue boards.

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Kanna spinoff is the best, Lucoa spinoff is 2nd, Elma spinoff is 3th and the COOL manga is 4rd

dat eye gradient

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Kanna is ready to MATE.

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what, you don't like dragon politics, faggot?


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more rounded features and bigger eyes

I still want to see a full COOL adaptation faithfully animated in "wobbly scrawls on a napkin" style. Preferably Metsuko.

I always thought it was the anime that was rounder

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second season when?


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post it as spoiler

Because Kyoani is a bunch of talentless hack who always pretend they invented everything good in the series and not author but not this time because COOL is actually good and famous, unlike their own "awaded" writers

Maybe next year.

devid icke

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The eyes as a whole are really good.

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But they arent

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