Is this a normal behavior between siblings in Japan?

Is this a normal behavior between siblings in Japan?

Attached: Monogatari.webm (990x557, 2.96M)

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Yes. I'm sure she wouldn't mind my boner while I'm washing her.

If two non-blood-related siblings who were this attractive lived with eachother, realistically they would bang every day.



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>bidimensional drawings

Your actually suppose tonuse your tongue.


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>dude doesn't show up in the mirror
Is the twist that he's a vampire or something or is it just lazy animation.

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Did you watch the 1st episode at least

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>in japan

Did you even watch monogatari? Yes he's a vampire

>Is the twist that he's a vampire

VERY high quality bait

reminder OHB is living the dream, banging his imouto every night

I try my best.

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The thought of bird marrying some other dude and leaving rrragi behind sucks, they're so good together

How does Araragi keep getting away with it? No law or common seems to be able to stop him.

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>ebook version
>on fucking amazon
I can't believe it.

It's normal everywhere, people do that here all the time.

Yes it's called skinship.

its been there since 2013 user
it was like 7.99$ back then

holy fek

does this book come with a glossary of terms or does it just assume that anyone who buys it will be able read all the Yea Forums lingo

This is the advantage of being the strongest. The cops don't have Onmyoji on the payroll to stop him.
The worst part is that he lives in a house full of cops, he and his sister become cops so we've got a police force staffed full of degenerates.

Yes, perfectly normal and healthy


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Yes, are you an only child or something?
If you had a sibling you would know.

Is better than normal.

Japan? I don't know about the US but in europe it's perfectly normal.

Imagine animating this.

Now imagine if this show had Oreimo S1 - Eromanga tier animation and budget

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.23_[2018. (1280x720, 555K)

Wew, never noticed it before, is he really a vampire? Doesn't the dude just goes around and solves misteries or some shit?

user, it doesn't work anymore when the bait has already been taken and the trap sprung.

man it still baffles me how every frame of this anime managed to look terrible

I never payed attention to the story, I just use it for fap.

Quality imouto

The part around 0:23 reminds me of when i clean my dog's paws after he comes back in the house (if it's muddy outside)


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i used to bath together with my imouto till her body matured andmy mom told me we couldn't bath together anymore

...without a raging erection.

You should kill your mom and keep bathing your imouto. Nothing solidifies a sibling relationship more than the unexpected death of the parents...

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The better question is what are some anime where the little sister wins.

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Perfectly normal

I wish I had a sister.
Not so I could fuck them, just so I knew how to talk to girls.

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I'm gonna say the K-word.

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One of the many reasons I’m glad I have one

I have 4 sisters. Still a turbo virgin

But they are blood related

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>just so I knew how to talk to girls
Having sisters doesn't help with that, believe me.

>4 sisters
god bless your poor soul user

Watch the show. Birb is absolutely fair game.

still blood related

Watch the show. She’s not blood related.

i have, she still is

Actually very normal until about 8 seconds in, most imouto's in mid-puberty wouldn't let moves like that slide too often.

>I watch anime at 2x speed to save time
user pls. She’s not even a human being.

>not banging your sisters
What the hell. Go away, fag.

idk what to tell you, even if she's an oddity or has the soul of the phoenix or whatever the fuck else you want to say, she is still blood related to koyomi, same as karen. end of story

Dude, she's explicitly not related. They have no genetics in common.

that's literally just factually untrue though

I love her so much


>not even having vague knowledge of Monogatari
Have you been living under a rock for the last 13 years?

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Shit bros she's onto me

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God I wish I had that bathroom.

I dunno, it'd be a bitch to keep clean. I've tried that whole "inch of water over the entire floor" thing and it just turns into a fuck ton of mold.

It's okay, Suzuka still looked very cute.

>Is the twist that he's a vampire
Either bait or has never watched the show

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isn't that not their actual bathroom? it's like almost the size of an entire floor, i always thought it just looked like that as a stylistic choice

That image makes me try to see if there is any evidence of a nipple behind her hair, even when I know there won't be any.

Of course it's a stylistic choice. That should be common sense as they aren't some mega rich family and considering the entire style of the franchise. I don't really see how that changes anything in regards to wanting a giant fictional bathroom

literally overanimated

No. They made it super fancy to sell a scene with Shinobu and then never shrunk it back down.

Having a sister just disillusions you with girls more. Most of them aren't nice people desu

Most people aren't nice people.

Nice Japanese bathrooms are like specifically made for it though aren't they? They have the drains and slanted floor and everything. Isn't it like a 15-20 minute process just prepping baths and all that shit for them?

best original content on Yea Forums


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How do you know

Reminder that imoutos are for anal sex.

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Of course

I took a bath with my imouto until I was like 10 or 11 and she's just 2 years younger than me. We have no problems walking in towels only these days it's not like we're going to fuck each other

Low test

>it's not like we're going to fuck each other
What a couple of fags.

i have a sister and literally the most I've done with a girl is hold hands but it was for some group ice breaking activity in middle school

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Their parents forgot to teach them the birds and the bees.

lol never noticed that before

how do you think can he know

That's not how it works, user.

I don't watch most anime posted on Yea Forums, I just come to the threads that have cute girls on them, and I'm sure I'm not the only one

Jude is that you?

it doesn't make any difference
>t. 28yo contactvirgin with 13yo fatherless step imouto

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In your case the age difference is too great. Unless you want to fuck a 13yo, in which case you would probably have more luck than many, but i'd advise against that.

>that focke wolf doujin
Yes, it's just skinship.

It's not normal to have siblings in Japan.

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I actually kind of like how it looks. Pretty charming imo

It's inseki.

except she's related by blood, even as an oddity

God bless sekiya asami.


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This makes me wonder what happened with that user that got semi-lewds from his imouto for his birthday or that onee-chan user that that goes to sleep with her younger brother and eventually wants him to rail her from a somewhat recent thread.

Say whatever you want about this show, but I miss her. Her arc was best arc.


I used to masturbate next to my sister back when we slept in the same bed together, but it seems like washing her would be much worse.

Japan is weird.

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> back when we slept in the same bed together

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well yeah if you have to masturbate you have to masturbate not doing it because you share a bed would be inhumane did you do it specifically because of her though or were you just a horny kid or teenager and she happened to be there ?

Karen is the hottest, but this bath scene makes me diamonds. Probably the second-hottest scene in the entire series, just after the toothbrush scene.

Attached: Karen7.gif (480x270, 1.25M)

In the novel version of this very scene Koyomi even lampshades the size of their bathroom is an anime-only stylistic choice:
>Getting two, more or less grown-up siblings into the bathroom together was ten times tougher than I imagined... The room isn't as big as it is in the anime, I mean, it's just the regular size of a bathroom in a normal family home, so with two teenagers in there, it was pretty cramped.
>Like, while we were washing our hair we kept banging elbows.

I have a sister but she has autism and she gave me second-hand-autism and now I'm here

Was this back when Nishi never thought he'd get an anime adaptation?

Its both

What are the threads on the last two?

Those are two completely different things. Talking to your sisters is completely different.
Take it from a guy who is two years away from wizard powers, unless that thing that happened when I was in first grade counts.

This was in Tsuki, so no.

i don't get it, i thought a lot of the novels were done by the time the anime started?

Made me laugh. Top bait.


I mean... there is a reason that fucking anime is escapism and fantasy you mug

She just happened to be there, but her presence definitely made it hotter.

I found her to be very attractive, though I would never actually fuck her.

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God that doujin is the fucking best

I hope you've at least beat it to her.

that's in the anime too

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Why would it not be?

Why the past tense? What happened?

Why do sisters get so emotional watching this stuff? It's just a movie.

Attached: ImoutoNTR.webm (480x320, 2.47M)

I'm convinced most people with incest fetishes are an only child desu

A lot of them tend to have sisters just like people who like mom/son incest have mothers themselves.

Most don't actually want to fuck their actual relative, they just get hard at the taboo of seeing other people screwing their sisters/mothers.

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Just like people with mommy fetishes don't have mothers right
I have a huge incest fetish and I'd bang my real sister any day, even though she isn't the reason for it.

Attached: Brother and sister get along.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

I honestly wish Brother/sister impregnation happened more.

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Not quite, I have older brothers and a slight brother complex so I'm not an only child.
Though I admit having brothers may not suffice as a counter-argument to the claimed correlation between not having a sister and being a siscon.

>every frame
The lewd service shots looked on model though, I'm glad the animators knew how to allocate the entire yen of budget they had.

Nope, got two younger sisters.

The anime started before Nise and the books started breaking the 4th wall and referencing/baiting the anime pretty quickly.

Perfectly normal behavior.

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I mean if you didn't know any better, could you really tell if they were related or not?

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>Not so I could fuck them, just so I knew how to talk to girls.
lmao that not how it works.
t. can talk with sister but still turbo autist with women

He started going to r9k for his shitty obviously made up stories. I think they had sex and everything