Imagine if Kyon actually punched Haruhi

Imagine if Kyon actually punched Haruhi

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It would not be good

nothing would have happened because Kyon is actually the god


She deserved it

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That would be very very bad. I don't think Haruhi
even realized she was doing anything wrong here.

Imagine a god that loves to be hit and learns to behave badly so that she can get hit.

what if she willed him not to hit her. Havent watched the show in the while so dont know if thats how it works

It would happen, and it would be so shocking that the world would reset and no one would remember after. That moment plays out again, but this time Kyon is stopped from hitting Haruhi.

The moment he raised his hand to hit her was really satisfying, fucking bitch

She's not omnipotent, more like a reality bender that doesn't have much control over her powers (yet)

She deserved that one. Kyon also did it for her to learn and she did, so it was fine in the end.

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season 3 never also new LN never

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Haruhi is such a bad person. She's a narcissistic bitch who literally only cares about herself , if she wasn't a cute girl everybody would hate her.

Kawaii wa seigi.

You missed on her growing and becoming a better person. To be fair a part of it happens after the anime

Imagine if Kyon forced himself on her and raped her.

Women cant be raped.

>She's a narcissistic bitch who literally only cares about herself , if she wasn't a cute girl everybody would hate her.
But People love Griffith?

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I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through. For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman? Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD." Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away. t b h

If he had, I would have stopped watching right there! Women are precious, and Haruhi is Queen! She is not to be touched, especially not in anger.

t. roastie

A cute girl

>Yea Forums is filled to the brim with homos
And in other news, water is wet.

Only homos and fujoshits. I don't think any man can approve the way he did things.

If Haruhi is god and all things are according to her doesn't it mean that she wanted Kyon to punch her?

I don't even remember what was happening in this scene after all these years but I remember being really disappointed he didn't punch her. Haruhi was a fucking cunt. Literally second only to Kirino.

she spikes mikuru's drink with alcohol to make her sound more seductive for the movie they were making.
Literally, no one was went against her.

literally no one spoke out against her* except kyon

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Fuck Haruhi. Kyon is well and truly based.


Maybe it wouldn't been good if he actually punched her, but dont overlook the fact that Kyon ALMOST punching Haruhi still knocked some sense into her as she pretty much toned herself down from that point on. Its a pretty significant scene. Probably was pretty shocking for Haruhi to know that the guy shes always been able to push around can reach enough of his limit to openly defy her. I like to think that it later scared her into realizing that she could push Kyon away from her if she didn't cut the bullshit at least a little.

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That's probably not how it works, she just makes the base world and then things sort themselves out

The universe would have probably ended because Haruhi would have felt so hurt she probably have feelings like cutting everyone off and depression which would manifest in universal destruction. So, you know, like what happened in Melancholy except faster.

Anyway, the out-of-order broadcasting really made Haruhi's character development invisible. This actually happens early on in the story where she basically acted like a sociopath, Kyon almost punching her made her snap out of it and she gradually becomes less of a cunt, soon enough she doesn't really do anything shitty anymore.
But because of the order it just looks like she has some days where she's a huge bitch and some days where she happens not to be.

It is never ok to hit a girl if you are a man. You can restrain her or verbally abuse her. But can’t hit her.

Slapping is OK, punching is not.

Literally who?

It is okay to hit someone if they're being a unbearable annoyance no matter what gender they are

>muh marxism
Fuck off, women are not equal.

This doujin made me realize my ryona fetish.

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You are a retard, aren't you?

It would have been extremely painful.

The average man doesn't know how to slap a woman without hurting her seriously. You might as well say it's okay for an adult to slap a child.


She'd like it and they'd have the most ferocious makeup sex of all time.

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Real men aren't afraid to show women their place, only soibois are scared of seriously hurting them.

Well seeing as she's a god, that could have only happened if she wanted to get socked in the shnozz, so mabye Haruhi likes it rough.. Really rough.

You just described 9 out of 10 woman.

>a child
So are women children or not? Get off the fence already, roastie.

Would you punch your mother?

Only one woman in the world is my mother and means something to me. Other women are just women.

supernatural stuff is good
but they should have still done the "they were just pretending" card
If they were normal school students there would be no reason to see what happens after school,but they are all supernatural humans,we want to see if she kills humanity when she goes on a middle age crisis

Did any actual good come from airing the episodes out of order?

>The average man doesn't know how to slap a woman without hurting her seriously.
Witch is why most dads tell there sons not to hit woman. Because the average man can wreak the average woman so there's really no purposes to slap them around.

He should have fucked her in the dream world. I'm pretty sure she'd have gone along with it.

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She'd reset the world, similarly to the murder island mystery.

>This actually happens early on in the story

Filming the movie for the festival was one of the last things they do, chronologically, in the movie.

The only thing after it is the festival itself, the game competition with the pc club, and the final episode

Festival is a pretty important step for her. Almost like an apology for the movie shooting. After the shooting she's never the same as before.

We dont love Griffith. We love to hate him because hes a really good villain and a certified son of a bitch. Haruhi is just a fucking stupid brat Who never suffered yet she made everyone life miserable

She made no one's life miserable though, this part is the only one where she consciously bullies someone for real and she gets the consequences for it.

It did happen on novel n2 I believe, but you are right, after the festival only winter remains.

Well given that it ended the moment he kissed, who's to say he wouldn't have?

HARUHI looks like THAT

>girl comes at you with a knife
>just let her stab you bro, you cant hit a girl

>You might as well say it's okay for an adult to slap a child.
Yes its okay for a parent to slap their child

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So, was Kyon angry because of Haruhi's actions in general or just because Mikuru was the victim? i mean, what if Haruhi had spiked Tsuruya or Yuki, what would have been his reaction?

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Figured I'd ask here. Isn't it fucking wild that the same artist has been drawing regular hentai of Haruhi for a decade? You all know the one.

It'd probably be the exact same. He also wanted Haruhi to not be a cunt for her own sake.


She's smart enough to make things, but not to think out the consequences of what she makes. She could think 'I want my husbando to be compassionate', vaguely, and not realize that would cause fights down the line.

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I miss this show

>Y-You can't slap women! Men have a unfair advantage!
>False rape-charges should be a criminal offence? Get outta here!

no, aspiring comedian. Low hanging fruit, but it was kinda funny.

>tfw that was haruhi's keikaku all allong

You're projecting way too hard on mikuru, fag.

I have one thing to say about you 人間 trash.

>threatened with violence
>chronologically wise God Knows happens next
Domestic violence always works people

Forgot my attachment

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What's going on in this thread?

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She would punch him back nothing special.

She's Japanese, she would just cry. Haruhi isn't a hot blooded latina/portugese

>Imagine if Kyon actually punched Haruhi
Probably would have knocked her the fuck out. You don't deal with that much shit over that long a period and think to yourself "Fuck it, I'm going to hold back".
You punch out Haruhi and then tell the Data Overmind if they want some of this they can catch these hands.