Everyone saying the tank is useless

>Everyone saying the tank is useless
What the fuck? How is this believable in any way?

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For the 10 billionth time, Shielder. Not Tank

I'm only partially aware of this series but I'm convinced that the sword, spear, and bow guys are the type of people to play Call of Duty and claim that Dark Souls is too hard, meanwhile Shield guy plays Zelda, Metroid, Cuphead, etc. and thinks Dark Souls is fun.

>reads/watches isekaitrash
>w-why is this so bad anons?

Some shitty action MMORPGs made by asians are legit balanced like garbage and tanks end up being useless due to a combination of everything being easily dodged by dps classes and the meta consisting of just puking impossibly high numbers to kill the boss in seconds or skip mechanics.

Aren't like, the vast majority of Japanese MMOs completely unplayable garbage that end up going under in a few months?

Asians are fucked in the head when it comes to online games. They all want to be fucking Kirito the beater glass cannon and make fun of other supporting classes like healers, buffers/debuffers and tanks.

They're from an alternate reality where all tanks actually are trash. I'm serious.

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He is not just the tank, he is also the only one with support healing skills.

I dont know why I went into this meme anime expecting some badass captain america inspired shield action

I said on the last thread and I would say it again.
Fuck the melee DPS.
FUck you all so much, you cocksuckers who kept on breaking formation to argo more mobs than we can hold and then have the audacity to blame us for not holding them off.

I fucking loathe you all and I shall take pleasure in every single second that I refuse to heal your sorry asses. Fuck you

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Priests are pretty overated anyway desu. All they due is increase clearing speed because the rest of the party doesn't need to pop potions every so often. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're a necessity when you're merely at the level of a convenience and can be replaced by mass produced goods at the drop of a hat.

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Last words before rage quiting from spending all potions and denied of heals

>only class with revive
I am not him but pissing off the healer is the biggest mistake you could ever do

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Nigga how do you even run out of potions in a rpg? They're cheap as fuck.

There's a potion for that too you baka.

>cheap as fuck
Yeah, at higher levels, you won't need potions. You need an unbuyable Ether or a Healaga.

I have to give credit to FF11 and 14 to not being that

A potion that revives you with 1 hp 1 mana. Has to be done by a generous teamate
A priest has a full revive.

I always say thanks to the healer. You should to.

Pure tanks are either never implemented or used.
That's why they always half to go half tank half something else.
Guards can attack, a tank knight can also attack, they are not full tanks.
Even """"""shield''''''' hero has tons of shit not defense related like making potions or time travelling.

DPSCHADS have no reason to respect Virgin tanks or heal sluts.

Some priests has auto resurrect that lasts for 5-10 turns. I only know a few items that match that and they break after.
White magic is far greater than any potions

>dps glass canon making fun of supports
please tell me this is a joke

Nigga you know how much high end potions cost? And the materials are so rare that you won't even be able to get enough of them to heal every single shit you take.

The tank sucks

>not harvesting a shit ton of lower ones and mass consume them

Can confirm. I was a healer in my group of friends and this guy pissed me off badly, never heal him again and the guy decided to PK me for all his deaths. Now, that wasn't the best outcome for me, but I regret nothing, I even back-stabbed him more than once.

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Because gook MMO balance is shit.

Because they are.

I don't play MMOs but doesn't that shit have cooldowns in between uses

This actually

>party of 4
>3 wizard damager, 1long range archer dps
>blitzkrieg the shit out of dungeons like the invasion of Poland
Then again, I'm a battle junkie.