
Finale PV soon.
How wild will the ride be?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reo can’t sing

But he can penetrate an ass like a pro, which is what really matters.

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What are the chances the ep11 pv will be just shots from the previous episodes?

I doubt it. It will probably be random reaction faces and backgrounds or some action scenes. Or Ikuhara fooling around in the studio, doing the saratto~ pose. I'd actually love to see the latter, people would explode.

Given that this is the first PV without spoilers I'm actually pretty excited. I'm going to miss this show and these threads once it's over though.
I'd be so mad.

reminder that aniki did NOTHING wrong, did EVERYTHING for toi and deserved to be brought back with the plates

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I believe they'll show generic/unintelligible scenes and maybe a couple of suggestive shots that will be the focus of people's speculations until Thursday. You can bet that people will start to overanalyze the PV in these last 3 days.

it will be presented as Sara TV but very vague

lie to me and say good things will happen to the boys

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They will have a 3-way marriage.

I don’t think anything bad will happen. They probably end up as kappas for the rest of their lives and live in the Kappa Kingdom with Keppi as the new king and Sara his queen.

I am going all crazy that the whole world turn into kappas is how they will managed to save it.

good things will happen to the boys

toi will get his prostate stimulated by Otterniki, filling the painful void in heart now that his nii-san is dead

Abstract ending where no one understands what happens

Honestly I'm pretty confident the boys will be fine. I'm uncertain about the cops though.

Let's make this better. Two of them die or become kappa permanently. The one that's left ends up as a human, but will retain his memories of the entire experience and will keep babbling about shirikodama, boxes and desire until he gets sent to a mental hospital. A reporter resembling Sara is writing down his words, fully certain the guy is crazy. In the end he claims he received a bunch of cucumbers from his friends and points to an empty table. Quick flash to Keppi's plaza where the restored statue winks at the viewer. The end. Read Kappa

Have you watched Shutter Island recently?

the PV with three figures falling (and the shadow of the gorund being visible as if they are gonna crash) is giving me a bad feeling

I watched it years ago with a friend who guessed the twist halfway through. I completely forgot about it now that you mention it.

Are they prescreening the final episode too?


no, would have happened on friday, saturday and today if they did

I think it’s gonna be related to the part in the intro where they’re all falling from the tower and they do the kappa handholding thing.

Nice, that makes me even more excited for the PV.

What's freakier is that right after that a figure standing upright still with that shadow above its head shows up in their place for half a second. I remember that in the original setting their kappa forms were supposed to fuse, maybe it has something to do with that.

Reo is the little spoon

I want kappa on human relations tho

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;_; I don't want it to be over kappabros, this is the most fun I've had in Yea Forums in years

@post I forgot to reply to: sorry, I don't trust the judgments of people who argue X and not-X at the same time.

Don't worry, we're all connected in a big circle.

Like this?

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kappa fleshlight

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I love Service Boy

It better be wild or most of the dangling plot threads will never get resolved.

So like this.

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I wonder if that was the first time Kazuki hugged him.

They really won't, better buckle up user.

Kazuki was supposedly an angel before Haruka got crippled, so maybe he did it before.

yes, but it only works with underdeveloped shotas who have smol pps tho

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Nah, kappa are very elastic.

I want him to stay alive, not end up an eternal third wheel, and have more than four minutes of screen time, but I'm aware that is probably too much to hope for.

he'll find love in hell

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He can sing the otter song fine I wonder why he's so terrible here

He's in emotional agony, leave him alone.

Why is Mabu so perfect?
Why is bottom dom Mabu so perfect?

>We never got a Sayo Yamamoto episode

Fucking Mappa.

Please leave her alone to finish the YOI movie

Did Mappa even do anything for this show?

It doesn't matter why, just that he is perfect. God, I wish Mabu was my wife.

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This is a Lapin Track anime.

but aniki is in heaven

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is enta's tummy x me, dare I say it, endgame?

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Is aibou some kind of double entendres? Like it’s playing off the fact that Reo and Mabu are styled off buddy cop movies, but are also partners in the romantic sense. Gay nips use “partner” as a loan word so it’s reminding me of how Ikuhara used “friend” in YKA.

You answered yourself.

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Aibou can be used between romantic partners despite being a platonic word, I think.

Today is my birthday, so post Reo and/or Mabu while we wait for the PV thank you.

I've never seen that. 'Aite' more like.

10 more mins.

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Go to /cm/, I'll do a geisatsu dump just for you user.

thanks mang

What kinds of BL does Ikuhara read?

Happy Birthday.

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A man of taste I must say.

inb4 no pv

People would just be analysing its absence for days.

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For those who cannot connect, there is no prescreening and no PV

>Ikuhara just retweeting the reposting of the main series PV
You might be right.

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Have we already passed the normal time of the SNS Leak too? Last week they made a Twitter moment for all of the previous SNS, so maybe those are over.

>no pv
I might sudoku

I'm okay with this end.


So reset is happening.

>no pv
>no prescreening
>no SNS

Attached: Reo gets NTR'd by himself.png (720x605, 267K)

Well, fuck.

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Do you think Ikuhara hates his fans?

Those are tomorrow but I won't be surprised if last week's sns leak was the last.

Happy Father's Day!

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They're fucking dead dish.

There's so much, and yet nothing.


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What a disappointment


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>red water
>everyone gets erased out of existence
>Kazuki’s stuck in some weird colorless mindspace

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this looks fun and lighthearted

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Keppi's turn to get raped.

>1,000 likes in 8 minutes

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Iku-chan is saying words of love back to Anno-kun!

The boys are finished. They're fucked.

Well I guess people can't complain about dead homos if everybody is fucking dead, bravo Ikuni.


I guess Enta will really be shirtless for most of the episode.

live a slut, die a slut

Happy days are over.

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I don’t want them to end

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Party is over

Reset no pls

Rewatching this, it doesn’t look like a reset, it just looks like Toi gets Sarazanmai-ed and disappears. Everything else is just the ramifications of him entering the boys’ lives disappearing too.

They will go to a new dimension where everything is fine

Nah, it'll probably end up having a reset ending.

Enta and Kazuki posing together disappeared too. It's all three of them.

Enta and Kazuki only met because Kazuki got inspired by Toi dabbing on him and giving him the micanga.

Is this fucking EoE + ep26 rlternate reality?
Did we meme'd "Sarazanmai is Ikuni's answer to Anno" into reality?

Attached: no way fag.jpg (206x239, 28K)

Even so, they'd still be present on the pictures as you can see in pic related.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.28_[2019.06.16_22.52.01].jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Stop hyping me up, goddammit. inb4 this shit all occurs in a 30 seconds hallucination and the rest is incomprehensible monologues.

perfect fathers

Waiting for his doujin to roam free is painful.

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Never doubt meme mahou

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if their next anime project isn't Ikuni/Anno I'm killing them myself

It’s so long since I’ve witnessed meme mahou. I started to forget it ever existed.

I appreciate half-naked Enta, but the rest is just... no.

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I'm rewatching all Ikuni anime, and in YKA I noticed how Ginko being turned into human for a chance of meeting Kureha again causing Kureha to lose memories of Ginko, so Ginko has to make Kureha fall in love with her without telling the truth is very similar to ReoMabu
ReoMabu reminded me of Kureha and Ginko but couldn't point why, besides their love for guns

Attached: kureha.png (1155x1347, 428K)

Learn to punctuate and end a sentence properly, please.

I thought that that was due to Kureha's wish? Honestly that whole thing really confused me.

He thinks there's going to be a YOI movie.

Well, at least Enta and Kazuki hugged before getting fucking deleted out of existence.

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She made a deal with the Court of Severance in exchange of seeing Kureha again, iirc the Court didn't mention Kureha gave up her memories before that to turn Ginko into a human before
In episode 5 Ginko and Lulu talk about Ginko being unable to explain everything as part of the rules
Also Ginko's daydream scenes remind me of Enta's

Comparing these two, is the left one shota Kazuki?

Attached: goodbye.jpg (1794x496, 123K)

So wait, the Court of Severance took the memories twice basically without telling them, so they got double-fucked?

Kinda looks like it. Kazuki back from the time he first met Toi?

Probably. Kek I knew it. Watch the episode being mostly focused on KazuToi and their destiny crap.

Something something the lesson is that they are in the wrong trying to be humans to avoid being excluded as bears, they should embrace not being like the rest. Kureha started it because she said Ginko would be happier being human. Court agreed to turn Ginko into a human girl if she gave up her memories. They called it the sin of pride. Kureha realized her love wasn't real back then for trying to change Ginko.

Attached: cards.jpg (1280x1370, 385K)

>Watch the episode being mostly focused on KazuToi and their destiny crap.
Stop getting my hopes up user.

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I see. Thank you very much for the explanation. I still have trouble following the exact specifics of what the two court cases ended up with, but I understand the allegorical meaning, which is more important. Thank you kindly for not only taking the time to eplain, but also for posting such adorable fanart. By the way, I read the manga, and while it did some things better I felt in terms of establishing character, it felt like a complete letdown compared to the actual show.

Attached: genki alt.png (128x128, 26K)

This series will be saved with Kazutoi and Reomabu

>Watch the episode being mostly focused on KazuToi and their destiny crap
Absolutely the least interesting relationship in the whole show and I can totally see this happening.

Gay cops are dead and gone. They'll get a passing mention by Keppi and that's it.

I'll forgive Ikuni if he brings the geisatsu back.

The second picture I posted is art by Morishima Akiko for an exhibition, so not sure if it can be called fanart
I started reading the manga and I was liking the characters but then it bored me, all the atmosphere of the show was lost

I'm already bracing myself for disappointment over the potential lack of cops, don't do this to me
Kazuki and Toi were a mistake

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Ah, that makes sense! I assumed it was fanart, but it's even better if it's official. I agree about the manga, and also the "fated meeting" between Kureha and Ginko is much stupider in the manga than in the show. The bear symbolism was also much worse, being basically portrayed as a mental illness/chuuni delusion (?) rather than being a metaphor for people who are honest about their desires and wants, even those that fly in the face of society.

Any translations of the dialogue? Last week was a complete meme iirc.

They always are

Predict the episode title

I want to connect, so let's always stay together

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I want to connect, but I forgot

>I want to connect, but the world reset.

I want to connect, so let's make an anime together Anno-kun./spoiler]

I want to connect,

I want to connect, but it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down

I wanted to connect.

I don't want to connect

I want to connect, so stand by me please

>mfw I haven't stopped singing Komm Süsser Tod ever since the PV dropped

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Let's stay connected forever.

>I want to connect, so why aren’t you by my side?
Hold me bros

Sarazanmai alone will be title

god please no reset ending/erased from existence ending. This is the one ikuhara show that doesn’t need it.

If just holding his heart feels like ecstasy, what does licking it feel like?


I want to connect, so why won't you let me, Ikuhara.

I want to connect, so I'll stand by you

I think he feels ecstasy because it's Reo doing it. Mabu's expressions when the otter is touching him don't look like pleasure.
If Reo licked his heart, maybe he'd cum.

>Kazuki in space
So is this what Haruka dreamt about?

>If Reo licked his heart, maybe he'd cum.
Where the doujins at

I want to connect so come to Brazil

Mabu looks dead inside when
This is the worst a character has been raped in anime and mostly due to frequency

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Nah, Anthy still takes the cake.

>11 years

>at least once a week for 11 years
>572 times

Has Mabu been raped by the otter more than he’s had sex with Reo?

Unlikely. I bet Reo and Mabu fucked constantly without baby Sara there to cockblock them

Sara wasn't an exhausting baby. She left them plenty of energy for each other.

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i want to cum inside aniki?

I want to force feed aniki wasabi til he's crying!!

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wouldn't it be funny if enta died again

i want to aniki to cum inside me!
I want to bully aniki til he snaps and takes it out on me sexually!!

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why did they use kawaussoiya as Reo's leak song?
isn't that cursed? would have been better to use another version of Fate
Still looking for the pic of Mabu in the zombie bodysuit

Just give me the cops back.

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I was thinking bringing the cops back and killing Enta for real would be the greatest trolling.

The real reason Reo and Mabu had to die was otherwise they would have started fucking right there in the street in front of the kids and Keppi

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I'd be fine with that.

Just imagine the shit storm

The zombie markings are so nice.


if the cops don't get at the very least afterlife happiness I'm killing Ikuni with my own bear hands

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Bless you

Imagine being the the Lulu in your love life.

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Burn Asakusa to the ground

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I assume this was drawn before the ep actually aired because his markings don't look like that

>the door of secrets

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Yeah I’m a little worried that the whole episode will be focusing on otter incest shenanigans and the cops will truthfully be forever forgotten

they are the reo mabu

KazuEnta ain't happenin'

I have a soft spot for you KazuEntafags.

I don't ship the kids but the parallels between them kept increasing in the last couples of EPs, it0s so noticeable

>the only way Toi “Tuck Your Cock Or You’ll Get This Glock” Kuji’s otterzilla ass will open is if Kazuki is putting on a girl voice

I just noticed all the scenes being vanished in the PV are scenes Kazuki was always present (even if off screen). There isn't one where Kazuki wasn't there but there are scenes either Enta or Toi are missing.
It's Kazuki losing his memories of Enta and Toi?

Also, I remember someone mentioned Chikai will probably keep changing lollipops during the episode to fuck with us. I one cut of the PV is pink, previous episode was yellow

Worst end

>tfw an otter in the shape of your dead brother rapes your friends in front of you

Not that user, but all those memories are of the 3 of them together. If they never connect with each other, there's no reason for them to be together anymore, therefore those "pictures" never existed to begin with

>Kazuki starts crossdressing again but this time it's for Toi's sake

Twist: The only reason that Toi gets hot and bothered by crossdressing Kazuki is because he desires to crossdress himself.

Rewatch episodes, when the zombies disappear from group photos the events play more or less the same, people don't get retroactively erased, just forgotten like in the Penguindrum final

>Reo would have lived without knowing the face of the person who picked him up the streets and gave him a second chance
Made me so sad to see how he felt the pain of the heartbreak but didn't know for who

user, those are not group photos. They are memories. Just like Mabu starts disappearing from Reo's memories so he doesn't understand why he's upset anymore. Kazuki never meets Toi -> no micanga -> Kazuki never stars playing football -> Kazuki doesn't befriend Enta = no connection.

>Chikai once said he always wanted a little sister >Toi is determined to make his brother's dream come true one way or another

Then why didn't keppi correct kazuki when he assumed haruka's accident would be undone?

Keppi is evil

I feel brain damaged for only just realizing that this represents kappa zombies getting their object heads

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>raped weekly for years
>watch your partner turn abusive and insane
>can't eat delicious broccoli without feeling ill
>kill yourself (twice)
Mabu deserves better

And no idea what's the deal with Reo's hand but I'm pretty sure that's why Mabu's head is inked

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Now I really want to see how Enta's life would look like if he never formed a connection with Kazuki.
>inb4 Enta offs himself, because he has no friends without Kazuki

Houkago kappa

>I can't lose this connection again
from the first EP, I'm sure it's about Haruka but what if it was about Enta and Toi

He doesn't seem like the type to kill himself over something like that, he'd either remain lonely or eventually get approached by someone else.

I've been thinking it's Toi for awhile now

That would make sense because of the shot in the ending where Kazuki holds onto the micanga while looking out to the sea.

the micanga has the colors fo all three boys

If Keppi, Reo, and Mabu fought zombies together all the time in the past what do you guys Reo and Mabu used their dish rewards to wish for?

Yes but it was Toi who gave it to him.

But those kappazombie are from kuro Keppi so they didn't exist in the past.

Year's supply of lube.

That scene with Tooi holding the gun while looking at the bridge in the PV made me think he might be the one holding the miçanga in the ED.

Reo has seen 5 used before to make a wish that's why he was looking for Keppi and the plates to fix Mabu

But which kappa is the source for it?

I have been wondering, I'm sure Keppi can see the zombie desire too after eating the shirikodama but has Keppi been shown to be able to see the leaks of Kazuki, Enta and Toi? Because I really want Keppi to drop the embarrassing ReoMabu leaks

I think it's most likely Kazuki since the pair of pants the person is wearing is part of Kazuki's and Toi's school uniform. The person in the ending is also not wearing a long sleeve shirt so it can't be Toi since he wears a hoodie with his uniform.

What are the odds of confirmed brocon

He's 100% brocon. Brocon doesn't always mean incest.

At this point, pretty low. If he didn’t do it already, I doubt Ikuhara would just shoehorn it in last minute.

Maybe Keppi got to keep the plates since they were already his subjects. He didn't need to bribe them with wishes.

Isn't it his voice saying leaking?
Also his comment to reo about leaks being real makes me think that he witnesses them too

He could reward them with minor wishes

Here is one with correct markings.

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My shot in the dark guess is that the connection between the three is broken, but Enta remembers Kazuki somehow. Two of the last tracks on the OST are TOI_別離 and ENTA_恋.

Attached: D8s6wj1V4AALezg.jpg (1200x675, 137K)

nice attention to detail

Toi's theme was used when he last talked on the phone with Kazuki and Enta's during the flashback in episode 9.

>Enta's power of the big gay saves everyone
I would be okay with that.

They used all the plates for some nice ningyoyaki molds.

I wan't to connect, so let's dying together.

You just too jealous, huh??? Poor you!!!


eternally clean sex ready assholes

Shit that would be a good one actually.

Mabu is so fucking sexy.

Nice choice of words.

After over a decade of torture, it’s the least they could’ve gotten.

Lately in nip ReoMabu art I’ve been noticing a box for a kind of sheet among all the used condoms and tissues. I didn’t know nips had a special futon sheet for fucking but it makes sense.

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I was promised a threesome ending!

what the hell happened here

Why are the shotas watching Reo and Mabu fuck

Why not

Attached: toi sees the devil.jpg (728x1021, 205K)

You will get a threesome, but it's gonna be Keppi/Sara/Dark Keppi.

They want to learn from the best.


Summoning them from the afterlife is the only way to defeat otterzilla

I hope it's as fun as the last Penguindrum livewatch.

I wish Yea Forums dropped Sarazanmai as often as it dropped MPD.

>Reo completely covering and holding Mabu to protect his purity

Isn’t having sex on a futon uncomfortable? It’s right on the floor.
Is service boy lurking this thread?

he posted that like 30 min before

I hope he sees my eternally clean sex ready assholes idea
yes for the both of them sometimes tops and bottoms want to try different things

Water absorbant sheets are supposed to be used for piss but I guess they can also be used for cum

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Futon are quite comfortable, you don't actually feel the floor. At least I didn't.

And the puddles of sex sweat
This is supposed to be sad but
Lmao his husband shot her grandson

Why does all the art depict Reo sweating so fucking much?

Cause he fucks a lot

He's a drippy boy

Attached: 24.jpg (984x1400, 250K)

I think it's hilarious.

So at the end of the PV we see the ア falling out of the sky and approaching a young Kazuki who seems to be in that sea/water. It's really similar to the prologue. I wonder if it's a flashback or some dimension hopping.

between :^( and kek

How old are you


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My guess is this is the same as the white plane where the circles come undone when a zombie dies. It almost looks like... some sort of drafting paper in the post zombie scene? Super weird.

Kinda unrelated but someone drew this nice comic about how what if that prologue scene is Haruka wishing Kazuki to come back (after becoming a kappa himself and defeating zombies):

Attached: D8oHGwoV4AEqzSf.jpg_large.jpg (819x1334, 299K)

Haruka is the hero Gotham city deserved

Literal Harukappa is so handsome.

Attached: D9P1OMYUYAAs4sh.jpg (1024x867, 181K)

Sorry Enta, I only hug Tooi.

Good, more for me.

Speaking of dimension hopping, there are two "errors" with the misanga in Haruka's accident scene that I keep wondering about.
Messing up the misanga twice in this scene where it's already prominent is weird, right? Or maybe it's a sign of Kazuki's memories being fucked.

It moves to his left leg and then it's on both legs

Enta looks pure here but Toi looks like he's ready for a fuck

maybe an accident they will fix in the BDs

One thing I haven't seen mentioned much, is Enta's misanga that he bought for Kazuki. The mouse picked it up and ran off and Toi noticed it, but that was the end of it. I feel like this will make a reappearance in the last episode.

I found it odd it was never brought up again but I still have the feeling it wasn't gonna be the last we will see of it
Does Kazuki really needs two ankle bracelets anyways? Just wear both micanga in one

I was literally about to post that, especially since the gun made a reappearance.

Attached: missing in action.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

>Does Kazuki really needs two ankle bracelets anyways?
he has two ankles

My guess is Enta will actually come across it and try to give it to Toi to help bring him back. Who knows.

looks gay and uncomfortable

>Enta and Toi off themselves and the only thing left of them are the anklets on Kazuki's ankles

>Kazuki loses the original micanga which was blue + red + yellow
>ends up with the new one which is red + green (= blue + yellow)

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>Enta and Toi represent love and desire respectively
>They get sacrificed and reincarnate/get brought back as one person

>service boy was shota artist in past
He better draw boys to.

>Enta's eye and hair colour
>Tooi's hair style and freckles


holy shit

Can't believe I watched a yaoi anime

>Entai represent love
But Kazuki only considers him a friend
>Toi represent desire
So Kazuki did want his dick after all?

It's not about Kazuki's feelings for them, it's about their feelings for their most important person, ie Kazuki and Chikai. Though I have a feeling that the same way Enta was a sort of reverse Mabu in regard to his choices, Toi will be a reverse Reo and won't go off the deep end.

Can Toi's feelings for Chikai be (unconditional) love though since he'll love Chikai no matter how rotten he is?

Was it your first one user? Did you like it?

Can't believe you're a retard.

I want to connect, so let's do the Sarazanmai.

In my view that's exactly what they are. The way I see it, his desire/despair comes from him being stuck in the past: the gun he didn't let go of, the childhood photo, that childhood memories montage and now otter Chikai coming back to tell him who knows what. I mean, he can keep loving him and accept him even if he's a dead criminal, not just because 'brother is brother' and then keep his memory, but live his own life for his own sake without repeating his words to make himself feel good. I realised that despite a lot of anons complaining he was presented as a perfect suffering angel, Toi is kind of a coward and chooses what seems most comfortable to him at the moment, despite knowing he's hurting himself and others.

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That will be the anticapitalist boyband series.

I have such a bad feeling about this. Like both Toi and Enta are going to die and Kazuki will only be able to vaguely remember them through the micangas they gave him.
>yfw the micangas link like Mabu and Reo's rings

It doesn't makes sense. There is no the grouping of love and desire for everyone. Because both love and desire actually are the one entity

Mabu getting erased didn't change Reo's backstory or erased him. When a kappa zombie is defeated and they're erased they're only forgotten, but their actions and consequences of are still there.

Too much negative space, too many clothes.

Kek the reactions they’d get for checking out with one of those at the supermarket

I would unironically enjoy this asspull

No can do, he sold his soul to fat assed salarymen and didn't look back.

>Toi and Enta BECOME the misanga
Even better

>It's for our daughter, Sara.

Imagine how soft and pliable it is.

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That excuse didn’t work pre-Sara

Now what's bugging me the most is the actual effects of losing your shirikodama. So far I thought the only thing that happened was that people would forget about you, but Keppi did tell Kazuki that Haruka's accident would be undone. But if Keith had indeed been erased forever, Otone wouldn't be standing on the street with fishing clothes, she'd probably be home. Is this one of those things I'm not supposed to think about?

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Maybe Keppi meant that if dead Haruka was brought back to life via shirikodama transplant, his legs would be fixed

>tfw it makes more sense than car Utena

Plushies when?

Thread music

I think it might just an oversight? I can't find a logical explanation. If your existence is erased from birth then yeah, obviously Kazuki wouldn't have caused the accident.

It’s desire to want to resurrect him

So it’s EoE AND Utena 39?

>Enta was a sort of reverse Mabu in regard to his choices

The parallel makes more sense after 10. Enta couldn’t tell Kazuki he hated him even if it was a lie, whereas Mabu gives in and says he hates Reo. I get what Ikuhara is going for, but I still find it kind of cruel that Reo and Mabu are examples of failure. They’re basically prisoners of war that never had much of a choice in the first place.

Enta also wasn't threaten with having his heart explode. Amway just because there are parallels it doesn't mean they're the same.

Reo and Mabu aren't "failures" so much as they are victims. I can't remember if it was Ikuhara or Utsumi who talked about it, but in an interview for Sarazanmai, it was said that there are certain things children are able to do that adults aren't able to do. Children are freer to do and feel what they want than adults are.

It will be a happy ending or all of the dishes being broken and no one wins, Kind of leaning towards a happy ending I don't know how that would work out since both of them want the DEESH for different reasons.

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This is a good take. I hope it comes to fruition, along with this >Toi will be a reverse Reo and won't go off the deep end.
I wonder, did Kazuki and Enta see the Sarazanmai between Reo and Mabu? If they did, what they just witnessed was a great warning for them to not let the same thing happen to Toi. Losing Mabu tore Reo apart. Reo didn't have anything else but Mabu though; Toi has Enta and Kazuki, if he'll accept them.

Kazuki already used the dishes on Enta so Toi decided to go with the otter and kuro Keppi.

>Children are freer to do and feel what they want than adults are.

Unironically one of the messages could be that it’s more acceptable to want dick as a kid than as an adult

Yeah, that's actually true. Wasn't it a message in YKA that it's "acceptable" to go through a gay phase as a child that you must grow out of when you become an adult? It's a thing in Japan, that young people are expected to grow out of infatuation with the opposite sex.

Wasn't that same message in YKA? It's a thing in Japan that young people are only "going through a phase" when they're infatuated with the same sex, and they're expected to grow out of it.
Mabu being forced by the otter to not speak words of love to Reo, only allowed to stay with Reo if he keeps his love a secret, can easily be seen as a metaphor for that societal system forcing him to stay silent.

Christ, I'm extra retarded today. Meant for .

What was reo up to when mabu was in india studying curry?

I don't think you can see if you're not part of Sarazanmai. Which is kind of funny if you think about it, what did they even see?

Being homeless. Mabu pick him up from the indian street that's why Reo is brown.

Does Ikuhara have a curry fetish?

Were they chased by elephants

Maybe, unless Reo is from Okinawa.

Mabu chased it to cook it.

this too, Reo would have died on the streets maybe

If Reo is brown does that mean his peepee is bigger?

>TV schedule leaked the ep 11 title

I came here because I thought someone would have posted it.

Huh, now I'm checking the schedule site by site.


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Found it.

The title is

I want to connect but he likes girls
holy FUCK

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>i want to connect so we're having buttsex
Not what I expected but it's ok.

So obvious but still don't really get it.

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Huh, so was right.

>i want to connect forever but the show only has 11 episodes.

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Mabu loves Reo's BBC.

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Would you an Otterniki?

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I predicted Sarazanmai was gonna be the episode title, I was close I guess?

Hi Toi.

I want all 5 frogs to sing together

No, Chikai is ugly.

The otter one is better than the original anyway.

You can say their circunstances are different though, because Mabu's butt circle bounced off the diagram unlike the zombies.

I read it as
>I want all 5 frogs to shit together
Would probably fit the show as much as your variant

That sounds hopeful, happy 3P ending on the way kappabros.

please stop saying bad things about my dead husband

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He's ugly and will stay dead.

Every character in the scroll in the OP becomes kappa and sings

Thanks Ikuni, I can finally commit sudoku.

I want Reo to be fixed.

Attached: fix it.png (1742x757, 980K)

Maybe in the afterlife, which won't be shown in Episode 11.

Bring him back as a blob Kappa.

So all the transmission tower and wi-fi symbolism was just because?

Internet connection.

No Wi-fi no connection

Oh I see. I thought it would play a bigger role though.

Attached: weedcucked.jpg (1113x1253, 295K)

Wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

I want to see more of the sweet, fussy and non-batshit Reo that Mabu fell in love with.

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I want a 245 episode series about Mabu and Reo growing up together and working for Keppi, pining for years and confused by their feelings until they start leaking to each other.

Was this a morning after shot?

95% likely, it's pretty clear they were fucking before all of this nonsense.

Harukappa is riding Nyantaro because he’s finally small enough now and his legs still don’t work in kappa form.

>Reo keeps wearing Mabu's shirts after sex
Actually they seem to have the same shirt size they could probably share.

What if the otters represent the cancerous elements of society/the internet/the viewer. Otterzuki is literally all the people making Enta cocklust posts. Otterniki will represent all the incestfags. Bravo Ikuni.

I don't want it to end.

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I'm sure that if deadbed Enta can be up and about in kappa form, Harukappa should be able to walk.

how can you pin when you leak your secrets

rewatch their Sarazanmai, Reo has a bigger back and more waist
but they probably still fit

I don't know, ask Enta.

Pining before their first butt exploration mission. Then Reo gets Mabu to do the leak because he's worried Mabu will find out he's been jacking it to him but it turns out Mabu's done way lewder while thinking of him.

My hope has been restored. A bit.

>tfw you're going to confess to your crush but it turns out he's been jacking off with your shirts, stealing your dirty laundry and using your toothbrush

;_; at least we have the light novel to look forward to

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>Haha it's ok Mabu was it a dare from someone

How much of that sequence was actually fantasy? Did real!Kazuki write the kids off as a joke and Enta only confessed to fantasy!Kazuki Or was Kazuki really just autistically sitting on his phone after learning his friend was sucking the spit out of his recorder and then made out with him while he was unconscious?

>write the kids off
Err, kiss off* This is what I get for mobileposting.

like in YKA, as soon as the music begins is a fantasy

What are your hopes for Ikuhara's next work?

an incredibly straightforward slice of life show with no symbolism whatsoever


Something that is better than this

user, please

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.54_[2019.06.17_15.52.52].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

I want him to take a routine harem show and rip all the conventions to shreds.

>Or was Kazuki really just autistically sitting on his phone after learning his friend was sucking the spit out of his recorder and then made out with him while he was unconscious?
He was just googling 'how to tell if your friend is gay for you'

I'd watch even a trash bag commercial if Ikuhara made it.

I genuinely think otter Reo's introduction is one of the best moments in the show. He sounds like he comes straight out of someone's Reo's nightmares.


I still wonder what that plate breaking sound was supposed to represent. On Keppi's case, I guess it represented his shirikodama breaking in two.

It was confirmed in a recent interview that Kazuki really did just think that it was a punishment game from the soccer team and brushed it off.

Anything good. If I like it half as much as Sarazanmai, it'll be worth watching.

Rememeber when people were calling reo an asshole for assuming maintenance feels good and then it turned out reo had literally witnessed otter ntr happen on day 1?

Remember when people thought Mabu was a harlot and a huge asshole? This is still my favorite piece from MS Paint user regarding this show though.

Attached: D6J-qKbV4AEeL5y.png (720x477, 71K)

Would it interfere with Miyano's no-lewdness contract if Reo and Mabu had a naked make-out in the last episode but it wasn't voiced?

>your partner says he hates you just before making out with someone else immediately after you wished them back to life
>continuously goes back to that same person for presumably the same reason while telling you to ignore personal feelings
Reo had a lot of reason to feel the way he did.

I remember, but I was never one of them.
More interestingly, I remember when everyone thought Reo was the one who was trying but couldn't connect to cold zombie Mabu.

Mabu only pretending to have no emotions was a very fun twist thank you ikuhara

So how has it turned out Mawaru good or Yuri Kuma bad?

Sometimes the show does stuff like that, probably so you can subconsciously link what's happening on-screen with the actual significance of the sound. One thing that always baffled me is that moment in episode 4 where Toi's aunt tells him his friend came to visit him and you hear a damn Buddhist bell when Toi is climbing down the stairs, although it makes no actual sense.

Yurikuma is good though. I'd put it in the middle.

please tell me they'll be reunited in the end

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>using your toothbrush
Mabu would. The first leak is just a barrage of Mabu using Reo's stuff.

You can just tell mabu was into it though. Like an abusive boyfriend that you keep coming back to for that good D

They won't.

How wrong we were

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That doesn't help,I thought kuma was trash like Mawaru alot and utena was middle ground for me (despite how unpopular that opinion probably is).

I guess you can link the plate breaking with despair/hopelessness since that's what Keppi was feeling when he broke his shirikodama and since that's also the same sound the plate of hope makes when breaking.

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Sorry user but your taste sucks.

they were farming despair from him so no

So there was nothing different about Mabu besides the fact that he wasn’t allowed to tell Reo he loves him? You’re telling me that he was just that deadpan and emotionless all the time even before dying

Has this been confirmed? It would make a lot of sense, so I wouldn't be surprised.

the same sound plays when Reo wakes up at Sky Tree and Mabu wasn't there but instead the otter

And after he and reo "broke up" he went back to doing it

He wasn't, you can see he was a lot more expressive on the manga and on Twitter. I guess being revived did fuck him up a little, I mean, he couldn't even eat for the longest time.

it was said kuro keppi lives of despair in the latest ep, that was the real goal

Yeah user, I was talking about that right here

they fucked him somehow because he forgot how to cook too

If you thought YKA was trash you probably won't like Sarazanmai. It does a better job of getting you invested in some of the characters but there's still not near enough time to build up the characters like Penguindrum did, and it doesn't have Penguindrum's humor either. Ikuhara just isn't as good with short shows.

The whole show he's actually been wearing Reo's underwear

The best ending I can think of is one where Chikai stays dead.

He turned his emotions off when otter told him to say he hated reo
Not sure if he did it for his own benefit or reo's, though

Everything the otters did to Reo and Mabu was calculated to make them miserable. How did you miss that?

>Toi's theme is titled "Parting"

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The real Aniki died long ago.

I don't think he forgot how to bake I think his body seriously couldn't stand in front of the heat for too long

Do you think the otters instructed Mabu to say "my personality has been replicated perfectly" just to fuck with Reo? That's the only way that line makes any sense.

It's extremely likely, I was just wondering if it was confirmed word by word exposition style.

Was there ever a way to save Chikai? Even if Enta didn't steal the plates? What kind of a wish could ensure his safety?

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Japan already has you covered on that moral

I don't think they would have to, it was in Mabu's interest to push Reo away with such words, since creting a connection would kill him.

>I wish Kuji parents weren't selfish fucks who abandoned their children

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Maybe Chikai wouldn't have turned out to be a child-abandoning selfish fuck too..

I would say no one is good with short story,fuck this industry and the 1 cour,2 cour max standard

Here's your good ending, Chikaifag.

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>Constantly raped by otters
>Constantly rejected by Reo
No wonder his selfish desire was to tell the truth and die.


>For 10 years
Mabu is pretty strong, I would've kicked the can a lot earlier.

Didn't they die?

why didn't they wish to save all three
the plates sound limitless, didn't they said the plates could controlthe universe or something

They commited suicide.

>tfw the show confirmed through other characters that the redness under Mabu's eyes during maintenence was from crying

Chikai will stay dead, but Toi will keep him in his memory, just to flex on him for saying that those who die are forgotten.

Give this fucker a heaven, he doesn't deserve this hell

Imagine if they had taken their children with them.

What's your desire user?

Happy kappa ReoMabu end, none of the kids die, Sara does something cool

I just want the geisatsu do be fine

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3P ending, and I'm willing to give my shirikodama for it, Mr Otter.

No reset end I want the cops to heal naturally

protect these smiles but it's too late ;_;

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They were mimicking "open sesame" there, right? That tl doesn't give the feeling.

no sir, I don't like it


It did? Which character was shown with redness under their eyes?

>tfw you get raped to tears, then put on a strong face while you struggle to bake sweets which used to be an expression of your love to the person who has rejected you for ten years (and you used to love cooking), while your rapist stands behind you wearing that person's face, groping and mocking you
>all so said rapist will reward you with one of your bodily functions back, which you desperately hope will help you reconnect with your loved one
>but it doesn't help at all

They're dead bro

Well, no wonder Chikai and Toi are so fucked up in the head.

not that user but Himari from MPD had exactly the same eyes when wheeled to the ER

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No bro they are sleeping

4 cour Ikuhara anime so we can have a whole year full of our favorite activities (not understanding what's going on and being shocked by depressing reveals)

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Is Mabu the most beautiful Sarazanmai?

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I mean emotional (sexual) healing in the afterlife

>people wanted sara to do something cool
>so she gets a period and drowns half of asakusa

Kazuki gets the same redness under his eyes from crying in episode 8 (and/or 9?), as does Reo in Episode 10.

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I hope not. Even Nanami's eggs were tamer.

Yes. I love him.

Ikuni made history.

Ye and if he doesn't get happiness then Asakusa must drown in anal juice

Forgot to say but I had a dream where I woke up at 1am to watch the PV and the voiceover was just every VA moaning for some reason. I guess it's just my subconscious yearning for Hosoya and Miyano to make a BLCD.

>tfw survived getting shot by a crazy cop just to get tumbled down tumbled down tumbled down

Pray to Ikuni. He is already called a god for getting them to voice the cops.

I'd like to see the footage of Ikuni giving instructions to the VAs for the shirikodama extraction scenes.

One day, don't lose hope DISH!

What went wrong? Why is the manga not canon yet?

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Surely with everything in Sarazanmai you could edit one together

Does anyone else have trouble reading Mabu's lines in the spinoff in his voice?

Happy father's day

I assume not since that's why reo's shirikodama extraction wasn't voiced

pitch me your dream sarazanmai doujinshi, kero

W-what? Wasn't it just to save time?

mob x Chikai while Tooi watches

happy reomabu post EP10 survivor AU

I want cops to live, so Enta can come to the police box to yell about his love problems everyday, and Reo and Mabu really want to kick him out, but they can't bring themselves to do that, because Enta looks like a ReoMabu lovechild.
I also want cops to live just so they can be happy again, but that goes without saying.

I doubt that but at the same time, it sounds plausible.

they needed to save time user

Enta both wanting advice and annoying them as revenge end please.

I didn’t care about the cops at all until episode 10 but now I really want them to live because them being the friendly neighborhood cops to the boys sounds like kino.

if Reo doesn't seriously apologize and tries to make up for shooting him even considering their situation Enta would be too scared to walk into Reo

exquisite taste user

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Enta and Toi getting high together, Enta suddenly decides to share his collection of Kazuki's used panties with Toi.

Mabu pampering Reo while Reo acts cute like in pic related. They have suffered enough, I want vanilla.

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Reo and Mabu holding hands and eating ningyoyaki

Mabu tops from the bottom

The last one is the gayest thing about this anime.

I don’t recall them every wearing button down long sleeve shirts. Unless that’s under their kappa kingdom uniforms. Either way it’s the perfect image of kare shatsu.

This sounds like a fun idea. Fund it. I hope Enta shows him how he furiously masturbates to Kazuki's pantsu.

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Copxfrog like those pics service boy drew yesterday
Or otter chikai x tooi x kuro keppi tentacles

They're getting their own universe and Sara will volunteer to be their child

>Sara will volunteer to be their child
But who will make royal babies with Keppi then?
Is Iwaida saying it's canon that Reo and Mabu exchanged their scarfs?

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>Copxfrog like those pics service boy drew yesterday
I hate how much I want this because of him.

Tranny panties

Kappa wedding rings!

I think they're just tying it for each other in that pic because they have such tiny arms.

No, Reo could just be helping Mabu tie his. Probably to hide his teeth marks on Mabu's neck.

It does seem like they did.

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Mabu's underwear is definitely white.

Pretty much this for a whole doujin

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Regardless of favorite color, everyone's scarf had been the same color as their underwear

I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Mabu goes commando.

It will never be explained why their scarfs are each other's official colours instead their own like the boy's.

Something about it just instantly reminds me of Utena. Must be the mouth.

It will also never be explained why they both have black shells

Or the same eye colour.

Geisatsu sexy times during their Kappa Kingdom days, preferably wearing their uniforms.

They're actually the same person split into two. USSO

I guess that could just be because they're both Kappa.

oh hell no

Emergence but with the Kuji bros when?

Prince kp fingering reo and mabu in preparation for their first shirikodama extractions

Really user, more gay than penetrating a man’s ass to steal his desire ball? More gay than breaking into spontaneous showtune choreography

The mouths remind me of gatari still shots

That’s one of the minor details that has stuck with me. Chikai is tragic but it’s incredibly fucked up for both parents to off themselves over financial issues when they have two kids.

Hosoyan gave us enough voice samples for that.

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I wonder if anybody still has that one MS Paint user piece with the fujo circle of prayer.

Reo licking mabu's heart til he cums

Last for aniki Toi gay incest endgame


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 09 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.42_[2019.06.06_21.53.27].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

last for ReoMabu forever happy

I hope they fuck in kappa form too.

Same. Something about horny gremlin Reo uncontrollably rubbing himself on Mabu woke up a new fetish.


Blob kappa fucking when


let them bang foreer

Attached: kappaheaven.png (744x649, 22K)

Their smiles are so beautiful.

MS Paint user please post that fujo circle of prayer drawing, I'll love you forever

That's not uncommon at all. They usually kill the kids too.

Tiny Mabukappa spreading his legs eagerly for Reo is stupidly arousing too. He's like a cute green onahole.

please Ikuni let them live again, Mabu needs to remember what a loving fuck felt like

usually there are different ones for different series

Attached: fujo rituals.png (528x471, 16K)

C-can you make one for Geisatsu?

last for Mabu to get love dickings

it stops being arousing as soon as he gets stretched like a Looney Tunes character

>not wanting to see Reo make a bump in MAbu's stomach

Not at all. This user gets it .

he probably sounds like one of those squishy dog toys or a bike horn when being pounded

Mabu wants him to jjjam it in but Reo will probably just end up humping and fingering him

I want geisatsu to be seizon senryaku'd back into existence.

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How about hot and sweaty with their shirts open after picking some cucumbers?

Would it feel good to rub your dick on a soft, moist kappa?

For this to happen keppi has to be in on it (nice)

Very good.

Attached: D9Q16l-UIAArEqx.jpg (821x580, 117K)

Last for Mabu has and forever will love Reo.