>H..he's fast
H..he's fast
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You think the duck even felt anything?
Yes. Look at it.
>Lands in the background like a jackass
Literally "heh nothing personel"
that could just be it's body spazzing out on it's own
shit, that was actually cooler than in anime
What the fuck
The question would be the HEAD/BRAIN feeling it, and the answer is "eventually, as it's bleeding out". It'd at least feel the nerves being severed and then rapidly lose consciousness as the brain shuts down because of the rapid blood loss.
was he fully decapitated or partially? that would make a difference in pain.. i think.
Oops, Gomen gomen
>that final boss pose at 0:10
All he needs is crossed arms and a zinger like "perhaps one day I shall face a foe worthy of my power".
Oh wait this isn't one of those threads? My bad
>fukou da
The freshest meat will spasm all on its own just by pouring salt on it. Try it out sometime with squid.
Its neck was snapped.
That's how falcons kill their prey, they snap their neck by balling up a foot and kicking them at extreme speed.
Now that the dust has settled is Florida man the most well-written anime villain of our generation?
He died the way he lived, covered in garbage.
>arc antagonist is introduced with a scene of him effortlessly destroying random thugs
That's what happens when you don't conform to glorious nippon society.
That was a kick? Holy fuck that's brutal.
That hurt.
this makes me sad
Efficiency is what gets you enough calories to live another day.
>What if Serge was a girl.
mods asleep already? how is this Yea Forums related?
>it's later revealed the antagonist is the superpowered evil side of the mc
That falcon is the Id of nature, normally he is a peaceful bird that defends the ducks but something clearly triggered his berserker state. He may come back to his senses if his love interest cries out his name and hugs him.
That one gay thread this morning took like 30 minutes to get deleted. And the trap shitpost thread from last night almost got archived.
It didn't lose any blood.
I keep seeing this webm and people asking if the duck lost its head, it didn't.
It's either ko'd or with a broken neck.
It's clearly clearly mocking a common anime cliche
>how are Raccoons Yea Forums related
way to expose how little you actually watch faggot
sleep tight, my prince
I'm not even sure if you could call it a kick.
Bird feet are more like hands and falcons make "fists" with them before striking prey.
>Florida Woman Who Caught Husband Cheating Takes Dump on the Floor, Asks Cops 'What Was I Supposed to Do'
I shall be your opponent. Ikuzo!
>villain you can sympathize with
He's pretty good, but Florida man was a better character imo
The Ohio arc was just weird. I don't know what the author was thinking just changing the setting after putting all that worldbuilding into Florida.
Also that chart is missing the best character in the whole manga.
Do you think he'll be resurrected after this? They can't possibly leave him like this, can they?
Rupert Darwin was too mythically powerful to contain. He had to get job'd out of the series; there was no realistic way for him to lose.
Is he gonna be ok?
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